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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Noting Janets reaction to the coat thief Rikke would only keep a smile and shrug casually, Joldra will be Joldra... "Alright, but keep the warmer ones for yourself and especially Mika." the rogue looked to the wildling "Something tells me winter is going to be a shock to her. We'll get her back to the Island once we meet up with Sam and Ven."

Looking to her lovers tell-tale signs, Rikke would slowly lean in and give a ever gentle kiss on her lovers lips, looking to wake her up in such a way.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke leaned it she felt heat radiating off Jess. Still nothing could stop her for leaning in for a kiss. This of course caused Mika to giggle like a girl. Still the touch had the desired effect. A familar friend soon found its way to Rikke and pulled her close as Jess opened her now normal colored eyes. "Hey~" She smiled at her and at the moment everything seemed right in the world.

*Cough* "Come on you two don't make me get a bucket. We should get moving." Janet had a bumused look on her face as Mika pouted. "Mama don't be mean to the pretty lady!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke felt herself tugged onto her lover, only after Rikke pushed back could she see her lovers eyes open and looking to her "About time you woke up, sleepy head." the heroine looked to her lover teasingly, before slowly leaning to a far deeper kiss... only for Janets cough to remind her, the two weren't alone.

"m. Right, we got our winter clothes." Rikke leaned out with a casual smile and tapped the tail a few times signaling it to uncoil "Amber is already deep in search for Ella, but as things are right now, it's hard to say where she went." the heroine quickly got her lover up to date.

Rikke smiled happily "As things are right now, we're ready to leave whenever you are- er... Atleast I think we area." the rogue smiled wryly to Janet, clearly glancing to the clothes... were they ready for their upcoming quick trip?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet had already turned back to the cloths and handed some to Mika who looked confused. "As good as they are going to get with out an expert touch." Looking to Mika Janet smiled and sighed slightly. "Its just like how I explained cloths to you Mika dear. Remeber?" Mika nodded and began to get covered up. Of course it didn't turn out exactly as it should. The poor girl had put her coat on backwards and her cloack was inside out. She at lest got the warm fuzzy hat in the right place. Smiling the wildling look proud at her efforts. "Secound time Mika dress herself!" Chuckling Rikke remebered Janets first attempts to dress Mika didn't turn out so well either but at lest the girl now had an idea on how to dress even if it was umm flawed. Janet of course was still busy sorting supplies so she didn't quiet see what Mika had done. "Rikke we should leave this place. Lets head back to the Peslies they might be able to help us. Not to mention we have to let them know lil Rikke is gonna be safe now." Jessica smiled before getting up and helping Mika fix her cloths.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

An inside out winter coat... Rikke snickered mentally at the sight, perhaps in some strange land it may be seen fashionable "Aye!" Rikke cheered out in encouragement at the wildling girl. Likely drawing Janets attention and a particulary painful eye roll from Joldra.

The heroine smiled to her lover, seemed she too was set to leave the mansion... after a very long visit "Are you sure? Maybe we should ask Amber to inform us how the search for Ella is going first." the rogues mood dimmed briefly "Yennas death... a loved ones death can make someone do crazy things. I'm a bit worried about her. I'm sure you are too." she'd meet Jessicas eyes with a kind smile.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet was far to busy sorting supplies to see the mischife that had transspired. It seemd not only her and Jess wanted to leave this place. Looking back as she smoothed out the coat properly Jessica frowned. "I am worried about her but Im more worried about about people who run into her." Mika looked at the sad woman and frowned. "Scary lady will be fine. Mika sure of it." This brought a look from Jessica. "Mika.. Ella is just very sad.. not scary..." Jess's voice was full of emotion truely where Amber was the brain of the sisters Jess was the beating heart. "All set! Lets get going." Janet looked up and frowned at Joldra who was already ready to head out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke nodded to her lover with a smile, it was her choice "Either way I need to ask around about Yenna. I was going to ask Ella about her Yenna, but unfortunately she disappeared before I could get the chance." if Jessica asked what Rikke wanted to know, the heroine would inform her about the two close friends Yenna had and a promise to find them.

"Hope you don't mind me, already plotting a course for more adventure." Rikke smiled sheepishly to Jessica. Still unless Jessica had some input the rogue likely have to do one final trip to Amber, before her business with the tower was over.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We never found them Rikke...." Jess looked at her a moment. Rikke had almost forgotten that Jess was with the sisters when it happened. "Maybe the found out what happened and where recalled but the sisters never found the other two angels. Ella kept Yenna and the other was sent to another demon in payment for a favor." Jess looked at Rikke a moment. "It comes to mind that perhapse you should speak to an angel or at lest an upper ranked faye if you want to find what your looking for. Personally I think its a foolish quest. Angels hardly take note of their fallen comrades and treat them far worse than any demon they encounter." Joldra looked over at Rikke her face pasonless.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Unfortunately, I don't know any angels... and the only higher faye I know is overlooking a distant island." Rikke sat right down and sighed deeply "So... that means we find that demon the angels were sold off." the rogue winced lightly clearly not keen on mingling in even more demonic activity... especially slavery.

Whether Jessica shared the distate of possible demonic slavers encounters, Rikkes expression left little doubt, that she was going to keep the promise... even if meant jumping back into the demonic underworld.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Why make it so hard Rikke. You know several powerful mages and even if they cannot do it they are bound to know someone who can." Janet smirked at Rikke before slinging a pack over her shoulder. "Besides I don't feel like a trip to Archon. That place..." "Is a haven for demons who want a diffrent life. In fact I was thinking about having you take me to that place." Jess looked thoughtful as Mika fiddled with her hat. "It could be a good place to suggest the sisters to go to...."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked through her companions reactions gauging each carefully "A different life?" the rogue looked to Joldra to elaborate, or anyone to elaborate what exactly Archon was. For how much she had traveled, demonic cities were usually only skimmed or completely avoided by the rogue.

She'd also need to ask the demoness if she has contacts there, going in blind to a new town... for how experienced in battle they were, fighting a whole town and it's underbelly would not be possible scenario.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Archon is a neutral city where demon and mortal can go to do or partake of any pleasure or buisness. They have no loyalty to the demon realm or to any nation. It would be a fresh start for me and I could use my talents to carve out my own life there." Janet didn't seem to assured at this. "I still think its a bad idea. That town is nothing but a pit of dipravity." Jessica didn't seem to have a thought on the matter as she kept a thoughtful look on her face no doubt mulling over possible outcomes.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"If we have to go there to find Yennas friends. We'll go." Rikke kept her eyes down and later sadly raised them to Janet "Not to mention it seems to align to our other interests of the sisters inn... as well as a possible fresh start to someone else." the rogue to the demoness with a light smile.

"We'll need to leave Mika on the Island though." that was one more aspect Janet likely felt more than abit uneasy about... leaving Mika.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke.... I....." Janet looked away.. "I cannot follow you there. I cannot leave Mika with people she wouldn't know and I have alot to teach her. Besides Jess is rescued you.. don't need me...." The last part sounded very final and sad. Perhapse it was the connection between them that they shared that clued Rikke in to Janets emontions for despite her brave face Rikke could feel the knight's inward turmoil. "It would probably be best anyway. Janet and Mika would stick out to much and would become targets for less than savory people." Joldra meawhile sounded like she had actual concern in her voice.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While it was sad it was the truth, a white knight and a child-like girl in a demonic city... they'd be swarmed with attention and possible mistrust before even reaching the town gate. Rikke remained silent briefly, before cracking a smile and standing from the chair giving Janet a deep hug "There is no 'need' in our relationship, Janet." she'd lean out with a encouraging smile "There won't be a moment, when I wouldn't want you to be with me." she'd turn to Mika who was busy retrying a different way to get into the warmer clothes... this time sideways "But I completely understand..."

Suddenly the rogue raised a finger infront of Janet "But on one condition." she'd tap her knights nose playfully with the finger, before continueing "You'll need to stay on the Island for a bit. Yuna could use some help and it's the best place for Mika."

"Not to mention it would be an easy place for me to always meet up with you. Deal?" she'd keep her hands gently on Janet still smiling hopefully.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet smiled slightly. "I-Im sure the pristess will understand and give me a little time off." Janet sounded a little hopeful and Mika final succeeded getting a coat on correctly. Even Joldra smiled and turned away before speaking. "Good I don't need Ms. Prude cramping my style." Jessica finally looked up at Janet as well. "Ill miss you Janet keep safe okay."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey hey!" Rikke looked back to the two "Don't say goodbye yet. We've still got a long trip back to the exit you know." the rogue laughed warmly and made a fake pouty face "Don't make the trip akward."

"But..." she'd lean in once more into a deep hug "Thank you so much, Janet. This means more to me than you can imagine." in fact... Janet was perfect for what Rikke planned for Yuna.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At first Janet seemed surprised at the hug before relaxing into it. Holding Janet close she could feel the warmth of her friend the beat of her heart which had noticably increased. Pulling apart slightly Janet looked at Rikke unsure of something. Out of the corner of her eye however Rikke saw Jessica smile and nod at the girl. A moment later Janet pressed her lips against Rikke and kissed her deep holding it a moment till Mika giggles seemed to end the moment. "Ive been wanting to do that for a long time now Rikke. I just couldn't with out.. asking first." For Rikke's part she tasted how pure Janet was despite how she first met the disgraced knight. It was a memerable moment.

"If you two are done making out can we get going please. I don't want to be here when Vivi gets done with that poor sod in her room." Nodding Jessica opened up a portal to what looked like a front door standing in the middle of a blasted field.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well it was certainly a shock, but far from an unpleasant one. Instead of resisting or leaning out, Rikke only smiled and returned the kiss with mirrored passion. A kiss echoing both gratitude and their deep bond, kiss not from lust, but from a certain aspect of love.

Rikke even brushed her hand across Janets cheek, moving her hair aside as she leaned in deep, though keeping their tongue dance neat and tasteful. Still when the kiss ended both of the two, got a in depth feel of the other. Rikke never doubted Janets purity, even if her time in the inn should've left a blemish it was a but gone now.

"M~ If I knew you'd kiss me like that, I would've been the one asking for permission." Rikke winked slyly to Janet, though between Joldra grumblings and Mikas giggles it was time to break it up.

"Portal?" Rikke looked to Jessica curious, who'd explain its destination and right after, it was time to finally leave the tower. The rogue had not just saved Jessica, but defeated her greatest enemy of the past... stepping outside there was no great parade or cheers of those she saved, but surrounded by her friends and an unlikely ally, Rikke knew that the past which was so keen bitting at her heels, was finally gone. She could finally be truly free... "Well then, let's go!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its the main entrance it will lead us out." Gathering up her friends Rikke stepped into the portal to the old doors. Opening them revealed a deep fresh and crisp layer of snow. Hanging off a pole however was a small nearly frozen spider web with an intresting pattern. Looking closely it formed the words thank you. While it wasn't a perade or a roaring crowd it was touching until Rikke realized what it was made from. Moving out they found it slow going but managed to find the camp or rather Willow managed to find Rikke first. Bounding out of the snow the large Malmut nearly tackled Rikke to the ground before the rogue managed to get him under control. He was of course followed by Venise who finsihed what Willow had started. Samuel was next and thankfully he kept his normal apperance though he eyed Janet warrily.