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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was probably best to keep Sylph close just in case and it seemed Sylph didn't want to leave Rikke's side either. Heading outside the room Rikke saw both Alice and Elrick standing outside her door eyes on the goo girl as Rikke lead them to the bath.

Trip was rather short and as Rikke opened the door she could see it was currently empty. Sylph looked at the place with great curiosity but was otherwise very well behaved.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"This is where Rikke and friends clean themselves, when they get dirty Sylph" Rikke smiled warmly at her friend "Come." the rogue approached the buckets and finding the bigger one usually used to clean feet held Willow above it briefly *bark* the girl blew a kiss to the pup and dropped him into the bucket!

It wasn't was deep enough to cover the puppy, but keep his head and tail above water. Though he wasn't exactly too gracious with the wishy washy Rikke didn't give him much of a choice "Sylph, do you drink water?" The rogue turned to Sylph smiling warmly "Try it." Rikke nudged her her head towards a filled bucket while scrubbing the lil pup fiercely with her hands. That goo behind his ears won't clean itself!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Clean?" Sylph was puzzled and looked at the bucket of water. Eying curiously she dipped one hand in and smiled. "Like puddle!" Sylph drained a little of the water but her meal was more than enough from earlier. Willow soon got over his initial distress and was soon nibbling at Rikke's fingers and wagging his tail. She was amazed at how dirty the puppy had gotten though to be fair this was probably his first bath ever.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wow, no more mud jumping for you mister~" honestly now the pups hair was partly in knots at some places, if Willow is going to Rikkes pup he'll be a one clean puppy! Rikke cleaned the pup, sometimes teasing and tickling him with her fingers, which the pup promptly responded with playful nibbles on her hands. "So Sylphie, remember anything new from your past? When you were a singer..." Rikke was aiming to keep the girl as talkative as possible, perhaps the more she heard and the more she had to respond, the more she would learn.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph pondered Rikke's question a long while before answering. "No new me thoughts." It was kinda disappointing but she had alot to teach Sylph and she hopped she had alot to remember. Willow panted happily at his bath but was soon bored of his situation and tried to squirm his way out of the bucket. It was getting later by the minute and still Jess hadn't made an appearance. She hopped the girl would return soon she didn't want to head into the manor alone.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Willow~ Next time don't get so darn dirty *Bark!* I know you're a young pup and need to eat or roll in whatever foulness you find *Bark* *Bark!* I know, I know almost done" cleaning one more strand of particulary dirty hair Rikke let the puppy go out of the bucket spilling the diry water from the window "I'll have to go with Jess on a short trip soon Sylph, be sure to behave while I'm away." Rikke smiled warmly nudging the slime girl to follow her back to her room "Alice and Elric will watch you while I'm gone. Make sure you listen to them okay?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke made her way back to the room only to find Jess carefully setting a package near Rikke's side of the bed. Looking up she saw Sylph and immediately ran over "Sylph your alive Im so glad to see you!" Sylph met Jess in mid run and the resulting collision was hilarity in it self. All the commotion sent Willow off who wanted to join in the fun to. Both Sylph and Jess where laughing merrily it was a heart warming sight.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke held the puppy in her hands, oh no~ not after he was JUST cleaned! Though this didn't stop Willow from excitedly barking and waggling his tail. Rikke grinned happily at the sight "And where have YOU been?" the rogue smiled warmly, not in a rush to get an aswer, afterall Jessica just found out the heroic slimegirl is very much alive and well.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After a gooy hug Jess finally answered Rikke. "Well I felt bad for upsetting you so I got you a present." Jess winked at Rikke. "Though I think well wait till after our mission is done to give it to you and no peaking!" Jess waved her finger at Rikke in the no manor which was simulated by Sylph. "Oh and your blades arrived a little while ago."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the two girls giving her the "No no" treatment with amusement. "Fine~ keep your secrets. We better get going if we want to catch when the guards changing shifts. Don't think I'll take my blades for this one, all the guards there are innocent and just circumstantial. We're not terrorists or assassins" The rogue smiled warmly at her companion "You two have some catching up to do, I'll go check in with Rhea and we're moving out." Rikke nodded firmly at Jessica and placed Willow on the ground "And keep our warrior here from diving into Sylphie, he just had his bath." the rogue giggled warmly and slowly proceeded to Rheas office if she's going into the mansion might aswell ask what she should keep an eye out for...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess scooped up the little bundle of joy and mimed waving goodbye to Rikke with Willow's paw. The trip to Rhea's office was short and Rikke soon found the kitsune warrior pouring over maps and reports. She looked tired really tired. "Hey Rikke come in" Rhea stifled a yawn and wasn't even in armor.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Having fun in the planning room" Rikke smiled in simpaphy to the tired commander "What's the situation out there?" the rogue would listen out the report and if not mentioned before tell Rhea about the demons both Sylph and Church were fighting off. It was another enemy in ruins best to let Rhea know.

"So~ I just dropped by, if IN THEORY, I went to DeGravils lair... What should I keep an eye out for? Perhaps you have a scrying cristal to copy the papers one might find there." Rikke would smile once and await the Kitsunes response.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea looked up at Rikke with tired eyes. "IF some foolish adventure managed to find his lair they should look for anything that could incriminate him and turn it over to the proper authorities." Rhea looked at the map again and banged her fist on the table. "If lust zombies and bandits weren't bad enough now we have to contend with demonic forces as well."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well Rikke would've questioned the effectiveness of any evidence to prove by law that DeGravil was dirty. Chances are most of the law was on his payroll already so it would be a useless affair. Still if she found anything she'd bring it over, best to have something to guilt the bastard before he's hanged. "The church seem to be keen on fighting off the demons, we could always ask for their support if the demons turn their attention to us." Rikke smiled warmly "...still I'll leave the commanding and planning to the experts. I'm going ouf for a midnight stroll. Maybe something that might help us will fly into my hand" the rogue winked lightly and if unopposed went back to her room. It was time to head out to the manor once more.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke made her way to the room she was sharing with Jess. Cracking the door she could see Willow asleep on the bed and Sylph asleep in a bucket. Well that would work for now she supposed. Jess was combing her hair having returned to her natural look that Rikke had first seen her in. She smiled at the rogue and beckoned her over.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"How did you get those two to go to sleep?" Rikke sat down whispered warmly to her companion, best not to wake them or they won't ever get the chance to leave for tonights job. If jessica didn't have something of note to say the rogue would spur her on to get in gear and soon the girls would depart, armor, blackjack and a rope in hand... plues a hidden blade just incase.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess put a finger to her lips silently shhing Rikke. "I use to be a personal maid for years Rikke I know a thing or two about getting children to sleep. Pluse I spiked their water. Not a lot mind you that would just be irresponsible. This stuff worked wonders when Sarah had tooth aches." Jess held up a small bottle of dark wine. With that said Jess got into gear and readied herself while Rikke made her own preparations.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly, well it wasn't the best way to put them to rest, but it was the most effective way. The rogue silently gather her gear and would get her armor fastened and weapons set outside the room. The heroine turned to her friend also in gear and nudged her out "Time for your first ever heist job" the thief winked slyly at her friend and both girls proceeded out to the manor.

They'd stop a safe distance from any peering eyes and inspect the manor ground. Loose fences, gaps, guards and possible entrypoints all were of highest priority to take note of before going anywhere near the place.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke and Jess scanned the building layout for possible entrances and found way to many. Several of the fence posts had been badly damaged or where missing completely and there were no guards to watch them. For a man as careful as DeGravel this seemed like a very costly oversight. Maybe he had better guards near his personal quarters?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Actually the whole manor affair just seemed wrong overall. Why would someone with so much influence, enemies and lust for denarii, stay in such a run down abbandoned manor... it just didn't add up. Still Rikke would hopefully get some answers once inside.

Rikke would slip by one of the holes in the fence and aim for entry to the second floor, perhaps there was a easy way to scale the building and slip in through one of the windows or a balcony. Why trouble herself with the first floor security when her target rests on the second floor.