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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Mmm, so I should just whatever I please then? Lucky you. She said, groaning as Christine kissed her neck, the dryad rolling her hips slowly and hungrily while her hands slid along Christine's arms, soon wrapping around her wrists and guiding them above her to the headboard of the bed, where a whisper, it wasn't even a word, just a breath, washed over the wood and it wrapped around her wrists, pinning them there comfortably but firmly above her head, the wood literally molding around her wrists perfectly.

Kissing her again, Cypress moaned into her lips before moving to her ears, nibbling and biting gently, sucking on the tip of one with a moan before moving to the other, wreaking absolute blissful havoc on her fluffy ears mercilessly, her breasts hanging just in front of Christine's mouth, Cypress' hand pressing at the back of her head to urge her onwards while she played higher up.

I wonder if I can make you cum with just these... she groaned softly, straddling Christine's waist before going back to biting and tugging her ears gently, tongue playing slowly with just the tip, a light, slick heat on her sensitive flesh.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine is like wax in Cypress' gentle embrace, letting the dryad bind her arms to the bed. As the dryad leans over her, her flowery scent fills the kitsune's nostrils and her lips wrapping around Christine's ear send shivers through her spine, causing her other ear to twitch. The two full fruits hanging in front of her quickly get Christine's attention, and she quickly extends her tongue, starting to draw spirals around the nipples without the need for encouragement.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

MMmm, that's a good girl. Keep going. Cypress moaned, nipping her ear a little more firmly while her hand slid to the other, kneeding and rubbing, sending little shivers and sparks of pleasure through Christine's body while she worshipped the hanging fruit before her with her tongue, her nipples warm and hard under her slick muscle and causing the already very horny dryad to shiver and squirm, grinding her hips hard against Christine's front, cunt slick and hot against Christine's flesh as she did.

Your human pets will keep for another day. I'm not opening my tree for 24 hours. Cypress decided, shivering and gasping as Christine's tongue found a particularly good spot while Cypress continued to bite, suck, tug, and kneed her ears expertly, fingers and mouth working tirelessly to work Christine further and further into her lust, the sensation getting stronger the closer Christine got to that pleasurable moment of release as her body responded hungrily.

The scent of the dryad, and the tree filling Christine's senses was that of spring. Growth, Love, Bounty. It was wonderfully relaxing and exciting at the same time and Cypress continued to whisper and moan directly into Christine's ears, the hot wash of her breath tickling her inner ear relentlessly as she panted softly in between her attentions.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"You're kind of a low-hanging fruit, aren't you?" Christine teases just before another nibble on her ear causes her to gasp as the treatment of her ears, fills her with a mixture of relaxation and tantalization. Busying her tongue, Christine sneakily lifts her tails up to tickle Cypress' sides.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Never have, nor will I ever deny thaAaahh! Cypress started, before gasping as she felt Christine's tails, shivering and moaning, arching her back and pushing her breasts into Christine's face firmly, shuddering and very, very pent up.

Sliding down her body, Cypress abandoned the attempt to get Christine off with just her ears, upping the play a little by kissing her way down to Christine's chest, face sliding between her breasts before her lips wrapping firmly around her nipple, tongue sliding around the hard little peak slowly, teasingly, while her hand slid from her ear, to her cheek, running the tips of two fingers around her lips slowly. You weren't all that hard to pick either dear... So sweet... So juicy. Cypress groaned, biting Christine's nipple and tugging, before moving to the other, her foot encountering Christine's anklet and causing her to turn and look at it. Ooo, i'd forgotten that. she purred, gesturing with a hand, a vine growing from the headboard to slid through the ring holding the small bell, and tugging, forcing Christine's leg to rise while another wrapped around her other ankle, the pair working in concert to open her legs wide and bare her completely.

Sliding her hand down Christine's raised leg, she simply pushed on the inside of her knee, causing the limb to buckle and fold, the vine drawing in the slack, leaving Christine unable to straight the limb, knee now near her own breast while her other leg was pulled to the corner of the footboard. She couldn't have been opened wider if she tried and Cypress took full advantage, continuing to suck and lick her nipples while her other hand slid between them, fingers slowly curling into her wet folds and stroking in time with her squirming tongue.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine enthusiastically takes advantage of Cypress' position, wrapping her lips around a nipple and sucking gently while continuing to lap her up. Then the dryad pulls away slightly and she feels a twinge of disappointment before repeated kisses slide down to between her breasts, at which point she basically gives up on having sensible thoughts. A loud moan raises from her lips as the dryad's lips wrap around her nipple.

She would blush in embarrassment as Cypress spreads her legs to almost a split if she were not so enamoured with the feeling of lips and tongue on her breasts. Growing even wetter as she feels the hand between her legs, it takes all of Christine's concentration to continue teasing the dryad with her tails.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Feeling Christine's tails squirm as she loses her concentration a bit under the dryads toying tongue and thrusting fingers, the Dryad gently shakes her hips from side to side to make her a harder to hit target with those fluffy appendages as she moves to her other breast, catching her nipple between her teeth.

Tugging and pinching gently, she settles her thumb over Christine's clit and works it slowly and firmly in a tight circle while her fingers curl and stroke within her cunt, sending sharp bolts of pleasure through her helpless body steadily, her warm mouth changing from a direct torment of her nipples to soft kisses and long teasing licks around the sides and top of her breasts, kissing and sucking playfully, moaning into Christine's flesh.
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Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The treatment is too much for Christine, and she cums, moaning loudly as her snatch clenches around the dryad's fingers.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Cumming under the dryad's touch, she slides up and licks her fingers clean, shuddering. Before Christine can really recover, she's already turning around, straddling her face and lowering herself, brushing her very wet petals against Christine's lips. My turn hun... Make it good. she moaned, rolling her hips very slightly while something else was being ushered to grow up the bed, slowly curling around Christine's unraised leg, thick, slick, and slow, curling around the limb and rising higher steadily.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Panting as she recovers from her orgasm, Christine finds Cypress sitting on her face. Kissing the dryad's flower, she gladly starts rolling her tongue over the offending orifice, slowly running it back and forth for an opener.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Cypress moaned as Christine started, the dryad warm, wet, and very sweet on her tongue, her hips twitching and shaking every time Christine made another pass with her hot tongue along her petals while Cypress continued to urge whatever was sliding around Christine's leg ever higher. Been soooo long since I had a real harvest... I'll savor your flavor for years. she groaned, moaning and gasping softly.

Whatever was sliding higher near her own folds was coated with something that was making her nerves light up with a hot, sensitive, tingling pleasure quickly, making her more receptive moment by moment. Have you ever been pregnant beautiful? You're going to love this. Cypress cooed, pressing her hips down a little more firmly, seating her cunt on Christine's lips properly and grinding.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Twitching against the bindings as the tentacle crawls up her leg, Christine lets out a muffled protest upon hearing that she was to be made pregnant. Nevertheless, she keeps her tongue moving, sliding the tip slightly between Cypress' lower lips as she continues waggling it back and forth.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

I know, isn't it exciting? Cypress said in answer to Christine's protest, clenching around her tongue and crying out softly as Christine continued, sliding into her and squirming around, the dryad already very close to popping as it was, very pent up and overly eager it seemed to make the most of her 24 hours having Christine trapped in her tree.

The tendril continued to rise, soon brushing a wide, flared head through her petals, stroking her gently and slowly, letting that warming lubrication tease her, making her very sensitive and starting to edge into her with each pass a little more, taking it's time, only making Christine want it deeper each time. After 4 strokes it had only traveled a half inch. By the time it had pushed an inch into her Cypress was cumming on her tongue, groping her own chest and screaming out loudly as she hit her peak, her nectar sweet like honey, keeping her folds firmly shoved to Christine's lips.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"MMM!" Fervently wishing the tentacle would go either in or out, she tries to move her hips away from it even as she drinks deep of the sweet, sweet nectarine Cypress so graciously gifts her. As the dryad starts groping her glistening breasts, the kitsune nearly comes again and finally resigns herself to whatever fiendish fate had been planned for her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

That Fate was to put up with whatever she'd walked into, which was a Dryad hell bent on making her cum, making her make the Cypress cum, and fucking her pregnant with something.

And she finally got her wish as the tendril continued to not doing anything decisive, still only teasingly grinding just within her for several moments, it's thick sap slowly working her inner walls, soaking into her, before it slid forward straight to her cervix, Christine too bound up to resist her properly and not caring as the dryad started to toy with her tits, her fingers raking over her breasts before sliding back up to focus solely on her nipples, rolling and tugging as the tendril rested deep inside her, starting to undulate slowly.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine's back arches as she cums loudly again when the tentacle finally bottoms out, screaming right into Cypress' flower. Not to be so easily bested, she pushes her tongue deeper inside, blowing air through her compressed lips.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The vibrations from the raspberry, her scream of pleasure, and her thrusting tongue cause Cypress to gasp, shivering and arching, clenching hard around her tongue before the tendril pulls back and starts to thrust, slowly fucking her overly sensitive flower with long deep strokes, brushing over her cervix at the depth of each, working her tirelessly, it's pace almost mechanical while Cypress starts grinding and bucking her hips against Christine's tongue, whimpering and biting her lip, starting to tug her nipples in time with the tendril, one hand moving to her clit instead, grinding against the little jewel of flesh. Gonna make you cum again and again... Gonna make you too tired to carry. Feel to good to want to leave. What's a couple years to us fey. You don't mind. Cypress moaned, getting more and more into completely owning Christine it seemed.

After she came again, messily, dosing Christine again with another heavy taste of sweet dryad nectar, she raised herself off Christine's mouth, turning to straddle her abs, starting to grow another thick, dripping tendril at the head of the bed, and two more from the sides, the first angling quickly towards her mouth. I could grow a whole forest with you.... It'll be so lovely.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine practically melts from pleasure as the tentacled fucking finally gets to it. Continuing to pleasure Cypress while the dryad reveals her grandiose plans, she receives another dose of the sweet nectar. "And... if I say... no?" she manages to pant, shuddering slightly with each thrust as Cypress creates more tendrils.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

wouldn't matter. I want you. I need you. Cypress moans, lost in her own lust as the tendril lunges for Christine's mouth, the last word being no making her lips a slight circle and a wonderful target as she melts against the tendril thrusting into her folds, more sliding from the walls, and the floor. The forest will be beautiful and alive again... Cypress groaned, getting close to a second orgasm swiftly while she continued to press and tease at Christine's clit and nipple. Cum... Cum for me and forget everything... Just stay... she cooed desperately, losing herself in whatever fantasies and plans she'd built up for Christine in this moment.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Stupid plant-things, never just settling for having a little fun. Despite her difficulty in concentrating as the tendril in her pussy sends spurts of pleasure through her with every thrust and it's companion pushing its way into her mouth, she starts drawing heat from the air, willing frost to form on her body.