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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke couldn't help but smile all too widely at Janet fevered feast. Though as Yenna spoke something became very clear "Um... Yenna. Amber may not have mentioned this, but we have no idea where we are right or where the masters forces are." the rogue finished her snack and approached the angel "So you're going to have to explain the layout a bit before we do anything."

Rikke looked to Janet with smile "We have the time right now. I'd rather hear it here than in a swamp." the girl glanced back to Yenna with a smile "And there's no need to call me, Mistress. Call me Rikke."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Very well." Crounching down Yenna assembled some dried pincones and rocks and such. "We are here at the shiny rock. The next two levels above us are the Mistresses primary holdings. Below us is the desert and below that a swamp marked by the squigily twig. The Mistresses forces with stage an attack on the swamp trying to take back the old hall. It will be a feint, our goal is to sneak threw during the fighting to get to the jungle. From their it should be a simple matter to enter the primarly realm of the Master. If all goes well it should only take a day maybe two. Once we get into his holdings however our intellegence becomes spotty at best."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke listened to the explanation and sighed deeply "looks like we have quite the trip..." with that she stood up from the rock and looked over her backpack "Well either way, while we're near your outpost we could use some supplies." after checking up what they had, the girl listed out what they needed for the trip

Supplies needed:
Rope, at least a coil or two worth
Medical supplies (as varied and as much as posisble)
Patchwork leathers for armor fixing
Clean light blankets, big enough to wrap around

"Can you get us atleast some of these Yenna?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna listened to the list nodding as Rikke spoke. "Most of that will be easy though as for Clean light blankets your out of luck. I shall return shortly with the supplies. However before I go when do you want the diversion to take place? It would be better if we planned our assult with some corridation. I know it will take at lest a day to organise a force to attack." Yenna waited for the reply before heading out leaving Janet to finish up her snack. "Rikke are you sure this is gonna work out? That bitch is well a bitch...."
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'd say depending when we arrive, we should give ourselves a nights rest and then attack." Rikke looked to the fallen angel "As our guide I'll leave the calculation to you." though as the angel turned to leave the rogue added "Just leave us some time. I'd rather camp, then rush in unprepared."

Whatever Yenna had to add, she'd likely soon take her leave, leaving only the duo to themselves "And she is like that on purpose." Rikke snickered and turned to her friend with a warm smile "It's fine. Just ignore it. She seems the kind who enjoys getting under other peoples skins. At the very least we should be happy she's not her previous crazy psycho self."

Noting Janets sceptical look she'd add "Besides she can fight. Likely on par or maybe even better than me. Having someone so powerful as an ally behind enemy lines is priceless."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Still....... its like shes trying to not like us." Sighing Janet gathered her gear and waited with Rikke for Yenna to return. It didn' take long and the fallen angel set the bundles aside. "We have bandages as well as a handful of potions. The stocks are pretty low sense the fools made them out of wine. So they have been drinking it with out need. I punished them severily." Looking over the gear Rikke found a good amount of leather scrap as well has two coils of rope in good condition. "The army will march at sunrise so we have one day to rest and another day before they reach the point of contact with the enemy."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Then she's really going to have to work to do that" Rikke winked slyly to Janet and after a short break the fallen angel returned "Hum~ they didn't seem too bright during my visit there as well." the rogue looked over the brought supplies with a wide smile "Alright, lets share these up between us and head out."

Rikke turned to her companions with a warm smile "Sounds like we don't have much time. This won't take long. Come." all the items were more or less lightweight with only the food adding some weight, but nothing that Janet or Yenna couldn't utterly shrug off. All their gear in check, there was no more reason to tarry on this floor much longer.

"Alright girls, let's go!" with a cheery tune Rikke would lead out the two warriors behind out of this floor and down to the abbandoned goblin swamps.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting ready to head out Yenna took to the air her raven wings a blot of black against an otherwise blue sky. This left Janet and Rikke to ground pound the hard way down. They of course had plenty of time to talk as they decended the floating rocks and stairs and for once could enjoy the scenery with out threat of flying hornetes ridden by goblins or of the sisters forces attacking them. Yenna of course had already beat them down and the sun was getting fairly high when they reached the bottom. Yenna stood tapping her foot and as soon as they hit the ground she began moving again heading for the swampy portion of the forest. "Quickly unless you would like some addition's to your groins."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looked like Yenna wasn't going to hang around them more than needed... or perhaps the floating stones would've proved gliding alongside them troublesome, either way only RIkke and Janet would descent down "M!" before the two began to hike down the rogue quickly ran to the holy spring and refilled her personal flask aswell as replacing a few of the drudge waters from the tower "There! I'd rather drink this, than some water that a grunt possibly spat in." with a mischievious grin the rogue winked to her knight, starting their descent down.

"So what do you think?" the rogue spoke as they traversed down "Can we trust her? Or is she an elaborate method for us to be turned in to the Master?" Rikkes voice carried a surprisingly casual tone about it as she spoke, seemingly not too worried about such a possibility. Janet would likely have her own input, but as they neared where Yenna likely was they'd have to hush it down.

"Sorry we took so long. Had to grab a few things from the camp." Rikke smiled kindly to the fallen one, as her guide pointed out the route they'd take next. Thankfully due to their lifestyles, both Janet and herself were hardly tired after the climb and continued right onwards.

The rogue shuddered at the words, but kept a smile "M~ One of those nasties greeted us just as we entered this place." Rikke looked to Janet with a knowing smirk "That was almost a very interesting way to enter a new area." her embarassing of Janet done, Rikke would turn her eyes to Yenna... she really wanted to tease the angel, but as before it was unclear what precisely spurs her madness... "But as we stayed here longer, we didn't see a single one of them. Likely the spiderwebs catch the majority of them..."

"M! Speaking of which, Yenna do you know anything about the spiders that lived here. All I know they escaped when--" Rikke paused briefly and frowned at the woman "When your invasion forces attacked and slaughtered everyone in their wake."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Can we trust her... I doubt it.. but I do not think she'll turn us over to the master." Janet jumped one of the more diffcult gaps and stumbled slightly. falling forward revealing her panties to Rikke. "Damn it" Getting up she had no further issues on the way down. Meeting up with Yenna once more they contued on foot as Rikke asked her questions. "Yes they where a group of fey who tried to take back the monistary. It was to late however and some of them got trapped. Or at lest I thought so until they escaped. Anyway they are gone now." Yenna looked over at Rikke her face neutral. "War is slaughter Rikke and the goblins where a nuisance and a threat. I did what had to be done." Walking a little further Yenna stopped a moment. "We should camp here its getting dark." Pulling some fine netting from her backpack Yenna tossed a bundle to Janet. "I only have two so you will have to share with each other." Unfolding the netting turned up to be a rougly tent shapped structure. Watching Yenna they soon figured out how to put it all together.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The goblins I understand. They're warmongering and agresive, but the Fey seemed more akin to pacifists. There's no reason to attack someone who could've been an ally." the rogue kept her eyes on Yenna "This area works as a buffer before any enemies reach you, even I can see how gaining the spiders as allies would benefit you. What did the Fey want that you so refused to give back?" the answer, even if Yenna did not give it, was likely the aformentioned Monastery. This would lead to Rikke inquire more about this monastery and its significance.

Still likely as she explained, they'd need to stop "Well with the goblins gone, I guess the worst around here are the bugs." Rikke wound hand over the construction to Janet "I'll go see if I can set up some basic traps or alarms around camp, just in case." Rikke flicked her orange her aside with clear playfullness "Like you said Yenna. You never know when one might get surprised by a hidden scout." taking a coil a rope Rikke wouldn't wander too far from the camp, staying within decent volume distance as she began setting up a few traps.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The fey would never allie willingly with demons of any sort. Like I said they wanted to take back the monestary but its to late its part of the masters kingdom now. As for its importance.. Im not sure the Master wanted it so he ordered his privious wife to take it and it was so." Rikke headed out as Janet began to set up the tent net. Outside of visiual distance but well with in hearing she began to set up traps on the likely approaches to their camp. In the distance she heard some buzzing causing her hair to prick at the back of her neck and decided to call it an sucessful trap run.

Entering the camp she found Yenna and Janet trying to stay as far away from each other as physically possible while staying the protective fire area of the camp. Everyonce in awhile one would shoot venemous glances at the other. Seeing Rikke Janet smiled. "Order that wench to be polite to the goddess."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The masters wife?! Rikke eyes widened only for the briefest of moments as she took note of the words. There was no question about it, when they enter the Masters realm, visiting the monastery will be a priority.

Thankfully her long hair provided some protection against potential bug attacks. Compared to the forest at the bottom of the stairway this was completely different... only when noting the sheer amount of buzzing about, did Rikke consider the chances that she may have been bit during this trip!

Still, be it by sheer luck or the bugs not feeling hungry, her quick trapping were all set. Less fortunate though was the state of the camp...

Rikke sighed deeply and sat down near the flame "Yenna, why do you disrespect the goddess of love so, hum?" the girl wasn't about to make such orders, perhaps a more diplomatic approach could work out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna raised an eyebrow and humphed. "Do not think your slut goddess is the only one that recives my scorn. I despise all the gods equally." It seemed Rikke would have to pry deeper if she wanted more. Still with Rikke present things seemed to settle a little Janet muttering under her breath retreated to the tent and into her blankets leaving Rikke alone with Yenna who stood gazing threw the woods her eyes alight in a similar manner to Rikkes.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke noted Janet leaving early, but she needed to clear up a few things about Yenna first. Keeping in her position at the fire, Rikke looked to Yenna casually "Why is that?" the rogue kept her casual attitude and smiled to the angel.

Unless Rikkes suspicions were incorrect, Yenna would likely refrain. Spurring Rikke to offer them to play a game... "We'll be fighting together, there's no reason to stay strangers. How about this~ You can ask me anything you wish and I'll asnwer, then it will be my turn." the heroine giggled kindly "Jeez you'd think you're not used to sharing stories with others.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna would narrow her eyes almost confirming her suspicions about the Fallen one ignoring her. "What have they done for me Rikke? Protectors of the world. HA! Couldn't even fend off the outsiders attack. They are weak just like those who whorship them." Yenna turned away from Rikke and looked out over the darkened woods. Yet for Rikke her ears long atuned to picking out the subtle moods of her companions noted a certain hurt in Yenna's voice.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looked like the game she had in mind wouldn't even be needed "Hum~ Done for you? The gods hardly ever do anything for anyone directly." the rogue got comfy "People don't worship a god wanting something in return, you know. I can't imagine those that do are ever satisfied."

Rikke placed her thoughts in her mind "I think, people choose to follow a god that resounds with their ideals. Be it strength and conquest through war, peaceful and prosperous life or just something as simple, as creating a symbol that unites certain culture of people." the rogue grinned widely "No symbol or ideal protects the whole world from an invasion." she'd pause briefly "And I'm pretty sure there is no god thats ever deemed itself the protector."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yet they all want a part of it.... Worthless..." Yenna would sit a moment taking out her rather well crafted fencing blade. Rikke noted that it was a vastly diffrent design than her own blade. While not enchanted which was a surprise Rikke saw that it was a supiriorly crafted weapon to her own had they been on equal footing. It was etched it seemed with words in a language that Rikke didn't reconize.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Who do? The gods?" Rikke wouldn't drop the topic "Only few gods are said to demand sacrifice or offerings." the rogue smirked "And last I checked they never descended from wherever to claim what was on offer." letting her words sink in she'd continue "At the very least, these different ideals or beliefs create interesting people. Be it what they believe is silly, stupid or just wierd. Be it hopeful, optimistic or altruistic."

"Everyones free to believe or worship whoever they want. Some give their lives to these beliefs. I know not why one would stomp on the gods or symbols they believe in." Rikkes eyes sharpened briefly "Unless you have reason for the mud-sling." her last words ringed more akin to a question or suspicion more than anything else.

Rikke did indeed note the supreme weapon. Unless the sisters had an exceedingly exceptional blacksmith... this weapon had to have come from Yennas time before the sisters. At least as far as she knew.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Taking a cloth Yenna began to clean and inspect the blade. "Yes everyone is allowed to be a fool if they want. I won't stop them from doing that. It just makes them easier to kill. Anger clouds judgement and causes mistakes. Your slut knight over there almost punched me over a petty insult. What would have happened in battle." Done inspecting the blade Yenna slid it home before gazing in the fire.