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ACT Loli [チェリーポイ] Zurine Adventure (RJ080121, RJ081110, RJ085589)

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Re: Zurine Adventure

I wasn't sure if Dark would take the link down or not. I have it though, if anybody wants it. Just PM me.
Re: Zurine Adventure

There really isn't that much new stuff in it apparently?
Re: Zurine Adventure

That's true.

Can you play the games nude like Zoorine?
Re: Zurine Adventure


3 fat boy sex scene


Red machine tickle (wasted opportunity)

Fat boy breast sucking and jerking

Mekako: (Most content)

Nude area

Nude flea "hot dogging"

Nude battery charger enemy animation

Nude battery + flea = New flea anal animation

Nude battery + fat boy = Fat boy scene, blowjob

If you survive the nude area, you can run around in the game nude, but the animations are all as if she was dressed.

And that's all folks.
Re: Zurine Adventure


3 fat boy sex scene


Red machine tickle (wasted opportunity)

Fat boy breast sucking and jerking

Mekako: (Most content)

Nude area

Nude flea "hot dogging"

Nude battery charger enemy animation

Nude battery + flea = New flea anal animation

Nude battery + fat boy = Fat boy scene, blowjob

If you survive the nude area, you can run around in the game nude, but the animations are all as if she was dressed.

And that's all folks.

so i'm guessing to see all of these you had to replay though the entire game again.
Re: Zurine Adventure

so i'm guessing to see all of these you had to replay though the entire game again.

Nope, they're in the 'lobby'. In the first two games there's a door next to the save point and crystal ball. For the third game, you'd notice a water stream leading up in the room. All in all. Just some extra stuff. Not really expanding.
Re: Zurine Adventure

They hype was definitely more intense than the actual product. Hopefully they release a whole new game, or an actual expansion to these games.
Re: Zurine Adventure

For everybody wondering, I will not be taking down the links of the first game.
Re: Zurine Adventure

I edited my post on PAGE 6 to get the first game. So please don't flood my inbox. ^^
Re: Zurine Adventure

I'll be providing links shortly. We're not allowed to give a link to the first one, correct? Due to the loli-whatsits?

Here's the links for Mecha and the lovely green haired one.

Mecha -

Green Haired -

EDIT: Here's the first game.

Zurine -

Let me know if they don't work or anything.

Is this Mecha have the new content? I unzip this one it seems I have to redo the whole game over just to see the new content.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Is this Mecha have the new content? I unzip this one it seems I have to redo the whole game over just to see the new content.

I noticed that the download file for the Mecha doesn't have a 100% save file included, the other versions included save files up to the new content.

Does anyone have a link to the new 100% save file for the mecha?
Re: Zurine Adventure

Here's mine. I actually just copied it from the previous version, but I haven't seen any problems yet.

Re: Zurine Adventure

Okay, so I think I have finished all the new stuff in the Mecha Girl one, you can now turn naked (YAY!!), but only in a special room. In that room is the green charger robot, the fly, and the nerdy fellow (not my favorite :/ ) The fly has a new animation for rape without clothes, but nothing too sepcial, but he takes a different position when you are charging the green robot. The green charger also has a new animation, but I haven't seen the whole thing because you cannot get raped by the charger alone, and always turned into a gangbang. The nerd will only rape if you are already being raped by the charger, which makes her give him a blowjob. At the northernmost part of the room is a hole that takes you to a simple new level, with the Green Robot, the Nerd and the Fly. Beating it repeatedly did not seem to do anything :(

This is all I found so far, let me know if you find anything else.

Edit: How did I miss someone already posting this? Ninja'd over 24 hours!?
Last edited:
Re: Zurine Adventure

I think a bunch of you are forgetting the fact that he added this content to games he already had for sale. meaning he gets no extra money from people who already purchased it.

He did this because he wanted practice doing full-screen animations and add one or two extra things to his games, not to make money.

So stop the whole "I feel so ripped off" routine. I doubt much of any of you bought any of them. Okay, you expected double or triple the material in each of the games. Still. For what you paid for it (nothing) you're still getting a good deal.

What should be taken from these updates is the fact that stuff like this new material will most likely be included from square one in his next game. and despite the small amount of work he added, that small amount is still of good quality.
So this just makes me more eager for his 4th game.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Okay, so I think I have finished all the new stuff in the Mecha Girl one, you can now turn naked (YAY!!), but only in a special room. In that room is the green charger robot, the fly, and the nerdy fellow (not my favorite :/ ) The fly has a new animation for rape without clothes, but nothing too sepcial, but he takes a different position when you are charging the green robot. The green charger also has a new animation, but I haven't seen the whole thing because you cannot get raped by the charger alone, and always turned into a gangbang. The nerd will only rape if you are already being raped by the charger, which makes her give him a blowjob. At the northernmost part of the room is a hole that takes you to a simple new level, with the Green Robot, the Nerd and the Fly. Beating it repeatedly did not seem to do anything :(

This is all I found so far, let me know if you find anything else.

Where is the room you're talking about? The starting room with the 4 squares at the bottom had a room for the other two one's where you could do stuff in at the top left of the screen, but the mecha one doesn't. Am I missin somethin?
Re: Zurine Adventure

Two new pics up.

Hopefully the new game's roster as well as our three heroines.
Re: Zurine Adventure

I wonder if hes planning on a mini pokewoman adventure or something?
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