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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue did indeed note the gobbos peril, it was more than likely one of the raiders from before. With narrowed and focused eyes Rikke was about to pass, before pausing and if the goblins weapon was dropped nearby she'd kick it towards his general direction. He was given a chance by the rogue, what happens after the rogue didn't care right now. If no weapon was present focused on reaching Janet Rikke would continue onwards past the goblin, there was no reason to anger whatever had awakened in the cave... not when it was one of the few safe refugees the rogue knew.

Upon reaching the flower field Rikke still kept her eyes sharp for any attempts to catch her, one thing these flowers did not want to do was give the rogue a way to went... unless one of the pods felt particulary brave she'd continue towards the house Mika had shown Janet before, though not before stepping by one of the abbandoned houses and carefully placing Yenna there. Closing the door she'd look around for anything just in case and leave the demoness the rest. Janet should be buried where Venus could see her, not this cave...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sadly for the goblin no weapon was handy knowing the cowardly creature it probably dropped it in its run. Walking by Rikke soon entered the field. All around her the closed flowers glowed showing signs of their little captives inside. Making her way to the tiny village Rikke set Joldra down in an abbandoned house and headed out. It didn't take long for Rikke to find Mika. The girl was laughing and smileing as she spoke to Janet who remained montionless but breathing.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Just as expected, Mika had taken Janet here. Looking down solemnly Rikke silently entered the room and looked up to the sight, though just as she wanted to tell the wildling girl the horrid news... Janet was breathing?!

Rikkes eyes quickly shot wide as she breaking her subtle entrance rushed closer! Did Janet survive?! "Mika, please step aside. Mommy is really hurt!" hope burning bright in her heart the rogue would try to approach and inspect Janet for signs of potential injury.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mika jumped in surprise letting Rikke see a crudly bandaged foot as well as a deep cut on her arm. The wounds oozed lumincent blood but Mika didn't seem overly worried about them. "Rikke!" Mika ran over and hugged her. "I saved mommy from bad place. Used funny liquid to keep her blooming." Looking over Janet Rikke could say it was easier to spot what wasn't injured. Just from her quick look over she could tell both of Janet's legs where broken as well as her right arm and clavicle. Her face was brusied and swollen limiting the girls vision severly. Surface cuts covered the entirity of her body but most would heal quickly. Thought he deeper ones would take awhile longer.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You did very good Mika." the rogue finally cracking a smile would kiss the wildling on her forehead, before turning to Janet "Rikke make sure mommy bloom, don't worry." it looked back, really bad. Likely if it wasn't for the sheer volume of armor and her own absurd constitution Janet wouldn't have even had a chance... but now.

The heroine quickly set out the healing bottles they had left over, perhaps even wasting some she'd not spare any expense and use every single one they still had left over treating Janet, be it soaking a fabric to rest on her forehead, slowly sipping to her or directly applying it to the wounds.

And through her desperate healing, the rogue kept a huge smile, some tears rolling down her cheek.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mika watched Rikke with facination seemingly absorbing every action in great detail. Though with only 3 portions Rikke couldn't do alot. Most of Janet's healing would have to come the hard way. Still she was able to set the broken bones and apply a compress to her knights head. Using Mika Rikke was able to instruct the fast learning girl on how to clean out the wounds. Still even after an hour tending to her friend the knight refused to wake up. Though finnally toll of the day caught up with her and Rikke felt very fatigued.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Fatigue or pain, Rikke would continue her work until she was absolutely sure, the rogue had done everything she could. Her tears finally tried up, would only leave a smile "Don't worry Jan. You just rest now, after you wake up we'll find a good healer." with a kiss on her knights cheek the rogue could finally step back "Mika, I'm leaving you to look after mommy for now. Do not disturb her rest okay?" the heroine smiled earnestly and would walk outside for a bit. Sitting down at the closest possible obstacle the heroine smiled sadly and felt her fatigue from both her psychological trauma and psychical exhaustion set in... still she needed to do one final thing.

The heroine picked up her mirror and looked to it with a sad smile, Jessica should know that she was okay... and finally, the Master was dead.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slipped the mirror of its hook and held a moment. Yenna had used it quite a bit. Forcing her thoughts away Rikke called out to Jess who ran to the mirror instantly. "Rikke we just heard about Yenna! Are you and Janet okay!" Jessica's face was full of worry and Rikke could see she had been crying. "We didn't hear anything in so long... I got worried that they found you..." Jessica held back a sniffle as Rikke began to respond only to be distracted by a high pitched yelp. Looking up Rikke could see the goblin from the tunnel had finally lost his battle with the vine. Watching in horror Rikke saw the vine pull the struggling goblin up higher and higher till it was out of sight a final sicking scream the only sound she heard from the creature. A moment later long desicated bone fell from the celling dropping among the flowers causing Rikke to shutter.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seeing Jessica broke the rogues tired expression to yet another earnest smile "Hey Jess... Janets beat up pretty bad, I've got a few bruises and sore bones, but fine otherwise..." after remaining silent for a brief moment RIkke spoke up "Jess... we did it. We finally did it." she cracked up once more, letting some tears of joy this time flow down "We won. We beat the Master--" it was then the gobos fate played out.

Rikke looked to the horrid sight and quickly stood up "Jess, we may still be in danger. Once Janet is better we'll contact you alright, but if you can promise me one thing." in a rushed tone the rogue continued "Ella must not reach Yenna. Yenna died because she shielded me more the Masters final attack... she died pure Jess, not corrupt from Ellas influence." the heroine frowned clearly determined "I'd sooner die than let her corrupt Yenna again." listening out to what Jess had to say on the matter Rikke clearly had something else to deal with in the caves.

Those wines... what the heck was that thing up there. The heroine turned to the shack where Yoldra was and would sleep there for the night, making sure to keep the demoness away from any spaces the possible wines could come from. Perhaps this was the caves natural defense against corrupt creatures, but then where was it earlier? What woke it?
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

To many questions not enough answers. Thankfully the house looekd rather secure. Looking out a window Rikke could see Mika still talking ot a sleeping Janet not at all worried about the horors going on above. Whether or not Rikke stayed bottled up in the hut was her decsion but it would be a long wait in a cramped space.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

If the defense came after corrupt creatures, Yoldra would surely be attacked. Rikke looked to the demoness briefly with some disdain, but she'd quickly remember what sort of state she had found her, instantly diminishing any hate towards the woman. Getting cozy near the few entrances to the abbandoned hovel Rikke would stay guard... and without even realizing it, fall into a deep slumber.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke had no dreams. So complete her exhaustion even her troubled selves gave her a break and she was able to rest for a good while. Still it was quite the surprise when Rikke awoke to a cry. Jolting awake Rikke quickly checked behind her to find Joldra just fine and still asleep. Looking out Rikke saw Janet still resting. If it wasn't Janet or Joldra.. Mika. Scanning quickly Rikke soon found the wildling. Still just as naked as the day the found her Rikke noticed a slight change in the girl. With the sleep leaving her eyes Rikke could finally see what was diffrent. All over her body little red dots had fromed. This seemed to cause some distress for the girl causing her to shake and moan. Watching longer Rikke saw some of the vines from before scoop down and grab her though it looked rather gentle. Running out Rikke drew her blade danger be damned. "No Rikke stay! Watch Mama!" Slowly and gently the tenderals continued to pull Mika up only to deposit her on a tall shroom. Several of the other tenderals quickly grabbed the bendy mushroom as Mika crawled to the center. After a moment a phalic pink tenderal extened down and entered Mika who gasped. Watching she saw the thing pump into her a few times before depositing some sort of liquid in her.

Thats when things got intresting. Suddenly Mika became a swirl of color as the tiny red dots on her suddenly flared to life. Lumincet spores errupted out of her skin and filled the sky with a sparkling multicollored mist. After than Mika seemed to pass out and the vines let the mushroom deposit her back on the ground gently.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seeing the wines near Mika, Rikke quickly shook off her sleep wearyness and charged forward "Don't you dare! Let Mika go!" only the wildling girls voice stopped the heroine from unleashing havoc on the plants. Still Mika seemed conscious and the wines were acting significantly differently to her.

The rogue sheathed her blade unwillingly and trusted Mika to know what was going on. And what happened was nothing short of wonderous... with a dash of perversion. Still with Mika let down, Rikke would approach and pick up the wildling girl gently "Hum~ Guess we'll need to call you a woman now." the rogue giggled playfully, perhaps she just saw a rite of passage or rite of adulthood for the wildlings.

Either way, Rikke would return Mika to Janets resting place and set her down on some soft moss, before looking over how her knights recovery was going. After that she'd just guard outside alone with her thoughts, while victorious Rikke certainly didn't feel like it... her knight may have suffered a crippling injury and the angel she so related was... still with those thoughts in mind the rogue would keep guard in silence.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke picked Mika up the wildling woman cuddled against her. Being this close Rikke saw her own skin start to take on the glow as the spore recolonized her hair. Seemed they had finnally worked their way past her natural resistance. Though even Mika seemed to have changed a little her skin while still the light purple had the pink markings change. They where no longer a soft radent pink and more of a deeping blue. Still she set the girl down and stood watch for an hour or more until.

"Sit down already your giving me a headache"

Turning sharply Rikke spotted Janet smileing at her. The swelling on her fac had mostly gone away though the skin was still darkened by the bruises. Mika was still asleep leaving the two alone.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well she wouldn't be asleep for much longer... "JANET!" Rikke cried out and ran up to the knight giving her a deep hug, before instantly easing up as the knight squirmed in light pain, she wasnt in shape for such hugs quite yet. Looking to the girl sheepishly, Rikke would once more give her a far more gentle and careful hug, holding her for a bit "I was so worried... Thank all the divines, you're okay!"

Mika likely would've wanted her turn aswell, though after that Rikke would mention what happened to the wildling girl not too long ago "Judging by the..." the heroine giggled lightly covering her mouth "Tool used by the mushroom, I do believe she's not a little girl anymore." the rogue smiled playfully to her knight.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Tool... oh OHHHhh!" Janet seemed to frown at this but relaxed as Mika gave her a hug. Sitting down again Rikke explained what happened after Janet was taken out of the fight. A little wetness clouded the girls eyes. "Poor Yenna....." Trying to sit up Janet winced in pain and settled back down. "R-Rikke... I don't think Im going anywhere for awhile. No at lest till I get a proper healer."

"What in the Hells! Where the blazes am I!" Rikke and Janet winced. It seemed Joldra had awoken at last.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ofcourse Rikke would mention Yenna last, her brigth eyes quickly enveloped by sadness. She'd spare no details about how heroic the angel fought after Janet was knocked out, how the girl she and Janet saw before was back for this final fights... and of course the final sacrifice she made "A scout took her away, while I stayed to find you." the rogue smiled brightly "Thanks, Jan. For everything."

However at the mention of the healer, Janet was more than likely right. When Rikke found her, both of the knights legs were broken... a healing potion may have prevented permament damage, but it was in no way a proper fix "I guess we'll have no choice, but ask the sisters to send a healer here--" and then the curses from nearby rang out.

Rikke smirked at the shouts knowing all too well who it was "If you have energy to shoot off your mouth, then come on in here." the heroine called out and smiled teasingly as the demoness, who needed her arch-enemy to rescue her, showed up "Long time no see."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed a moment latter Joldra came mincing her way towards the group. Mika however seemed to freak out and tried to hid. "Whats her problum?" The sounds of debris falling from above gave Rikke all the warning she needed. The vines where moving again.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked up "Shit! The vines are coming for her!" the heroine turned to the demoness and motioned to her "Get in and stay away from the windows or doors! Now!" what activated the defense? The rogue turned to Mika and quickly croached next to her "Mika, she's a guest. Stinky not hurt Mommy, Rikke or Mika. Rikke promise okay?" hopefully Janet joined in and with Mika calmed the grove would calm down as well.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"STINKY!?" Joldra looked at her stat and blushed a little. "I may be covered in cum but I am not stinky ya little brat!"

"Hey demon shut up its not about your smell." This drew a rather annoyed glance from Joldra but she remained quiet.

Mika huddled next to Janet and Rikke nodding but still looking at Joldra with fear. Clearly the demon wouldn't be safe untill Mika felt secure.