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City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Crusher seemed to look even more worried when Insectra was honest with her and said that her two slave sisters probably weren't ok. She wished she could be in there right now to just let them out immediately, but she knew that wouldn't work, and she'd only end up caught as well, leaving God's Hand with one less heroine. "Oooh... Mistress, I'm so glad we're working to save them. Anariel was so helpful with enslaving me, and Minariel wanted to be a nice breeder for you when she got back..." They were family to her, and so she felt the same amount of concern that one might have if they had found out that their own family had been kidnapped. She kept it together aside from her concern though, knowing that she couldn't afford to fall apart now, not when it was time to break into the Society HQ, something she had never thought possible until she had met actual angels, and powerful ones at that, so she was definitely hopeful.

"Yes, Mistress... I felt the nice ladybug..." She didn't want to go further, as the poor thing had just wanted to help their Queen, and ended up getting zapped for it. She had grown far more sensitive to the insects around her once she had merged with her nice symbiote, and so it was another regretful thing to see one of them pass earlier than they were meant to. "My Evolution!" She said excitedly, knowing that Insectra could change her to be an even better servant to her. "I... I am ready Mistress, please... improve me." Her voice held a tone of reverence, knowing that she could be made so much better now, earlier than she had ever thought.

Crusher's eyes widened a little as she felt a pulse go through her, her heart already racing with excitement. Her muscles bulged and she couldn't help flex them a little bit, feeling her new, improved, stronger muscles. Her desire to serve her... Queen grew even more, merging with the symbiote that already mostly controlled her anyway, and helping her better serve her Queen. "Mmmmmmm... Of course, My Queen... I live to serve..." Of course, the promise of a reward helped inspire her to do an even greater job, leaving her even more eager to serve. And then she felt that long, wonderful, delicious tongue of her wriggle down her throat, eyes slipping shut from pleasure as she grew even wetter, melting into that wonderful kiss that let her know exactly what kind of pleasures she might get if she does well. "Of course, My Queen... They will not stop me or you, and if they try... then you'll come back to a few more devoted servants guarding your path..."

Upon her command, she'd lift Insectra up with ease, aiming carefully enough to ensure that she landed in the right place, and with all the force her new body could muster, she'd launch Insectra. She'd watch carefully until she landed, and then would prepare to guard the escape path. Then... well... seems that MM moved quick... and that Insectra had given her some wise orders. As two lower tier heroines would rush over to Crusher, ordering her to stand down for arrest. She'd merely smirk, eager to test out her new body further...

People thought that MM was insane, that her paranoia was completely unfounded and that her constant back up plans and defenses were utterly pointless wastes. If she could see them now, she'd laugh in their face and gloat about how she was once again correct. That being said, Insectra would land on top of the building without trouble, but the moment she was there, compartments would open in the ceiling and mounted, automatic guns would rise out, all beginning to aim at Insectra. There'd be the sound of all of the weapons loading, and just as Insectra would get her summon through, they'd all begin firing, machine guns and energy rifles sending a mixture of lead and pure energy at them in an attempt to stop them.



Speaking of MM, she stopped in the hallway when she got an alert that the Society perimeters had been breached. She got a curious look on her face and spoke to herself, "Interesting. This early? Very well... Excellent move." Suddenly she'd hear voices in her ear as the Council began speaking to her. "Emergency vote now! MM!" "MM!" "MD!" "MD!" "2-2. Tie. Tie is decided by seniority. I'm a founding member. I will be emergency leader of the Society." With MA gone, she was set, as MT would always vote with her, and as such every vote she wished would be passed. Either way, she immediately pulled out a tablet and began working on things, already having her plans set for a situation like this.

Back on the roof...

Once God's Hand dealt with the turrets, as MM had expected they would, they wouldn't even get a moment's break before compartments in the ceiling would open, and the side of the walls, bringing something else up to confront them...


Security robots would be swarming them in large numbers, a feature that even Deva would be unaware of, as they were always being built by the technology and science department. So there were many of them, all wielding guns and all with the sole purpose of removing any and all intruders. Some bots were unarmed, their duty being to get in close and initiate hand-to-hand combat, a way to cover the ranged droids and keep the pressure on the enemies. Of course, even with such a large number, they weren't a replacement for an actual hero, but they were never meant to be, MM had other reasons for them being up there. And if they somehow won then it would be a win-win no matter what.

Surrender now, or these units will be forced to upgrade to lethal force.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"We have numbers so.. You can count on us!" Lily gave a thumbs up, after some delay, finally deciding to add: "'S order of people joining. Lily got joinded only a few years ago." like what, 90?

Lily purred when held close. "Yep yep. Humans endanger other humans, that why we help. Would ~suck~ to lose all humans! Lily informed, happy at her own wit.

"My favourite is Strawberry!" Lily enthused. No one here had had the heart to tell her that wasn't quite a color yet. "We go watch action-horrors later then." Lily decided, then nuzzled up to Vanguard. "Yay! Thrall! " Lily enthused, watching the stripping, on a mental note she recieved from the others squishing a hidden tranmitter MM had placed on the vampires, now glad V made tell her the wrong story about the church, frankly, before reaching out for Vanguard, holding onto her, nuzzling up to her neck once more.. and slowly biting down on the womans neck with a satisfied smirk, suckling on her, making her feel light headed and a bit weak in the knees. The little vampire however, didn't stop there, withdrawing, only to nuzzle up to Vanguards breast, nibbling, suckling playfully, before biting down, the sensual warmth and numbness spreading further, before Lily departed, with a sensual lick. Finally, she leaned down, in between Vanguards legs, kissing her clit, before sinking her teeth in deep, right and left of it, cooing lustfully.

"Hmnn.. good thralll.." She cooed, drinking deeply from Vanguard, her tongue pushing forward, licking and caressing around and into the heroines sex as she grew more and more pale, feeling incredibly aroused but unable to climax, due to her bodies life-force dwindling, when finally she slumped down Lily caught her, revealing unnatural strength for her size, only to present a few drops of something that tasted ~incredible~ to Vanguards mouth. As she tasted it, her body twitching in lustful orgasm.. and death throes, only for her to jerk up slightly, her teeth elongating, dark veins appearing around eyes that turned red, a lustful relentless, eternal hunger filling the vampire-thralls veins instead of blood as her body wanted, no, needed something with incredible abandon.. And then, there was Lily, gently lifting her dress up before her, inviting:

"Come here, slave. Lick and serve. Lily will explain stuffs to you now. You are a thrall, you exist to do my bidding.. which basically means you is bestest friend ever for Lily, yay!" The vampiress cheered.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Elwynn jumped a little as her hand was suddenly grabbed, completely ready to cast her enslavement spell. Instead she just waited there in confusion, not sure what Deva wanted anymore, and incredibly scared that she had done something wrong and she wouldn't be loved anymore. But once her hand is released she didn't cast the spell, at least understanding that Deva didn't want her to do that immediately like she had before. Otherwise, she waited there for whatever Deva wanted her to do next, still a little confused all things considered, especially with her mind not working at full capacity.

MA actually felt a little bad now, as what she had said earlier seemed to have upset her Love... and she worried for a little while that Deva didn't actually want her. Though, as ordered she'd raise her hand into the air and cast her flying spell, hovering in the air now. Maybe if she did as her Love wanted she'd still be wanted and they could still be together. With that in mind she listened to what she had to say, not exactly in any position to argue with how her mind was.

With a few quick hand gestures, she had cast the spells on herself that Deva had asked, and she blinked a few times as her thoughts came back to her properly. However, it wouldn't be long until she cringed in pain, unable to say anything before the metallic device was ripped out of her. If MM was still listening, she'd have been mildly surprised, but instead she'd be just listening to the recording of the rest of the conversation later. She had left the moment she had heard about the rest of the world, having to act immediately. Though if she listened to it later, she would be a bit upset that it had been discovered, hoping that it might help her spy on her enemies.

Meanwhile, as Elwynn recognized and realized what it was, her hands clenched into fists and she grit her teeth a little, a slight red aura appearing around her for a few moments as she felt actual rage. A bolt of magic would fly out of her hand to hit the crushed device, and she'd watch as it barely even moved or reacted, and with that she only grew even more angry. "That... fucking... BITCH! Thinking she can fucking use me like a fucking tool!" She'd hit the device with another bolt in an attempt to channel her rage for a moment, trying to get it out. If it were up to her she'd find some way to sell out MM right now, as that was the last straw in her mind. She had accepted her paranoia and her moral ambiguity for too long, and this had shown her just how far her former ally had gone, how much her paranoia had overtaken her, and her own arrogance had grown past what it had been so long ago. It would've taken her some time to get over her rage, but she was talking with someone important to her, and she had to retain some composure just for the sake of responding and continuing the argument apparently. Hearing what Deva said... any sane person might have taken this time to run, escape and be free, but she couldn't leave her love, and hearing that a power had been influencing her made her wonder if she could actually get her back.

Those hopes were dashed as Deva reaffirmed that she wanted to help God's Hand, at least keeping her from building on that hope too much all over again. She... she wanted to get her to accept this willingly? As much faith as Elwynn had in Deva, she doubted that would ever be possible. "Much as I disagree with the goal... I am appreciative that you at least are willing to get me to agree to it rather than force it on me." For a moment she considered adding a biting quip to the end of that statement, but in her mind that would be childish and get her nowhere. Plus... that was something MM would do... and she didn't want to be like her at this point, not with how angry she still was. "I remember... In fact, it's probably the very first memory that comes to her when MM thinks of you. To think I let her capitalize on my grief..." She never realized how far in denial she was... as she had thought MM was still mostly good, but it was as if she had finally opened her eyes to it all. She was so desperate for things to be like they were when Deva was still around, that she forced herself to believe that MM was still the same woman she had known so long ago.

"I have not ever considered you a coward, I do not think you make this choice out of cowardice." She knew of the resolve and courage Deva had, more than enough to face down an entire planet if need be. It didn't even have much to do with how powerful she was or her skills, she was just the bravest woman that Elwynn had ever met.

"Why dismiss the getting drunk metaphor? Short Term Effects: Outside influence to your mental faculties that often leads to you acting differently than you would have without it. For some it inhibits parts of their personalities, for others it releases those parts. Judgement is changed from normal, and for most it leads to an increase feeling of 'happiness'. Very similar. Long term effects of alcohol have been explored, not for enslavement yet, but the point I was trying to make is simply that something that makes someone happy doesn't necessarily mean it isn't harmful to their health and well being. The long term effects may need further exploration but as it stands the short term is quite similar." It was one of the few points she'd manage to make, and unfortunately even she knew it wasn't one of the stronger ones.

The next point was much harder for her to dispute, as not even she could deny that there was some form of struggle going on. In fact, the best she managed was a few attempts to start a sentence before she could think of nothing. There was still struggle in all of this, but it just seemed... wrong, in some way. But that wasn't any sort of argument she could use, it didn't make any sense. Though at the mention that she knows nothing about God's Hand, she did get a bit upset at that assessment. "You're right, I know nothing about God's Hand. They seem to be quite bad at advertising themselves really. If what they say is true, if they bring so much happiness, why hide? Why not advertise their beliefs like any other and simply wait as the church grows naturally? In fact, they seem to do an awful job at making first impressions. Our first experience that anything was wrong was a kidnapped heroine that tried to escape her capture. The next was one of you attacking one of us in a factory when she simply wished to ask the woman a few questions. After that it was them breaking a well known villain out of prison and kidnapping Bolt Storm's best friend. Then it was an attempt to infiltrate our base of operations. And finally, moments ago, when a heroine went to ask V a few questions, she was met with bullets that she had no reason to think were non-lethal. Is it really so insane, seeing all of this, to think that they perchance are evil?" While she could argue very little, she did not enjoy the dismissive comment of her knowing nothing about them, considering they didn't do even a decent job of making themselves understood. Funnily enough, had they gone with a peaceful option, she knew some heroines, and even a Council member would've gone with them on their own, but this had made them all defensive. Though essentially, at the end of the day, she was still agreeing that she knew nothing about the group, only wishing to clarify that it was not her own fault that there was no understanding.

She once again was left without a comeback, her own feelings betraying her in some way. Plus once the reasoning was inverted, she realized exactly what Deva was saying. "I... you're right... cutting the lifespan in half would be evil..." She was silent, unable to come up with anything to argue against that, as everything that was being argued made sense, what else was she to say? "No... I don't expect you to... do that..." Actually, that answer alone had broken most of Elwynn's resolve, as she could not expect Deva to allow misery, but that in turn meant that she accepted that she would be part of God's Hand. Meaning that her whole reason for this, getting her love back, was almost completely impossible.

Her voice was silenced as Deva continued to layer on her convincing argument, truly making Elwynn doubt everything that she had been doing to this point. Deva's words rang with a strength of truth and believability, shattering much of what she had tried to build up in this entire argument. She had believed that it was every person's right to choose misery if they wished, but... that was before she thought there was an actual option to remove that misery. They could stop misery... and they had already established that not doing so would be wrong... so were they truly doing what was right? And that piercing glare broke her down even further, the confidence and determination coupled with solid logic was easily ripping into Elwynn's determination and beliefs, working to convince her of many different things. Was God's Hand really the better option? It... she couldn't find anything to dispute what Deva was saying, and if she couldn't do that then... that meant she was correct. "I haven't forgotten..." The bite was gone from her voice, as she had nothing to argue with, and as such she was more thoughtful and thinking over everything that she was told, finding little to no problems with what was being said.

Elwynn's heart ached as she listened to Deva recall her memory of a butterfly, pained at seeing her love so sad and pained. And it took her only a moment to realize that she saw the same thing when Deva saw MA, in sorrow and stress from having to lead. "You... You protect the beauty in any way you can... And that's why you... I see..." As much as MA tried to hide the stress and sadness and pain that she had shouldered for so long, she had no way to hide it from Deva, and once called on it, the little bit of facade dropped, the rings becoming very slightly more pronounced as her brave face crumbled. "It... it is difficult... Would it really take my worry away? To let you shoulder the burden?" Her voice sounded a little more curious and hopeful, having relied on Deva so much in the past, that taking it a step further didn't seem all that wrong.

She knew that she could bring up that their defenses had SIGNIFICANTLY improved, but... that was just arguing for the sake of being contradictory. The point still stood, and made sense, God's Hand could've easily done a more violent attack, yet instead they worked to assimilate and convert without spilling blood, it was actually really noble, in a way. "No more burdens? I... I want to be with you too." And to do it, all she had to do was revert to how she once was when she had no reason to shoulder so much burden. She just had to choose to be Deva's, and then she could go back to how she was so long ago, meek and shy and far more submissive than anyone knew her to be. If that was what it meant to be with her love, especially now that the matter of the 'good and evil' debate was settled, then that would be what she wanted.

"I love you too. This is really what you know is best for me? Then... I trust you, my love... You let me make the choice myself, come to the decision on my own... So... I trust you..." But... But it was still frightening, and it was tough to actually take the plunge into her own enslavement, even when she trusted her Love completely. Something in her made her nervous, despite having accepted it, she was plagued with inaction for a few moments.

So she closed her eyes, working up her courage, making a difficult choice for the very last time. If she flew forwards then she would have a live of servitude, submissiveness, obedience, and... happiness, love, everything she wanted in life. And Deva would be the one bringing it to her, in charge as she had always been deep down. With her mind made up, Elwynn floated into Deva's arms, giving the last words she could before she cast the spell. "Please don't suppress that power, my Love... I want to be with you, at your feet, forever." That was the last request she had, wanting Deva not to hold back with the power that God's Hand had given her, perfectly willing to submit to the one that she loved. She'd savor the moment a little though, letting herself be held in those arms and that power for a few moments, smiling happily now that she knew she was completely committed to her love. And after a few moments, she'd cast the spell without hesitation, letting the obedience and submissiveness wash over her mind in a wonderful and calming wave.

Her dull eyes were filled with adoration, and being called pretty made her shiver in happiness, both from knowing that the one she loved thought her eyes pretty, and from knowing her Mistress approved of what she did. "Thank you so much, Mistress... Thank you for convincing me." Having given into the spell completely of her own will only made it more effective and potent, leaving no room for her to resist, though she didn't want to anyway, so that didn't matter. She wanted to remain timid and obedient, just as her Mistress wanted, and so she followed her command and held on to Deva, not needing to be told twice to keep holding her loving Mistress. "I love you, Mistress." She said, her voice much quieter now, as she was flown to God's Hand's headquarters, a warm and happy feeling still filling her.

"Yes, I feel so much better now, so much more fulfilled... No one trying to spread this feeling could truly be evil. I just feel so relaxed, empty, free of burden, subservient." Lota nodded in agreement to the plans, dispel rebound needed to ensure no one else could remove the wonderful enslavement spell, and every morning she'd cast it again just in case. Hearing that it was a romantic gesture only made her more eager to cast it every day, her nodding becoming even more enthusiastic, the blank smile growing just a little at the thought. She sighed as her temples were rubbed, focusing in on the shy and timid feelings flowing through her, making a blush grow on her face as she was about to strip naked. But at the same time... it sounded so naughty and arousing, making herself bare before her wonderful Mistress, removing anything that might block the sight of her powerful, wonderful, loving, caring, beautiful, heroic, dominant Mistress. That idea in her mind, she slowly stripped off her robes and clothing, leaving her body completely naked, showing off everything that her Mistress had once said she liked just how it was.


Her nipples were stiff and her sex dripping from arousal, adoration still the only thing in her dull eyes. "Yes Mistress, you can take all the bad away... I don't want it... I am no Mistress, I never was... I'm just yours... Your Slave... Your Lota..." A sigh escaped her lips as she felt so wonderful being able to say that, believing it deep in her heart. Whenever anything went wrong she could just go to Mistress, she could let Mistress handle it all once it got to be too much, and that way she could focus on serving. And now she would give away all the bad things that she had done and that had happened while she had been gone, because she wouldn't be judged, and it would feel so good to give it all up. Her feelings of warmth increased as her temples were rubbed again, and she knew she could talk about all the terrible things that had happened before. She couldn't do those terrible things anymore, so it was all ok, she just had to lay it all before her Mistress who could tell her how to think and what to do. "Mmmmmm... Timid and dependent... Sounds just so nice... There's... a lot to tell..." It actually took her a moment to decide where to start, but the best thing was going to the event that made her finally give up the hope that she was doing the right thing by sticking with the Council...

"Mistress... When Marie... LT... knew she needed to leave the Council... she wanted to choose a successor for her position. Well... she had wanted a heroine, Technomancer, she was a sweet and kind soul... actually reminded me of you sometimes... And she somehow managed to make Technology and Magic work in tandem... She was going to be selected, we talked often and she seemed so eager to help me do the right thing on the Council. Then, as the decision was being thought over... she was caught sleeping on guard duty for hours. She told us that she must've been drugged, as she was intensely focused and never slacked. MM was assigned with checking if that was true, but she said that nothing was found in the tea... But I KNEW something had to have been in there... She was too dutiful to have fallen asleep. Then, two days later, as she was escorting Wildfang to prison... He escaped custody and went on to terrorize more innocents. His cuffs were broken, with a level of incredible precision and the Council considered it her fault, thinking she used poor handcuffs. Her chances for the Council were ruined, and LT picked the current MT... a ruthless woman that constantly abuses the criminals she captures... Her and MM vote together on EVERYTHING... And it just didn't feel like coincidence right? She... She came to me every day for weeks to cry..." Lota's own eyes teared up as she remembered the genuine heartbreak that the younger heroine had felt. "Mistress... She cried to me about it, and actually apologized to me for what happened... She blamed herself, believing she had made a mistake and screwed her entire chance of making a difference up... She apologized to me for being unable to help me on the Council..." It was a long tale... but it was the last straw that made her realize that she wasn't really doing good on the Council, and that things were very different from before...

"There's also... MM... she would hang your death over my head to further her goals... More than just on the name erasure... When she wanted to enact a rule that made Council ties go to seniority... She told me that had we done that, you would've settled ties, and that if we had always listened to you then maybe you wouldn't have died...Or she'd tell me that you'd want me to follow HER orders... Or that if we are too lenient on villains then we'd create another Armageddon... And I fell for it every single time... Mistress... I did so much evil because MM convinced me it's what you'd want..." While it felt good to give this to Mistress, lay her very soul bare, it was still difficult to go over the many terrible things that she had ended up doing. And there was still so much more that she would have to tell her Mistress, showing how much she had failed and properly leading and carrying on the ideals that she cared so much about. "Mistress... I love you... but... I've done so much... I don't deserve you..." Doubt had crept into her now that she actually considered everything that she had done, the absolute failure she had been at being a leader and a hero.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

(Note: Timebubbling prior rps to allow all 7 of Gods hand to take action.

Insectra smiled briefly at her delicious pet .. definitly planning some fun with how.. delicious Crusher now looked, but, with the guns aiming at her, she knew exactly which of the Hand to summon first, ducking low.


Gloria raised her staff, a white energy engulfing its tips as the turrets locked onto her, aiming, fiering.. and then.. simply stopping, the gunshells impacting Gloria, but seeming to have no effect on her, similiar to the blasts. Meanwhile, V stepped forth from a second cocoon, taking out ever last turret with a thrown spinning disc, in short sucession.

"They know not whom they face." "They shall learn my sister. There is no need to hold back. As soon as the alarm went off, life signs below withdrew. Give them as little intel as possible, these things are likely used to gauge the attacker and calculate the most efficent response, rather than direct subjugation." V informed, jumping up, only to be caught in a bubble of energy by Cassandra, they all were "Right. I shall do this then.. Not yet, Seventh finger. I too, wish to show off sometimes."

"Everyone is protected." Even the Seventh finger, although she didn't need it.

"Surrender? We are the Will of God upon this mortal coil, we have come to bring forth your judgement, not to surrender." She slowly turned her staff around.

"Your wave of devastation will not be tolerated,
Your threat without foundation, will be eradicated.
Defend our own existance, from evils pure persistance.
She proclaimed, jumping down, the tip of her staff glowing white-hot, as it impacted the roof, the blast alone released enough to blow a hole in it, and send the robots flying off all at once, powerful enough to bend steel within its immediate vicinity, even if the robots could endure such power, they'd still be sent flying, whilest Gods hand dropped down, flying through the created hole, V informing:

"Liberation team lead by the Seventh, head right. Disruption team, lead by me, stay at this location. Engagement team, lead by Gloria, head to the left."


With that, V turned and rushed to point at a wall pannel, which Lily and Beastmistress pulled on, pulling open the electronics behind it, V placing a Divinotech device there, which acted as if it tried to hack the area.. in truth, it'd act as a trojan horse when it was hacked in turn, with V betting on the Arrogance of the Technological devision once they saw inferior code. If the device was hacked, it'd shut down the energy grid of the society, though V expected back up generators. "Even if Glorias attack disabled surveilance, I calculate a 30 second response window before this area is isolated electronically and a response is sent towards us..

More than enough time for me."
"Let them come." "Can we get MC Donalds on the way home? They got strawberry smoothies."

Meanwhile, Gloria and Cassandra rushed forwards, Cassandras ring pushed forwards, a blast of energy slamming into the door ahead, breaking open, intentionally causing a large amount of noise as the same informed: "You know, I .. met a heroine with abilities similiar to yours, you punched her, she got stronger." "Do not confuse my Zone of Sanctity for a mere damage absorption.. or perhaps do, I know how much you loathe untruths, so, as V would say, it would help facilitate a deception. We have to do some loathsome things, so that would be acceptable as well." "Eeeh.. lets just hope we get to fight another cutie. So whats the escape plan again?" "V got this."

Meanwhile, heading off in the other direction, with a silent, swift speed, was Insectra.. currently, if under silent protest, being carried by Deva.

"Alright, the cells and interrogation area should be right ahead. Trouble is, they know you and I know that, so we are likely to face more resistance than just robots. On the upside, none of the heroes gods hand liberated before MA are top tiers.. not going by V's description of them, and going by those I actually knew, at least, which means, they'll hopefully all be held here, not even MM would expect an attack on the society itself this early.. likely because its foolish. The society has grown stronger, at least in power, in the time I haven't been with it, it seems. At least part of my dream was a sucess."
"Hah, foolish is my middle name. Errr.. wait. Nevermind that. Lets watch our backs first." Insectra mused, tapping the wall once or twice as they rushed onward, summoning small sentry-bug creatures. That looked suspiciously like her parasitic eels. Was worth a try, after all.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Hmmm... Well you might not be better than all humans, but of the 23 that said they were better, you've got the absolute best body. And some of them were pretty damn hot, so you got that going for ya!" If it weren't for the fact that Blair and Cassandra were clearly fighting, some might actually just mistake them for flirting with one another. And if it weren't for all the fighting, really, Blair would be doing that in earnest because he did legitimately consider the woman to be really good looking.

"See... I dunno if I'm up for acquired tastes. Really those might as well just be called Stockholm Syndrome if you ask me." Mentally the hero kicked himself for completely disregarding the chance that his opponent could have backup or summon something else into the fight, but at least it didn't really come in to play anyway. "Listen, not every joke I tell can be perfect. If you go for 10s every time, you're gonna miss a whole lot, so it happens..." He did make note that the pan joke was a bust, and that if the situation ever occurred again he'd probably try something else. Maybe a joke about that one Greek Myth? Maybe, he'd try that next time! Besides, he had already won 20 dollars off of his other jokes, so really if a lame one fell flat it wasn't gonna hurt him at all.

"Hey, I can be subtle about pouring gasoline all over myself! Ask my high school English teacher, he'd know!" Ah the stories that he could tell... his powers manifested at an early age, meaning that his disciplinary record was rather large, all harmless pranks, of course, but man did he raise Hell. Actually, Reflectra knew about those stories too... but she wouldn't tell considering that she never had ALL the details.

"Blech! I hate dentists... Gotta be a bunch of sadists, I swear. Last dentist that tried to get into these pearly whites had his eyebrows singed off. Anything else to sweeten the deal for 'brainwashed bodyguard'? I mean, your salesmanship is good but you just need some more!" Those were clearly the things that needed to be focused on, not the concept of being brainwashed in the first place. "Gotta admit, if I had to go through that whole 'brainwashing' thing you'd be my first pick." Cassandra was fun, actually tossing banter around with her has been the most fun he had in ages when it came to banter. Though at the end of the day, the hope was that he wouldn't have to go through any of it.

Both Flashfire and Reflectra were annoyed at how well Cassandra could do now that she only really had to focus on one opponent. "Heh... I might love to talk, but Reflectra just wants to smash your face in. Though by all means, carry a conversation with me the whole time, it's fun." Well, it wasn't a lie, he was definitely having fun even while it looked like things weren't going all too well. "Dominatrix eh? Wish I'd known earlier... didn't realize you were giving me all this pain for free. Normally I have to pay you types for any fun, ah well, I've been needing someone to help whip me into shape." His only real option now was to make jokes and such, because with how things were going he wasn't likely to win this thing anymore. For her part, Reflectra would struggle against the ropes, suddenly gasping as she realized what the ropes did when she struggled, finally actually becoming aroused from all the stimulation. She would stop struggling rather quickly, though part of her deep down actually wanted to keep going and struggling. She also made a quick attempt to close her eyes once she realized just how pretty the rope around her eyes was, it was really nice looking after all...

"Damn..." Which he said for multiple different reasons at this point. He did in fact have his own sort of 'finishing move' but it wouldn't really work all things considered. He screamed in surprise as the 'roots' came at him, setting him up in the same situation as his partner, his cock and nipples both growing stiff now that he was put in a situation that really played with his new body. And her assessments were just as spot on, as he wouldn't be getting out of this with the way this situation was going... It seemed like this was it for him and her, he would be silent for a few moments.

If Cassandra checked, Blair wasn't even trying to close her eyes just staring at the rope there in front of them. "Well... R... I don't really see us getting out of this one. Wish I could've been more helpful to you. Least we'll be pretty much the same, eh? It's been fucking great working with you all this time, you're the best." His words made her desperate again, as she wanted to get free now that Blair was being honest with her. But then she struggled, moaned, and realized there was nothing she could do about this. "Ah well, guess I really am gonna give that 'Mind Enslaved' thing a go. Hope it's as fun as you say it is. The tree thing is clever, by the way, though I gotta admit it's probably the last thing I'm really focused on right now." Mostly he was focusing on the honestly really beautiful rope right in front of his eyes, having essentially taken Cassandra up on her advice to just look into it. Even knowing all this was happening, he kept up his nonchalant attitude, the only sign that it was working would be the occasional pause as he spoke, showing that he was distracted by the pretty rope.

"Hey Cassandra, before I'm completely and entirely your slave, would you mind a chat in private?" He'd ask, wondering if she'd come closer to him for him to make a request, as he'd likely be unable to fight after staring into the rope for this long. "I'm not really gonna resist this as I know when I'm beat, plus who knows, this might actually be fun. But Reflectra is. Would you mind doing me a favor and telling her she's lasted longer than anyone could expect, or something like that? It'll make it easier for her to accept losing, and give her something to be proud of before she goes. I get it if you don't, just figured it'd be worth an ask... Ooooh... This is really pretty you know?" He'd then go silent once again, smiling a bit vacantly as he continued staring into the rope, relaxing and letting things happen considering he doubted he'd be getting away.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Vanguard wasn't entirely sure she understood the whole number thing yet, but once Lily actually mentioned that it was order of joining she supposed it all made a lot more sense. Especially since she vaguely recalled that Beastmistress was referred to as the sixth one of them, so that all made sense to her.

"I guess we do kind of put each other in danger a lot so that sounds good." She smiled and gave a chuckle at Lily's 'wit' remembering that she liked to suckle a little when she kissed her.

Just like the others, Vanguard didn't really want to go telling Lily that Strawberry wasn't actually a color, not when she was so adorable and eager about it being her favorite. "I'd love to go watch some movies with you. Would it be ok if I brought a friend or two along when we go, or do you want it to be more private?" She asked, happy to just stick with Lily if that's what the adorable little vampire wanted from her. But there were more important things that she needed to focus on right now, stripping out of her armor so that she could become a thrall. Then the heroine would help Lily get closer to her neck, letting out another moan as her the familiar sensation of her neck being suckled on returned to her. Her knees shook a little as her head swam with the nice sensations, even petting the vampire a little while she drank from her. A soft sigh escaped her when her breast was bitten next, numb warmth flowing through her as she felt the nice feeling in her chest now instead of her neck. Then finally she reached between the heroine's legs, causing her to gasp in pleasure as those fangs sank in around her sex, the blood flow down there having already been increased by her arousal.

She let out a moan and her eyes slipped shut as Lily's tongue went to work on her, Vanguard not even noticing as her skin grew paler as her blood was drained from her body. All she felt was increased arousal, she was getting hotter and hotter but just couldn't cum, building under Lily's teasing, and yet nothing could come of it. Her strength left her and she slumped, not feeling anything further until something absolutely delicious was on her tongue, a taste she had never experienced before but felt absolutely incredible. Her body began convulsing in what she only thought was orgasm, not knowing that it was also her death throes, just savoring the delightful release before her body jerked a bit. Her body changed, becoming the true form of a vampire thrall, fangs growing in while her eyes became a beautiful red, dark veins becoming visible around her eyes. But at this point she didn't care about any of that, she wanted to satisfy this suddenly intense need she felt in her body... she needed something more than anything else, but she just wasn't sure what it was. Then she saw Lily lifting up her dress and stared between her legs, licking her lips a little and feeling her new teeth a bit as she did so.

"Mmmm... Yes Mistress..." She would obediently crawl over to her Mistress, before diving between her legs and eagerly licking as ordered. She'd quickly show that she had quite a bit of experience with this sort of thing, her tongue pushing into her Mistress with practiced skill, gently teasing for a little bit before licking in earnest. Vanguard would pull away for a quick moment just to answer her Mistress. "Of course, Mistress... Your bidding will be done... As your thrall, your 'bestest friend'." She agreed before going right back to pleasuring the vampire, working to prove that she was a good thrall for her Mistress.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


The droids would be sent flying, not being destroyed, and in fact not being sent as far as would've been expected, meaning that they'd likely be back if God's Hand took too long in the HQ. Once they got inside, they'd find the room completely empty, allowing them time to set up their plans and split up like they wanted. MM still observed the situation, a bit annoyed that her plan had been figured out, having wanted the robots to test the power of their invaders to figure things out. The lucky thing was that she still got a little bit of intel from Gloria, but unfortunately there was next to nothing she got from those robots, and so she'd have to keep working and keep adapting.

Their hacking attempt was caught quickly, as they had expected, and MM would be dealing with the rest of the Council speaking with her about what to do. "A hacking attempt? Like that? Fucking pathetic, lemme deal with that, should be an easy counterhack..." "Don't you dare! They were good enough to hack into our grave defenses without us noticing. This is a trick. They're not going to somehow bring WORSE hacking devices against us compared to what they must have used on the grave. Don't hack it back, just... dispose of it..." And rather than any counter hack attempts being made, V would see the panel the device was on suddenly explode, launching the device out as that panel disconnected itself from the main power grid of the Society. With MM in charge, the tactics of the Society were far better than they would've been had MA stuck around, as the Council would've likely voted MA as the temporary leader. Unfortunately for God's Hand, the leader was MM, and she had a tactical mind with an insane level of preparation... and the enemies were in her territory now.

Once the groups split up, they'd all feel multiple different bursts of different types of power running through the whole building. Some were divine, others were magical, some were simple technological bursts, either way, they'd find that no matter what they tried, their communications would no longer work with each other. Something that MA probably would've already told them, as it was knowledge among the entire society that any form of communication not authorized by the Society would be blocked with a multitude of different powers the moment they were breached.

After V, Lily, and Beastmistress got a few moments of silence, a panel in the wall would open and reveal...

( )

A blonde woman, with a cold and emotionless stare on her face, dressed in what looked like a business suit. As paranoid and arrogant as she was, MM always faced her opponents without emotion, as emotions were a sign of weakness, and she refused to show any. If any of God's Hand tried to attack her with bullets or long range attacks, they'd find she still had a forcefield in front of her, deflecting them and leaving her unharmed. "Ah, so it's you three, is it? Very well. You may simply call me, MM. Introductions are not needed. You are the one only known as V, you are clearly Beastmaster, despite your new appearance, and you must be Lily." Her spying devices in each and every hero and heroine had already gathered her that bit of intel, and as such she regarded each one of them with a cold and calculating stare. "Ms V, I would assume you are the strategist of your organization? I must say, a decent move attacking so early, though playing aggressively is a tad foolish at this point in the game. I suppose this attack is made on the presumption that we are low in number dealing with your 'bomb' in the city? Tsk... Unfortunate that you miscalculated. I offer you one last chance to surrender and merely fall under custody... before we are forced to do things the hard way." That being said, she'd step outside of her forcefield, into the room, opening herself up to attacks, not a hint of fear in her eyes as she regarded the three threats standing before her.


Gloria and Cassandra would notice no one immediately assaulting them despite all of the noise being generated, and they might notice that they no longer had any contact with the rest of the groups. And as they advanced, they'd reach a fork in the halls, and a single woman would walk around the corner to face them...

( )

MM regarded them both with a cold stare, inwardly smirking, knowing that her little trick wouldn't be easy to discover now that she had severed their communications. "Judging by the noise you are making and your lack of going after anything... vital, I would assume you are aiming either to distract or to capture. Quite clever. You may call me, MM. You are Cassandra, if I am not mistaken. As for you... You are the one I know the least about. Though, that must mean, through process of elimination, that you are Gloria, the only name I've heard and yet gained no intel of. You are the largest risk of this entire plan because of that, so congratulations. Those droids gave you this opportunity, and I will as well, surrender now so that no harm comes to you or your compatriots."

As she spoke, she pulled out a tablet and started tapping a few things, as though the two of them meant very little to her right now, despite her being right there within striking distance. She idly wondered which of the three teams would strike first, if she were a betting woman she'd bet on the original team with V, as the woman seemed pragmatic enough to not risk just letting the most intelligent member of the Council sit there observing them.


As Deva and Insectra moved forward, the door to the area they needed to get to opened, and a woman very familiar to Deva would step out, not the least bit surprised at seeing her there...

( )

Allison Crest... otherwise known now as MM. Her face looked even colder and crueler than Deva would remember it as she looked the two over. "I've been expecting you... And I see you've brought Insectra with you." As those eels crawled along the walls, they'd suddenly be shocked hard, causing them to likely die, and if they didn't, the walls began heating up to an incredible degree, burning any of the surviving insects alive. "Would you two believe me if I told you that you're heading the wrong way? I doubt you would..." Then she snapped her fingers, and a compartment in the wall would open and... a tray with a teapot and a few cups would slide out. "My old friend, perhaps you'd do me the honor of sharing a cup of tea, for old times sake?" She offered. If Deva listened extremely carefully, she'd hear the slightest hint of fear in MM's voice, as the woman was smart, and regarded most as inferior, but seeing Deva still struck a chord of fear into her to this very day.

All three MMs would say the exact same thing to the people that each of them were facing now, all part of the plan as well. "Have you heard of MT? The new Mistress of Technology? She's quite useful actually... She'll do so much behind the Council's back for me, and even erase her own memories of it so that not even she knows of the... defenses that I've had installed..." All three of them would snap their fingers and simply say... "Initiate protocol 12..."

Suddenly the walls inside the facility would start... moving? Some walls would sink down, some entire rooms would move on lifts, some open hallways would be blocked off by walls lifting out of the floor. The entire facility started rearranging itself, making the layout more mazelike and difficult to maneuver. "I hope you enjoy trying to find your way through all of this..." It was merely a tactic to severely slow them down, as now the only person that knew the layout of the building was MM herself, and the heroines would be directed by her so they could navigate it far more easily. "Welcome to my labyrinth... Unfortunately for you, there is more than one Minotaur lurking these halls."
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Hmn." V had jumped back from the explosion, covering herself with one arm and now smirked ever so slightly, as the panel exploded. "My theory of there being a dangerous mind on the other side has been confirmed. Efficent, but rather brutal." She noted, as she took a moment to examine the electronics.

"This energy was likely to jam our communications." V mused. She seemed unconcerned by this though, for whatever reason. It was an interesting meeting as the panel slid open, a woman, hiding her face, yet displaying subtle hints of smiling below the mask, meeting a woman that showed her face, but hid her emotions.

V did narrow her eyes a bit once she noticed the opposing chess master, however, before she could speak much, Lily had rushed to the side, produced a crayon from somewhere and.. failing the ability to penetrate the forcefield with her bad, she, beginning to draw a mustache on the energy field, trying to line it up with MM's mouth.

"Seven minutes, two seconds." She calmly said, not even engaging MM's words.

Lily busied herself trying to show MM the tongue, whilest Beastmistress stood by the side, ready to defend V. V herself V stepped forwards.. Then stepped past MM, placing a small coil on the forcefield, typing a button on it. "Technology analyzed, scanning for other technologies with the same energy pattern as this within 100 ft, expanding the range if theres no hits." Beastmistress hissed slightly at MM, but also stepped forwards. Internally, V smirked. This was all part of her strategy. A test to see how this one would react to not being acknowledged by who she naturally percieved as her deserving opponent. The only one dealing with MM at all.. was Lily.

"The Forcefield technology is interesting, superior to mine, but thats not my specialty."


Cassandra and Gloria both stopped when they encountered MM, upon which, without looking at her, Cassandra engulfed Gloria in a large ball of light, upon which, slowly, but steadily, the divine energy in the immediate vicinity began draining out of the air. The circle of this draining would steadily expand, until quickly, the members of the Divine division, the weakest minded first.. they felt.. something.. a calling. A raid to arms. How could they just stand idly by whilest bad things happened?


"Interesting. Time seems to not have been kind to.. MM." Deva could in theory use the name to cause each of her opponents pain, she realized now.. but that wasn't her way of doing things. She was the other of the seven members of gods hand to even interact with MM, looking at the one before her, like a picture. Meanwhile, Insectra slammed her hands on the ground, a small eel slithering forth, a cute one really, with button eyes, hopping at the tea-cup.. and sipping it up! She seemed rather annoyed her insects had been harmed.

"I'd be disappointed if the Tea -didn't- contain trace amounts of poison." Deva remarked. Back over, with V, the second finger meanwhile mused.

"The Labyrinth hmn... disrupting our communication and command structure. Even if we win during this, this phyrric victory would give our opponent enough intel to prepare a plan to disable us in the future. I'm the only one with technological abilities in this group." "It is time for a miracle." "Do you know what a miracle is, MM?" "It's when something impossible, something you can't explain happens before your very eyes." "Like, you clearly jammed our communications." "But we can still.. do this! Hah!" Lily flexed her nearly nonexistant muscles. "Your powers have not failed, even if they fail you, certainly you destroyed our ways of communicating." "But you will never seperate our heroic hearts from beating as one.""Of everyone in the council, of all those false heroes, you are the only one that I, the amazing Insectra, will never forgive." "So, it is time I show you a glimpse of just what you are truly dealing with. Something beyond your comprehension." "Does that scare you? No matter how much you think you have in that brain of yours, you still got a heart that can beat faster and hairs that stand on end in the face of the unknown." "No offense cutie, though, you just gotta understand." "True heroes never surrender. Never die, and always work together. It doesn't matter that you think you isolated us from one another. I know what my comrades are doing. And if we combine some of our powers.. this maze shall not stop us from doing the right thing!" Deva clenched her hand into a fist. "V! The prime directive!" "I got you. Protecting the innocent comes first!" "I'll expand my aura further." "I got your back." "Alright whithin the aura, they can jam my technology, but not its divine component. I understand enough of your technology to override the fine controls. Now, if she tries to shock one of us, she'll shock us all. How does that help us you ask MM?" V smirked, pulling out two cords from a small, rectangular device in a poket of hers. "Vampire bat swarm! Lily super awesome scout maneuvre!" Lilys lower half turned into a swarm of bats flapping off a she slowly desolved spreading out over the place.., whilest Insectra answered:"Greater Summon, Hydra warrior.. go ahead, electrocute those walls. I believe you already know what this creature can do? Come on, electrocute those bats, stop us from negating your maze. Of course, as vampire, Lily takes more than a short shock to take her down, so if you do, you'll end up just making me a hugeass army, at the heart of your power. Insectra check mate booyah!" "Now then, MM." Deva narrowed her eyes. Then, with precision, punched into a wall before her, taking a shortcut towards the prisoners. "Now, beg for mercy, scum of satan." Gloria continued to send ripples of divine energy draining force out throughout the building.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"I didn't think much of it." She refered to her argument with MM. Granted, she had to use her power to make herself smarter just to keep up, but pointing out that she wasn't human ultimately had netted her an 'argument win' over MM. Technically, she really was beyond most laws, as most laws specifically only applied to human, whereas she only qualified for animal protection. She was pretty sure MM pushed to ammend these laws afterwards though, which had lead into some trouble but.. she didn't hold grudges.

"So perhaps people being enslaved is like being drunk without the headache afterwards, sounds good to me. Long term effects always have to be observed, thats why they are long term." She shrugged.

"I do see the long term effects of not being controlled though. As for why gods hand had to hide.. ask MM about it. To be fair, an open approach simply presenting the option of happiness could have worked.. it would have also removed any chances if combat had to become the last option. I understand that many think us the villains.. and we are ready to bear that burden, knowing it will be proven wrong. Fair enough." She had explained, but shrugged. That was really all the responding she had to do to Elwynns arguments though, as beyond that, she agreed.. and without any of the angry wiggling MM had done too, yay!

"I love you, my good girl. There is no need to be scared" She nodded and smiled. "So pretty in your obediance, say what you want." She cooed, letting her power be more of a pleasant backround influence than an overwhelming urge.

"That sounds good. I'm glad I could help you feel better. Plus, with you vividly remembering this argument you also understand why we have to fight your past allies, even those close to you, if they truly stand in our way." She nodded, smiling as she took in the sight of Elwynns body uninhibited, purring slightly. "Hmnn.. it seems your body is.. quite ready my sweet." She cooed, adjusting her outfit a little.. The fabric of her clothing was usually protected by her ability, though, right now, there was a noticeable bulging between the heroines legs.. a gift from Gods Hand, to.. complete her. She realized it was in part to ensure her loyalty to the cause by.. encouraging her and giving her certain urges, but she didn't mind all too much..

Whilest the ex mistress of the Arcane told her story, Deva slowly stripped, exposing her voluptous body.. in more ways than one, leaning back on the bed with a lustful expression in her eyes, her shaft hardening.

"Don't you worry, we will liberate that young heroine and, perhaps she too can become mine in the end. Tell me her name." She encouraged. "Well thats just silly. Age has nothing to do with doing the right thing, infact, you can be old and get lost in your ways that don't keep up with the time as much as a young and enthusiastic person can get lost in not knowing what to do yet.. thats why making decisions like this doesn't work. You shouldn't make decisions, just follow someone that knows whats best for you." she nodded, waving Lota over. "Like.. take it slow. But focus on those worries.. let me fuck them out of you. MM is smarter than you. You wanted to do the best, but she'd overcome you and manipulate you, none of that is your fault." She smiled, then, once Elwynn approached, took her head, gently guiding her down upon that massive shaft, pushing into her mouth, silencing her with the throbbing might as she went on.

"Nonsense. You do deserve me. Everyone deserves a second chance.. Not as an equal, but to serve me, so you can't be lead astray. Now, relax. I want you to train relaxing your body.. and mind alike, as I push my power and ideas deep into you." She slowly, but determinedly pushed her shaft into Lotas mouth, down her throat. "You messed up so much.. its hard to make all these decisions. So just stop. Whenever theres a hard choice and you worry you could mess up... just don't decide, ask mistress what to do instead, ok?" She slowly withdrew her shaft again, letting her slave answer.

"I want you to take all these bad feelings and uncertainties.. and compare them to the nice, wonderful taste of my cock filling you. Feels nice, doesn't it?" She smiled, pulling away, only to guide Lota ontop of her, her thick shaft pushing up to and sliding against that moist sex.

"Do you want the past to be the past, let go of all these bad feelings and just recieve my shaft, focus on make me feel good and obey me now, my sweet lover? All you have to do is stop making all these bad decisions.. by stopping to make any important decisions on your own. Let your mistress take care of it all, ok?" She smiled encouragingly.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

( )

The first MM seemed to completely ignore Lily when she tried to draw on the forcefield, not caring about such pathetic childish insults, only regretting she couldn't stake Lily right then and there to remove one of the threats she'd be facing off against today. "You may analyze out technology all you wish... I will even give you the gift of information. Not a single other technology in this facility runs on the same pattern as that forcefield. They thought me paranoid when I told them that every single forcefield must be built differently, with different materials and different types of technology, but once again I am merely proven correct." MM would pull her tablet out and begin taking notes as she herself observed V, genuinely impressed that someone here could compete with her on any level.

While outwardly it seemed as though MM's expression did not change, if V looked closely there was a very slight hint of annoyance at being ignored, but otherwise nothing would come of it. "Interesting strategy on multiple accounts. Not only can you gauge my reaction to your silence, but you also do not risk divulging any information. I suppose I will have to take that as a 'no' on the surrendering. Shame that, I would've enjoyed having one such as you in my department, I do so often lack intellectual equals, well, you're not an equal, but you are still superior to the average fools I so often come in contact with. Ah but then again... you ARE religious... so perhaps you aren't as intelligent as I think you are." She added that last point as though it were a foregone conclusion that a simple fact like that made V undoubtedly inferior to her on a basic intellectual level.

The electronics in the panel were completely destroyed, the explosion severing it from their technology and power grid and leaving them unable to access anything deeper in the facility from there.

The second MM...

MM raised an eyebrow when she saw Cassandra and Gloria act, watching passively until she'd tilt her head ever so slightly as she got some communication coming through... "What, I am in the middle of something..." "MM, you don't understand, the people in my division are starting to feel a calling to them to action. I feel it as well." "Is that so? Well I expected something like this long ago. Your holy energy is being used against you... So... Put me on speaker in your office... ... MD 5!" She'd shout, waiting a moment before she heard something. "You've gotta be kidding me... You KEPT this?! Behind my own back you kept this accursed thing?!" "I figured it would be useful, and once again I was right. We can discuss punishing me for it afterwards, for now, USE IT!"

Of course, if they were paying attention, Gloria and Cassandra would only be able to hear one half of that conversation. And suddenly... almost out of thin air, all the holy energy in the entire facility that Gloria hadn't pulled in yet, was completely gone. She could no longer even feel the holy energy of the powerful heroines in the divine division, as though they had all suddenly lost the Holy power they had in a near instant. "This feels disgusting MM... I'm going to need to pray for weeks to rid myself of this feeling..." "It was either THAT or betray us eventually, so be thankful I kept it!" If Gloria could feel other energies, she'd realize that there was suddenly a HUGE surge of demonic energy all around them, the energy of demons and devils in the building now second only to Hell itself. "Do you really think I'd face a group that calls themselves 'God's Hand' without preparing for you trying to overtake my Divine Division?"

The third MM...

"Well, death seems to have not been too kind to you as well, my old friend. You apparently don't even have the conviction to stay in the grave we had made for you. And yet again my supposed paranoia is proven correct. We should've launched your body into deep space like I had suggested..." The eel meanwhile, would feel a taste of a powerful poison in the tea, one that would lead to a slow and very painful death. And actually, MM had to smile at the comment Deva made further, still seeming just as cruel and brutal when she smiled. "You know me very well. The tea is quite poisoned, though that shouldn't be a problem to you, unless you are weaker than even you like to think."

"Oh, and if you must know, go right ahead and use my name if you really wish, it won't harm me. Do you think I'd be foolish enough to follow along with my 'Name Erasure' protocol? The OTHERS have the mental block to harm them, I do not. If it were up to me my proposal would've excluded me from the process, but instead I merely had to doctor our data to make it appear that I had taken the process..." Other than that she'd remain silent.

All three of them remained mostly silent, not entirely comprehending the information presented to them, though as they thought it through they had at least one response. All of them would once again speak in unison... "Clever, well then I figure your little trick works on the same basic concept as mine at least..." Though her face did shift to one of confusion and even a bit of apprehension and fear, something that Deva would know is extremely difficult to do. She was, for the first time, unsure of how to handle the information being give to her, realizing that divide and conquer was simply not an option. She was terrified for a few brief moments, her face only showing the mild reaction, which actually meant that they had shaken her quite a bit with that. But MM forced herself to calm down, returning to her stoic face as quick as possible. "Excellent work. I've clearly underestimated you lot. You even made me scared there for a moment... Incredible. I haven't felt that in such a long time... I almost wish you lot didn't have to be destroyed, as I don't have the driving force of true fear anymore, just cautiousness..." The Council woman forced herself not to laugh, however, when she had heard about their 'Prime Directive', managing to hide her emotions on that even more than she had before, taking a note of the extremely valuable little bit of information that she had just gotten.

"Are you all done yet? I admit you have surprised me here... Unfortunately your plan fails on the simple merit that I. Plan. For. EVERYTHING. MT! Disable the electricity, let's not give them free reign to overtake our lower tier technology." She'd say, and none of them would feel the shock of electricity on the walls anymore.

"Indeed, I DO know what your insect warrior can do, which is why you fail. Check mate? Pathetic, I wouldn't even constitute that as check. I hope you've brought an umbrella..." All throughout the labyrinth, a powerful acid would start to rain from the sprinklers, and while it appeared to be everywhere, MT was merely controlling it to rain down on the areas the enemy was in. "You call yourself God's Hand. You all act as though that is so impressive. However, allow me to shed the one truth all of you ignore. THERE IS NO GOD! 'GOD' is a creation that humans developed out of a fear of death, a fear of the unknown. Well, know this, I do not fear the unknown, I do not fear the non existent, and as such I fear NO GOD! You may continue enslaving us to your imaginary fairy tale and the fake enforcers that call themselves angels, I will continue to live in the real world where the only 'Higher Power' is the unyielding force within myself to emerge victorious." For the first time she showed some emotion in her voice, though most of it sounded more like mockery than anything else. And afterwards she'd return to her stoic face, watching as acid rained down upon her enemies. Though they'd notice another forcefield on each of the MMs, making the drops of acid fall away from her, leaving her dry as she showered the rooms with acid.

Once Deva put her fist to the wall, she'd slam through steel, lead, more lead... and... suddenly she'd start to feel a little weak. And it was at that moment the third MM couldn't keep her composure any longer, laughing an insane and mocking laugh at the heroine. "Do you really think I didn't expect you to cheat? I layered the walls... Steel, lead, a special alloy of of 40% platinum, 55% Osmiridum and 5% osmium, a shell that keeps oxygen from getting into the wall, and finally in the center of these beautiful walls is some pure Osmium... See, here's the thing, remember how I said I disposed of all the Osmium in the world for you? Well, I figured that would be such a waste, so instead, I stored it safely away... ALL OF IT... not the 1 kg my notes say, ALL OF IT. See, once you passed I figured there was no need to accomodate you, so I layered it into the walls just in case another member of your species came here. But it's just as good at stopping you!"

Seems MM had more and more backup plans... not having expected them to be able to continue exchanging tactics with one another, and even being thrown off by it. In her office, a fourth MM slammed her fist through a desk, wishing that this would all be easier, but instead this foolishness had to persist, and if it did, she would NOT let them cheat at her carefully constructed labyrinth. Not when her 'minotaurs' were getting closer and closer by the second, being directed by her since she had an overhead view of the entire maze that allowed her to figure all of this out.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Hmnn.. can bring along friends.. if they become Lily friends too!" The vampiress enthused, of course, incredibly reasonable... She always wanted more close friends!

"Yay! Yous already nice, but once you become happy spawns.. you get super duper nicer!" Lily enthused, looking down at her vampire-thrall.. She'd have to teach her many interesting things about her new abilities, though many would be instinctual, .. like right now, the urge to satisfy mistress, overwhelmingly. Lily moaned slightly at the suprisingly experienced lesbian vampire spawn of hers, cooing, petting a bit through Vanguards hair, putting a little bow in it, just because she could.

"Hmnaaah.. good girl.. haah.. keep licking." Lily cooed and encouraged, having.. replenished her strength from the heroines blood already. "Oooh perhaps can go find the one you was with? you seem to have been.. close friends already. Make her happy Thrall-friend, one give Lily backrubs, one bellyrubs! Great team!" Lily suggested and enthused. Whereas before she had been cute and enthralling, now she was also indeniably and forever more the heroines owner and mistress, her will had to be obeyed ultimately.. though right now she just lustfully writhed upon Vanguards lustful tongue, producing a dark dildo (with bat wings at the base) cooing and rubbing it up against the heroines sex, slowly pushing into her. "You do good, yous get to cum too!" Lily assured generously.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Interesting, building every forcefield uniquely, so a centralized shutdown is impossible. That said.." V smirked, theorizing on. She again kept her conclusions to herself.. like the fact that so many different forcefields couldn't possibly be activated at once, requiering focused observance, or risk overloading their supporting energy sources. Just like with Super Sleuth, infact, almost easier, she ignored MM's taunting, typing on her own device, as if this was a hacking contest. That the electronics were cut off and destroyed didn't matter to V.. she had been examining the general layout and building process..

"The technology is still based on human inventions. For example, powered by electricity, though there seems to be some arcanotech." She pulled on some cables.


"Use what now? Boy, I hope you didn't save any unholy relics. Then again, you propably can't tell a.. alright alright, hushing it." Cassandra chuckled. "So, why are you so serious anyway?" "Ugh.. what ..whats that. What did you do you wicked creature, it feels as if this whole place has been desecrated." .. she hesitated. "No, not just that, unhallowed. Just what is that." The energy bubble dissipated, as Gloria cracked her knuckles. "Thats it, I don't quite care if you -are- just a hologram. Such blasphemy should be .. V? Hah.. yes.. now that you say it, they are now down an entire division, though I can't even maintain my own holy aura like this." she narrowed her eyes. Apparently, the demonic energy had influenced her as well as V, though she looked more angry than damaged by the loss whereas V looked just as disgusted as MT might by now..


"Not worried about the first poison, but about the hidden nanites that you use, their taste masked even from my senses by the poisons taste, a gamble, to dare me to drink the poison to prove my strength wrong, a very low chance of sucess, but you wanted to give it a try.. am i right so far?" Deva said, calmly.

"What is your endgame here, MM. You alienate your own allies. Indubitably you have a backup plan to portray us as the villains, but..

You plan to take control of this entire place, don't you? The others will be coerced to go along with you, or face consequences."
Deva guesstimated.

With the acid reigning down, Beastmistress growled, whimpering and rushing to quickly shield and recover a slightly injured Lily, as V disabled the sprinkler systems with a few well aimed projectiles. Gloria and Cassandra were hit by the acid.. but where it managed to somewhat bite into the latters armor, it just.. fell off of the first one. Finally, Deva simply held her cloak over an eeping Insectra, she too unaffected, though annoyed.

"You put acid sprinklers in the institute? This could catch heroines in the cross fire. Do you truly intend to fight us with just yourself and machines?" Though, true to things before, the insect warrior proved.. melty in the end. "Enough of your insolence!" Gloria determined, raising a fist, only to lower it again, hesitating, shaking her head. "Not.. yet though."

"Ugh.. .. my only mistake was ever letting you convince me that we need countermeasures to me.." She growled. taking a step back as soon as she had punched into the wall. "Luckily.. its only a thin layer, you did not spare any expenses eh." She took another step back, to make sure her protection over Insectra could remain.

"Remain calm. Don't let her provoke you. The acid indicates that she doesn't intend to fight us with heroes. Most of them too would be hit by it, even if she turns it off, the floor would remain damaging. Even if she doesn't care about the heroes lifes, that would be a waste of resources, worse, she doesn't know the exact speed of our mind controlling ablities, so she never planned to send living foes to fight us in the first place, unless she has no other option left." V theorized. "Furthermore, in about 2 minutes, assuming this continues, the acid will have filled up these corridors to a point were us pushing on would endanger the heroes, indubitably now trapped as ultimate bargaining chip. But the thing is.. She knows she can't win yet."

"Else she would have attacked. I get what you are saying now." "Yes, the acid in conjunction with our powers also likely disabled all simple surveilance equipment." "Except for her." "Not her, I strongly suspect those are realistic robot duplicates." "Scrap metal it is." Beastmistress grinned and rushed forward.

At V's group, Beastmistress was the first to attack, slamming powerful, if only human-level claws into the forcefield, savagely cutting at it. Lily got hit by the acid... but now quickly recovered. V calmly observed, pulling a small device out into her left hand. Whilest she lacked the striking power, she was calculating a way to short-circuit the forcefield, keeping her eyes calm and sharply pried on MM. "You got data on Beastmistress capabilities and limits already. Leaving a margin of error for possible empowerement through whatever we did to her, you can calculate what is needed for victory with almost certainty. I thus estimate that your forcefield is enough to stop this attack, however, do give me the credit to know that this is not an attack. I am gathering data."

Meanwhile, Cassandra shrugged, creating a massive, light shaped boxing glove, and test-smashing it against the forcefielded of 'their' MM, with enough power to damage a foe with basic super durabliity. Gloria meanwhile simply stood back, arms crossed... she, or, rather, V, knew that doing absolutely nothing and remaining an unknown variable for now would deal more damage to MM than her joining the assault.

Meanwhile meanwhile, Deva had crossed her arms.

"Watch my back using the wurm." She nodded to Insectra, who agreed, summoning the tough, large wurm and letting it swallow her up. She too would keep a few summoned abilies hidden from their foe, whilest Deva, who MM knew the most about, would attack.

"Let's see.." She extended a hand, then nodded.. "As I thought, you have some of it on you as well. But there is two things you forget. For one.. a force field is energy, and can't be made to stop me." She pulled her fist back, exhaling, then focused it on the forcefield, with all her might, a single blow neutralizing the entire forcefield, as she stepped forwards. "For two.. I don't need any special powers to stop you." She rushed forward to punch MM, only to stop, twirling into a circle-kick at her. "Your mind can keep up but your body can't."

Finally, V spoke up again, twirling the throwing star with disruption technology, adjusting its frequency to the forcefield she faced.. and failing.. "You realized I was attempting to disrupt the forcefield, so you changed frequency, faster than I can keep up with it. You know, of all members of gods hand, you are the one most like me." She chuckled briefly. "Which is why I can't believe you made such a stupid mistake." She smiled, pulling out a small crystal. "You deactivated the divine wards, the electricity and thus the technological cloaking, that leaves what exactly? And who exactly did you just lose, before I decided to attack?" She held the crystal higher, as it flashed with a blue light. "Without a doubt, you changed the arcaneries as soon as you learned of MA's 'betrayal'. But what you hadn't accounted for was that, even before this, she had begun worrying about you. And after calming a sad heroine one final time she created a harmless device, really, in technological terms.. restore to factory settings. So, in the long run, this here." She pulled out a scroll next. "Comes courtesy of someone you claimed fell asleep on their guard duty." She unrolled the scroll, with MA's seal upon it, which lit up, V glowing briefly, closing her eyes, before informing the others.. "Locate person spell sucessful. Beastmistress, busy her." With that, V jumped back, splitting up, together with Lily, who had the presence of mind not to demand a piggyback ride(though she wanted one). "Lily.. shadow cloak of stealthyness?" "Soon, conserve your abilities." MM would notice that V now unerringly moved towards the prisoners. "Alright smarty-bitch. The forcefield may be tough, but you can't run and keep it on, can ya?" Beastmistress grinned.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Elwynn wouldn't have been able to argue the point any further even if she hadn't willingly enslaved herself, as Deva had done a very good job of making her point plain and clear. So, now that she was completely enslaved, she smiled vacantly, seeing the argument she just had as the most wonderful argument she's ever lost. She was finally happy, after such a long time struggling and failing to lead, the burden had been lifted from her shoulders by the truest hero she had ever known. It felt wonderful, to finally be helpless and submissive to the one that she loved, able to let her love lead not just in being a hero, but in all things like the wonderful Mistress she was. The title that she had foolishly been given felt even more empty, now that she had met a true Mistress, someone that deserved the title so much more than she ever could have.

"I love you too Mistress..." And she sighed in happiness when she was complimented for being pretty, words that would've made her blush before now helping to also increase her arousal when it came from her Mistress. She even enjoyed the gentle background influence, making her feel content and warm and happy, loving the sensation enough that she didn't care how powerful it was, just never wanting Deva's influence to leave her completely.

"I'll never forget this argument, Mistress... Because it will always remind me of why I gave up my free will to you... and remind me why you deserve to make the hard choices." Lota nodded, knowing that this was more proof to her of just how smart and correct her Mistress was, and therefore more reason that she should be the one making all the decisions. "I understand, Mistress, the Society doesn't understand what they're keeping from people... They need to be fought so that they can finally understand..." She no longer had any hesitation about her former allies having to be stopped, the argument proving to her that God's Hand was right and merely wished to bring happiness and prevent misery. Deva had not coerced her or forced anything upon her, she had just merely convinced her, showed her the strength of her position and that would make Elwynn all the more eager to do whatever she could to assist God's Hand.

If Deva paid close attention, she'd notice that Lota's eyes were drawn to the bulge that had formed in her suit, unable to tear her eyes away once she had noticed it herself. Her look briefly shifted to one of awe and surprise as she realized what it was, but then returned to an even more passionate look of reverence and admiration. Seems she had some desires that she hadn't entirely mentioned when they had worked together years ago...

During her story, Elwynn watched her Mistress stripping and she had to fight to continue following her orders of telling the story, her Mistress' perfect body distracting her. And despite the sad story, she could feel herself growing just a little bit more aroused when she saw her beautiful, perfect, sexy, absolutely erotic Mistress' body. Once her story was finished, she'd lick her lips a little seeing that shaft revealed, desiring nothing more than to pleasure it, and therefore pleasure her Mistress.

"Technomancer's name is Bethany Ferra. I think she might get liberated on her own though, Mistress. She had left for vacation just this morning to visit her cousin... Though, she's very smart, so I don't know if she'll even be purified when she gets back. I think she'd love to belong to you though, Mistress... She always seemed to have a bit of a crush on me, and loved hearing stories of you..." And already she was imagining how happy Beth would be once she was free of all the sadness and disappointment she was forced to endure. "I understand that now, Mistress. I'm not meant to make decisions, not when I have a Mistress like you to make them for me." And when beckoned, she'd sensually crawl up the bed to her Mistress' cock, or at least, she was definitely trying to be sensual. She moved a little erotically, but there was a large amount of shyness and timidity in her crawl, wanting to be erotic, but also still a good slave girl like Deva had wanted her to be. Then once she made it up to her, she'd nod in agreement before feeling herself guided down onto that shaft, parting her lips and sucking on it, ready to let all her worries get fucked out of her so she could be a happy slave forever. Her eyes would look up at Deva as she bobbed up and down on her cock, those eyes filled with a submissive trust and adoration, letting herself be guided without a hint of resistance. Her tongue would slide over the head, rubbing against the spots she knew were more sensitive, and then sliding down the powerful shaft, making sure she didn't neglect a single inch in her mouth, a bit of dark purple lipstick would get on it from her lips as she continued sucking.

Hearing Deva say that Lota deserved made the former Mistress of the Arcane moan in ecstasy, her Mistress' cock still in her mouth. She was being given a second chance, not as an equal, but as a slave... she inwardly swore to make the absolute most of this second chance, able to be sure she did good knowing her Mistress was good. Every part of her, mind, body, and soul, relaxed and allowed her Mistress to push into her, that shaft pushing all the way down her throat without her gagging at all, and those ideas that her Mistress spoke were like another shaft pushing deep into her mind, imprinting there. Once she was guided off the cock to answer the question, she'd release the head with an audible 'pop' before answering. "No more making hard decisions... If I have to make one, I just have to go to you and let you tell me what to do..." It sounded so easy, so free of stress, how could she ever not want to give up the burden of choice?

Then in her head she compared all the uncertainties, all the difficulties and bad feelings to how wonderfully good it felt to wrap her lips around Mistress' delicious cock, and she figured she definitely wouldn't need her Mistress' help to make such an incredibly simple and obvious choice. "It feels so wonderful, Mistress. I'd take your cock over any of that sorrow, it's so wonderful..." Lota moved along with the guidance, positioned on top of her Mistress, that thick, long, hard shaft rubbing against her dripping wet sex, making her mewl in needy and submissive delight.

"Mmmmmmmm... Yes Mistress! I want to be rid of the bad past and just feel you inside me, just obey you in everything and devote myself to you. I want to do everything I can to please you, Mistress, and obey every order you wish to give me... I want to look to the present and future, where I am your happy slavegirl, and move from the sadness of the past... MmmmmMistress... I need you..." She'd spread her legs a little more, trying to rub against that cock, but knowing that it wasn't her choice for WHEN she was fucked by it. "I won't make any important decisions any more, Mistress... You can take care of all of them, please... please... make all those decisions for me Mistress... free me from the burden of those choices forever..." She pleaded, wanting to be completely accepted as a slave, needing it to be reaffirmed that she'd never have to make choices again, hot and ready to be fucked once her Mistress decided the time was right.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Vanguard now imagined bringing some friends to Lily, reveling in the image of bringing them to serve her Mistress Lily with her, all of them becoming thralls together. She would definitely bring along friends so that they could be friends with Lily now that she imagined such an attractive image for all of that.

"I am happy to be your spawn, Mistress... Mmm... Yes Mistress... Nicer..." The new thrall eagerly agreed, following her instinctual need to satisfy and please her Mistress. Her tongue would explore and push further into her sex, carefully feeling Lily's reactions and using those to guide her tongue deep into her sex. Then she cooed a little as she was pet, a physical sign that her Mistress was pleased with her, not minding the new bow in her hair, especially not considering that it was what her Mistress wanted of her. Her Mistress was happy, which meant that she was happy, it was as simple as that.

She wouldn't have to be told twice to continue licking, picking up the pace a little and pulling her tongue out every now and then to tease Lily's clit. "Yes Mistress... Bolt Storm would love being your thrall once she feels what it's like... I could help you take her and make her nice and enthralled to you." There wasn't a hint of guilt in what she was saying, if her owner, her Mistress, wanted her to betray what was once her greatest friend in the world, she'd do it without question. But the decision was made even easier knowing that Bolt Storm would feel wonderful once she felt what it was like to be a thrall. Her tongue would return to servicing her, every moan or squirm she felt just encouraging the heroine to keep going. She knew now that Lily was her owner completely, and that her will could never be denied, whatever she wished of Vanguard, she knew she would do anything to do. The new thrall was there to fulfill Lily's every whim, and she would gladly do so, which currently meant eating her out with every bit of experience she had as a lover. Feeling the dildo, she'd spread her legs a bit so that it could push into her, causing her to moan in delight. "Ooouhhh... Thank you, Mistress..." She'd moan a little more, but her main focus was Lily's pleasure rather than her own, so she'd increase the speed of her licking once again, NEEDING to please her Mistress.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

( )

"Interesting, you take my words as though they are absolute fact." She joked, merely wishing to sow a seed or two of doubt with every claim she gave them, another tactic she used often, an information smokescreen. By presenting true and false claims, both relevant and irrelevant, it made opponents sometimes not sure what is and isn't true when they actually learn something from her. "You also do indeed have the mental fortitude against simple insults, though I do recall that Super Sleuth had managed to momentarily annoy you when she spoke the truth about you and your allies being merely powerful creatures rather than any sort of divine angels."

She'd simply observe the typing, however, as MM felt no need to interrupt her as she examined different things about the building. Her labyrinth wasn't mapped anywhere but within MM's head, and as such she at least knew THAT wasn't the solution to getting out. "Well, yes the technology is still based on some human inventions. Though the skill MT displays with creating this equipment is far more than human. I believe she will take your words and actions as a personal insult towards her, luckily I am there to temper her rage." More idle chatter, yet V would be getting some intel from this... which might make her wonder why MM had been so willing to give up so much free information this entire time... was it simply the famous arrogance she had heard about already?

MM smirked just a little bit at the anger Gloria showed when the entirety of the Holy energy was completely gone, looking completely unrepentant for essentially stripping angelic and Godly powers from dozens upon dozens of individuals. "Oh it's nothing much, merely an artifact we had confiscated from one of the '7 Princes', but Leviathan won't be needing it any time soon, so I figured we might as well keep it." What she wouldn't do is correct V about being 'down a division', as, well, that was a secret that was advantageous to keep rather than use to anger one of her opponents. "As for why I'm serious, Cassandra, the answer is simple. Because unlike you I have a modicum of intelligence that leads me to understand the severity of every situation." MM wondered if Gloria would be even more disgusted by the fact that she had just used an artifact from one of the alleged 7 Princes of Hell without even thinking twice about it.

"You really do know me very well, Old Friend, which is why it astounds me you would allow your allies to make such a foolish attempt on the Society. And yes, getting you to drink a cup was worth an attempt as it cost me nothing, but once again, I must ask you, are you really so weak that a few nanites would make you hesitate?" Well, she was certainly persistent, and why not? Technically all she was doing was talking at this point, why not make a few attempts at disabling one of the bigger threats in the building.

"I've alienated my allies? One moment, let me check with them about that..." And she'd focus a bit, making Deva able to hear, though not speak to, the other people she was in communication with. "Disgusted as I am from all of this... I recognize WHY it's been done... Sometimes we must do things we do not enjoy for the sake of others." "I have yet to see anything in particular that alienates me. Perhaps a bit of underhandedness, but when a threat is large enough..." "Do you even need to fucking ask? I just wish I was there to pound some respect into you seven morons myself!" And with her point proven, MM would disable her communicator again and return to the conversation she was having.

"No one will be coerced into anything. The Council will vote, it just so happens that I will come out triumphant in every vote from now on. I can not help it if my arguments are strong enough to convince the other Council members." Deva would even feel that on some level... MM honestly believed that... despite her essentially rigging the Council so that the votes always swung her way.

"Acid is a valuable weapon, my old friend. Collateral damage is always to be expected, if people are too foolish and stay here then they have no one to blame but themselves when caught in the crossfire." Watching the bug warrior melt with a bit of joy, her intel collecting skills second to none.

Hearing the anger in Gloria's voice only encouraged her on, making her continue her tirade. "Look at that, the fake 'angel' is angry when I show her the truth. God does NOT EXIST, and you merely delude yourself into believing yourself to be a divine creature. And prior to your intervention, you were completely obsolete! People left your fairy tales behind, ignored your lies, saw through your smoke and mirrors, they were moving on to understand the absolute pathetic foolishness of believing in any deity. Then you show up... and you start to enslave them one by one. You think I don't see through the facade that even you may have fooled yourself into believing? You realized that people were waking up to the lies of your 'God' and forgetting all about you. You do not care for peace, you do not care for what is right, you merely care that less and less people were putting you on your divine pedestal, and so decided to force your belief's on them all over again." If her insolence was upsetting Gloria, then she'd continue until she was shut up, as one of her greatest applications of her power was through simply talking, needling, angering, essentially handicapping her opponents intellect through upsetting them, putting them at even more of a disadvantage against her.

"I think you trying to break in here only proves me right about needing countermeasures against you." MM shrugged, looking at the wall, wishing there was enough Osmium in the world to make the walls thick with the stuff, but... "I had to save enough to be used for other things, obviously. If I could, I'd have made the walls of this place a death trap for you, but you make do with what you have."

MM was slightly annoyed that there was a level headed one going up against her, but when she heard V's deductions she'd start clapping a little bit, still not seeming too worried about it. "Excellent work! You impress me more and more with every deduction. Are you perhaps looking for work? If you renounce your loyalty to God's Hand now I could promise you a spot on the Council. We'd have to rename the Arcane division to something else, but I'd be glad to have someone only 1 step below me intellectually on the Council rather than the usual 4." She offered, and honestly she might actually think about letting V in if things went a certain way, as smart people were so difficult to come by these days.

She didn't even flinch when Beastmistress rushed towards her forcefield, her cold stare not breaking despite the vicious attacks against what would feel like a solid wall. "Yes yes, you don't need to remind me of my own brilliance. Beastmistress won't be getting in here no matter how hard she tries." MM stated it dismissively, as though it were a foregone conclusion that she'd remain safe as her opponent flailed against her defenses.

For Cassandra, she'd find that her attack would slam into the shield, and the impact would cause a loud noise, but otherwise it seemed that shield was built far stronger than the one Beastmistress was dealing with. "A boxing glove? Are you going to attempt to drop an anvil on me next? Do you gain all your knowledge from cartoons? It would certainly explain a lot about you..." Though the whole time, Gloria would notice that MM was keeping her eyes directly on her, not paying Cassandra much mind while she observed the largest unknown variable.

Deva would be the first one to have luck against her forcefield, which MM had known would be inevitable. She wouldn't be able to create anything to keep the woman out unless it involved Osmium in some form. Though once the forcefield was destroyed, her face would twitch a bit, still having some fear of the woman that had always intimidated her. Once the kick hit her, Deva would hear a loud 'snap' and MM would fall to the floor, coughing and spitting out blood onto the ground in front of her. "It doesn't matter if my body can't keep up... My mind is all I need for something like this... I will go to any length to stop you... Let me show you what advanced planning gets you..." The acid sprinklers would shut off in the hallway that Deva and Insectra were in, and small holes would open in the floor, air sucking into these holes to drain the floor of acid... But... wasn't the electricity supposed to be off? With the floor in that particular hallway cleared of acid, MM knew her minotaurs would be coming soon, and right on cue Deva would hear some sort of music approaching from a few different hallways around her...

( )

A clown woman with a big red nose would approach from one hallway, pink hair and a bright and colorful outfit, along with brightly colored face pain adorning her face, and what looked like a bag full of balloons for making balloon animals. Her shoes were ridiculously large, and she wore an extremely large smile on her face. "HEH HEH HEY KIDDO! JINXIE'S HERE TO PLAY!" She'd laugh, still smiling the whole time. From another hallway came a man that looked like a cross between a clown and a pirate, and in each hand he held four knives, starting to juggle all 8 of them as he approached closer. "WHEEE! YOU READY FOR A BIT OF FUN?! BONZO LOVES TO JUGGLE!" He'd laugh in time with the clown woman, catching his knives and getting ready for a fight. And finally, a clown looking woman that had pained her entire body white walked out, a big red smile painted across her white face as she just started cackling with the rest of them. "WHO HERE'S READY FOR THE FUN PATROL?!" They were all loud, goofy, and embodied what it meant to be a 'clown' and yet were still rather intimidating superheroes, something MM had been working on for quite some time. And on the ground, MM would chuckle through the pain, this being the very first time she had found any clowns funny in any capacity. They had all come from the hallways that Insectra's wurm wasn't in front of, the maze turning their confrontation into an area with multiple angles of entry.

"Oh yes, how could I have made such a foolish mistake... Damn these oversights! I suppose you've gotten me!" MM responded to V, having already understood that she had disrupted a few defenses with her actions, but clearly not all that concerned about it... that was... until V pulled a move that she hadn't actually been expecting. A look of anger crossed her face as she realized that for one brief moment... MA had out thought her... she had played the 'do it behind the Council's back' card against her, and she couldn't believe she had allowed something like that to happen. If it weren't for the fact that she was in front of people, she'd be having a fit of rage right now, instead she merely gritted her teeth and looked annoyed. However, the fourth MM in her office was throwing things left and right, screaming about how she fucking hated MA and everything about her. She'd pick up a glass vase and fling it against the wall, she'd slam her chair into a lamp and knock it to the ground, all the while throwing a tantrum at being out maneuvered by an idealistic fool. Though the MM in front of V would only look angry, before speaking. "MT. Remind me that when we get MA captured, we're going to severely punish her..." Then when it dawned on her who the cause of all this was from the very beginning, she'd grit her teeth even more, and in her office her desk would be flipped over in a blind rage. MM would block out MP and MD from the communications before speaking once again. "MT. Remind me that we need to torture Technomancer once she gets back... She... has information that we will be needing." Then she'd just memory wipe both of them, that way it'll be as if she had done nothing in the first place.

MM watched as V escaped the conflict, leaving Beastmistress to continue striking against her forcefield. She'd not answer her attacker until V and Lily were far enough away that they wouldn't get back in time. "Oh I have no intention of running. The fact that you are here alone is all I was aiming for." The hallway that V had gone down would suddenly close up with a wall, leaving Beastmistress separated from them until she found another path to reunite with them. Meanwhile, V would have no problem finding the right path... the problem was that the 'right path' still would take a lot of traversing, the maze being purposely set up that all the important things would be difficult to reach from most parts of the building. Observant as V was, she would notice that they reached a point where acid was no longer raining down on them, and then they'd reach a point where there was none on the floor. That was when they'd turn a corner and find a certain someone standing right in the correct path.


Lady Bifold smirked at the sight of V, just barely recognizing her, more from the way she carried herself rather than her physical looks. "Oooh! I was hoping for a round two! But I brought some actual back up this time..." And two people would walk in from incorrect corridors around her...

( )

The first was a man that looked to be heavily tattooed, and he'd throw off his leather jacket to reveal different tattoos up and down his arms, and some across his chest would be visible with his loose shirt. If V could sense these kinds of things, she would be able to tell that he was... a demon. "Hmph... so much to do just to atone..." He'd mutter to himself, cracking his knuckles and facing his two opponents, normally not being able to go out on missions because the Society liked to keep certain heroes only on defensive duties, either because they caused too much collateral or they scared the citizens about as much as the villains they were tasked with stopping.

The other was a tough looking woman wearing black biker gloves. She'd take a final drink out of her beer can, crushing it and throwing it behind her, and then flicking her cigarette butt on the ground and stomping on it. "Alright, let's get this shit over with." The two looked quite strong, and if they were the kind of backup someone like Lady Bifold would bring, then V might know not to underestimate them. MM hadn't corrected their false assumptions on multiple occasions, for this very reason. They had assumed the acid rain was building wide, she let them think that, they had assumed she was sending no heroes after them, she had let them think that, they had assumed a few of her actions had been mistakes, she had let them think that, as until these two ambushes, she had still saw herself in the 'information gathering' phase of the invasion, learning and observing her opponents, trying to stop them with all that she could muster alone... and then sending in more once that failed.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

(Note: I respond more for each group and slightly out of order before the action startz)


"Actually, I take everything you say as lie, but if you make random false statements, I just think you're not all too bright. As for provoking me, well, if I know that thats your goal, that severly weakens the impact of whatever you say." V would've calmly countered.

"You wouldn't let me onto your council without extensive brainwashing or 'security measures' to ensure you have my vote, which in my case you could justify with having to ensure I have no 'fall backs' to my old allies." V stated like it was a known fact.


"Hoi now, that ain't nice, calling a gal stupid 'n all." Cassandra was more pouty than angry, just like Blair, more the good natured, hard to provoke type. Gloria meanwhile seemed quite livid, though controlled herself, if not to the point of not letting her annoyance show, like V did. "You have no shame. I felt an evil, but did not expect anyone to go so far. You meddle with forces you do not understand. At least V respects what she uses." Gloria shook her head as the hateful tirade went on, clenching a fist hard enough to dig her nails into her skin, drawing blood.

"I will endure this test by imagining the myriads of ways there are to punish you, blasphemer." She closed her eyes, and began mumbling some sort of latin prayer that MM could understand, but didn't bother pay much heed to. "Dominus pascit me, et nihil mihi deerit"

"Hoi, thats a splendid idea, with a bit more power this time too!" Cassandra enthused, summoning an anvil to slam upon MM's forcefield, before grinning, pointing her ring. "Learned that trick from a buddy." She created a solid, hard light ball around the forcefield, not see through and, actually, beginning to glitter in slightly hypnotic lights. Cassandra expected this to not work on the fake, or to simply be absorbed on the forcefield, but it would remove MM's vision, unless she took the offensive. "Alright, holding you back, though just playing the wait a waiting game is boring."


Deva shook her head. "True strength doesn't need to show off or boast. If the attempt on the society is so foolish, then why do you bother to intervene yourself." She pointed out. "You just have a gift to manipulate people. It didn't work on me and only limitedly so on MA who kept my teachings close to heart, frankly, I wonder just how said you really were to see me gone. I just couldn't be used as a pawn, could I?"

Deva shrugged. "And a deathtrap for others. You recall that, even if less so than for me, Osmium is toxic for humans too. Imagine an explosion strong enough to vaporize the outer walls. Your countermasure could hurt thousands. Why go so far just for me? Well, perhaps your calculations were more on point than expected. Additional failsaves over additional failsaves... what scared you so much?" She asked.

"Clone.. or you forcing your apperance onto someone else, likely someone with powers? Sorry, though I aimed for a nonlethal attack, just in case" Devas eyes lit up, giving herself super senses to examine the one before her.

"Gah, what the..? The fuck is this.." Her eyes went wide as she backed off slowly. "No, no, I'm having none of that!" She backed up to the wurm. "Th.. thats not funny." She raised her hand, creating a wave of telekinetic energy, enough to send the clowns and MM flying back, unless they had ways to neutralize her powers, her eyes frantically rushing from one to the other. She was not.. disabled, but clearly not happy about what she was dealing with.


"So her name is Technomancer. Noted for assistance." V mused to herself. Whilest MM was a brilliant, cautious tactician, she was prone to emotional manipulation, far more so then she showed, V suspected, seeing how she used this tactic against Gloria. One only used what one thought effective.

"Ah, Bifork, as a matter of fact, I too was looking for a rematch, with actual gear on me." And after having several hours to analyze and formulate a countermeasure against the powerful clone-user. "Wait, she brought friendsies! Oooh lotsa tatoos. dun those hurts?" The vampire inquired. "You stink. What exactly are you." V narrowed her eyes, seeming to sense.. something on a certain level. "Either way, this feels as if MM and I are trading mental blows, analysis, misdirections and deceptions. The more we push the other, the more we force them to reveal our trump cards. In this case."

And with that, The Wurm swallowed up Deva, only to spit back out Insectra. "Tag in. Alright you three.. which one of you is the funniest?" Insectra smirked, crossing her arms and giving the three clowns a challenging look. Once swallowed up, the Seventh finger immediatly lost consciousness, in a way similiar to what had happened when she had been revived by Lily. Similiarly, Gloria was engulfed by a protective shell of white light, hiding her and keeping her upright.. as she too lost consciousness. MM knew too much about Deva, and too little about Gloria. What she didn't know was...

"You still misunderstand the power of gods hand." V mused, cracking her knuckles.. only to dash forward in a low stance, focusing on Biforked, striking at her umbrella, only to dash behind her, with a level of skill that, at another place, at another time would have been sufficent to impress one Lady Cynthia as an almost-equal, which also ment that, with all her strength, Biforked would struggle to hit the far more skilled fighter.

Lily meanwhile flexed, proclaiming: "Alright, you wanna go? You go! Lily gonna take on both of you. Summon swarm of.. CANDY BATS!" With that, she slammed her hands together, summoning a swarm of bats, curageously attacking both of the new opponents with bats that distracted them and.. then tried to force-feed themselfs, being made entirely out of candy!
Whilest Lily put the back of her hand to her cheek, extending her pinky and laughing haughtily and coquettely. "O ho ho ho ho ho!"

Back at the entrance point..:

"Well then." Beastmistress cracked her knuckles and extended her hands to hold onto the forcefield, with a slight crackling of energy. "If you wanted some time alone, should've just said so." She nodded, claws scraping against the forcefield... and then slowly pushing in, penetrating them, as Beastmistress growled, sensually. Even if MM tried to reinforce the protective field, it was too late now that its integrity was breached.

"You'd have whooped up the old me, but now, I've become enlightened." Furthermore, by redistributing the energy of one of Gods hand to another, although it reduces our numbers, it increases the innate powers and potential beyond what you could have reasonably inspected.

"Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr!" Beastmistress shouted, muscles flexing, as the Forcefield around MM was torn apart. Immediatly, her senses... if this one was flesh and blood, were assaulted by a sweet, arousing scent, whilest MM's incredible intellect quickly registered her hair growing out slightly. This was Beastmasters power of animalization, but it had always been limited to melee combat range. Right now it was clearly affecting the horny bi.. MM at close distance, as Beastmistress panted slightly from destroying the forcefield, closing in on her prey, licking her lips.

Current Battle notes, to keep track:
V and Lily face Biforked and the Bad News couple.
Insectra faces the Funny Squad and an injured MM.
Cassandra faces a trapped MM, only one with her forcefield remaining active.
Beast Mistress faces another MM.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

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"Yes yes, insult my intelligence all you wish. But if you plan to do that then maybe you should wait until you're NOT still within my trap." MM observed calmly, glad that her opponent wouldn't fall for petty insults so easily, figuring that would make things just a little too easy. "Excellent. I'd be disappointed in you if you so easily fell into anger from mere words, unlike your companion. At least you prove yourself to have a brain in there, unlike your friend Gloria..." She shrugged, part of her wishing that she could somehow keep V in a cell where she could finally have a rival to play chess with, but sometimes you had to make sacrifices for the sake of justice, so MM would have to sacrifice an intellectual opponent.

"Well, Turnabout IS fair play after all. I'd be merely doing the exact same thing you do to others. Not so desirable once you find yourself on the other end of the spear, I'd imagine." She idly commented, believing that to be the equivalent of what V had done to her heroes, and therefore having no sense of guilt about doing something like that. "Besides, I'll have the votes anyway, once the Council decides who will replace MA my leadership will be completely solidified, so why not jump ship now and make sure you're in a high position once I take that power?" She also had very little concept of loyalty, willing to betray nearly anyone for what she considered to be the greater good.

MM merely smiled at Cassandra, feeling as though she had been given such a soft ball for a follow up insult. "It may not be nice to call you stupid, but it is even less nice to lie about a simple fact. As such, I am OBLIGATED to point out your own stupidity." She couldn't help chuckle at Gloria's anger over her 'evil' in using the artifact from what she just considered a powerful creature. "The artifact from Leviathan is a tool, and just like any other I will use it when it suits me. I understand that the artifact is powerful and has stopped your little trick, and that is enough for me. There is no length that I will not go to in order to protect this world, remember that as you continue to pressure the Society and myself, and maybe keep an eye on the defenseless people OUTSIDE this city..." She threatened, perfectly willing to harm innocents for the greater good, feeling that the needs of the many clearly outweighed the needs of the few, and if those few needed life while the many needed freedom, well, MM would choose freedom for the many any time.

"Good luck punishing me, I am above your punishment and FAR above your God's punishment, as that which doesn't exist can not truly punish me." The Council woman did not even fear divine retribution in the afterlife, for as far as she was concerned, there was no afterlife. "Interesting, so you are trying to tell me that you are left without a shepard? You can not be guided by that which has never existed, only fool yourself to be led along by it. In reality you are merely guiding yourself, and diminishing your own accomplishments by attributing them to an imaginary friend invented to scare people into being good. Well, I don't see your imaginary friend, and I won't demean myself by dreaming him up and trying to make reality fit in with the work of fiction that the minds of others have created."

The forcefield would look to crack underneath the anvil a bit... and then just as suddenly repair itself right back to where it was moments ago, showing that at the very least it definitely could be broken, but it would have to be done almost immediately to prevent the repair. There would be no reaction to the light ball surrounding the forcefield, as though MM still wasn't fazed in the slightest by what was happening around her. Now that her face couldn't be seen, she smirked, inwardly chuckling to herself. Oh yes Cassandra... YOU are holding ME back... "I hope you know I can still see you. Nice trick though."

Though MM did have to admit that Deva was still as sharp as ever, always able to withstand her manipulation and boasting. "You assume that I intervene personally because I think it is necessary. As for my boasting, I thought you enjoyed honesty? Do you not like hearing what I really think of those around me and my own abilities? And yes, you and MA were so much harder to manipulate, and then you died, suddenly making things so much easier. I no longer had to manipulate you because you were dead, and I finally had something to manipulate MA with, YOU. Now you are back and seem to once again make life more difficult for me, my friend." She admitted, not considering any of that as vital information, and as such willing to divulge it freely with Deva.

"Why take the risk? Simple. Out of every powerful creature we've ever encountered, which one was the most powerful? YOU were. And therefore, my defenses needed to prioritize you as you were the most dangerous. Besides... the poison Osmium would've been a brilliant failsafe against the Society if they betrayed me. As for what I fear to add so much protection... I fear nothing. I am just pragmatic. You ask why I add more and more failsafes, I ask why NOT? They do not affect me, and cost us an easily obtainable amount of funds, meanwhile they can be the difference between victory and defeat in an invasion."

Once Deva used a powerful level of super senses against the bleeding MM, she'd hear... metallic parts moving within her? The initial assessment of being an android was correct, it's just MT had been more thorough with the disguise, giving the creature skin, muscles, blood, and even bone to break, all built around a computerized central nervous system and brain, making her the most human looking android the Society had ever created.

On the ground, the android began laughing again as it saw fear in Deva now, finding the picture of the most powerful heroine she'd ever met with a look of fright on her face to be one of the most wonderful things in the world. "Heh... What's the matter? Scared of a few clowns? Looks like my mind was more than adequate for this job... The Fun Patrol just wants to play and make you laugh..."

( )

The clowns and MM would be sent back from the blast, the clowns managing to catch themselves before they went too far, returning to advancing with smiles on their faces. But the android would slam into the wall, the sound of more bones cracking as she coughed and sputtered, more blood hitting the ground. "HEH HEY! THAT WASN'T VERY NICE!" "BONZO MIGHT HAVE TO PIE YOU FOR THAT ONE!" The third just continued cackling a bit, while what was left of the injured android watched on with amusement...

"Oh please, you could've extracted the information from MA on your own anyway, what do I care if you know the name of the woman we're going to put through the wringer. It's been a while since I've done teeth pulling... maybe I'll start with that." Not knowing that V had at least caught on to the fact that she could get very emotional once someone actually got under her skin.

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"Oh! So you've got more gear and probably learned my strategies better this time! Do we get to play the 'Truck analogy' game again?" She asked with a laugh, having purposely selected the people with her BECAUSE she knew that her tactics would already be known at this point... Or more accurately, MM had known that her tactics and abilities would've been analyzed and had let Bifold know that. Meanwhile, the tattooed demon looked at Lily, not underestimating her just because of the childish way she acted. "Of course they hurt, they agonize the moment the needle touches me, but they'll hurt even more in a few moments... As for what I am? Simple, little angel, I am a demon from the pits of Hell that has joined this Society to atone for my actions against them. I understand I shouldn't be giving you that information... But you'd have figured it out yourself anyway." The 'Divine' division was not called the 'Holy' division for a specific reason, as the heroes within were meant to represent any aspect of religious power, and that even included a few demons that wished to fight for good rather than indulge in what the evils of Hell had to offer them.

The injured MM frowned when Deva retreated inside the Wurm, having wanted her to experience some of her new friends. Though inwardly she realized... SOMETHING was happening, because despite her fear she knew Deva could fight through and take on the clowns. There had to be a reason why she was leaving Insectra to face her alone, more than just a fear of clowns. And then suddenly Gloria was being hidden from view as well. Why? There was no threat whatsoever to the woman, and yet she was hiding from sight as though something was happening. In her office MM was sitting again, thinking this new information over, feeling like MM was underestimating her ability to figure things out and adapt.

Meanwhile, the Fun Patrol still smiled at Insectra, not letting the sadness of their new friend leaving affect them. "OH HEH HEH HEH... I DUNNO! WE'RE ALL A BARREL OF FUN! LEMME SHOW YOU!" She'd immediately take a step back, the other two guarding her as she pulled out a few balloons, twisting and knotting them together faster than any clown anyone had ever seen, creating something that looked complex... and then... "TA-DAAAA!"


It was a wolf made completely out of balloons, though it was bigger than any wolf you could find in the wild, nearly as tall as Jinxie herself. Then she let it down on the ground, and it'd suddenly move on its own, growling viciously at Insectra, looking ready to charge her in a moment's notice. "BONZO JUST LIKES TO PLAY! LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!" And then there'd be knives flying directly at Insectra, in a formation that'd be incredibly hard to dodge... for one person at least. "WE'RE ALL THE FUNNIEST! JUST WATCH!" The third clown would pull out a huge present from... where in the world did she get that from? Then she'd place it on the ground, wrapped up in a bow, and smile patiently. If anyone that wasn't part of the patrol got near it, it'd suddenly blow up in a rather powerful and fiery explosion.

Lady Bifold, for her part, was incredibly surprised by the skill V displayed with the attack, not remembering her being that good from the last time they had fought. Though once V got behind Bifold, a snake would lunge out, having been hiding on Bifold's back, and attempt to sink its fangs into V's arm. Strangely, it was a breed that V wouldn't be able to recognize, pure black, not even having eyes from the looks of it. It was only as fast as a regular snake though, and would be easy to avoid unless it caught V completely by surprise. "Hmph... You're better than last time... Too better..." From there she'd begin fighting far more defensively, blocking and dodging with her umbrella rather than aggressively striking as she did before. V might note that she still hadn't seen a clone... had Bifold just not summoned one? Or was there a plan further than what was seen so far.

The demon with the tattoos narrowed his eyes when she summoned her bats, reaching up to place his hand on his shoulder, where he had a tattoo of a swarm of bats. Then that tattoo would begin to glow, and he'd scream out in pain as it felt as though his skin was searing hot now that he used his power. And then, a swarm of regular bats would fly out from his shoulder, flying to fight Lily's bats, tearing at them and slamming into them to fight them off. If either of them looked, they'd see that the bat tattoo had completely disappeared from the demon's skin, leaving behind no trace that it had ever been there in the first place. Then he'd place his hand on his arm, where a tattoo of a knife rested, making that same noise of pain, pulling a knife out of his arm and pointing it at the vampire. "This is my punishment... my curse to bear... And now I will use it to undo both of you..." The other woman would be easily catching and tearing the remaining bats to pieces, not getting overwhelmed when the other bats were keeping the numbers controlled. "I fucking hate sweets..." She'd focus for a moment, and then, right as a bat was about to get into her mouth, she'd turn into a cloud of smoke, which would flow over and reform into the woman it was before, still looking more annoyed than anything else...

"It's less that I wished to be alone with a reprobate like you, and more that I wanted YOU not to be with THEM." Her poker face still wouldn't break as her forcefield was torn into, fear not really being a factor as it was broken into. She wouldn't even try to reinforce the field, knowing it'd just be a waste at this point, though she did have to wonder something. This display of strength, coupled with the things that she was getting reports of from the others were making a bit of information, or at least a theory, click in her head.

"Now, if you could've done that at any time, you'd have already broken the shield earlier. Something has changed, and you are stronger than you should be. OH! Oh that's clever. Power reallocation. Very good, excellent trick. I wasn't expecting that, but things are going to go poorly for you now."

MM stood there, not flinching as her shield was broken. While the body was indeed flesh and blood, the mind was purely mechanical, and as such completely unaffected by whatever desires the body had. While her hair grew, she didn't really care, still calmly observing her opponent without any fear. "You're not very bright, to remain here facing a useless target." She idly commented right before a new forcefield would appear... this time around Beastmistress, locking her inside a light bubble. "With only one target to focus on I can easily adapt things to face and stop you at any turn, so keep fighting, it is truly pointless. Though I must thank you for your information, as it means that I can properly adjust my strategies..."

Knowing that Gloria was currently indisposed, or at least that was what she theorized, she felt it was the perfect time to send a few more minotaurs at her opponent. Cassandra's ring would start rising in power at a ridiculous rate, growing more and more... before it'd suddenly start draining just as fast, as though something was sucking the lust energy right out of it. And the answer as to what would become obvious as a figure walked around the corner...


A succubus would stare at Cassandra with a sultry look in her eyes, looking the woman up and down before licking her lips. "Mmmmmm... So much delicious lust energy... It's even nice and concentrated for me... Hope you don't mind me sucking you dry..." She'd stare at that ring, and unless Cassandra could stop her, she'd continue to drain lust out of the ring and from the air, moaning from the feeling of feeding.

Battle Notes:
V and Lily face Bifold and her two dark friends
Insectra is yucking it up with the Fun Patrol
Cassandra is now facing a Succubus
Beastmistress is facing MM, currently has a light shield trapping her
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

derped, editing.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

Cassandras response
Come on, give a gal a break.. she enthused, not too annoyed about MM's temtpting and provocations.

At Devas place, befre the om no momming

She added: "Despite its difficulty in being worked, I doubt you have osmium weapons and equipmen too.. that said, you also only keep the reserves close and with those you trust.. anyone else gaining control wouldn't quite solve the isue now, would it? And no, I know I know you invervene personally, because it is necessary." Deva spoke with the same annoying way she had with MM were she ignored lies and provocations and simply seemed to be.. correcting a falsehood MM stated. Then however, she regretted her super-sences, taking in the..squad.. "Ugh.. g.. get away sou wicked ones!.. anyway.." Her eyes lit up, blasting the android with a wave of laser-heat, with the hope of disabling her and reducing her intel-gathering as best as she could.. then, she had beeen collected by Insectra.

And Insectra, that meanwhiles, smirked at the clown attack, as insectra flexed her hands. She was silly, goofie. She argued a lot with V, but she was still the fourth finger of gods hand. She slammed her hand on the ground, as the clowls prepared their attack.

"Greater summon.. insect hive!" The enthused, creating a large, wasp-egg like structure inbetween them and the squad, with her back to the wurm. The structure was warm and squisy, easily absorbing the blade thrown at her with a sloshy, honeylike sound, and the wolf easily cutting in.. only to be engulfed by thick honey. The suprisingly realistic wolf had little probplem tearing free of the nest.. only for the sticky honey to ooze over him, and, after a momen after being re-ejecting,.. In a rather unusual, insecoid form, two wolves now facing one another in a stalemate, though one had a harder exo-skeleton. "I am the ultimate summoner my dears. Why don't you try drowning a mermaid next?"


"This is a transformation special conversion summoning, using other summons.. err in shorter term..." The new creature twitched and and squirmed, a completely identically wolf, execpt for an insecoid apperance adiscolored carapce as it began growling and stepping out of the goooey entrapment of the large hive and began rushing forward to face the clownlike heroines and their baloon creation instead. Cassandrea meanwhile let the wurm with Devaslowly retreat.. just in case the others needed backup soon.

  • Back with V:

V dodged the snake, in one swift motion crabbing it, and tossing it towards her opponen whilest her other strike rushed out to the left, touching a ki-poing, letting a numbing energy flow into Bifork. The strength to break mountains was uesless if its user struggled to ever hit anything, and, considering how Biforks attacks now slowed down with the numbness spreading in one arm, asV was aiming for specific weakpoints right now.. it was unlikely Biforked could keep up long.
Lily meanwhile enthused.. "You's the weakest opponents to fight against my dark magic!" Not because she had enormous powers, no, but because thosse two took her serioulsy and cautiously. Beyond her vampire physioloy; Lily didn't have any combat abilities of her own as a matter of fact, her powers abilities only looked cool and spooky.. she'd claim herself.

Righ now, Lily extended her arms, having created another swarm of candy-vampires bats, to send out against her foe, with likely less sucess this time, however.. this time, each Bat when destroyed or left alone long enough dropped a pumkpin seed.
A seed that grew into full size within seconds, upon which a danerous, intimidating face wtih many teet popped up, like a halloween carvin. Finally, lights appeared within the pumpkin heads, indiciating that this large field could be one dangeroulsy ricked set of explosives! Lily meawhile informd: Super Lily! pumpkin prison! Will release if you win stare contest against me! She cheerd staring at the grumpy seeming female-heroine, her enslaving gaze on first contact making her target feel a slightly dazed, sleepy and disoriented, moreso if she kept it up... well, the staring contest had worked.. once or twice, in the past.

Lily meanwhile pondeered about her opponents, the way the demon acted.. ooh! "You are one of the edgelord demones I heards about on this new internest-thingie!" She nodded. "But first gotta get past the pumpkin-tentales of awesome doom, no stabby poor LILY!" She wiggled slightly, made it clear she had summoned a dangerous creature. In reality those were. Just as durable as the normal bats. Whilest Lily was having her fun, V was unashamed to add in a gun into her combination attack, shooting the umbrella, only to dash to the side of her opponents, poking a pessure point on her arm.. or her stomach.. more weakening sensations filling biforked before they were gripped in a judo-hold and, if they had no answer to this, thrown down hellpessly. Yep, this skill definitly exceeded what V had displayed before. It felt like the result of decades of endless training..
Whilest V, couldn't equal the heroines strength, she was more than ready to take this one down, 1on1, as she remarekd: "Two or three more hits and you'll be mostly unable to move "If I get a good proper strike in, more of your energy points will be disabled, enough to take you along for some fun."[/B] she threw a quickly working smoke-bomb- to obsercure vision on her..making suprise sneak attacks from the clone necear impossible, Whilest She was rather unafraid of the dark herself

Meanwhile, at Beastmistress assault:

She had only.. limiteed control over her pheromonoes but still the changes to MM mostly stopped, there was little point to keeping going, after all."Enough smarty pantsy. Heres how things are gonna go for you." She smirked, rushing frwards, only to adda, after a serious puch at te top of human limits, if not a bit more: [COLOR=Green"]"You got no idea ho much you deserve this."[/COLOR] She shrugged. "Either way, seems you realize attrition. I dun care about civiliatzion, but all damage I do to these high end forcefield thingies..it costs ya. Every defensive method..costs ya. Sure, ya can buy more, but its one less in yer arsenal and these things take a while to build am I wrong?" She flexed.
"What would V call it.. ah yes, watch out for Najdorfs Poison Pawn."

Meanwile, at Cassandras fight!

"Hoi what... I at least deserve a kiss before you get to suckling on me... geez.. can't you give a sister a break? This is litereally the worst opponent ever.. I'd ask you cut me some clack, hey, I'm allpurified now, but I both know you wont...." The puified succucubs sight,giving MM all sorts of interesting inte, bereo the same sight, summoning her lightly glowing staff by her side, catching the collapsing Cassandra in one wing.

"Hello.. an older one. I recognize your divine Schrift from before the fall. Your name was once Fanriel, of the sixth host." Her eyes glowed calmly. "The unholy aura of Leviathan at this place supresses mine, but look ast the Heiligschrift the lord has given me." Gloria invited, presenting her forehead at the succubus. Then, she calmly, not too much a threat, more a promise, proclaimed: "Submit, or be oblierated." If the Succubus could actually realize the archangel for who she was, even with Leviathans empowerment.. she'd be terrrified. Gloria added: "I command you blasphereme, despite V's protest I have decied to reveal my power to you. Little you will learn." Gloria explained. "You leave me no choice. But do not worry, I forgive your insoloence, for you too, had been mislead. God is indeed dead.. and it was that bastard Lucifers doin. I took him down but.. there is still evil in this world and I feel like I have found an avatar of it... and.. as much as V insists I stand idly back, I cannot risk such wickendness to extend a second further." She raised her staff high.. and before the succucubs could even get to explaining they weren't all that different, or be seductive.. or anything, Victorias staff had plunged right into the fake MM, as if the forcefield had barely been there, not damaging it, not overcoming it, simply.. bypassing its energy. Her staff went on, Impaling the robot replicas head. V's nagging voice telling her to keep the data-collection to a minimum, allowing the enemies to be held back by unceretainties about how to deal with her. Well, she -wasn't- subtle.. and She doubted even if the truth of her ability was revealed.. was there even anything that could be used against it? For MM, it was a brief but far too short observation. Nothing worked. The energy supporting the forecfield, the energy maintaining the electronic brain just got negated by the touch of the staff, cut short, nothing seeming to move on as, with a calm, satisfied crushing, Victoria pulled the staff out, then raised a hand, incinerating the copy in hol fire, if it still showed signs of moving that, sending back the copy with a blast of cracking energy, before peeoking to the Succubus, if the same had had a mind to stay around still.

"I am the first hand for a reason. I shall show you that your little game shall be coming to and end now." She stepped away from Cassandra, who was now engulfed in a cocoon of lewd, fleshy design, slowly pulling undergound, whilest Gloria continued on her way almost unabaited. "You'd do well repenting or running."
Unless the society got incredibly luckly and had summoned an arch-demon to queen in disguise, the demoenss was hoplessly outclassed by what or rather who the first finger was, and she knew it. An archangel against an ordinary lust-demon.. Cassandra would have been a fight, but this one..
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Why thank you cutie, taking that as vote of confidence." Cassandra grinned. "Eh, whats wrong with Stockholm as long as you're having fun there?" She shrugged. "Tell you what, I used to play for the other team like.. waaay for the other team, until Gloria found me and... improved my mindset. I can still have fun without hurting anyone, you see, the ring channels my urges." She shrugged. "Hey, you ask me, I started as a corrupted soul, got tricked by an elder succubus, long long story. Don't remember much of my life before, but I chose to believe I was a famous pervert even then." She nodded affirmatively. "Dentists are most definitly the most evil. Though V insists we not get rid of them, and she outrules me." She pondered. "Hey, what more you want? Kinky sex, fancy fights.. you'd propably be stationed next to an active vulcano to use your powers for disastre aid, thats the plan with most heroes in the future, defending this world from natural or space originating disastres. I also suggested a breeding program to make lotsa cute strong heroines, perhaps free the galaxy.. oh, there is a few planets with life on them you dun know of.." She nodded.

Cassandra winked. "See, I knew I'd be the best brainwashy! Gloria is too serious, V too nerdy, Insectra.. dun get me started on her, and Lily is just if you are into goth-lolis I tell ya.. oh then theres Beastmistress now I figure but.. eeeh. only sexy until the first hairball, trust me." she nodded.

"Oh, I'll whip you into shape alright, just simmer down with the fires." She grinned. "Oh don't get melodramatic, I'll have you work even closer than you did ever before." She shrugged slightly, listening to Blairs 'last request' "Truth be told, your friend is already completely enthralled.. buuut I'll tell her that lie, only for you.. better appreciate I really hate lying." With that, everything went.. white and pretty..


Blairs eyes opened first, looking at a white eyed Lindsay who.. had just as empty white eyes as him. "See, there, that wasn't too bad, was it? You should feel completely yourself again now, a bit calmed down.. geesh, lots of work you know?" She poked Lindsay. "Hard to subdue all that anger, pretty 'boy' here was easily enslaved you know.

Sooo you are both completely the same trust me .. oh and, if you look around, you'll find you are in my special room at Gods hand.."
It looked like an exotic harem, really.


"While you were all... sleepy I took the liberty of implanting a few new ideas and triggers in you as well as making it impossible for me to attack you... here, a demonstration.." She leaned forwards, cupping Lindays sex. "You also now serve the commands of me and other members of Gods hand unquestioningly.. and a part of you makes that feel so awesomely hot.. Either way, we got a big invasion planned and for that... I need to recharge my ring, you will help. Blair: Trigger blue seven moon." Immediatly, Blair would feel a strong wave of arousal, her shaft growing hard. "Dun worry.. I'll let her first time be yours, but before that.. how about I have a taste, and you service me." She commanded the naked Linday, leaning forward to lick along Blairs shaft, giving it a testing taste. "Hmnnnn... I'll try not to suckle too much." She cooed, as her ring softly glowed.