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Re: Hate Thread

First time this year it's been humid enough to cause sweating without being overly hot out x.x Spring from hell, I swear (following the winter and summer from hell, figures)
Re: Hate Thread

I just use the gay card when talk of grandkids comes out. Gets me out of the conversation right quick to avoid any ackwardness. :p

Though if you jokingly told her you were gay to get out of your situation, you might suddenly find pictures of cute boys in your mail box from yer mum saying "Isn't he a dear, I think you two would make a great couple,".

Heh... sorry, just bein silly.

Wouldn't work for me because well my mom would do exactly that along with the paperwork to adopt a grandchild for her. Plus it's almost impossible to have an awkward conversation with my mom, seriously nothing fazes her. It's easier to make me feel awkward.
Re: Hate Thread

Tell her you're a pedophile, problem solved

Though it might cause some undesired side-effects ;)

I really hate Diabetes, not because its such a pain to deal with, but because the people around me make it so much harder, I spend more time dealing with the people around me than I do on dealing with the damn handicap
Re: Hate Thread

The dictionary for texting on my phone. When talking to an unknown contact and figuring out who they are, "I forgot to add you" can quickly become "I forgot to bed you". Caught it before I sent it though, heh.
Re: Hate Thread

"Does your puppy like anal?"
o_O No, cell phone, that is NOT what I meant to type.
Re: Hate Thread

"Does your pussy like coal?"
"Does your puppy like cock?"
"Does your pussy like anal?" just sounds dumb, but I will now use that line ALL THE TIME now. As a matter of fact, I will rep you just for making me think that line.

*edit* no, I can't because of waptor jesus
Re: Hate Thread

Wow. I was gonna get +repped twice by the same person? Scary, that's never happened. Glad I could put a smile on that scowling face.
Re: Hate Thread

My goddamn laptop seems to have the ability to wake itself up out of sleep mode. I know the bastard went into sleep mode before I went to bed last night but when I woke up today I found the thing wide awake. So can't wait to get my desktop.
Re: Hate Thread

Mine will do that once in awhile even if it's closed. Kinda weird really.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, my laptop was closed as well. It's the second time it's done it too.
Re: Hate Thread

See, it creeps me out when technology does stuff like that.
Re: Hate Thread

It annoys me more than anything 1) because it could burn out the computer and 2) it's time wasted when the damn thing could be finishing off my torrents.
Re: Hate Thread

Fair nough. Though if closed it shouldn't stay awake for long... at least mine doesn't. It'll wake up and soon go back to sleep.
Re: Hate Thread

From the temperature of my laptop it had been on for several hours at least. And from the times that was logged on MSN from when Nunu messaged me it had been on since about 2am.
Re: Hate Thread

That's... rather odd. I got nothing else.