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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Selina" elf looked at Rikke confused. "The cloaks know Im his property and I can't order them around if that's your plan." Freeing her own legs the elf spun around to the other side of the bed showing Rikke the scars of past beatings. "As far as explosives Im not sure if he has any but the supply storage is near the stairs." Standing up and wobbling a little the elf mad a few stumbling steps to the doorway.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly ran up and offered the elf support "Order? I'm not that optimistic... but what if you were to scream intruder alert and divert a decent chunk of the forces to an area that just might contain deadly traps that weren't there before." the rogue smiled at the elf "It's the middle of combat and the wargs aren't in full force, a pincer move is more than believable" but for this plan to be even considered Rikke needed actual traps... powerful traps for the rats that would fall to them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its a bold plan but if any of the Sergents heard it they would probably ignore it." Selina took the offered support and leaned on Rikke a little. "Over here in that room is the only window on the upper floor. Reginald uses it to taunt me with the freedom I'll never have." Selina pointed at the door that was shut. Opening Rikke found a dirty straw mattress with chains on the wall above it. The rest of the room was bare save for an open window. Rikke noticed that due to its postion in the room the light from the sun would never reach the mattress and remain just out of reach of who ever rested on it. "Rikke the only way to avoid the troops down stairs is to go out the window and threw one of the other entrances. Good luck I don't think I have the strength right now to climb down the wall free handed."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Avoid them?" Rikke smirked at the elf "I didn't sneak all way in here just to get away, Selina. I'm going to check that supply place a single grenade or the sort could mean victory... if worse comes to show atleast I'll be able to take out their back lines or distract some of them." well of all things Rikke was indeed confident in her abilities... atleast versus the basic infantry men. The rogue kneeled down and crossed her arms "Come on, get out of here. You've been in this place far too long already." Rikke nudged her head offering a boost to the elf girl "Make sure you don't get caught ever again... We'll take care of these bastards."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke.." Selina look right at the rogue. "I wouldn't last an hour in the ruins unarmed and injured. There are easier and less painful ways to kill oneself." Rikke was about to speak as a loud crack and crash echoed through the building looking out the window Rikke could see the wargs being pushed back. It looked to be a fighting retreat with Rhea glowing brightly leading her men though there where only about 12 of them left. The foes chasing them where led by Reginald himself and seemed that he had about 20 of his men left.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked a few times "Oh.... we're in the ruins aren't we." Rhea did mention the old guild building and thinking back it was rather deep in the ruins. "Well---" the sounds of battle quickly interupted the girl, seemed the wargs were at their limits already 'Shit!' Rikke glanced over to Selina "Plan B! Selina I might need you for this!"

If there ever was a plan with ridiculous risks involved this was it... "Get back to his room and wait for me. I'll check the supply room!"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im not going back their I would rather die first hand me a blade and Ill go down fighting." Selina looked sure of herself and Rikke knew she wouldn't back down not from this anyway. What ever Rikke chose to do be it give Selina a blade or leave the elf be she would make her way down the stairs to find piles of bodies some wounded but most dead. Stepping over the carnage Rikke found the supply room she was looking for whether or not anything of use would be in it was another matter.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the elf for a very brief moment, perhaps plan B would asking far too much from Selina.... "But you're in no fighting shape!" the rogue sighed lightly "Come on then let's check the supplies maybe we can find you a potion or a bow." Rikke nodded at the elven rogue and crouched down offering a piggyback ride downstairs "Don't argue just do it... you'll need all the strentgh you can if we're going out there"

With that both girls got down with Selina giving Rikke instruction where to find the supply room from the girls back. Though the moment they got down the sights of carnage quickly overwhelmed Rikke... so many dead... the rogue signifcantly lowered her speed, seemed some of the carnage even reached the stairs as some blood and even a few dismemebered parts flew all the way here. Whatever went down here it was brutal... "It's in here" with Selinas help Rikke found the room in mere moments... now to keep an eye out for any medicine and ranged weaponry.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke search 45 vs 40 success!
Selina search 46 vs 40 success!

Rikke made her way over the bodies and into the storage area. The storage area it seemed was a open hall way that looked to have contained a desk at some point if the wear on the floor was any indication but was now piled with kegs and other dry goods even some produce. "Here Rikke this is where the weapons are kept." Selina pointed over to a small door that opened up into a small room piled high with weapons and armor. Most where junk barely fit for being used but there was one bow in the corner that looked in good condition which Selina quickly grabbed with out question and held it tight. * "Ussta abbil udos ph' ul'naus 'sohna." Perplexed at the sudden change in Selina Rikke eyed the bow carefully. It was made of a white wood that was delicately carved with strange writing on it. It looked well crafted but other than that it seemed unremarkable. Sadly it seems Reginald didn't believe in keeping his troops up and fight as no healing potions seemed present. but a piece of black and red leather did catch her eye and it looked very familiar. Reaching down to grab it found a piece of Jess leather armor thrown here for scrap.

*Translation if desired

My friend we are together again.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned down to inspect the armor... well if you could even call it that anymore. With all the fire damage caused to it, seemed the armor was kept as more of a memento or some odd fetish gear "Selina you could use Jessicas... "armor". Well whats left of it anyway, better than walking around O' naturale" Rikke smiled at the archer. Shoving the fact that she failed to rescue her friend and has no clue where is she aside...

Whether the archer wore the strap of leather or not, both girls would quickly rush out to the battle "We have to get a good attack angle. Any way for us to get the high ground on the battle?"

Can I get a claw weapon from this armory? Did win the peception roll right? :D
Can't go wall climbing,wall jumping without some claws
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Selina eye Rikke with are you serous look before passing on the armor. "Well Rikke my window had a good view of the battle Ill take up a position their but we should act quickly!" With that Selina moved to the stairs still sore and slow leaving Rikke to decide what to do. If she remembered the battle right Reginald was in the back completely exposed it would be risky but there would be no way he would now she was coming.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke nodded at the girl "Make sure to give the wargs a sign to engage!" hopefully Selina will think of something, otherwise Rikke would be stuck in a duel vs Reginald and his men, completely separated from her allies.

Taking a few deep breaths Rikke ran out into the field, one of the mercenaries guild would fall tonight. Hopefully the wargs still have enough oomph for this final attack! The heroine drew her blade and ran out.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke ran threw the rooms where Rhea had lead her distraction find bodies and blood where every she went so much that she had to slow down so she didn't trip. Getting to the main room where Rhea had brought them in it was far worse. Cloaks and wargs lay dead or dying some moaning in pain some still trying to kill each other. Nearing the busted double doors Rikke could see her target unleashing fiery death on warg and cloak alike not caring who he hit. Readying herself Rikke felt a hand grab her ankle. Looking down to see who it was almost made her puke. It was Thomas the squad leader from before he had a gaping wound in his chest where his armor and flesh and bone had been burned cleaned through. Struggling to stay in the living world long enough he handed Rikke a small ball like object before going limp his eyes losing focus. Looking down at what he had handed her Rikke smiled she just new exactly how she was going to use it.

1 Grenade: Costs 25 denarii. All creatures within a 10 foot radius of where this item is thrown take 3d10 + 10 damage. This damage is half slashing and half fire. This item is treated as a throwing weapon with a range of 10 feet that cannot be recovered.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Thank you" Rikke quickly leaned down and kissed the fallen warrior on his forehead, it was likely the best sendoff the man could expect from this den. Her target in sight it was time to make the magic happen!

Stealthy run to Regi and stealth lightning strikes! It's from the back and he's busy in the battle infront should simple enough *cough*

But before beggining lightning strikes roll the grenade into the luster of cloaks. Aim it more to not harm the wargs, than to hit as many cloaks as possible.

If that's too much actions, first lightning strikes, the grenade would have to wait. Gotta get off the crazy damage on Regi
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stealth at -10 running: 27 vs 23 success!
Regi perception -10 in battle: 23 vs 27 fail!
Rikke attacks using Lighting strikes 3 auto hits: for a combined total after armor of 142 dmg leaving Regi at -72hp so much for an interrogation

Rikke's vision filled with red as she neared her target. Her first strike punched threw his plate armor right in the back causing the knight to jerk back in pain causing him to slowly turn towards Rikke. Rikke's next strike was right into the cut causing Reginald to drop his blade and loosen his shield and the third strike was hardly necessary but it cleaved the bastards head right off his eyes staring right at Rikke as his head dropped to the ground. There was a cheer from the wargs and a sudden scattering retreat of the cloaks who ran into the ruins some in groups some by themselves. Cheers of jubilation echoed around Rikke as she stood soaked in Reginald's blood. Rhea ran up to Rikke and tried to speak but it all became blurry and hard to hear. What had the rogue just done she killed the only lead to Jess that she had.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke plunged her blade into the armored murderer, perfectly right between his armor plates. Reginald turned his head to look over, disbelief and shock all over his face "Remember me, murderer!" Rikke quickly pulled her blade up ripping apart his armor and likely severely damaging the mans blade-arm. The force of the strike shot up a cascade of blood, this was more than enough damage to keep the man out of the fight and barely alive... but seeing Selina like that, him murdering his own allies with that satisfied grin and the things he likely did to Jessica!! In that brief moment of rage and vengeance Rikke lost her focus and let loose one more slash sending the mans head flying through the air.

The battle was won in mere moments, but the war or more precisely the goal was lost! Rikke raised her blade victoriously at the wargs as she lowered her gaze, only to realise what she actually did "CATCH THE SERGEANTS! THEY KNOW WHERE JESSICA IS!" in her panic Rikke quickly grabbed Reginalds head and feebly tried to attach it back to his corpse. It didn't work.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

When all was said and done it took nearly an hour for the Wargs to sort through the dead and wounded. They had lost 8 men killed and 5 wounded beyond the ability to fight ever again but the rest would recover in time. Their haul of prisoners included Selina even though she was treated with a little more respect than the others after Rikke had explained her situation to Rhea. Selina for her part took it in stride as if it where common place. Only one Sergeant had been captured the rest seemingly fleeing or dead as well as 20 or so cloaks wounded or surrendered. As much as Rikke wanted to question the bastard Rhea insisted that the rogue get cleaned up and let her passions cool so there she found her self in Rhea's private bath steaming water and all. To be honest it was more a bath house but Rikke wasn't complaining at lest not to much. She had just settled in when she was interrupted by Rhea and Selina walking in completely nude. The elf looked to have been treated for the worst of her wounds but most of the scars would probably remain the rest of her life. Leading Selina to Rikke they both climbed in and settled down for a good soak.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke spent a decent amount of time in the bath alone. The black cloaks were no more, with their leaders dead the remaining mercernaries and bandits quickly abbandoned ship... but honestly Rikke didn't care even one bit. She went there to save Jessica and failed, then proceeded to kill the only real lead she had. Her friend was still out there, handed down like some merchandise somewhere and Rikkes hands were tied. Still, she gained quite the formidable allies in the wargs, with her proclaimed as the hero of the black war. The heroine who single handely changed the course of battle and won the day.

Rikke sighed sadly, she needed something to take her mind off things... thankfully with those thoughts two familair faces joined her "Rhea! Selina!" Rikke smiled warmly at the two.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea smiled at Rikke but Selina looked troubled or embarrassed it was hard to tell. Walking gently in Rikke couldn't help but notice Rhea eying the elfs butt and give it a gentile slap which maid the girl yelp a little before blushing madly. "Please not here Rhea." The kitsune smiled devilishly. "Oh Selina she would have found out eventually she is a very clever girl and remember Im your alpha now and your my mate." At first Rikke was alarmed she didn't free the girl to send her into another enslavement. Getting ready to protest Rhea winked at Rikke and smiled. "Don't worry Rikke I didn't force her or make her in anyway she told me she wanted protection and I offered it but it would come at a price your looking at the newest fully fledged and with exception of me cutest warg!" Selina blushed madly as Rhea grouped her. "To my surprise though she came onto me must be my animal magnetism though I don't know if she knew what she was getting herself into." Rhea let Selina go so she could enjoy the bath while Rhea sat next to Rikke a little to close than mere friendship allowed for.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well with the wargs being mostly rugged guys, you didn't have much competition to begin with..." Rikke smiled mischieviously at Rhea "And what exactly does Saul have to say about this little side-activity hmm?" the rogue leaned towards the Kitsune with a particulary comical teasing face.