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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh but you are." Jess/Rikke giggled back moaning in apprication at Rikke's tight pussy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Cheeky girl" Rikke smiled brightly before feeling the cock tense up and demand her attention. The thrusts turned to strong and true, actually changing their form to enlarge the deeper they went stretching the girl out in a dizzying fashion, unfortunately the grand finale was approaching.

It was only a fantasy scenario for the girl and likely the only opportunity she'll have to cry out "Ah~~ Fuck me Rikke!" with that the girl moved her hands to her breasts caressing them while continiously riding her own self with wild lust.

The two focused solely on outfucking each other and it was just too much for Rikke as soon, the girl seemingly turned ridiculously sensitive and vulnerable on the cocks. Solely focused on gettin fucked and filled as much as possible, both Jessica would provide in spades. As soon feeling her lovers final orgasm Jessica turned it up and finished in a grand fashion, the heroine falling on her utterly spent, but satisfied beyond words "I love you, Jess" she would smiled warmly and fall asleep, right on the spot.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I love you to Rikke." Jess went back to her normal form holding onto the rogue and kissing her lightly before she as well went to sleep. The morning seemed to come rather quickly as Rikke woke first ontop of Jess who still had both cocks buried into her. The tail cock still moved slightly and was mostly likely the reasons for her very pornographic dreams she had all night. Feeling it tense she felt it shoot another load into her already seeping ass. There was a knocking at the door it was gentle and quiet.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke couldn't, but blush at the way she woke. Not to mention someone was coming... into the room. The girl ever so carefulyl and silently got of Jessica, shooing the tail out of her. She'd cover up Jessica and wrap a long sheet around herself aswell. "Coming"

The girl would silently skip to the door and see who it was, a little sore after last nights activities.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Feeling sore but satisfied Rikke answered the door to find Alice hair a little disheveled and smelling like sex or was that her still the woman looked like she had important news for her. "Rikke the assault will begin just before noon as our main force will make a push for a distraction. Its 9am now so you have some time to prepare." Alice moved a way a little but stopped and turned around. "Oh and I would suggest a bath to your dripping." Alice giggled and left before Rikke could get ahold of her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aye~" Rikke giggled warmly, she really did need a bath. They had some time, but not enough to let Jess have her usual sleep ins. The heroine would gently walke over to Jessica and lean down to kiss her "Wakey wakey sleepy head." she'd smile lovingly.

"Come on we really need to hit the bath" she kissed her again gently "And try out our new gear" and another kiss "And~ grab some breakfast" that was pretty much the plan of the duo. Get washed up, get in gear and hopefully grab some breakfast.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess groaned and struggled out of bed seemingly far more tired than Rikke. Of course Jess's tail had been busy most of the night likely draining her energy. Still besides a few groans of exhaustion Jess stumbled towards the bath not even caring that the water was cold and slipped in and promptly shrieked as the cold water brought her fully awake.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laughed merrily "Come on, come on~ Todays the big day, we need to bring out A-game!" she grinned happily approaching the water and washing herself up after the activies... some areas needing more scrubbing than others.
"You were exceptional last night Jess." the girl giggled "Though a certain someone was busy dirtying up my dreams, through the night" the girl rolled her eyes over to the tail.

"Alice said we leave at Noon." the girl sighed deeply "Guess we should talk over the battle plan with Rhea before that. Chances are we'll be sent on a special task instead of the vanguard." Rikke smiled warmly at Jessica.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I told ya he really missed you." She frowned a little. "It seems me and him with have to have a discussion about who is boss though." Jess glanced at her own tail and sighed. She started scrubbing away the efforts of last night and helped Rikke clean the crack of her ass. "I didn't know I had that much in me." Still after their cold bath Jess and Rikke got dressed and armored before heading to meet Rhea and some breakfast.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The chilly bath was perfect to really beat the morning woozyness. The two got cleaned up and quickly got back into their new sexy clothing, while Rikke would've loved to show off. Perhaps that would have to wait after the assault. The heroine and her companion soon were in full armor and battle gear.

Rikke unsheathed beauty and inspected the blade, it's edge actually crackling with power much to the girls joy "Oh~ I can't wait to try you out, Beauty." she smiled warmly and resheathed herself. Noting Jessicas armor was very suceptible to coloring change and much more silent "Looks like our enchanter friend delivered" the girl grinner happily, equiping the fire resistance necklace and throwing one to Jessica.

With that the two were set "Let's grab some breakfast. Best to check whats the word around camp eh?" a cute smile on her face, the heroine would lead her company to the mess hall.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The air around camp was grim many soldiers sharpened weapons and ate in silence. Barely any of them waved at Rikke and Jess as they passed. "I guess Im not taking this seriously enough look at all of them... they seem so sad." Jess looked at the men as she passed being led on by Rikke. Breakfast it seemed was a simple affair looking to be an oatmeal of sorts. After getting a bowl and eating they headed up to Rhea's command center. There they found Rhea looking over a map of some sort discussing things with Saul and Matt.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's the eve of battle, some may not come back, Jess..." Rikke passed by the soldiers sternly and seriously, it was no time to show her playful or fun side. The wargs needed the Hero of the Black War at their side, not a fun-loving adventurer.

Sure the meal wasn't inspiring, but it was better than nothing. The duo ate their food, next stop was the command center.

Noting a meeting in progress Rikke would silently approach and listen in to the discussion, best not to interupt.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess got real quiet the rest of the way to the table not saying a word threw their entire meal. Finishing up they soon heading to the command center and entered. Seeing them enter Rhea motioned them to come forth. "Jess Rikke glad you could make it we are still waiting for Janet who will be leading the church forces." A moment later Janet entered in her battle armor only this time it was different. I looked fitted for her specifically and was slightly deeper color than the set she had been wearing. Rhea looked up and smiled brightly. "Good now that we are all here we can go over the details better and in full. Today is our final assault at the end of this day either we shall win or we will be wiped out totally. The simple fact is we are losing this war. I hope that a pinpoint strike at their leadership will end this conflict or at lest throw the enemy troops into chaos. Matt as my second in command you will be leading the guild and mercenary forces in the diversionary assault. While Janet and the church knights along with whats left of the city guard will wait in ambush here. The goal is to draw out as many enemy forces as possible and fall back to this point where the mage guild will assist you. Janet your forces will wait until all the local enemy force has engaged Matt. You have to wait for them to fall back to the rally point alright. You will be the hammer he will be the anvil understood." Both soldiers nodded their understanding. "As for our part of the plan Rikke Saul Jess and I will teleport into the the former mansion and engage Reginald and his Boss. Both are powerful Demons so beware it will be a hard fight. Any questions?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Will Jenna be there to help out? Doubling our forces with illusion magic could be a great boon." it was a troublesome idea to send a child into a war-zone, but her illusion magics were easily that of a high-tier mage. Still while the heroine had numerous potential ideas of how to abuse illusionary magic, her lack of any magic insight kept her shut.

"One more question... what if Reginald himself enters the battle? He did so last time, he may thirst for blood once more" the rogue looked over to Rhea "To win this we need both of them killed, the boss and Reginald. Will we have any way to communicate with our forces while inside there?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jenna will be helping the mages at the rally point it would be to dangerous for her to be anywhere else." Saul had spoke but his voice was shakier than normal and he looked at Rhea a hint of worry in his eyes. "As far as Reginald is concerned he hasn't been leading from the front like he used to. Something tells me that you taught him a few valuable lessons. Its to bad he didn't stay dead the first time." Rhea looked disgusted a moment before continuing. "At any rate I expect him to be with his boss as her protector during the battle."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Perhaps we have a map of sorts where we'll be heading in. Best not to wander around, while inside. The quicker we dispatch them the better." with that final question Rikke was hopefully ready for the assault.

"Jess?" the heroine turned to her companion if she had any questions.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You've been there before Rikke they took residence in the Mansion they council held their meetings. Im not sure why its a terrible place to defend thats why we fled it so quickly." Rhea looked over her maps again. "The operation doesn't begin for another few hours if you want to make sure all the business is done and any final preparations are made for... well just in case."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Guess Jessica didn't have anything to add. Rikke bowed politely "Thank you" actually the heroine had already checked in with most everyone she needed to... well almost everyone "Perhaps we could chat for moment alone?" Rikke smiled in a friendly manner. She never had a casual talk with Rhea since this mess began... with the battle plan all set maybe the trio could talk in peace for a bit.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea looked up and nodded at the others in the room who filed out. Janet gave a reassuring squeeze on Rikke's shoulder as she left. "Whats on your mind Rikke?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gently placed her hand on leaving templar and smiled. Hopefully this wasn't the last time they'd see each other. Still now that they were alone Rikke relaxed a bit "Just wanted to check up on how you're holding up." the girl smiled warmly "It's been a horrible few weeks for you. So much happened in a such a short time..." the heroine would sit down where comfortable and look to Rhea.
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