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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The leathers where easy to remove it was the collars on the other hand that took time. Thankfully Rikke brought her kit and in no time flat each of the locked leather collars was removed and quickly discarded. Though Venise quickly picked them up and folded the leathers aside claiming the Mistresses may want to have fun later. Shaking her head Jess offered to get their old gear which they had left after Yuna had saved them. Oddly enough she still wore the chain between her breasts blushing slightly when ever it was mentioned.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I dunno Jess. I'd really rather not go back there without some sort of protection" Rikke smiled, while their undergarments were exceptional and custom made from only the finest materials... they were hardly worthy risking losing their souls and freedom to a cruel dominatrix ghost "Luna perhaps you know of some way to keep us safe?" Luna had become Rikkes go to girl for anything related to magic.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess shrugged what about that bundle Yuna left at the beach? Maybe it has our cloths in it." Jess shrugged again and left it up to Rikke to decide what to do next.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What bundle?" Rikke blinked lightly, even if she did see it the object completely slipped by the girl "Jess~ then why did you just leave it!" the heroine stepped on the ground playfully "Now we'll have to go back there again~" the huffed lightly and smiled "Well atleast the nights are warm, we'll rest up and fly over there first thing in morning... and as punishment for being a silly a little goose, I'll wake you up extra early missy." Rikke giggled warmly at her threat, well it's been a both a long and short day. Seemingly not much happened, but what did happen seemed to have taken place for ages.

Even if the girls went to bed Rikke wouldn't sleep. Something else would be on her mind... [not pervy]
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After a long chat and a far to real ghost story the girls would slowly drift off to their respective bunks with Venise insisting that she sleep with the Mistresses tonight to make sure they where safe. It made for a crowded cot but Rikke had planned for such things and built her bed accordingly. Jess was on one side sleeping lightly while Venise lay on the other with Rikke in the middle being cuddled on both sides.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke couldn't sleep. It wasn't the ghost or the rape, heck by now the girl wasn't too fazed by such incidents. No it was something else entirely, something the heroine couldn't have ever expected. It all still seemed like a dream, but it was reality... she had a daughter.

The heroine looked to the ceiling dreamily, right now even stuck between she worshiped and loved, and the girl who worshiped and loved her Rikke felt out of place. The girl would shift lightly and kiss both girls on the foreheads lovingly before getting up, if they were asleep the girl would tell them her intentions "I'm going to see her... my little Yuna." Rikke looked to the two "I'll return in the morning." she smiled warmly and left their humble hovel. Refusing to take company for now. Rikke wanted the girls, especially Jess to meet Yuna, but for now the heroine wanted some private time with the windy heroine.

Rikke would slowly make her way though the beach, the serenity of night around her. She hoped Yuna wouldn't need to be summoned, but if she felt some wind she'd whisper to it the girls name as if a song "Yu~na~"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed the winds of the island seemed to follow Rikke where ever she was so when she called out to her daemon child it didn't take long for a warm arms to embrace her from behind. "Mommy" it was said with a loving tone that sent the rouges heart a flutter.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly tuned to the source and knelt down "Yuna!" the heroine smiled with motherly warmth and hugged just as caringly the girl "You've grown so much in such a short time, angel." the girl gently nuzzled her head to the girl. Her little daughter.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yep mommy Sena says its because time moves differently where we live. So I stayed out so I could visit you." Rikke now noticed that her little girl wore a simply dress the color of the sky. "Mommy Sena say I can visit as long as I want because shes not feeling good. Her tummy has grown lots. She sent me to rescue you when you asked for help from the sad ghost lady."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Her tummy?" Rikke looked to Sena curiously, that's odd. The girl already have birth once, unless the daemon some more 'extra' activities she couldn't be pregnant... or could she?

"I'm so sorry for leaving you, angel." Rikke snuggled the girl warmly, the little girl was a perfect little copy of her "Is mommy Sena treating you well?" the heroine offered her hand to the little girl and would slowly lead them through the shore.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna nodded and held Rikke's hand as they walked down the beach. The stars still bright and a warm gentle breeze following them where ever they went. It was mostly peaceful until a gentle shaking of the island startled them. "Oh noes we better hurry!" Like that Rikke was on the top of the cliffs at the rocky cove. It was the highest point on the island and looking about Rikke could just make out the crashed ship on the rocks though from this area it was just a spec. Yuna took Rikke's hand and pulled her into the cave.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Why? What's going on?" Rikke didn't fight back and allowed the girl to lead her to wherever she wanted to "What's wrong Yunie?" the heroine would follow the girl and just listen in to whatever's going on. Though when the duo stopped she'd demand an answer, who knows perhaps her company was in danger or the like!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke entered the cave it became apparent that it wasn't just an ordinary hole in a cliff. The entire inside had been changed to that of old open air temple complete with glowing magic lights attached to the columns that went from floor to ceiling. At the center was Sena her belly encourged and swollen. "Oh Rikke you came to?" Sena was sweating and panting she looked to be in pain. "No worries mommy we are here to help." Sena tried to smile but it was quickly removed by a grimace of pain. "I think your lover gave me a parting gift from our meeting."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly ran up to Sena, more than a little shocked at the sudden revelation "B-but you gave birth to Yuna. How is this possible." worse yet, Rikke will have to help Sena with bring Jessicas offspring to life "Yuna dearie! Quickly find mommys firend Jessica, bring her here as quickly as you can. 'kay, angel? Tell her you're my little girl, she won't argue." the heroine smiled at the little girl and turned to Sena gently holding her hand.

"Talk about getting more than bargained for eh?" the heroine smiled warmly at the daemon and gently ran her hand across the pregnant womans belly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sena quickly grabbed Rikke's hand and squeezed tight as Yuna was gone in a flash. "Yuna was born of spirit Rikke not flesh". Sena grimaced again but smiled "How do you like it? I thought having a place for people to visit me would be appropriate." Before Rikke had a chance to answer Yuna was back with a very much asleep Jess on the floor. "Sorry mommy she wouldn't wake up."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked around the temple "It's ummm... homely, but I'd suggest opening up to more fresh air. A cave is a no-no for someone like you." she giggled warmly, when in a flash Yuna was back with Rikkes lover still asleep.

The heroine looked to Sena warmly and slowly let her hand go keeping her gaze, just to she'd understand Rikke would be right back "That's my little Yunie." Rikke leaned down and kissed Yuna on the forehead before, kissing her lover on the lips before giving light slaps on the cheek "Jess... Jess~~ JESS!!" Rikke giggled warmly "I... We need your help."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As always Jess woke slowly the years of lavish languid sleep having spoiled her. "Yes Rikke what is?" Rikke didn't have to answer as Jess quickly saw the situation. "Oh dear?" Moving quickly Jess got to Sena's side and began to coach the woman gently leaving Rikke and Yuna to watch. The labor lasted another hour with Sena having great pain but in the end Sena had two winged little girls suckling on her breasts. She looked exhausted but happy. The twin girls each had feathered wings that shimmered in multicolored iridescence which was very similar to the birds that lived in the jungle below.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well... guess the heroine will have a free pass from the 'where do babies come from' dicussion. Yuna looked actually suprisingly smart to begin with, hopefully encountering virth first hand like this won't scare the young girl too much "So now you know where babies come from Yunie. You are part of me and mommy Sena, little angel." Though obviously Rikke had the more dominant genes in the girl, the rogue would've chatted longer with Yuna, but had to quickly leave and help accept the twins. Smiling warmly as she handed them over to their mommy "They're beautiful Jess" Rikke smiled warmly at Jessica and offered Yuna to come and join. If the little girl didn't Rikke would come to her.

Still with this sudden surprise, the girls should linger a little bit, but if Sena wanted to return to her own special phase, Rikke would ask if Yuna could stay with them for a bit.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't have to worry overly much about Yuna as she seemed fascinated by the events taking place. After it was sad and done Yuna took Rikke's hand and went over to her other mother and held one of her sisters. Jess meanwhile went over to Rikke and leaned on her shoulder. "Well I guess we are both mothers now." Jess eye her little girls and their shimmering wings. "I hope they grow up strong and brave."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly "You're taking this awfully well." the heroine smiled brightly and kissed her lover playfully "Come on, you shouldn't be here." Rikke would gently lead Jessica to Sena and leaned down to Yuna "May I Yunie?" the rogue smiled warmly and took the small child giving it to Jessica. Actually it would come as little surprise if the small rascal latched onto Jess's breasts too... afterall the girl seemed to be very much fertile "So what are their names?" Rikke smiled warmly at the two new parents, holding Yunas hand tightly.