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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

There's no way to deal with that. Time. That's all. Yes, rest here for now, we'll take care of everything so just listen to the song and sleep with the others. the fairy soothed, patting her arm and flitting up into a large tree, vines twisting and curling around the trees, hiding the glade and the circle.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Curling up with her tails, Christine tries to sleep, though even here it takes an effort to calm her mind. Eventually she passes out.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine dreams of fire and churches, a hymn dripping with innocent blood raised to the air. When she awakes, her arm aches, but it's healed for the most part. Tender, but no longer broken. Felicia is still asleep, her head resting in Chinta's lap while max and Dillian were... sparring, from the looks of things. Time passed differently here, but a meal was waiting for her on a wide leaf. Spiced venison from the earlier kill, still hot, the smell rousing her from her rest.

no one had noticed she was awake yet.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Smelling venison and with her arm itchy from healing, Christine grumpily rises from her slumber, slowly sitting up and, noticing that Felicia and Chinta aren't up yet, quietly starts eating her breakfast while watching the men spar.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The boy is good and Dillian is patient, giving him a cuff upside the head every time he moved too far or improperly. But he was quick, and agile and had plenty of promise. Cmon Boy. Low to high, and back down with a short blade. every cut counts. Power wont help with a long knife. Speed will get you everywhere. he couched, drawing the boy through the steps.

Eventually they stopped around the time Christine had finished eating, sweating and with Dillian smiling. Max seemed lost in thought only to be cuffed hard upside the head again. Don't. Lina is already gone. Felicia needs you more now then she ever did. We don't live for the dead. he said, giving the boy a good one armed squeeze and sending Max off to get another plate ready for Felicia.

Moving to Christine Dillian sat down and sighed. He'll hold together. it's you I'm worried about. You seemed pretty shaken. Still do. he said quietly, looking at her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The men, at least, didn't seem too badly shaken by yesterday. That was good. Sitting a little straighter, Christine brushes some dust off of her clothes as they finish and Dillian comes to her. "I guess I am. It was my decision that got us there yesterday. My fault. Maybe it would've happened anyway, or maybe something even worse would have, but..."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

We do what we can. When we can. however we can. There's no blame here, you fought when you could have watched us die. That's enough for me. he said plainly, leaning back. I knew this was a possibility. I have a feeling I know the hazards and the monsters better then most. Travel is never safe. The children are alive. I'll mourn Lina quietly while I look after my family, and my friends. he said, turning to smile softly at Chinta, and then back to Christine. I. am a terrible hunter. he finally said, laughing.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine finds herself smiling as Dillian bursts to laughter. "Good thing I'm here to give you lessons, then." Finally standing up, Christine does a few stretches best as she can with her arm still splinted and finally takes time to look around properly in the light of what would have to pass for a morning, here.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Dillian chuckles a little more at her answer and stretches. The clearing was just that now, clear. All the little fairies she saw had curled up on small twisting flowers and vines in the trees, napping. well... most of them. A couple were fucking but it was their home.

Seemed they slept most of the day and flitted about at night.

The waystone was to her left about 50 feet, a little dusty, a little mossy, but still there, and to her right was a green face staring out at her from a tree. The face was a woman's, and a slender arm reached out and curled a finger at her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Green face. She had seen quite a bit after coming here, but that was another first. Out of curiosity, she heads towards the tree, her tails swishing behind her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The woman smiled as Christine moved towards her, slipping back into the tree before stepping out from behind it, revealing a slender figure wearing a smile. Mmm, someone new. That's a lovely change. Never thought I'd see church fodder roaming the wild wood with a Kitsune. she said, a coy smile tugging her lips upwards, her hair a shining mass of emerald threaded with curling leaves.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Admiring the dryad's... hair, Christine stops a pace from her. "Yeah, I kind of captured them. Hi. My name is Christine."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Hello Christine, my name is Cypress. Dryads aren't the best with names but we get by. And captured huh? heading to the north then. They can always use more information. she said, chuckling and reaching out to brush her hand along Christine's cheek. So pretty. Kitsunes are always lovely, especially one with such shining color in her tails. she continued, biting her lip at the slight caress.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Why, thank you. You're quite lovely yourself." Christine replies, her tail brushing against Cypress' side.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The dryad reached down and touched the fluffy tail with her other hand as it brushed her side, reaching out to take Christine's hands and walking her backwards towards the tree, melting into it, looking to draw Christine inside.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The dryad really was lovely to look at, and they weren't in any hurry today and... Christine finds herself following the dryad to her tree and watching the dryad meld into... step into? it. Steeling herself, Christine follows the dryad inside.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The tree it turns out is bigger on the inside, Christine walking through the trunk like a shimmering curtain at the dryads invitation into a comfy sparsely lit room with a simple yet comfy looking bed, and a small trunk with various odds and ends Cypress had collected over the years.

It was warm in here, pleasantly warm and Cypress had already moved to the bed, sitting down and smiling, both ladies knowing what they were interested in and the dryad, being a tree spirit, not one to waste words.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Taking first look inside the tree, Christine pauses for a moment to take the feeling in before slowly and teasingly stripping herself, the effect only slightly spoiled by her tails moving of their own will. Tossing her panties to the side, she slowly moves to sit down next to the dryad, not entirely sure how to approach a situation like this.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Watching Christine strip, Cypress shifts and bites her bottom lip, giggling softly as Christine's tail whips her panties her way, catching them and setting them down.

When Christine sits down next to her now nude, she doesn't have to worry about approaching because Cypress already is for her, reaching over to settle her hand on Christine's thigh, fingers sliding between her legs slowly to brush firmly over her petals, middle finger slipping into her before sliding free again, hand moving slowly up her front to her chin and then into her hair, pulling her into a kiss with a soft moan, tongue slipping passed Christine's lips easily to slide sensually along her own, hand sliding through her hair to rake her fingertips along the back of one of her ears and pinching it very gently, rolling the very soft and sensitive flesh between her thumb and fingers as they kiss.

Shifting and sliding her knee between Christine's thighs, she just keeps moving, turning the kitsune underneath her and sliding atop her on the bed, grinding against her petals slowly with her thigh and wrapping her other leg around Christine's own, heel sliding along the back of her knee while her own hips roll and she groans hungrily into Christine's mouth, Cypress' hunger apparent but soft and sweet.

When the embrace finally brakes, Cypress is raised up above Christine, smiling gently down at her. Any special requests? she asks softly, her cheeks flushed a slightly darker green and her thigh still pressing against Christine's mound.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Blushing slightly as Cypress slides a hand between her legs, Christine lets out a slight moan just as the dryad kisses her. Her tongue playing with the dryad's, Christine slowly leans back, pulling Cypress into her embrace while her hand slides between them, feeling the dryad's bust slowly.

"It's your house." Christine replies with a twinkle in her eyes before she gropes Cypress' butt, and bends to kiss her neck.