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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

While christine was trying to estimate, Chinta was getting more animated, soon pointing to a clearing with a smile, before that smile froze on his face. What he had named wolves were not wolves, not anymore. At least not the one staring at them. Another slid out of the trees on their right, and a third on their left, and only now did Christine catch the slight scent of decay.

Standing before them was a creature with silver and white fur, matted with dark blood along it's flank that had long coagulated, bloodshot red eyes peering out from a skull that seemed too large, much like the animal itself. This was not what she would have called a Wolf.

All three of them had obviously died at some point, though apart from the one, none of them showed any signs of injury and their jaws dripped liberally with saliva, far too much to be normal as they snapped and snarled. The kids stood behind Dillian, Max getting his knife out while Chinta put his fingers to his lips, ready to do whatever he did when he fought, everyone looking to Christine for some idea of what the fuck to do.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Conjuring a bolt of foxfire, Christine asks "Care to talk?" just in case: they clearly weren't friendly, but they just might be smart enough to stop and talk long enough for her to maybe figure out some way out of the situation. She'd still send the fire towards the one in the middle at the first sign of aggression, whether they talked or not.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine's plan to ready her fire before they struck was a good one because even as she spoke, the leader charged, snarling angrily as the fire struck him square in the chest, burning his fur and revealing the carrion flesh underneath. But it didn't even slow the massive undead wolf down, unable to feel pain and only knowing hunger.

The others all struck as well, and much to Dillian's, Max's, and Lina's outright horror, none of them had seen the one that had come up behind them, Lina doing her best to scream, which was at best a high pitched wheeze as the beast struck a hard bite to her calf, causing her to go down and kick out before scrambling behind Dillian, her leg ruined for now. Max and Dillian both struck out at that wolf in a fury, Max getting slammed back and a long claw, much sharper then it should have been gouged his face before Dillian slammed a silver bolt into it's chest, throwing it back. He simply dropped the crossbow at that point and drew the long blade he'd nearly killed Christine with, dropping into a crouch while Max did the same right next to him.

Christine was trusted to handle her own business and as the leader charged, she sidestepped quickly and punched. Why she thought this was a good idea no one knew but a foxfire formed on her fist and exploded on impact, throwing the wolf away, giving her just a moment as it rolled back to it's feet before it charged in.

Lina had moved to block whatever Felicia was doing from sight, but she was obviously working furiously on something, Christine only seeing her covering her hands and a stick in her own blood, and scratching something in the dirt while she looked around, terrified and in pain, Lina wielding a frying pan in her defense while Chinta blew a whistle.

What christine had only seen once didn't work this time as he simply had to duck out of the way before he could carry the full note that had dazed Dillian so badly early and the attack was spoiled. But here they were, only the leader and another wolf injured at all and None of them deterred from attacking.

Nibblywoof 1 2/3
Bumnibbler 2 3/3
Rumprassler 3 3/3
Chompy Macbitebite 2/4
Christine 6/6
Chinta 2/3
Dillian 4/4
Max 2/3
Lina 2/2
Felicia 1/2

All rolls
Christine prepares an attack in advance
Chompy Macbitebite takes 1 dablage cos 12 v 4
Chompy Macbitebite Wants to bite Christine 1 v 16 BURN!
Nibblywoof Tries to nibblynom Felicia 19 v 11 Felicia is bited, hides behind Dillian
Bumnibbler Wants dat Lina-Ass 18 v 19 PRO DOGE
RumpRassler Bird looks weak. Nom. 12 v 5 Bird is hurt D:
CHINTA WANTS REVENGENING! 2 v 5! His song was not strong enough
Dillian will slay Nibblywoof! 13 v 9 Bitchslapped!
MAX IS HELPING! 13 v 20 Max is Nibbly'd D:
Felicia is doing something with a stick! dc 15. roll 19. Channeling churchy magix
Lina moves to protect Felicia too.
Christine tries more fire! 5 v 12. Burny fire miss D:
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Growling as the wolves attack, Christine hurls fire at the leader, flinching as it seems to have no effect, but having enough presence of mind to conjure another bolt as the large wolf attacks and putting her weight behind a solid punch that at least prevents it from biting her if not much more. Wincing to herself as she sees Lina's wound, the kitsune is nevertheless forced to focus on the leader once more, conjuring more foxfires as fast as she can and rapidly hurling them at it.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Nibblywoof 1 :( /3
Bumnibbler 2 3/3
Rumprassler 3 2/3
Chompy Macbitebite Kaboom/4
Christine 3/6
Chinta 1/3
Dillian 4/4
Max 2/3
Lina 1/2
Felicia 1/2

Christine burninates Chompy Macbitebite Nat 1 vs 16. Christine blows up a fire in her face
Chompy Macbitebite retaliates 19 vs nat 1 again o_O Christine is badly nibbled.
Dillian and Max both wanna stab Nibblywoof
4 vs 11
10 vs 6 Max makes a teh stab
Chinta wanna whistle Nibbly to deaf 9 vs 3 Nibblywoof dead
Rumrassler wanna bite dat Felicia but Lina in da way.
18 vs 2 Lina is nommed.
Lina frying pans
11 vs 11 bonus for frying pan (tie goes to party) Rump is Wanged
Bumnibbler wants a piece o dat bird. 11 vs 8 Chinta is the bited.
Felicia tries to make the magic go dc 15 roll 16. o_O CHOMPYMACBITEBITE IS SMITED. and turned into a pile of smoking ash.

Christine had... Everything go wrong, all at once. In her haste to summon more flames she actually had one combust in her face, not the plan, but while singed eyebrows were not the worst that could happen, the bone crunching bite her arm took certainly was and the pain was unreal as the leader savagely locked down on her arm before backing away and letting her bleed.

Meanwhile Chinta, Max, and Dillian all focused on their own problem, and between the three of them, Dillian missed but Max sank his blade into the undead hounds shoulder, before Chinta finally got a proper note off and it's head literally exploded from the inside out, it's brain turning to paste as it fell over and stopped moving.

Lina was still protecting Felicia and while the wolf couldn't get to the girl, he certainly tried, Lina likewise having her lower leg savaged before giving the wolf a resounding blow with the frying pan she'd picked up, the clear bell tone of justice resounding in the melee while Felicia continued to do, whatever the fuck she was doing.

Whatever she was doing culminated quickly right in front of Christine as Felicia turned herself, her hand burning with white flames that hurled at the leading wolf, burning a sigil into it's chest before a bolt of golden lightning smashed down from a clear sky and incinerated the wolf in it's entirety. And then Felicia promptly passed out right after, Lina still fighting desperately to keep the now bleeding and unconscious girl from being killed.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Growling as everything suddenly goes wrong at once, Christine grasps her bleeding arm and stumbles away from the wolf as it suddenly turns to ashes. Twisting around, she hurls more foxfire at the closest wolf that's still moving.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Nibblywoof :( /3
Bumnibbler 2 1/3
Rumprassler 3 1/3
Chompy Macbitebite Kaboom/4
Christine 3/6
Chinta 1/3
Dillian 3/4
Max 2/3
Lina dead/2
Felicia 1/2

Christine burninates new woof Bumnibbler is unfortunate target
19 v 4.
Chinta whistles the rassler of rumps 4 vs 8. NO WHISTLE FOR YOU
Dillian stabs nibblybums 15 vs 7 Blood for the blood god
Max is helping 3 vs 11 Max is not helpful
Felicia is doodling again 2 against 10. no doodles.
Lina is bonking 17 vs 12 Rumprassler is wanged again
Bumnibbler wants revenge cos k-nife 11 vs 10 Dillian is nibbled
Rasslerump wants more tasty frying pan 17 vs 3 Lina dies in a painful and bloody way. Felicia is no longer protected.

Christine moved on, quickly, hurling fire at the wolf harrassing Dillian and Chinta because he was the closest target, a bolt of fire slamming into it's side and causing a painful burn, if the creature could feel pain, and that was doubtful considering it was still fighting with a crossbow bolt lodged in it's chest while neither Chinta or Felicia seemed to be having luck. Which was a crying shame because while Dillian was likewise attacking his target, severing the foreleg entirely with a hard slash, which... did nothing to slow it down...

Lina was not so lucky. Trying to fend off her own assailant with the pan, she dealt another heavy blow, the sound of cracking bone heralding the bell tone. This did not stop the wolf from leaping on her and ending her in an instant however as powerful jaws closed around her throat with a grim finality, and tore.

Felicia was now entirely unprotected and Max was desperately trying to get to her while she watched her mother savaged and killed, her eyes losing any vision they had and glossing over, sitting there broken momentarily and unable to defend herself properly in the first place. She was now a sitting meal.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Hissing audible, Christine leaps upwards over Felicia, hurling twin bolts of foxfire at the wolf about to attack the girl.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Nibblywoof :( /3
Bumnibbler 2 1/3
Rumprassler 3 1/3
Chompy Macbitebite Kaboom/4
Christine 3/6
Chinta 1/3
Dillian 3/4
Max 2/3
Lina dead/2
Felicia 1/2

Christine doubles dat rassler 14 vs 1 Dead.
Dillian max and chinta unleash the beatdown on nibblybums
12 v 15
3 v 11
4 v 15
Holy fuck the dodges o_O
Wolf wants that Dillian!
18 o christ vs 20.
Well then. Party wins. Felicia can't walk. Lina is dead, Chinta and the others are Bleeding. Christine is also hurt. left arm unusable.

Christine, showing rage and protectiveness of the broken girl hurled herself over her, slamming those blue flames into the wolf, the first driving it back and likely killing it as it seared a hole straight through it's chest, the second removing it's head.

The last was fighting furiously, sidestepping every attack thrown it's way before trying to get to Dillian as the last to strike at it only for Dillian to ram his blade up through it's jaw into it's skull as it bowled him over, Dillian screaming and throwing it to the side, standing and panting. He'd fared better then anyone in this melee. Felicia's leg was a mess and he was already moving to bandage it while Chinta just collapsed.

Christine's arm was also badly hurt, and likely fractured, but while she'd been fighting frost had peeled from the wound, freezing the blood and despite the pain, she was in no immediate danger. Chinta however was already trying to stand back up, and failing, dazed, tired, and finally just sitting there, looking at Christine. Max.... Whatever had been done to the boy mentally must have been just as bad as Felicia mentally because he didn't even react to his dead mother. not yet. he simply grabbed Dillian's cloak and threw it over the body, hiding it from Felicia before reloading the crossbow.

No more howls sounded, no more attacks came. The circle was just in front of them and apart from the corpse, everyone was injured. They couldn't stay here. Just the Risk that there were more would spell certain death for most of them.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Almost stumbling as she lands, Christine spins around in time to see Dillian slay the last of the foul beasts. For a few moments, it's all she can do to stand upright and not throw up. My fault. For better or worse, she's dead and it's my fault. If only we had travelled along the roads instead... Stopping that line of thought before her self-pity got out of hand, Christine forces herself to focus on the present. "Dillian, take everyone through the circle. I'll... take care of Lina." Even to herself, the words sound hollow, and the desire to just slump down, to cry, to throw up is almost overwhelming, but with gritted teeth she fights it down.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian is the only one who doesn't seem overcome by the entire situation. Felicia is catatonic and Max seemed to just be fighting to hold himself together. Scooping Felicia up easily, Max tucked himself under Chinta's arm and they headed north towards the circle. They didn't waste any words yet. They simply left Christine to see to the body.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Watching everyone leave, Christine finally drops to her knees and forces herself to look at the body. Focusing her will into it, she simply summons enough fire to get the thing burning, then keeps feeding more flames into it until there's nothing remaining but ashes.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Focusing on cremation, she notes that her flames spawn inside the body itself, draining the last of her reserves she could tell, but setting it burning furiously, reducing Lina's corpse to ash quickly enough, giving her a chance to catch up. She still couldn't afford to lose her mind, not yet. At the very least she hadn't left Lina for the carrion.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The stench of burning flesh fills the air as Lina's body swiftly burns away, making Christine almost lose her focus. Once there's nothing left, she staggers to her feet and slowly starts after the others, her mind in dull haze.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

She eventually and miraculously safely stumbles into the waiting group as the circle starts to glow, opening to admit them. There's a look of gratitude from Dillian but the children are too out of it and Chinta is too tired to offer much else.

They enter easily, sitting in a wide lightly wood glade. Waystones showing the ways like always, and a Great number more fairies at this circle then at the last. None of them is angered by the passing, but they erupt around them in a swirling cloud of colors, flitting around the children and Christine before noting all the injuries and deciding space would be best for now.

After a short moment, one of them, a small blue thing that seemed to glow just a little brighter then others landed on a branch outside the circle. Approach when you can Fox Spirit, Bird of Paradise. you're safe here. Rest. She said, rather clearly and without the pestering tone, simply waiting.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The circle almost magically opens just as Christine arrives, leading her to the closest thing she had to a home in this crapsack world. The swarming fairies manage to bring a smile to her lips as soon as she realizes that they were simply greeting her and the others. "Thank you." the kitsune replies to the blue fairy, walking out of the circle before slumping down and trying to remember if any of them had bandages or if they would have to make do with clothes.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian had enough bandages in his pack to deal with the more minor injuries and the necessary tools to fashion a splint for Christine's arm. That's all my kit for injuries. Usually don't need much more then this. he said quietly as he set Christine's arm without any warning, letting her yell it out while he pulled the splint tight and went about slinging her arm for her. Chinta wasn't too badly off, just burned out, and apart from smiling at the fairies, just kept the children near him, Max and Felicia glued to eachother at the moment, Felicia's leg heavily bandaged and Max's torso showing a deep gash.

The fairies were all flitting about the injuries, setting tiny runes spinning here and there to see if they could help. Just let them work. They can't fix everything but if infection sets in you will all be very badly off. Your arm and her leg at the least, we can partially mend. You'll have function back by tomorrow, though sleep will be painful as the bone grows. And she will be back on her feet by the same time. The other minor wounds we can cleanse but those two are enough to use a good deal of our energies for now. You'd have to stay another day here with us if you wanted to recover more properly. The lead fairy explained to Christine apologetically, landing on her uninjured arm.

There just isn't as much power for us to use as their once was. And healing... is always more complex then so many think. Give us time and we'll have you right as rain. We're too few anymore to not aid one another this far from the Aurora Glade to the north. She continued, seeming just to be talking to give Christine's mind to think on so she didn't break down too hard. They both knew it was coming. The same could be said for all of them. Dillian.... seemed to have known this was a possibility all along, and Chinta was busy singing a soft song that seemed to soothe the children immensely, letting them sleep on the loam. It was warm here and they had enough food for an easy meal... But no one was hungry.

We've heard rumors of wandering flames. Reds and Blues, some Greens, great wisps that smell otherworldly. They bleed a great amount of power back into our lands for a short time. But they're fleeting and there's no pattern. she sighed, sitting on Christine's shoulder.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The ice dulls pain enough that Christine merely yelps at the shock as Dillian sets her arm before bandaging and splinting it. Content to just sit there and watch the fairies work, the kitsune listens the blue fairy explain their situation. Her arm still hurts, but mostly she just feels... dull. "Flames, you say... I wonder if they're connected to the shadowthings I saw last time..."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Shadows? Ahhh no, those... Those are according to the elders before even they faded away, the run off of this ongoing struggle. Dark emotions and tastes given basic form. They steal magic in small amounts and pleasure their victims to keep them docile while they feed. Once they're fed they disappear. There are some fey around that actively seek them out. Slowly corrupted into something different, darker and more dangerous. They're wandering manifestations of corruption. These flames are something else. Magic flourishes powerfully wherever they go the fairy mused, pondering the fires.

it's like they're bleeding through from somewhere else. But they do more good then harm it seems. We think... they're new. so no one is really sure. she finished.

The children were now safely sleeping, Chinta curled up as bird and doing the same, a little curled up feathery ball. Only dillian and christine remained awake at the moment. What will you do? she asked the kitsune, looking worried for her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"They're new. And they're bleeding power from some place else. Interesting. Well, if they're random as you say, I doubt we can do much to them... or with them, for that matter." Sliding a little further towards laying down and falling asleep, she lets out a sigh. "I really don't know. We've had fairly rough couple days, so I suppose we should take the chance to rest a day before continuing North. The kids just lost their mother. I... really don't know how to deal with that right now."