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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

6 out of necessary 15
AP 3/10

The room stayed plenty warm as Christine found she lacked the concentration to do what she wanted easily with the tendril down below continuing to drive her inexorably towards climax along with Cypress fingers, the orgasm soon wiping her mind as it hits her, hard.

Still thrusting between her lips, feeding her a steady stream of what was now making her mind a little fuzzy, that sweet nectar dripping constantly from the vine fucking her mouth, Cypress giggled to herself.

It'll be so nice... All the animals will come back and I can have a family again. she moaned, turning to lay atop Christine, grinding against the vine fucking the kitsune herself and moaning steadily, her lips returning to her breasts, suckling and biting playfully.

Christine could feel a steady pressure building in the vine thrusting into her lower lips, working to spread her wide around something that wanted in, as another started to edge lower, pressing gently at her ass, heavily lubricated with the same evil substance and starting to edge into her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Just as she feels on the verge of success, an explosive orgasm slams through her, thoroughly scrambling Christine's success. Then she feels Cypress' lips on her breasts again and all thoughts of escape temporarily flee her mind. Clenching her ass as she feels another tentacle trying to pry its way inside, she helplessly squirms as the kitsune feels her lower lips being spread even more while trying to bite the tentacle in her mouth.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

3 v 12. nope.

The tendril in her mouth gives but wont break, or she doesn't have the physical strength, her limbs feel heavier and her body even more sensitive then before as the first of several round objects works her folds open, pushing inside her and grinding along her inner walls to her womb, the first starting to push into her core to rest while several more fill her channel, pulsing, grinding, it felt so good...

The other tendril finds purchase and slides into her ass, starting to thrust forward as the first pulls back, finding a good alternating rhythm to abuse her wide open and helpless position as the seeds start to drop into her core one by one, each sending a violent surge of pleasure through her while Cypress stays focused on her breasts, cumming hard herself, a thick spray of that nectar pulsing through the vine in her mouth and straight down her throat, putting her head into a fog. She felt so warm, it felt so good... the fucking, that same pace, it was making her... she was going to cum again. she knew she was just as the 4th seed dropped into her womb and the 5th started to work at her inner gates, a long line of them backed up behind the vine as it shoved against her cervix and came to rest, rolling and pushing faster now. 4 became 5, and another pushed into her folds to wait it's turn inside her, giving her a long line of thick, shifting, pulsing beeds inside a twisting, thick, writhing, drug covered tendril to clench on with her incredibly sensitive folds while the other steadily thrust into her ass and the last continued to abuse her mouth, Cypress giving her tits the attention they'd craved for too long now.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Gagging as the tendril starts fucking her throat while the last one fills her ass nice and tight, Christine finally falls into a drugged haze, only dimly aware of the seeds being pushed into her flower until the first one presses against her cervix, sending a jolt of pain through her despite everything as it is forced into her womb. Helplessly trying to protest, she feels her pucker being fucked hard as more seeds fill her, sliding into her womb one by one.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Giving up, or perhaps too drugged to resist any further, Cypress takes her time fucking Christine straight into unconsciousness, filling her womb to capacity and pouring pleasure through her until it was simply too much for the kitsune, pain turning into pleasure as the enorphins in her system got the wires cross, every sensation becoming bliss. She could have cut her right now and it would have sung it's way across her nerves like an ecstatic chord of unadulterated bliss.

When she came back around and could take stock of her situation, Cypress was nowhere to be seen, and Christine's position had been changed. Her hands were now sunk into the wall above her head, she'd been placed beside the bed on the warm floor on several blankets and cushions.

Her belongings were set against the far wall neatly bundled and her legs were pulled up to her chest and spread, easy prey for whatever the dryad had planned. She was HEAVILY pregnant, bodily swollen with seeds and she still felt light headed and sensitive, tendrils curling around her prison, the interior of the tree lazily looking for something to do, but unable to reach her in her current exact spot. A wrong move would likely mean being raped back into unconsciousness and stuck back on the wall in a harsher way after she was fucked and redrugged, several of the tendrils dripping that narcotic substance.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Waking up with a mild headache, no doubt due to the drugs, Christine finds herself bound to a wall in a way that left little doubts as to Cypress' purpose. That is, once the dryad came back. Twisting her arms to see if she was still feeling drugged, Christine concentrates on conjuring up a foxfire.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Foxfire, DC 5, roll 6. Success.

Christine found she still felt fuzzy, weak, and heavy, but the fire flickered into existence and hovered there, like it was confused but happy. Happy little fire. The Tree didn't like fire, not one little bit and several of the tendrils tried to smash it out of existence only to have it dart and weave around like a sprite near Christine.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Willing the little fire to move up, Christine wills it to press against one of the vines binding her. Either it would let her go or she'd start a fire, she was fine with either.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Willing the flame up, it sputtered against the vine, before burning it and uncoiled around her thigh, letting her leg drop while the flame sizzled and disappeared, one above her starting to descend, the spattering of that nectar falling between her legs and splashing her folds forcing a gasp from her lips. She was still so Sensitive! Good Lords! It was moving slowly, thick and throbbing, likely to redose her now that the tree was fully aware she could use magic again. She had time though, best to make the use of it.

Easily the biggest problem was going to be her hands which had been literally swallowed by the wood of the wall with absolutely no play. The binding was perfect, seamless.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Hissing as her legs are splashes with the foul fluid, Christine quickly focuses on more flames, trying to burn the offending tendril as well.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Flames, DC 5 Roll:4
Vine slithers closer.
7 vs 4 Christine is splashed again. DC for all magic increase by 1.

Christine found her concentration interrupted as a thick globlet of the fluid fell on her breast, oozing over her nipple and causing that tingling to spread through her chest, causing the flame she'd almost summoned to pop in the air uselessly, the vine continuing to descend towards her, growing more eager and starting to drip more heavily, and everywhere it touched a pleasurable heat started to bleed through her.

Cypress had obviously done this before...
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Swearing out loud, Christine stubbornly tries again, focusing her mind on a single flame.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

DC 6 roll 4 again .-. The fuck.
Drippy drop 8 vs 17. No drippy.
Vine slides closer, Oral fucking impending.

The vine continued to slide downwards and Christine couldn't focus on the flames properly as she started to panic a little inside, angry obviously and worried spoiling her attempt Again. The vine was just above her head now, and she knew how quickly it could move already, looking for a hole to use. She knew it wouldn't matter where it stuck itself if it was pumping that sap into her, she'd be drugged again, likely even faster then before.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Growling in frustration, Christine lashes out against all the nearby tendrils with a chilling of air... or at least attempts to.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

DC 11 vs 8 nope
VINE lunges!
Christine is now being drugged again.
Drugged 1 of 4. DC increasing by 2 each round for all abilities and attacks. at 4 Christine is considered helpless again.
Vine tries to reclaim the lost thigh! 8 vs 19 NOPE!
Christine still has one leg free

She couldn't get the concentration going no matter how she tried it seemed, the vine surging for her mouth and forcing it's way inside with little mercy as it started to thrust and drip that thick sap into her maw, her body feeling heavier and her mind starting to buzz again uselessly. it made her feel warm and sensitive all over and another was curling around behind her to drift along her inner thigh on her still bound leg, approaching her folds, promising more pleasure.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Severely annoyed by her failure and even more by the vine in her mouth, Christine attempts to conjure more foxfire to burn the offending vine off.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

DC for foxfire 8 vs 9! SHE DID IT!
Drugging vine pulls away for 1 round.
Otherwise her situation hasn't really improved.
AP 3/10 drugged 1/4

Christine finally managed to get a flame to conjure and it flew at the vine in her mouth, causing it to recoil and give her a chance to breathe before it could give her any more of a heavy dosing.

Down below, the other vine had started to grind along her petals, splitting her slowly only to withdraw and stroke again, teasing her, her body reacting powerfully as it smeared that sensitizing lubricant over her petals and just inside her folds, slickening immediately and making her nipples harden whether she was happy about it or not.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Growing even more lustful and frustrated as she feels a vine pressing against her flower, Christine decides to fuck everything and set the entire tree on fire. Pressing the foxfire against the trunk, she wills it to grow.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine summons another fire! 19! dats two!
Trees don't like fire!
6 vs 20! 1 fire is too agile and burns the trunk
3 vs 15 the second fire is not so lucky and gets bitchslapped and fizzles.
Tendril penetrates Christine
AP 6/10

One of her fires lashed at the trunk, starting to sizzle and burn, but it was still a tree full of water and it resisted her attempts to start a fire, but it would happen if she kept at it. The tendrils started to lash at the fires and as a second one came into being, her first dodged a strike to keep burning, singing the trunk and smoke starting to rise while the second was immediately struck by another and died just after being born.

Below, Christine felt that vine continue in it's efforts to get her back under it's control, pushing into her wet folds and sliding straight to her cervix, starting to slowly thrust, grinding hard inside her and spilling more of that slick, lustful burning substance inside her, the drug now constantly albeit slowly soaking into her body as it fucked her, her lust rising quickly.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Grinning with malice and doing her best to ignore the vine stimulating her netherparts, Christine closes her eyes, focusing entirely on the flames. "I WILL burn you down if you don't let me go." she says aloud, not really caring whether the tree could understand or not.