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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It took a moment for Rikke to find her wayward charge but as it turned out Sylph gave her all the clues and trails she needed. Following the evaporating foot prints to heavy oak door Rikke could just make out Sylphs voice. "That tickles Rune stop please." A moment of giggles "Oh come on just let me stick it in you it won't hurt I promis." Wait what was going on in there?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke paused a moment, stick whatnow in who? The heroine had a tendency to jump to lewd and silly conclusions, but this one demanded more investigatio. What was going on over there?

Rikke would sneak up and try to get a good luck at whats going on over there...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke opened the door to see Rune with a think metal object in her hand talking to Sylph. Sylph was the one giggling at Rune. Rikke also noted a whole mess of lab equipment similar to what she saw in Luna's place. "Oh please Sylph I just want to check your body temperature?" Sylph oozed away from Rune "Im warm all the time silly!" Rune looked a little flustered but kept calm but thats not what interested Rikke. The more shocking thing for her was the fact Sylph referred to herself as I.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well Sylph sure kept Rune entertained, not to mention Rune was a very positive influence on the slimegirl. She wanted to just let the girls do their thing, but she was genuilely curious what Rune learned about Sylph by now.

Rikke knocked on the open door a few times and smiled at the girls "Am I interupting?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rune looked up and smiled at Rikke. "Hey come on in maybe you could get Sylph to behave for me while I run some test humm?" Rune went over and grabbed a note pad and jotted some stuff down. "Strange....." Rune taped a finger on her lip looking over her notes. Meanwhile Sylph went over and hugged Rikke getting her all nice and goopy. "Rune is silly she wants to see how much I weigh and how warm I am."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly and smiled at Sylph "Well Rune sure took a great interest in you, Sylphie" the rogue turned to the curious Kitsune "Why would you want her temperature and weight, silly?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I got to properly record the info on any specimen I encounter. Do you know how rare Sylph is? As far as I know she is the only non-invader slime that has intelligence! There may even be others is it a new trend a new species? The possibilities are endless!" Rune went back to looking at her notes and started jotting down a few lines. If Rikke was curious it would read as follows.

Specimen 1 aka Sylph as she calls herself is gaining a handle on speech very fast. The specimen is slightly translucent as light passes threw her and is a bluish-purple color. Her weight despite her ability to morph to different shapes and sizes is about 90kg give or take. An exact measurement was hard as the specimen kept moving. The specimens goo evaporates quickly when separated from the main mass and has thus far been unclassified.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"But I thought slime-girls weren't all that rare... Most I've seen were recluse and usually slithered away in fear. That kinda hints that they have some inteligence right?" the rogue eyed Rune curiously, before looking back at Sylph "You hear that Sylphie? You're a very special girl" Rikke snickered lightly with a very warm expression on her face.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well Rikke your right slime girls are not all that rare. However Sylph can talk and make choices beyond fight or flight. She asks questions and can learn. Most "slime-girls" are just beasts who only think about eating and reproducing taking on a female form to make prey easier to get. Sylph makes complex decisions and can communicate. If Sylph was a normal slime she would have eaten you and Jess when she had the chance." Rune went back to her notes. "Rikke is Sylph darker now than when you saw her the first time?" Rikke looked over at her slime companion she indeed did look a little darker than normal but than again she changed color when ever she was thinking so it was hard to say.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I noticed she changes her color depending on her mood... yeah she does seem slightly darker..." Rikke knelt down and looked to Sylph "Something wrong Sylphie?" she smiled earnestly at her slimegirl, perhaps something was bothering Sylph... or maybe Rune had her own theory on this.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I don't think she's sick Rikke. Though she might be going dormant for the winter. It would make sense she is mostly liquid." An image of a Sylph pop crossed Rikke's mind. "Living in the ruins she might just sleep threw the winter and wake with the thaw in spring. Im not sure though its all fascinating. All Sylph has told me is she remembers two dark times." Rune tapped her lips again. "I might be on to something but it would take measurements over days to see."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So to protect herself from freezing and dieing in the cold she goes dormant till it gets warm again..." Rikke gently stroked Sylph "Sylphie is your big sleepy time coming up soon?" the heroine actually wished to take Sylph with her, she's a strong and very loyal companion to have... and she was just like a girl of her own.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph giggled at Rikke's touch. "Dark time soon I want to stay with Rikke!" Sylph wrapped the rogue up in her embrace again and once more Rikke was surprised at how warm she was. Rune was still lost in her thought process "I wonder if she condenses herself down to hide better? Dose she forget things?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Don't ask me... I found her living in an abbandoned theatre, in her old dressing room. She never recalled being the singer she was..." Rikke gently nuzzled the ooze "Guess the change erased most of her previous memories, but hints still linger even now"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That little bit of info seemed to ignite Rune's curiosity even more. "Oh you saying she used to be a person like me and you not just an random slime? Please Rikke tell me more about it." Rune had her note book and pencil ready to jot down what Rikke was going to tell her. Sylph held Rikke tighter returning the affection Rikke was giving her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Here's what me and Jess gathered... Sylph used to be simple... well actually a rather extraordinary singer, performing in the Endus city theatre. And on her showing night the invaders came." The rogue continued to keep her hand on the gooey girl warmly "Seemed the invaders used some sort of goo that seeped through the walls and onto Sylphs bed, judging by the way her clothes lied there she didn't even wake up, when it enveloped her and transformed her body." Rikke looked down at Sylph, giving her a warm smile "Whatever that goo was it was long dried when we found it, honestly we didn't care to inspect it further."

"And if you're wondering if Sylph really is the girl I mentioned, I can attest that she still has the voice of an angel, not to mention her overall appearance."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemingly on que Sylph began to sing a rather simple song her voice still pretty and strong. The song seemed to be something about butterflies and rainbows and as Rikke recalled it was the same song she heard the girl sing the first time.
"Wow Rikke your right she sings beautifully. I don't think Ive heard that lullaby song so beautifully before." Sylph turned bright blue with dark blue forming on her cheeks it looks like she was embarrassed by the complement. "Its the only song I remember." Returning to the business at hand Rune looked at Rikke again. "So some dried up substance threw a wall humm strange. When things calm down you'll have to take me to see." The comment was directed at Rikke as if Rune assumed she was staying.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh no~ no~ that's DEEP in the ruins. Rhea would be furious if I even suggested such a thing." Rikke smiled warmly at her, looks like once again she was considered a part of the family... "So~ yeah that's pretty much why I dropped by, gotta make sure you two don't get in any trouble." the rogue snickered lightly "Got a 'date' I'm long overdue coming up. So need for anything else?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well if Sylph would cooperate we would be done already." Rune made a frown face to which Sylph responded by sticking her tongue out at Rune. It seemed the girls where getting along just fine without her and with Sylph around she doubted anyone would dare mess with Rune or at lest if they did she would prove more than a match for most.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke just snickered to herself "Alright, behave you two. Make sure to report to Jess, while I'm gone." the heroine winked slyly and made her exit, catching a glimpse of Rune once more grabbing the termometer and behginnign her bargain for cooperation from the slimegirl.

Well it wasn't an hour quite yet, but Rikke might aswell check up on what the Venus Girls are up to and find where Cassandra will be waiting for her... if she isn't already.