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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian nods and shrugs, before heading through the alley rather then into the throng of people, moving quickly and stowing his blade and his cross away towards a large gated community at the edge of the district, taking almost an hour just to slide through the backstreets to reach it.

When they got there, it's own 8 foot high walls and barbed iron spurs disuaded anything but the front gate to the residential while the bells started tolling again ominously. 6 times the bells rang, and the sky started to darken quickly. No way. There's no way that's for us, it can't be. Dillian breathed, turning sharply. That's the district alarm. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck! he said, before turning the corner and disembowling the guard there with one stroke, the other too shocked by seeing his partner with his intestines out to react in time as Dillian slammed the blade through his eye and rifled through his belt for his keys.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine's expression turns in quick succession from anger to surprise to alarm as she drops to crouch and barely restrains herself from conjuring up foxfire as Dillian kills two guards in quick succession. Her human ears start to twitch as she tries to listen for... anything out of place, really. "I knew I should've made you tell more about what to expect inside. It's your show, hunter."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Show!? This is my fucking Family! he said exassperated, snapping the key into the locked gate just as a pillar of fire rocketed into the sky from the direction of the primary temple, two winged humanoid figures seen spinning around it and fighting furiously. Right, whatever was going on? had nothing to do with them directly.

Still Dillian was charging onwards and the cheaply made dwellings did not reflect the wealth of the district itself. And the gate had been locked in the middle of the day. Had he been exxagerating before or were these people actually hostages for the church. It certainly seemed to be the case and as he crashed through the door of unit 14, the cheap pine door splintering in his rush, three terrified people huddled in the corner wearing rags. Two children, just into their teens, and a woman in her thirties clutching them behind her against the wall, before her explosion lit up. Dillian! she cried, flying into his arms while the children gave cries of uncle. Or they would have if they could speak. They opened their mouths, made the motions, but no sound came forth, Christine able to see the wicked curved scars under their chins along their throats. They'd been silenced.

They too ran to Dillian and he turned to regard Christine. We can, and should leave. And then go wherever the hell you were going that you thought was safe. he said, his eyes desperate. These people mattered to him more then anything else in his life ever would.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Just a manner of speech." Christine mutters, giving a look at what's happening in the sky before following after Dillian. While the man charges ahead, the kitsune takes a slightly slower pace, glancing around as she moves to avoid being taken by a surprise. Then Dillian crashes through a door, and she's treated a harsh reminder of how bad religion can get. "This is everyone, then? Good. Let's go."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian nodded and pulled everyone in behind him, before heading back through to the street and into the alley. The streets were mass confusion as priests headed towards the fray, and everyone else ran for their very lives. Dillian simply cut down anyone who got too close in the 45 yards it took to reach an alcove in the wall to get out of the flood.

This was convenient for the little group as Helena hit the ground not 10 feet from them with a small explosion and a boneshattering impact, scythe spinning through the air to slam into the stone next to her. If that was enough to take her down, Christine figured they'd all likely be dead because in the time it took Helena to get back to her feet, not long all considering, she got her first real look at an Angel.

It could be nothing else, the massive white armored figure slamming into the street, sword aflame. His greathelm had already been cleaved judging from the chip in his thick pauldron and the cut down a face that shone with so much light it hurt to look at, before the most confusing thing happened.

He opened his hand, and Helena convulsed, before being replaced with a croissant that fell lamely to the ground. Bitch. he muttered, before a nightmarish seen took place where the pastry now was. Bones and flesh and blood pouring from the bread, all filled with staring eyes that turned and looked at everything rapidly while Helena's voice screamed into everyone's mind, many people simply falling limp with their ears and eyes bleeding to the ground. YOU DID NOT JUST TURN ME INTO A FUCKING PASTRY!

That was all she really had to say on the matter as where crimson flames had swirled around while her body reformed in the most literal sense possible, solid blue fire was taking their place and Helena's normally obnoxiously sexy body was becoming covered in heavy black chains and thick bone plates, while she grabbed her scythe, pivoted, and swung.

What she was swinging at only became clear moments later as the Angel parried something not immediately obvious to Christine as he was 30 feet away from them all. What was obvious was that everywhere within 100 feet, people, buildings, statues, all of it, had just been cleaved as an eruption of that sapphire flame poured through the cuts as bodies fell to the ground burning and buildings toppled with no more support. And then the two titans were at eachother's throats again, Helena smashing the Angel through an already fallen buildings and judging from the smoke rising and the fire now consuming the entire district, several more before another pillar of flames burned high enough into the sky to disturb the clouds.

They were saved from the conflagration by Chinta, who's song Christine could hear shrilly signalling them down to the south, where the roads were clear, away from the battle, Chinta guiding them with a birds eye view trying not to be incinerated accidentally. About earlier? Believe you now. 100% convinced. No arguments. Dillian said, awestruck.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Keeping up with Dillian, Christine keeps glancing up at the battle above. Then a deafening boom almost sends her staggering as the weird succubus crashes on the ground nearby. Then the angel lands as well, and for several moments, Christine can't help but stare despite the nearly blinding light. It was not a creature of compassion and grace like she would have imagined, but a manifestation of Law and Justice. No wonder the church was so harsh if this was what their god wanted of its servants.

Then the mental scream from Helena snaps Christine out of it and she finally starts moving, dashing after the others to get into safety, or at least out of the initial zone of "reality can go fuck itself" levels of magic congealing out of the air.

"Just keep moving. We want out of the city while everyone is paying attention to the battle."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

They did indeed run like all hell back towards the temple district gate, it's paladins long since having charged in, likely to be turned into donuts or burned to ash or something else equally unpleasant as Chinta led them through the streets to the gate and out of the city.

Landing in front of them as Bird a bit clumsily, his feathers a little singed, he tumbled beakfirst into the dirt and turned back into a man, shaking his head, one eyebrow missing.

The kids would have screamed if they could, but they couldn't, instead the sound coming out somewhere between a hiss and a squeak, but the mother shushed them and regarded Dillian and Christine. Another explosion within the city and Another pillar of flame towering into the air had them all scurrying back into the countryside, away from the road which was teaming with people trying to escape the conflagration.

Seemed someone had started a PROPER war.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Wow. Just wow. I knew Helena is powerful, but I had no idea she could do THAT." Christine says, mostly to herself as she leads the way, for once, already knowing that they'd want to go somewhere north.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

No one said a word concerning helena's apparent power. But since it was impossible to determine her actual age outside of what Helena had told her herself, it was all just fucking confusing if she thought too hard about it.

Did time move in a place where time wasn't a constant, or rather, was time itself an orderly construct to which Helena no longer had to even consider as a law she followed. Chaos was apparently fun.

it made her head hurt.

Heading north, everyone obediently falling behind her, and Dillian looking between ashamed and overly protective of the three people they'd rescued, didn't say a word, simply sheltering the children under his arms and walking next to the woman.

He didn't even ask where they were going. He'd already pushed his luck in the city more times then Christine had been comfortable with.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Taking a good look at the sun to make sure that they indeed ARE going to north - she doesn't remember much about survival training, but she knows that the sun should be somewhere south-ish at this time of the day - Christine just keeps walking, avoiding roads and other signs of people where she can. She'd probably have to hunt again tonight - their supplies wouldn't last very long with three more mouths to feed - but she intended to cover a good bit of ground before stopping, and so she would keep going until either the sun was beginning to set or the others showed signs of slowing down.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

They made good time, the humans in the party neither complaining, or asking questions for now, but as the sun started to fully set and night started to fall, it became obvious how badly malnutrition had affected them.

When Christine finally stopped, everyone collapsed while Dillian rushed around to get a fire going, still not meeting Christine's eyes anymore, submissive and ashamed of his earlier behavior now that Christine had really made good on her promise. He owed his family's lives to a Kitsune. How that had to BURN in his heart as a failure. But the young woman with the cut throat approached Christine first, Dillian and the others holding their breath.

Smiling, she sat down and shrugged, pointing to her throat and writing "Thank you" in the dirt just as the fire started to take hold and burn.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

After an exhausting day of travel, the party finally settles on a campsite and Christine flops down to rest her legs for at least a few minutes before she'd need to get up again and make sure everyone would get enough food. The kids certainly looked like they needed it. As one of the kids approaches her with a smile, Christine smiles back, her tails and ears reappearing now that there was no worry about other humans, and when she writes Thank You, she can't help but get up on her knees and pull the girl into a tight hug.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The girl freezes whens he sees the tail, but melts and returns the hug, sniffling a little and tilting her head to smile when the embrace fades. Her mother was unsure how to react but managed to not put her foot in her mouth. So... I suppose anywhere is better then where we were... Your a friend of Dillians?

Dillian however did put his foot in his mouth. Owner. he said softly, revealing the collar and making the woman open her mouth, and then close it, and then look between the two. I have no complaints. You're all safe. To me that's all that matters. he added, looking at Christine finally, gratefully, while the young man shrugged as if to say "What the fuck ever. My life already sucked, I'll roll with it." before moving to help Chinta who was currently digging through the supplies and muttering darkly. This will be a long Trip Christine, we're gonna need more then this. Unless Dillian and the Boy can hunt. he said, reaching out to ruffle the kids hair who sighed, a sound Christine was surprised her could still make, and pointing at the crossbow with a nod.

He means yes. When they're silenced, well... They're forced to train to either fight or hunt like Dillian does, or in the case of the women... well. Women aren't worth much more to the church outside the obvious. Nuns or Pleasure Slaves for the disobedient. the woman said softly, turning to look back towards the capitol with open hatred in her eyes, but neither the strength or ability to grind an ax.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

As Dillian's sister starts talking, Christine slowly stretches and gets up, sparing another smile at the girl. "Once we get a little more distance to the capital, we can probably forage some as we go as well. Right now, I'm going to see if I can find us at least some fresh meat." With that said, Christine runs a few steps away before shifting to a fox and heading into the forest to see what prey it might yield.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The hunting in the area was flat out terrible in all fairness, but against all odds seemingly, Christine managed to come across a burrow of rabbits as well as a duck that had nested in the wrong set of reeds. The rabbits scattered as the first one squealed in it's moment of death, but Christine managed to get both adults, and the duck was so simple it was almost unfair. But it would be enough for a good solid meal if they added a little bit of their supplies to it.

It was a bit disheartening in all fairness when she realized they had 6 mouths to feed, before remembering Chinta ate like a bird, lightly and without any real meat to his diet. He'd be the least taxing on their overall supplies.

While she was strong as far as foxes were concerned, she was still a fox and larger game simply flat out escaped her unless she hunted in less natural methods. But if she wanted to try, there was a large stag stomping around through the woods, 8 times her current height easily and sporting a monster of a rack, maybe 400 pounds of usable meat if she could bring it down without it stomping her to death or pinning her to a tree with it's antlers.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Wondering if she should go get the crossbow, Christine decides against it for now, since two rabbits and a duck ought to feed them well enough for the evening and she wasn't really sure how they'd carry all that meat anyway. Changing shape again, she takes her prey and heads back to the campfire, where she'd help cleaning and cooking the meat.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The boy greets her and helps, working on the duck with a surgeon's efficiency while Dillian saw the kills and set about working on spits as well as a frame to hold a pot, working with his sister on a broth.

Looking up, the woman spoke again. Since it hasn't come up at all. I'm Lina, and the two children are Max and Felicia she said, pointing while Felicia waved cheerfully at the mention of her name and Max just whacked the head off the duck.

It was a delicious smelling meal and Christine found the three humans were so into helping at the moment as well as being hungry that there was little for her to do but relax if she wanted and wait for it to be cooked and done. Chinta was eating walnuts again. Cos Chinta.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Christine. A pleasure." the kitsune replies, offering the woman another smile. Despite the humans helping, Christine does her share of the work. "Just to be sure, is there any place safe you'd want to go? I'm sure you'll do fine in the north, but if that's not where you want to go..."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Lina shook her head sadly and stood up while Max and Felicia were cooking. On this continent. She started, grabbing a stick and using it to draw for Christine, There were 6 countries. In my lifetime it has become 2. The Empire itself, which encompasses everything from the southern coast, to the labyrinth, and the Labyrinth itself, which is still Fey territory. And with no good way to mount an assault on it, they're stymied as to what to do. Tell me though... That was an Angel and a Demon we saw right? Does that mean the church was right all along? That they could summon such a thing? And what does the demon mean? The Church has powerful magics, but I've never seen anything like what she did with her weapon... or her body. she asked.

The continent she had drawn looked large, and judging from what she had seen, was likely the same size as Russia if she had to give it a rough guess and thought. But without a proper map and scale it was a futile exercise. What was obvious about the map however was the amount of territory the empire controlled in it's psycotic crusading ventures. Which was 95%. Only a wide band far to the north free of their control, and furthermore, Lina had scratched the area aobve that band out, as if no one was really sure what was passed it. The continent itself could be truly massive.

You have to know, it was all too well timed... Please tell me that cruelty isn't what god really wants... I couldn't handle it. she said, looking scared and desperate at what she had seen, less of Helena, and more of the angel while Felicia's face hardened and she nodded, she wanted to know as well.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine watches Lina sketch out the map, nodding to herself. She had been expecting something like this, but it didn't hurt to ask. The angel question, though... "I... don't know much about angels, but I don't think the church summoned that one. More than likely, it was already chasing the demon and just happened to catch up there."