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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

As Christine melts from the pleasure of her new piercings and the tugging on the chain, however gentle, she feels a questing finger running along her folds before that delightful pressure and vibration rolls through her clit. A third stud was attached and a chain ran from her folds to the center of her nipple chain, the thin gold now tugging at her three most sensitive places regularly while Chinta lubed himself up on her abused folds.

He seemed to have gotten her message about using her mouth and didn't try again, instead slowly working himself into her ass, pushing steadily before finally entering her and moaning loudly, gasping as he hilted himself in her rear. He continued to tug regularly on the chain, causing sharp spikes of pleasure to bolt through her body as he drew back to start thrusting, taking her ass slowly at first before working into a proper pace as he leaned over her. His lips found her gagged mouth and rather then kiss he simply thrust his tongue through the ring, pushing and playing with her own. She was more then quick to cum with the constant stimulation to her nipples let alone her clit while he thrust.

After she did, he'd remove her gag and kiss her properly, hungrily as he tossed it aside, looking unsure about how far to go with her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The stimulation of her clit is almost too much for Christine, who is already near her limits, each tug sending even more pleasure coursing through her as Chinta oh, so torturously gently works his way into her pucker. Not that the added pleasure makes much of a difference as Christine quickly cums again, her pucker clenching tightly around his member as she does so.

When Chinta removes the gag, the kitsune is panting with exhaustion. She still manages to muster an insult. "You're the one who should be tied up, not me. What are you, a man or a boytoy?"
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Chinta looks at her at the question, but Christine knew he was pretty gentle natured but she was the helpless one. At her insult, he thrust particularly hard into her ass and gave the chains a good pull, before smirking. Your song was better when your mouth was busy. he said, grabbing a ball-gag and shoving it between her lips, buckling it all into place tightly.

He'd fuck her ass until he finished, continuing to tug on the chain just to force her to cum, exhausting her completely by the time he poured a full load into her asshole. That done, he pulled out and regarded her, seed leaking slowly from both her holes, and contemplated the chain still between his fingers. smirking, he gave her something to do for the rest of the night, by retrieving a leash and tying it to the headboard, clipping it to her leash with a snap. I'll be around to wake you up and let you go. but for now you can decide if I'm a man or not. Easiest way to keep you from just teleporting away would be to do this. he said, fitting a blindfold over her eyes tightly. So she couldn't see where she could port making it very dangerous or entirely impossible. She heard the door close not long after as he left her there tightly bound, gagged, blindfolded, and used, leashed to the headboard. She'd have to think of a way out on her own if she didn't want him to fuck her again. he probably would long and hard later for that insult just to hear her cum again.
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Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine yelps loudly as Chinta pulls the chain while ramming his member deeper into her pucker, giving him plenty of time to fit the new gag into place. The challenge on her eyes doesn't fade, however, and she keeps staring at Chinta even as she squirms and struggles in her bindings through an orgasm, then another and another until he finally cums. Leaving her looking like a proper fucktoy, Chinta leashes her to a bedpost and then, to add insult to injure, blindfolds her before finally heading back to his own room.

Renewing her struggles to get free, Christine contorts herself for a while just for fun before giving up. She then tries her magic, only to find out that whatever spell Helena used must still be working. Seeing no other options, she tries to sleep, but the bindings leave her almost instinctively struggling until she finally passes out from exhaustion.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine does manage to eventually sleep, and sleep well thanks to the pleasure the night before despite the bindings, waking up on her side in the fetal position without any problems save a little stiffness in her limbs. She can feel her magic back up and working, and from the smell of things, has woken up early. Breakfast has only just been started down below in the Inn.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Waking up in a rather peculiar mood, Christine briefly debates with herself whether to wait for Chinta to come back. Then the smell of breakfast reaches the part of her that makes these decisions and decides that she's been tied up for quite long enough. Shifting into her fox form, Christine slips away from her bindings before taking the form of an ordinary human again and quickly washing herself before getting dressed and heading downstairs.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Getting cleaned up and dressed, the restraints left there, she was sure Chinta would grab them, Christine got to enjoy the feeling of her piercings and the weight of the chain as she moved. It wasn't unbearable, just a fun little tease that made her feel sexy. Dressed and ready, she headed downstairs, where the old woman was waiting there smiling.

Good morning! Breakfast is almost ready but these are ready to go if you're peckish. I slept so well last night. she said happily, hmming as she brought Christine a plate of fried eggs and toast, the smell of a sweet sausage gravy being made and fresh biscuits soon ready wafting to her nose and making her mouth water.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

As she heads downstairs, Christine notices for the first time the way the chain moves as she walks. Frowning, she wonders for a moment if there's a way to make it go away, clearly magical as it is. Shrugging, she continues into the common room. "Good morning and thank you. I did as well, it's been a while since I've slept in a real bed." she replies to the greeting with a smile as she accepts the offered plate and retreats to a table near a window, munching on the toast as she waits for the others. Strangely, the toast didn't taste as good as it used to. Coarser flour, I guess. Almost makes me miss the real world.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

While the toast could have been better, there was simply no matching the eggs, which tasted better then any fried eggs she could remember having in her life, same with the biscuits and gravy having been made in a way so old fashioned her old world seemed to have forgotten how to handle meats.

Enjoying her meal, she has about 15 minutes before Dillian and Chinta join her, Chinta with the bag of various devices on his belt and he smiles at her sweetly, sitting down across from her with Dillian while they're brought plates as well.

Looking at her, he simply slid her a note. The piercings wont come off without a keyword I haven't even shared with Chinta, just to annoy you a little, consider it your price for cosmic power beyond your reckoning, but you can change their size, shape, and weight at will if you concentrate hard enough. Though I was tempted not to share this bit of information either. Also the spell I used to silence your magic was a one off on your anklet. It cannot be activated again. A way of ensuring a little fun. Best of luck Christine. I'm sure we'll meet again. it read, signed with a rediculous looping signature. Well, that was the secret to her new piercings it seemed. Chinta didn't mention last night, nor even look like it was on his mind, simply living in the moment and enjoying his meal, Dillian doing the same.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

For once in her life, Christine simply relaxes and eats slowly, not in a hurry to get anywhere today. She's still eating when the others arrive, and she greets them with a warm smile. "Good morning you two. Sleep well? It seems everyone else has." Taking the note from Chinta, she scans it briefly before folding and tucking it into her belt pouch.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian smiled and nodded, before digging into his meal. Love this little place. Poor thing never remembers me, but this is probably the 12 time I've been here. he said, shaking his head and chuckling.

Chinta nodded and pursed his lips for a moment, a slight birdsong lilting into the air before he stopped to avoid drawing attention. A little note of happiness and general content. Fucking birds man.

Fucking Bird Man!

Without any issues and the note in her hands about her piercings, they ate in peace and were ready to move on whenever she wanted, Dillian having already packed and waited for Chinta to wake up before coming down himself. Merely a word from the fluffy tailed party leader and they could be off.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

With nothing much to worry about, Christine finishes eating before her boy toys, and then closes her eyes to focus on the piercings for a moment. Since there would be no more playing for now, she settles for simple studs to minimize the distraction. When the others were ready, Christine would stand up. "Let's go."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The chain vanishes entirely, fading away and leaving her with simple studs, distraction gone. Telling the others it was time to head, Dillian nodded and got his gear and they were ready to continue down towards the capitol. As he'd said before it was a few more hours to the outer wall and he traveled in silence for most of it. Standard traffic rolled on by, wagon and horse, and no one really gave them a second glance.

About an hour away, the size of the redstone walls was coming into focus and Christine realized what they were coming to was indeed a massive urban center. Dillian finally spoke up. We can come in through the main gate as travelers, or we can come in through the cloyster gates towards the temple district. But that will be riskier. Faster, but riskier. There are ways into the distract from within the others that are more discreet. It's up to you Christine. he informed her, before pointing out one thing.

If a gate or a door has large black veined crystals in them... Don't go through it. They'll go nuts if a fey wanders through them... Be careful. he said, warning her in advance about the magic alarm system to keep fey out of the capitol and the temple's seat of power safe.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Enjoying the day and watching out for the traffic, Christine strolls along with Dillian and Chinta until they arrive at the capital. "Are there any other alarms or hazards we should be especially wary of?" Christine asks as she stops for a moment, to assess the situation better.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Any guards with Dogs, you're a fox. And anyone in a white and crimson robe. Dillian answered smoothly. Dogs would bark at her and the robed assholes were probably magic users that could smell her out.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine nods. "Chinta, can you provide oversight for us? I know you'd probably rather mingle with people, but we should probably just get in and out as quickly as we can." Turning back to Dillian, she adds. "Take us to the cloyster gates."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian grimaces but nods, reaching into his pack for the chain of his position, which was a black cross ringed with red gold which he dropped over his neck, buckling his shirt up around the collar to hide it while Chinta nodded and ducked into a bush before winging up into the air.

he led them away from the primary thoroughfare and towards a heavily guarded and reinforced gate with 3 sentries. Unlike normal sentries with armor, pikes, crossbows, bored expressions, what waited at this gate were men that Christine could only term flat out as Paladins. Walk in front of me, don't stop for anything. Dillian whispered, sliding his silver long knife into his hand and pressing it against her spine as they walked. The sentries didn't acknowledge him until they passed two large pylons made of that black crystal he'd mentions. It was quarts as far as she could tell, but ringed and spiderwebbed with cold natural iron, and they lit up bright blue as she passed, the Paladins immediately drawing longswords.

Their armor was shining steel with the church insignia embossed across the chest plate. Their swords were heavier then they should have been, and they didn't carry a shield of any kind. Encased in metal from head to toe without a tabbard and what seemed to be a cold welcome, Dillian nudged her forward. Go ahead, looked pissed at me, look angry about it, I don't care but for the love of god Ham it up. he hissed into her ear as they approached the men, Dillian taking off his Cross and holding it high above them both. 1 for Interrogation and Judgement. he said in a seemingly bored manner, pressing her to keep walking.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Mentally starting to ready herself for whatever might wait them inside and berating herself for not pressing Dillian for more information, Christine does as she's told and walks in front of him. Then she feels the knife and her expression darkens considerably as she barely keeps herself from hissing out loud. Walking with short, jerky steps, the kitsune does not need the hunter's instructions, as her face becomes a thundercloud all by itself.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The Paladins stay fully on guard, and the lead spots the cross, circling around and in a combat stance before seeing the silver blade at her back and snorting, sheathing his blade and holding up his fist, the gate cranking open. The other two kept their blades ready until they were passed and it slammed shut behind them. Whatever rank Dillian actually held was high enough that no one sounded an alarm, though their entrance would be logged by the sentries. They were in the temple district now and Dillian kept on walking until they cleared the top of the wall and ducked into an alley, sheathing the blade and apologizing quickly. Sorry! Sorry! You said! and it's the fastest way. If I didn't think it'd work I wouldn't have done it. he said hastily when he saw the look on Christine's face.

The Temple District was exactly what it sounded like and obviously where the wealth of this city was concentrated. The clean standards of the streets and buildings spoke of that all on their own. But the towering marble buildings decorated with gold leaf and statues of either saints or Martyrs on every corner tended to rub it in a bit. The Bells tolled and they were in luck as while the streets had been deserted a moment before, at the tolling of those bells, every door in the district opened and everyone flocked towards the center of the district, a mammoth temple with domed rooftops gleaming with silver and platinum, an angel holding a flaming sword depicted at it's peak.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Well talk about it later. In detail." Christine replies, her expression not changing an inch. "If we weren't under time limit before, we most certainly are now, so let's move."