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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna... The rogue looked to the room near the table with sharp eyes. Somehow, she had a sneaking suspicion this was exactly who she was looking for. The rogue silently approached the door and listened in briefly to what was inside.

Entering the room without proper distraction may mean a fight she'd rather not have.

Eavesdrop on the door from where the shout originated
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Trying to get a better mental picture of what was going on Rikke leaned closer to the thick wooden door. Ears straining all that seemed to greeat them was teh ocasional moan of pleaures, grunt of effort, and crack of a whip. "Im gonna train you so good that you will forget your old life."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looked like someone was certainly busy. Rikke leaned away from the door and looked around. The apparent choices were clear she could either enter the room and attempt to take the likely demoness out while she was pre-occupied... or attempt to lure her out to the hallways and ambush her.

The rogue leaned against the wall next to the door thinking her options through. This was a real chance, but one highly risky. What if her sneak failed and combat was unavoidable... maybe the grunts would think things got rough, but if they checked.

Rikke took a deep breath and looked to the ceiling choosing her next move. Be it risky or not, this was a golden opportunity. Maybe it was just a female grunt and she's so worried about nothing. The rogue drew her blade and turned to the door "Here goes nothing." carefully placing her hand on the door knob Rikke would slowly and ever so cautiously open the door up and without revealing herself would peek inside.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke steath vs Perception
42+4 =46 vs 40 + 10 -10 = 40 sucess! (good thing she was busy nailing that chick)

Rikke opened the door and it creaked loudly causing her to wince however just as that happened the girl on the bed screamed out as she creamed herself. "Ohh you so fun Im gonna keep you." However with the door open and the fallen one seemingly fininshed up there was no way Rikke would remain unoticed for long. She could risk an attack and maybe be heared as she cleared the doorway or fall back now and retreat. Yenna stood just feet away in an oppulent room. Her back was facing Rikke her black wings strenchted slightly as she removed the strap on from her waist. Sadly her blade was still sheathed. A long demon looking tail exstended from her upper butt. 'Phhttt its not as big as Jess's' Now was not the time for her inner succubus to get bored. Mentally chiding herself Rikke spotted the girl on the bed though no concreate features where apparent besides her long blonde hair.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Tail or no tail it didn't matter! Those wings were not demonic! A fallen angel! Rikkes eyes quickly sharpened as her previously much more lax stance rapidly grew in intensity. Fallen angels... Rikke had only heard stories, especially of their lethal efficiency in combat. Though the rogue was hardly ever overly cautious or one to run away!

Without wasting a moment more Rikke dashed inside, her blade shinning brightly! She had one chance to catch her unaware! Here goes nothing!

Plain strike!

I doubt that will kill her, but Rikke isn't aiming for lethal. Just disable.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Steath vs Perception 47 vs 60 fail
Rikke attacks!
86 vs 78 hit! 55 damage! 6/25 du on enemy armor
Yenna attacks!
95 vs 62 hit! 51 damage after armor 7/25 du left on Rikke's armor

Rikke: Hp: 11/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 45/45, Status = Fine

Yenna: Hurt

Rikke dashed from her hiding place the door creaking loudly but it was to late she was comminted on her attack. Beauty lashed out just as Yenna turned her own rapier clearing its scabbard. Yenna's eyes glinted with maddness and excitement. Rikke struck first however her blades aim thrown off by her oppointes sudden shift causing the swing to draw a crimson line across the woman's chest damaging her thin leather armor. Yenna not to be out done brought her own blade to bare stabbing Rikke threw the shoulder thankfully missing everything vital. Seperating the two opponites took stock of each other. Yenna grinned at Rikke and licked her blood off her blade. "Ohh good it saves me the time to look for you slut! I was worried I would have to drudge threw the nasty swamp looking for you." Flicking her blade clean of the rest of the blood Yenna took up an all to familar stance. "Your form is weak relient on surprise to achive victory. You will find I will not be so easy to defeat."

Rikke gathered herself up and took stock of the room. By far it was the best lit and best furnished room in this entire outpost. A bed with silken sheets lay in the center a human female trying to gather up her wits while their duel played out. A window which sillouted Yenna was at the far end as well as a vanity and dresser nearby as well.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would almost fumble to the ground, but catch herself just in the nick of time to land properly. The counter blow did not hit anything vital, but somehow the rogue had a suspicion if the angel wanted the greeting may have cause far more significant damage.

Flinching from the pain, before returning her focus Rikke remained silent as the angel taunted her. Thankfully this gave just enough time for the rogue to restore feeling to her arm. It may not have been lethal, but it was far too close to disable her hand and combat ability until she was properly healed. As if testing herself the rogue checked her grip on her blade and thanked the goddess for the grace of feeling Beauty.

The situation was bad! The angels swordsmanship was perhaps even more advanced than Rikkes ontop of the supernatural gifts the fallen ones possess! But it was not just that, the way the angel handled her blade... it seemed familiar.

As the angel flicked the blood aside she suddenly began to turn her blade and slowly get into a stance. Her counter stance! Rikkes eyes shot wide as she recognised the movements used to set it up! If she got into the stance it would be too late!

Rikkes eyes suddenly switched to bright purple as she dashed forward in clearly inhumane speed. A twinkle of purple energy following her dash forward. The wind curving around Rikkes body as if the girl had invisible wings, carving the wind apart as she made her seemingly instantanious dash and attack!

Desperate avoidance! 15 EP for 30 Dodge bonus!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks!
85 vs 78 Hit! 54 damage after armor.

Rikke: Hp: 11/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 45/45, Status = Fine

Yenna: dying

Rikke dashed forward her eyes gleaming purple. This seemed to surprisess Yenna as Rikke found Beauty thrust deep into the angel. Both woman looked down at the blade in surprise. Yenna dropped her own blade and held beauty and looked up at Rikke. For a moment as their eyes met the madness had cleared from them. "Oh....." Stumbling back she fell to the ground her eyes fading out. Looking down at the fallen Rikke could tell that she was serious injured and would die without assistance.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke seemed just as shocked as her opponent as the blade ran through her! "W-what." the girls eyes widened as she let the blade go and the angel staggered back, Rikke looking seemingly shocked at the blood on her hands. She wanted to go for her shoulder! It was just a disabling attack! Then why did her blade go for the kill?

"No, no, no..." The rogue quickly ran up to the fallen angel and looked her over in panic "No, no. Don't die! I didn't mean to..." Rikke quickly turned to the girl on the bed "Come here! I need your help! Take the pillow and the sheets hurry!" the rogue kept her hands around the wound, not moving the Blood stained beauty from its spot. Hopefully even in the midst of the panic, the girl would listen and do what Rikke told her "Please, keep a steady pressure around the wound. I'll check the tower for anything to heal her, I need her alive to save my friend." her last few words rang only partly true, just from her expression it was all too clear - it was more to not become a flat out murderer.

If the girl remained silent, Rikke would show her how to do it and herself go out of the room in search of medical supplies. Unarmed and hurt.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke moved Yenna to the bed a kindness in her heart refusing to kill even the fallen angel. The blonde on the bed just looked at Rikke in shock. "W-why are you saving her shes a fallen angel....." It seemed she would get no help from the girl. Looking about Rikke spotted a dresser with some kit on it as well as other things. Undoubtly with as light as yenna travled any of her gear would be here. "Let it die......"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I refuse!" for all the adventures and misadventures the thief had, there was little question about her lingering idealism "Now help me or you'll have to deal with her murder and guards yourself!" the rogue glared at the girl, still holding the wound for the angel not to bleed out.

"I'm not an assassin or murderer, I don't even know who she is. I'll leave her fate to you, but not until I get some answers from her. Now get over here and hold this!" Rikke looked to the girl agitated, before relaxing sadly "She may have information on my friend, I won't heal her to full strength and I'll keep her captured or indisposed otherwise. She won't heal up and be free to roam again, I promise."

If the girl still refused, Rikke wouldn't harm or do anything to her. Instead she'd hope for the best and dash to check the angels things. Any warrior worth his scars or gear, would have some healing items on them!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's commanding tone seemed to bring the woman to action and she soon was holding the wound tight with a blanket to halt the bleeding. Heading over to the kit Rikke was indeed correct on their being some healing potions. Oddly enough they seemed to be stuffed into her belt. Looks like Yenna looted the goblins treasurs for herself. "Gods I can't believe Im helping this thing. Ella told me how dangerous a fallen one can be. And no Im not talking about that succubitch who caught me." Finding the potions Rikke came back over and found Yenna starting to pale she didn't have much time.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would return with the potions and place 2 nearby. One for herself and 1 for the angel "Like I said we're only bringing her back from the brink of death. I'm not here to murder her." the thief quickly uncorked the bottle and carefully placed it at the angels lips allowing just enough of sip for her to survive whats to come.

Making sure the angel downed some of the healing potion to atleast restore some of her color, Rikke would move her hands to the girls and look to her "I'll pull the blade out. Hold the sheets firmly 'kay... 3...2...1..." with a swift motion the thief pulled her blade out and placed it aside quickly rushing to pour the remains of the healing potion on the wound hopefully closing it.

"That... should... be enough." with a deep sigh Rikke relaxed and sat down nearby, popping her own potion and drinking some of it, before applying some to her shoulder "I'm Rikke by the way. A pleasure to meet you." the heroine smiled warmly to the stranger.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Being careful Rikke fed a small amount of the potion to the dying woman before pulling the blade free. This action was quicky countered with more potion as Rikke watched the would nit together. Splashing some on the still open wound for good measure Rikke set the angel down and tended to herself. Looking up at the blonde Rikke saw her looking at the fallen one. Looking over to Rikke as she spoke the woman nodded. "My name is... Samuel Ricks." Saying this caused the woman to blush. "And before you say anything I know its a man's name." Blushing more the woman spoke. "Its complicated and I don't want to cover it right now." Getting out of the bed with no apparent shame Samuel digging threw a chest. "Ahh good they didn't throw away my cloths." Pulling out some rather male looking attire the woman got dressed. The shirt was to tight in the chest and the sleves much to long. The boots looked heavy and far to large for her feet. and her pants lets just say her pants looked more like a dress than trousers as much as they billowed out. "Come on lets get out of here I don't want to be here when she wakes up."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke raised her eyebrow mischieviously "You think I went through all this trouble just to leave her all healed up and here." the rogue stood up with a smile "Help me find some good restraints. I have a friend outside of these walls, she'll help us chat with our fallen "friend" here" with a smirk Rikke would look through the room "Oh and getting her completely out of the armor would be near 'Samuel'." it indeed was a VERY questionable name, then again Rikke was an odd one too.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting her our of armor was easy as it had been reduced to nothing but scrap during their fight. "I.. think I saw some restraints overe there....." Sam blushed as she gathered up some other things. "A friend you say? I take it you snuck in then. How are we going to get out with her?" Sam pointed to Yenna. Not thinking about that for now Rikke looked to the armoire that Sam pointed out and opened it up only to close it again a blush hitting her face. In it where all manner of restraints used in very kinky sex. It was like Yenna owned her own bondage store. Sam refused to look at the armoire as well but given her flush Rikke knew that she had experainced many of those first hand.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke on the other hand, had no problems viewing all the kinky toys on display "Well... this will be fun." the rogue smiled wickedly and browsed through picking out a few toys of note: a exceptionally sturdy looking whip, rope, cuffs and arm-binders. With everything in place the rogue tensed the whip and approached the fallen angel "Want to lend me a hand with this?"

A few minutes later Yenna was indeed in likely the most promiscious position she's ever been... atleast herself. Her hands both cuffed and arms bound, her whole body tied with the fairly sturdy rope in all manner of ways. Sam had to wonder just how often she had done these things before. Living with succubi seemed to have yielded quite the skillset.

"Alright, can you carry her? I'll scout ahead." throwing another coil of rope over her shoulder Rikke would look to leave the room "Or did she have something of note in this room. You know something that caught your eyes before you two... er... you know." the rogue smiled to the stranger in a friendly fashion.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I... don't know Ive been chained ot the bed for days now so.... yeah Im not sure." Sam blushed more at the get up the angel was in before helping Rikke with what ever else she wanted to do. "Mistress.. I mean Yenna brought me in from the room on the right it has stairs that lead up to the roof. I have no idea whats in the other room." Well Rikke had the choice head up to the roof or explore a little further. Looking over at Sam Rikke saw the girl take the fallen rapier from the ground and fit it to a scabbard. I prefer hand axes but this will have to do."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke glanced to the weapon and then to Sam briefly... though she had her doubts about trusting a stranger with a weapon right behind her, Samuel seemed alright. "Alright, I just need to check a few more things before we get to our escape." if the door to the right lead outside then what would the door to the left lead to?

Having Beauty at the ready and her stealth skills once more sharpened Rikke would approach the door and after a brief listening in, if no voices echoed check what was inside.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Listening at the door Rikke heard a whole lot of nothing. Opening it slightly Rikke found a room that seemed to be the residence of a man. A large sturdy bed with shackles attached to the floor near it led Rikke to beleive that this was the former captains room. A large weapon rack sat nearby with seveal wicked looking blades. All of them seemed to be two handed and in excelent shape. next to it was an armor rack with what looked to be a surprisingly femine armor given its shape though unlike the other demonic looking female armors this one seemed to be acutally made to cover and armor completely. Still it was an oddity from the rest of the room. Two large chests sat on the oposite wall next to a desk with a tatered book on it.