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Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

Vida and Qwatz falling hit something. In fact they hit alot of somethings.As Vida's and Qwatz minds tried to interpret what happened, they felt alot of stings all of their bodies. Qwatz was the first to realize what this sting meant.
"Tentacle SPAWNS!" EXCLAIMED Qwatz before one shoved itself into her mouth. Vida didn't even get the chance to respond back because they were literally being covered by the tentacle spawns. No matter how much they thrashed they could not escape. Vida cried out as some them stretched her nipples and entered her breasts. Qwatz also cried out she felt them enter into her penis. Needless to say they weren't escaping for a long time.

3 days later.
All the original tentacle spawns had left. Both Qwatz and Vida were heavily pregnant. Vida breasts were gushing milk. Her nipples were no longer tight, enough to hold it back. Qwatz however was not so lucky as Vida. Qwatz had lost her mind. Vida stared as Qwatz was carried away by all their children they had both birthed. Vida too was being carried but she managed to get out of her children's grasp. They could've followed her due to the trail of milk she left behind, but they ignored her since they had Qwatz who was quite willing to have as much sex as possible. Vida cried as she left her friend behind, knowing that if she went back Qwatz would only help the tentacle creatures to capture her. As a sobbing Vida stumbled around, she found an exit.
Heavily pregnant, due to all the fertility drugs given to her by the tentacle spawns [green] Vida will birth Tentacle babies for the next 5 turns 0/5. Vida's nipples are stretched meaning there can be insertions.
Extremely Tired. Pregnant Body means slow movement.
Stats: Increased CharismaX2. Regenerating stamina, lactating, easier to orgasm/pregnant from the white pill. Birth's easier. Permanent effect, 100% chance of becoming pregnant. Due to race change, Vida is now more submissive, and stamina has been quadrupled as has pleasure. Due to fertility drug overuse, Vida now hungers to be pregnant. While pregnant, Vida can't lose stamina.
Hp: 80%
Stamina: 600 - 400 = 200/640 Max Stamina.
Qwatz is now a broodmother to tentacles.

1.) Exit the pit room.
2.) Wait to recover (Chance of being captured, by tentacle creatures.)
3.) Other.

Epilogue for Qwatz:Qwatz was smiling dreamily as she felt another baby leave her body. She cooed to it "come her my child and suckle upon my breast." Immediately she felt it complied and she felt one of her grown babies put it's seeder inside of her. She knew she was going to be pregnant again. Which made her smile.

(Qwatz did NOT have the stamina.)
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

Damn it, I liked her.
Oh well, 1.
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

Hot, but sad.

Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

Sad indeed.
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

As Vida exited the pit room, birth pangs begin to hit her. Vida groaned as she stumbled into the room.
"Why, what do we have here?" said an Old man, Vida noticed but she cried out and begin to give birth. The old man stared at Vida as she layed prone on the floor her breasts leaking milk, legs apart, giving him a clear view at her vagina and the tentacles coming out of it. The Old man smiled as he watched Vida give birth.
"AUGH!" yelped Vida as the tentacle baby pushed itself all the way out of her. It immediately it tried to suckle upon her heaving breasts only to be picked up, as if by an invisible force and thrown out of the room.

Encountered Old Wizard.
The old man smacked his lips and said "Well we can't have those buggers come out of you while I play." Vida groaned wondering what he meant when she felt a giant force punch hit her bloated stomach. Crying out in agony, Vida felt the other babies inside of her begin to force themselves out. Vida felt them roaring through her wide vagina, and they easily slipped out. Only to die when they reached the outside of her due to the blow from the old wizard. The old wizard went over to Vida and picked up the 4 umbilical cords that were attached to the inside of her womb, and forcefully pulled them out. Vida screamed again as she felt the after birth leave her body. This was the last straw for Vida who promplty fell unconscious. The old man smiled. And begin to cut open the tentacle babies and use their blood for a ritual.
Nipples stretched there can be insertions. Vida's breast nipples have regain enough tightness to keep milk from leaking.
Knocked Out. Forced to give premature birth. After birth violently pulled out.
Stats: Increased CharismaX2. Regenerating stamina, lactating, easier to orgasm/pregnant from the white pill. Birth's easier. Permanent effect, 100% chance of becoming pregnant. Due to race change, Vida is now more submissive, and stamina has been quadrupled as has pleasure. Due to fertility drug overuse, Vida now hungers to be pregnant. While pregnant, Vida can't lose stamina.
Hp: 20%
Stamina: 200 - 150 = 50/640 Max Stamina.

What does Vida wake up to?
1.) Chained to a wall in a luxirous room.
2.) Chained to a wall in a room similar to a dungeon.
3.) Found herself with a newly grown tail.
4.) A summoned creature raping her.
5.) Other.
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

5. 3 and 4
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

It follows thru story line
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

id like 1,

something nice for her:)
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

Agreed, 1.

We've put her through hell so far.
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

( I am just going to combine everyone's vote.)
Vida wakes up to the feeling of something exiting her and a warm liquid inside of her. Vida smiled absently as she felt herself becoming pregnant. She let out a contented sigh, then looked around. She noticed first and foremost the creature that raped her, which was rapidly dissolving. She could not tell what it was. Vida then noticed the Old Wizard smiling as he stared at her stomach.
"Soon, soon you will give birth to a monster for me." cooed the old wizard towards Vida. Vida looked at him confused then looked around. She noticed she was chained to a bed, a very comfortable bed, and she also noticed that there was evidently 1 door and a bathroom in the same room.
"Those chains will release you now." said the Old wizard with an odd relish. He then applied a collar to Vida's neck and the chain's released themselves.
"This collar of lesser obedience will force you to obey my commands, since you are part cow you will obey me without question. Also have you noticed your new tail? Fitting for you I believe." smiled the old man who began to fondle Vida's breasts, which caused them to leak a white stream of milk.
"Now sleep" commanded the old man "and wake only to give birth." Vida happily agreed. She soon was asleep.

50 minutes later.
Vida groaned to wakefulness already she was trying to push the baby out of her. The old man was in the room looking expectantly at Vida. Vida groaned, and groaned. Vida's body convusled as it pushed out, an egg. Vida collapsed and begin to take deep breaths. The old man quickly walked over, took the egg and broke it. As the egg's substances dripped onto the old man's mouth he began to grow younger and younger till he looked like a teenager about to become an adult.
The young man smiled and said "FINALLY I CAN LEAVE THIS ACCURSED DUNGEON!" and with that he vanished from sight. Vida groaned to wakefulness with engorged breasts, and a severe ache in her nether areas.

Vida's tail help's enemies capture her.
Nipples stretched there can be insertions. Vida's breast nipples have regain enough tightness to keep milk from leaking. Engorged Breasts.
Completely rested. Needs to go to the bathroom. Has an obedience collar on, which forces Vida's already submissive nature to give in is now intensified.
Stats: Increased CharismaX2. Increased chance of being captured. Regenerating stamina, lactating, easier to orgasm/pregnant from the white pill. Birth's easier. Permanent effect, 100% chance of becoming pregnant. Due to race change, Vida is now more submissive, and stamina has been quadrupled as has pleasure. Due to fertility drug overuse, Vida now hungers to be pregnant. While pregnant, Vida can't lose stamina.
Hp: 100%
Stamina: 50 + 590 = 640/640 Max Stamina.

1.) Take off collar and go to the bathroom.
2.) Go through the exit.
3.) Combine 1 and 2.
4.) Other.
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

(Already on Page 8..... Wow I must update too often.)
Vida feeling the need to go to the bathroom, went over to the toilet. Vida sat down and took a pee and a poop. While she did that she begin to take off the collar around her neck. It took awhile to get the collar off, but it was taken off. Vida got up and stretched and then walked over to the door. She opened it and found herself in the previous room, where she encountered the wizard. She then saw the tentacle creatures, dead on the ground with the afterbirth nearby, both decaying. It was stinking in this place. Vida felt her breasts which had began to hurt her again. They felt literally like they were going to explode.
Due to all the births Vida's breasts have expanded again, to the size of P cups. Her breasts now get in the way of her fighting.
Nipples stretched there can be insertions. Vida's breast nipples have regain enough tightness to keep milk from leaking. Engorged Breasts.
Full Strength. Breasts make her easy target.
Stats: Increased CharismaX2. Increased chance of being capturedX2 due to increased breast size and tail. Regenerating stamina, lactating, easier to orgasm/pregnant from the white pill. Birth's easier. Permanent effect, 100% chance of becoming pregnant. Due to race change, Vida is now more submissive, and stamina has been quadrupled as has pleasure. Due to fertility drug overuse, Vida now hungers to be pregnant. While pregnant, Vida can't lose stamina.
Hp: 100%
Stamina: 640/640 Max Stamina.

1.A) Vida's milk's herself as she walks to the next room.
1.B) Vida's milk's herself as she walks to the pit room.
2.) Milk herself while staying in stinky room. (Chance of dieing.)
3.) Move on to next room.
4.) Go back to the pit.
5.) Other.

(Vida is now a, a, I don't know, Vida's just in alot of trouble.)
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

Vida fearing her breasts will explode, gently brought one of them to her lips. She began to suck upon her own breast. A gush of milk entered her mouth. While Vida suckled alternately upon each breast she walked into the next room. Vida did not notice the trip wire and went collapsing to the floor. Instead of slamming against the floor, she slammed against a bouncy surface. While she bounced both breasts were free from her mouth. She felt them go up and down and literally dragged her down. Vida heard a slurp as soon as her breasts hit the bouncy ground and stuck. As Vida tried to pick her self up, she felt something against her crotch. Before she could even began to wonder what it was, it entered her, and began to inflate inside of her vaginal passage. Vida tried to pull it out but failed. She also felt a suction upon her breasts. Then two things entered her breasts, she gasped in surprised and felt them move around inside her breasts. Vida gasped and groaned her tail twitching before being caughted.
Being nipple fucked, also milk is being sucked out. Vida's breast nipples have regain enough tightness to keep milk from leaking. Engorged Breasts.
Full Strength. Breasts make her easy target. Tail caught.
Stats: Increased CharismaX2. Increased chance of being capturedX2 due to increased breast size and tail. Regenerating stamina, lactating, easier to orgasm/pregnant from the white pill. Birth's easier. Permanent effect, 100% chance of becoming pregnant. Due to race change, Vida is now more submissive, and stamina has been quadrupled as has pleasure. Due to fertility drug overuse, Vida now hungers to be pregnant. While pregnant, Vida can't lose stamina.
Hp: 100%
Stamina: 640/640 Max Stamina.

1.) Allow whatever it is to continue.
2.) Try to escape.
3.) Other.
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

2? make her panic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Choose your own adventure story DoP style. Diagasvesle.

1, she wants to get pregnant right?