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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian blessedly for now did Not reveal what he knew of the demon, instead letting his mouth thin before breathing out what he wanted to say and finishing the broth in time to flop the duck into it in bitesized little pieces. Everything else was already cooked and he dolled out the food, everyone getting a good serving of fresh kill while the soup cooked. They'd all eat well tonight.

Felicia nodded before writing in the dirt. "Demon Good? or Bad? The Angel was Terrifying." Before shrugging and starting to eat, visibly shivering at the taste while Max did the same. But he ate quickly as if afraid someone would steal his meal and he'd already appropriated a hunting knife from Dillian and belted it at the small of his back. The boy was a killer, Christine would find him useful, he was likely trained identically to Dillian.

Chinta was the only one to speak on Helena and he did so with a nervous sigh, glancing at her before going on for Felicia's sake. Demons do... what they feel like doing. They are Evil though, ultimately... they care only about whatever they've decided. Angels..... The only thing the Fey know about angels is to run, far and fast. Not that it helps. he said solemnly, Felicia accepting that explanation firmly as acceptable before sitting down and pointing at Christine's tail, asking if she could touch one of them.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

She hadn't really paid attention to Max before, but something about the way he carries himself catches Christine's attention. He was like a younger Dillian. With some rough edges, perhaps, but still potentially dangerous. I suppose I should take care of those. Then Felicia catches Christine's eye again and with just a hint of resignation, she nods. It's not like she didn't like the kid so far, but her dignity would suffer for it.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Felicia took one of her tails in her hands and combed her finger through the bushy white fur, it actually felt quite nice, the girl was very gentle. Once her curiosity was sated, she let it drift away from her and smiled, going back to her meal. Dillian had wandered off with Lena and they were arguing in hushed tones, probably about the insanity of all this. But Lena, eventually hit some kind of snag in the argument, which involved Dillian's collar, that she couldn't refute, the woman rubbing her temples before returning to her own meal.

Chinta had sat down next to Christine however and started humming for a moment before pausing. What are you thinking huh? Get to the northern fey and plan from there? Or is there something else. he asked, wondering.

If we traveled in the wildeheart, through the feylands? They couldn't follow us, and the food would be easier to come by. But it's up to you. It has it's own dangers.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine starts eating also, enjoying the rabbit meat. "I don't think we'd make many friends travelling through the faerie. But you're right, it might be the better option. Would it be actually faster, though?"
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Depends on the route we took, it could be yes, could save us almost a week given the distance, more if there's winter storms up near the labyrinth because blizzards just don't happen. he pointed out, though he likely meant they didn't happen unless they Wanted them to happen.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"That's what we'll do, then. Did you see any circles nearby?" Christine replies.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

No but I can certainly find one. he said, patting her shoudler before getting up and shifting, something that again seemed to shock and amaze the children since he went from a fairly tall man to a fairly small bird with very colorful feathers. He took off immediately and started to look for a fairy circle while Christine was left to deal with Dillian and his family.

The girl seemed entranced by everything and fished out a small holy book, before tossing it into the flames, making her thoughts on it clear, while her brother was cleaning and oiling the crossbow, looking like he just wanted to stay busy. His eyes traveled to Christine, and each time she expected to see a lurking malice there, or a promise of an attack, what she saw instead was a good deal of respect, and just a hint of gratitude. Dillian seemed mostly taken with the lad but spent most of his time with his own sister, keeping the older woman calm, but she'd finally had enough of not knowing everything and finally questioned Christine.

Why is Dillian Collared? Why would you do that to him. which just made Dillian pale and cover his face as if to say "O god no, not now woman."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Watching Chinta take off, Christine's attention suddenly snaps back to the humans, blinking in surprise as Lina decides to finally confront her about Dillian. Then she spots Dillian's expression, and struggles to keep a straight face. "Are you sure you want to know? Did Dillian not tell you how we met or what kind of work he was doing?" Christine replies in a purring voice, a sly smile creeping onto her face.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Lina to her credit didn't blush, but she looked between Christine and Dillian as if what Christine was getting at was not only outside of the scope of her reality but so shocking that it had shit out her brain for a moment. Let it go let it go let it go. Dillian muttered into his hand, rubbing his face. But she was big Sis, that shit wasn't happening.

You mean... No, He.... But you... I... I had no idea you were into that Dillian. she said, her eyes spinning while Dillian, seeing she had gotten the entirely wrong fucking idea started slamming his head into a piece of firewood for a moment. But when he looked like he was about to explode and let it all fly Christine caught the slight aura off his collar keeping him quiet, letting her play.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Into him? Not precisely." Christine continues, moving close to Lina and dropping her voice almost to a whisper. "But he did pique my curiosity enough that I decided not to eat him."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Ooo Ok, so you lost and wound up as her Bitch. That makes more sense. Well done. Lina said, rubbing her temples. So what? You came to get us because you needed snacks on the road or something?
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Raising her voice enough to be heard by the kids, Christine states: "I came to get you because I said I would. Keeping your word is important, after all." Stepping away from Lina, Christine sits down again. "Better get some sleep, everyone. If Chinta finds what he's looking for, we'll get moving before dawn."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

No one slept well at all that night and Lina didn't look overly happy about the situation Dillian was in but seeing her children not in that city under the churches thumb tempered that and let it fade. From there it was waiting for morning, and as morning rolled around, Chinta was indeed waiting, holding a small brightly colored mushroom in his fingers. Found what we needed. Not all too soon either, found a full pack of wolves out and about. about 15 miles to the north. The circle is a little before. he said, seeming to have also found blueberries and... a pillow at some point that he was leaning on. She couldn't tell if he was a bird of paradise or a crow cos he seemed to steal constantly.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Curling up with her tails, Christine soon falls asleep. Waking up was no trouble at all due to the cold air, though she raises an eyebrow as she sees the pillow. "Then lets get some breakfast first. We can make fifteen miles before twilight without too much hurry." Shifting to fox again, she heads out to hunt once more, hoping to find enough food for everyone.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine's hunt came up empty. Bupkiss, entirely Nothin. She scared the rabbits, the pidgeons flew away, and the stag was nowhere to be seen. It was their supplies they'd be eating today it seemed.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

It soon becomes apparent that there's no prey to be had nearby. Grumbling to herself, she heads back to camp to inform the others that there'd be no fresh meat to be had this morning.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Everyone shrugs and Chinta shares his wealth of non meat things to go with the salted deer from earlier that Dillian cooked up, everyone getting a solid meal while they had the chance, as it had sounded to the others like Christine had no intentions of stopping midway. Felicia, once she was done just helped clean up and then stayed glued to Christine's side.

It was sad really, it was obvious she wanted to talk, to have a conversation and bombard Christine with questions, but for obvious reasons that was an impossibility. The Exuberance of Youth muted. Still, it was fun to watch Chinta take over for her, landing on her shoulder and whistling, doting on the girl while Max and Dillian moved together off to either side and Lina took up the rear.

Mid day came and went without any issue, the forest growing thicker, and the soft sound of dripping from above the only thing sticking out as odd.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The failed hunt had soured her mood, and the meal itself did nothing to help. Felicia would probably have helped if only the girl could talk, but alas, this was not the case. Soon after midday, Christine goes fox again, darting around and ahead of the party, keeping a nose on any fresh tracks that might lead to prey.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The only scents and tracks that Christine picked up at all was Wolves and Fear, as the prey animals had fled the territory with the smell of the pack blowing from the north on the approaching fall wind and scared the game south, save for a couple turtles Christine managed to dig up in frustration, both fairly large soft shells, and as the day wore on, the sun starting to set, Chinta was leading them more surely towards the circle while the howling of wolves was starting to sound into the air.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Continuing towards the supposed circle, Christine starts paying attention to the howling of the wolves, trying to estimate their relative location.