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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess pleasures Rikke and Silina 32pp both girls orgasms
Rikke and Selina pleasure Jess 53pp jess orgasms

Rilkke found that Jess's tail was hard at work on Selina and quickly found her target of torment and began play with Selina's clit. Not that the girl needed the extra stimulation and soon enough she began to shudder and drool her eyes rolling to the back of her head. Of course Rikke was shaking to she could feel her climax approaching and she could feel Jess explode into both of them one last time which sent both of them over the edge as well.

"Phew I needed that!" With that Jess slide away from Rikke and back into the water clearly spent but not tired enough to bring her tail back into hiding. She just lay their panting and recovering that distance look starting to edge its way back in.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"HA~~" Rikke joyfully sighed with relief and gave Selina a quick kiss on the lips giggling warmly before sliding back to Jessica, noting her look becoming distant oncre more "What in the godess name is bothering you Jess?" the rogue slowly swam closer coiling her arms around her companion "There's something on your mind isn't there. Come on, out with it" the heroine smiled earnestly at her lover and awaited an answer.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess leaned close and whispered to Rikke. "I want to have your baby." Noting the look on Rikke's face Jess simply smiled at her. "Thats why Ive been distant I know you can't and well its made me a little sad but I still have you so thats more than enough for me." Jess held Rikke close and snuggled to her. Well that was a bombshell what to do or say now..
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

If she knew her condition, then why bring it up like that "I'm sorry Jess... it's just... I can't.." honestly what was the rogue to say, she just akwardly huddled off her companion and looked away as if guilty. Sure her condition had it's benefits, but it was still a rather painful topic to talk with her lover about. Coming face to face with the sad truth that she may never have a child of her own, was rather painful for any female including Rikke.

"I'll go... the waters dirty, better clean up" Rikke smiled a smile Jessica could easily tell was faked and very uneasy "I'll see you two around..." if not stopped Rikke would rush away from the bath and get dressed as quickly as she could, going for a walk alone.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke don't go! Stay with me just for a little bit." Though Rikke was not in the mood to care Jess just watched her go before waiting a moment and leaving herself she had a mage to speak with.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke wasn't angry at Jessica at all, more guilty and frightful of her own condition. Rikke quickly scurried away from the bath, not daring to look Jessica in the eyes for the moment. With most of her armor clumsily applied, Rikke went out for a walk. She just needed some fresh air and clear her mind of the last few moments in the bath.

Rikke would just take a quick tour around the compound, passing by the patrols greeting them warmly. While seeing the sights in great curiousity. She never did check how did that fallen tower hold up and such...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's walk took her to the gate the wargs had setup with the temporary towers. All looked well the two guards at the gate saw Rikke and began to talk amongst them selves no doubt rumors had begun to spread. Taking note that one of the towers was empty and could be climbed if she so chose.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked up the tower, perhaps she could see the whole or atleast part of the ruins from up there. It was unmaned so hardly anyone should mind if she took a little tour.

The rogue glanced around and looked for the entrance to the tower, even if it was locked the girl would just pick the lock and proceed inside and up. It had to be quite the sight from up there.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

To call it a tower would be a stretch to say the lest it was more like a scaffolding with a roof. Still Rikke was able to find the ladder they where using to get up to the "top floor". Climbing up the ladder took little time but she was sure that the guards watched her ass all the way up.Reaching the observation area Rikke saw a fancy looking rifle with a strange metal and glass attachment on it. Strange why would someone leave an obvious expensive weapon by itself up here? Rikke had her answer soon though as she saw one of the guards who should have been at the gate rocking back and forth with his pants down behind a corner that could only be seen from this station.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well looks like Rikke wasn't the only one around here who was keen on having fun... though who was the receiving girl. The rogue glanced around and decided to sneak in perhaps hear the voice or see what or who was having their little private time. With the very few females in the camp, it was likely one of the Venus girls, but which one... she had to know... so she could tease the girl later on. Rikke giggled to herself and proceeded to sneak closer.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was about to climb down to see who was having fun without her when a pool a movement caught her eye. "Hey Elric get your scope on that shadow tell me what it is?" Obviously the other guard had no idea that Elric was off to get his tool polished so he assumed Rikke must be him. "Common we don't have all night and I would rather not be killed because your taking a nap."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly deepened her vocie and grunted out "Uh-huh..." she wasn't exactly new to guns. The weapon at hand was likely a sniper rifle... so the glass object was a scope! Just like using binoculars only with one eye!

The rogue quickly proned down and looked through the scope "Wher'?" she grunted out, hopefully the horny sniper had a terrible cold...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It wasn't hard her sharp sight teamed with a good scope let the rogue see the blueish puddle moving around just out side the road to the wargs camp. The indistinct puddle moved around as if looking for something.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke focused her sights, it was no doubt a slime... but it was blue. It couldn't possibly be, what the girl considered it might be. "Impossible... HOLD FIRE!" Rikke no longer hid her voice "Cover me while I go check it out, it might be friendly!" The rogue quickly got to her feet and slid down the ladder, rushing outside.

Even if it wasn't who she though it was, Rikke had a cristal trap for slimes so she wasn't in any danger "Whatever you do, DO NOT DO ANYTHING UNLESS I GIVE A GO AHEAD!" hopefully the wargs had a quick way to let the rogue exit and go to the spot she saw the blue slime... was is it really Sylph?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slid down the ladder and bolted for the gate the two guards keeping an eye on it simply to shocked at the auburn hared beauty forcing herself past them. Their was shouting of course but Rikke paid little heed to what it was and simply focused on the puddle before her. Running to the very limit of the kill zone the Warg's tower provided. Rikke slowed her pace. In her excitement she almost abandoned her caution. She was near where she saw the puddle maybe she should be a little more careful from then on.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ofcourse she wouldn't run into it. Even if she had magical artifacts versus such creatures why waste them. Perhaps she wanted this to be Sylph too much, but even a slimmer of hope that the cute slimegirl was alive and here was enough for Rikke to attempt to double check.

"Saphire Sylph! Is that you? Sylph!" Rikke called out loudly and awaited an answer "It's me REKEY!" the rogue closed her hand to the pouch containing the cristal slime trap.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke called out but no response came to her but as she neared the location that she had seen Rikke noticed lots and lots of slime every where more than their should be. Worried for a moment Rikke heard a little bubbling coming from around the corner.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Okay that was a lot of slime goo... she may have done a terrible mistake. Seemed hope blinded her caution on this one. Still what if it really was Sylph "Sylphie! Answer me! It's Rekey!" the heroine gulped lightly and took out the cristal just incase, eyeing the corner cautiously.

Keep some distance
Don't use trap, but keep it in hand.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Peaking around the corner Rikke saw something both amazing and disturbing at the same time. It was indeed Sylph but there were two of them trying to push each other away. It was both comical and weird the slime girl(s) both saw her at the same time and both spoke at the same time in perfect unison. "Hi Rekey! Other me won't go away!" It was hard to tell the voices apart but both slime girls seemed to be trying to push the other one away with neither having much success.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grinned happily, it was Sylph! She was alive!... though what the heck was going on with her "SYLPHIE!" Rikke ran up and hugged both girl as much as their slime allowed "You're alive! I can't believe it!" the rogue had so many questions, but seemed the most pressing matter at hand was the two slime girls separation "Ummm..." Rikke would've adressed Sylph, but which one was the real one... or were both the girls real. Or were both clones?...

"I could give you a hand or maybe try to make a cut between you... it wouldn't hurt you would it?" Rikke turned to Sylph, joy still burning in her eyes.