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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was a curious trip as she felt herself slowly sink deeper and deeper her body color and features changing as she dipped into the water "Hum~~" Rikke hummed calmly, before glancing back to see her tail slowly disperse...

The girls eyes shot wide as the thought of the water acting like acid crossed her mind! What in hells name was she doing?! Even if it felt kind of right, now it seemed like a death trap! Avoiding to breath in any of the water Rikke would try to break away from the angels grasp and dash back to the surface! Enough was enough!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Freaking out a moment Rikke tried to pull away only for the angel to hold on to her for dear life. Unable to make a movement away her efforts did preventt eh angel from pulling her deeper. Looking to the woman's face she saw it was desperate almost pleading for Rikke to come with her. They where at a stalemate once more but Rikke did notice her tail had come up out of the water and was whole.

*Note all the rolls have been unlisted for dramatic effect.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Even if the angel gave her best puppy expression, there was no way was she going to melt like this! Rikke wouldn't give up her struggle and try to get to the top at all cost! Her breath still held as she fought to climb out of the pool!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Pulling hard Rikke made some ground using her wings to good effect she hauled the woman out of the water up to her waist. Immidiatly the angel's skin paled losing all its sun tanned color. More remarkbbly where the wings. White feathers instantly withered away as the wings shifted taking on a more bat or demon like apperance. The angel's hair went from a shiny blonde to a raven black. Letting go of Rikke the angel seemingly passed out and began to sink back into the water.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Now more scared than anything, perhaps it was fear that gave the girl the strength to fight back. Though the angel seemed exceptionally keen for Rikke to join her and kept her hold even after she was pulled to a fair degree. Though by now Rikke didn't even care who won she just wanted out of the water as soon as possible!

The girl breathed rapidly looking to the angel, she had aquired a new sort of beauty, but in full honestly she seemed to have lost a certain something about her. Finally calming down, Rikke would crawl to the angel and check if she was okay, only to note she had passed out.

As if feeling guilty about the whole ordeal, Rikke would gently push the angel back under water. Thankfully the girl regaining her color "S-sorry..." clearly the succubus girl wasn't even sure what to make of this, she was okay now, but it was so scary back then. Maybe the angel didn't mean ill afterall... but why was she so persistent?

Glancing to the angel, Rikke instead of just letting go and making her sink to the water ever so slowly, she'd submerge the girl and laced her fingers with the angels own, keeping their hands joined right at the border of the water. Making sure the angel would not sink.

She herself placing her head on the water and slowly fel asleep, ignoring the gentle burn from her submerged fingers and hanging on to the stranger that she both feared... and for some reason cared for.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Watching as the angel drifted back down Rikke saw her revert back to her normal apperance all except a long strand of hair that remainded blackend. Slowly Rikke awoke to the song of birds chirping on a nearby rock. Looking about Janet was no where to be seen and for a brife moment of panic Rikke got up. Suddenly a mailed hand took hold of the ledge and and was quickly followed by the another reavelaing Janet. Looking at her friend something seemed differnt about her but due to the sleep haze Rikke couldn't place it just yet. "Hey Rikke mind giving me a hand I kinda got a backpack full of food." Indeed Janet had a backpack full of fruits. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to get us something to eat."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

God she hadn't had dreams so wierd since... the manor? "M? Oh sure!" Rikke would quickly crawl over to her friend and help her hoist the bag up "How did you manage all this? What about the hounds and guards down there?" she looked over the backpack "Just how long have you been awake for Janet?" the heroine turned to her friend with clear concern. Not only did she have to climb back up, but avoid the patrols and collect all this...

Either way, the two would finally be able to eat! Rikke would tell Janet a bit of her dream, but most details would've already slipped her mind. The three fronts just only vaguely remembered, but her form in the dream all but crystal clear "...wings, tail and all." she snickered playfully "You have no idea how wierd it felt.."

Still they were free to move on to the next floor...and whatever contacts and strange creatures lived there. One more floor closer to Jessica and the sisters.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That dose sound strange... maybe when we get this done and rescue Jessica we can head back to Endus for the pristess to look you over." Janet brushed some raven locks out of her eyes sight the knight not seemingly even noticeing they where there. But for Rikke they where as plan as day how could Janet not notice her hair had changed color? "As for the food best not to question but if you insist. I had to climb down in the dark and cut my way threw the few remaining guards. After that foraging was simple. I was hoping to get back before you woke up but obviously I didn't"
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"But noone saw you coming up... right?" Rikke looked to her knight briefly "It was absurdly risky! What were you thinking?" she'd playfully bonk Janet on the forehead with two fingers and cross her hands looking at her, before sighing gently "Still... we definedly needed the food." Rikke smiled kindly to her and began their brief breakfast, though all throughout the heroines eyes constantly glanced to the strand of black hair.

Now she remembered, one of the fronts in her dream, a sorts of angel girl, looked just like Janet. Could the dream somehow seeped into reality? Or was the dream itself not just imagination, but something else? Whatever the case, soon enough the duo finished their meal.

"Well there's still lots left to climb, you all set?" Rikke smiled while packing up the food. It was time to move on.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet nodded and got up. "This sure is a long climb Im not sure we gonna make it to the top before dark again." Still sighing Janet began to climb their makshift camp on the rock left behind. As they got higher and higher though the air got dryer and dryer. Ocassionally though a spray of water would hit them from a powerful gust of wind that stired the distant waterfall. "Im not sure this area ahead is gonna be as lush as the one we where just in. I say we head for the water to drink while we can. Dirty little goblin theives taking our canteens."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked down, it would take them atleast 2 more days to go up and down, not to mention tire their bodies out excessively "We don't have a choice Jan. The fruits have a decent amount of moisture if need be, we need to press on!" even if some extra water would've been handy, Rikke was not going to delay the trip even more "Come on, we got to clear this before nightfall again!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading up some more Janet was clearly showing her reduced energy. Still they made it with a little time to spare. The false sun was setting and the sight before them reflected tis glory. A rocky cavern strecehd before them with a set of carved out stairs leading up father. The rocks where reds and yellows with a few oranges to thrown in. The air was very dry and small scragally bushes grew around in places. Janet however didn't much care for that sight as she dashed to the river flowing threw the canyon.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Then it wasn't the wind or just her imagination, climbing further up Rikke had to completely stopped and just let the sight sink in. A waterfall was flowing on one of the more massive lumps of stone, the sparkling waters adding an unmistakeable humidity to the air around "H-huh?!" the rogue looked on to the sight as suddenly Janet dashed right past her, throwing her armor aside and dived to the river.

The heroine giggled at the sight and slowly approached with a smile "How's the water?" whatever held this absolute marvel here and made it still function? There was little doubt absurd amount of magics were at play here, but why did this stream of magic focus so much around the what used to be staircase?

Rikke would crouch down at the very edge of the water and brush her hand along it, checking it's temperature. Then shortly after tasting if it's fresh.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its great cool and sweet!" Testing it herself Rikke found it true. Pondering a moment a thought struck Rikke. Maybe the magics altered a fount of holy water? It would explain the strange apperance of it and the fact that it wasn't fouled by anyting around it. Still it was a mystery of its own.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While Janets canteen was stolen, Rikke found hers along with her armor "It's not much, but it'll help us in emergencies." the rogue smiled kindly to her friend as she filled her flask with the water and clipped to her belt.

Thankfully the fruits from earlier had staved off her thirst for a bit, but now she'd have little problem indulging herself. The girl got her knees and cupped her hands drinking some of the water and splashing it on her face "Ah~~" she grinned happily and looked around "I wonder how this got all the way up here..."

Rikke leaned out casually and rested on her hands, her upper body arched gently as she enjoyed the warm breeze and trickle of the water "Come on join me!" Janet called out with a huge smile "Nuh-uh. Getting leather wet is the best way to ruin it." she'd incidentally teasingly run her fingertips along her tightly clad leg infront of Janet.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet smiled and got out of her own armored top. "So~ take it off." Janet smirked her eyes teasing the rogue. Janet splashed cool water on her chest the fading light causing it to glitter as it rolled off. It was a shame that only Rikke's panties and bra had been stolen.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well~ with you being a silly girl and getting your armor all wet, we won't be able to properly climb up." Rikke smiled back to the girls smirk "Looks like we'll need to spend the night to let your armor dry."

With those words Rikke reached down to her chest armor and loosened up the laces, her marvelous bust pushing the armor aside freely before she slipped out fully. Moving her nimble fingers to her belt and top of her pants Rikke would soon enough slip out of her bonds fully. The rogue sighed with relief and stretched out, her bountiful C's ever so alluring show off as the girl arched her upper body gently, before relaxing fully.

"I guess I could use a quick dip aswell." her tongue playfully out she'd dip her leg into the cool water, a goosebump running up her body instantly causing a reaction. A reaction perhaps most prelevant in her nippies stiffening visibly the more she submerged "Ha~~ you didn't say it was so chilly." she smiled widely and fully submerged herself. Gods it was such a relief...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet smiled and finished removing her own armor and set it aside. The small pool before the water fall was not very big so inevitabley the two would meet each other. Janet kept stealing glances at Rikkes wonderful C's and while Janet had her own set they where obscured by a rather basic bra.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke all too clearly caught each and every glance at her, knowing Janet it would only take a simple push to set her off in the right direction... but where would the fun in that be?

The initial cool of water would soon pass by, the freezing goosebumps replaced by relief the refreshing and cool water provided. Still lounging around would not do as well "Hey..." Rikke suddenly pushed up and looked behind Janet curiously "Is that?..." she'd rapidly approach making the knight turn around to investigate as well "What?" though there didn't seem to be anything, but a few bushes and the cutoff of the floating isle.

Seizing the moment of mischief, Rikke quickly unclipped the bra from behind Janet with one hand, sliding the other along her side and hooking it down the middle before pulling it down "Tour bra got all wet too!" she'd step back with a huge proud grin, spinning the clothing on her finger as she looked to the knight.

If unopposed Rikke would place on the ledge and smile wickedly "There. It was in the way." she'd nod playfully before relaxing in the water "Hum~ Such a shame." the rogue glanced to the knight with her purple eyes "If we were back in your brothel, we'd already be out of the water." she sighed shamelessly "There were always so many toys on offer there."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogues sly plan worked like a charm though Janet would not easily give up her bra. Turning round as Rikke hosted the stolen goods Janet's girls bounced freely. They in turn where lovely to look and Rikke could she had been sunbathing in the nude as her fleshtone matched threwout. "Hey!" Reaching up to grab the garment the two sets of opposing orbs met with a bounce. Janet's skin was warm to the touch even in the cool water though Rikke could clearly feel the hardened nipples. Together they where about evenly matched and had it not been for Rikke's supernatural gifts the two would probably wear about the same size. As it stood now Rikke's bust was noticibaly larger than Janets. At the mention of the brothel Janet blushed. "Y-yeah......." Looking at the rogue Janet moved a little closer and leaned in her lips forming for a kiss.