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Announcement [Collection] The Hentai Book

Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

Do you mean you can't find the text? Try /X /V .

Well, I mean I can get AGTH to pull the Text. But TA wouldn't pull the Text from AGTH automatically (like it does on other games.) I have to Copy text from AGTH for TA to Register it and Translate it.

As for walkthrough, I think there's one on Hongfire, but I can give you general instructions. To get side quests, check the table next to the exit from your room. If a side quest is available, there will be a letter on it. As for the main quest, you want to go to the top left corner of the map and enter the cave. Once inside the cave, fight your way up, left, up and face the devil. You are going to lose, so don't waste your items. After the cutscene you will find yourself back in your room. Here's the boring bit. Just keep on grinding until you have all the materials you need and go fight the devil again. He will be waiting at the same place. You can also enter the mirror in your room for some extra exp. There's an extra devil at the end of the mirror maze who will give you a powerful item (I think it's a charm) if you can defeat it, but he's insanely strong. Can't remember what triggers the mirror, but you definitely have to lose to the cave devil once first.

Aye. Think i'm getting that. I got into the Mirror though Never got to the end of the Cave. Ironically, I've having the same problem in the Mirror World as I did in the Cave. Damn Bloodsuckers are impossible to kill.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

I am playing Other World Quest and have reached the point where I need to enter the volcano. I got the pink haired girl and spoke to the mayer/butler and rest of the town but cannot enter. Can anyone help? I've been at it longer then the rest of the game combined.

The Sky is orenge and I have spoken to everyone in town. I am walking up to the volcano and trying enter, space bar, and z for it to let me in. I have played to this point twice now with no luck getting in.

Uh, it may think I beat the volcano. I can access the desert now. sky is still red tho.
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Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

I am playing Other World Quest and have reached the point where I need to enter the volcano. I got the pink haired girl and spoke to the mayer/butler and rest of the town but cannot enter. Can anyone help? I've been at it longer then the rest of the game combined.

The Sky is orenge and I have spoken to everyone in town. I am walking up to the volcano and trying enter, space bar, and z for it to let me in. I have played to this point twice now with no luck getting in.

Uh, it may think I beat the volcano. I can access the desert now. sky is still red tho.

I have completely forgotten about how this game goes. I did not complete the game (kind of lost interest), but if you can move on, then just go to the next stage. I don't think you will be missing anything important (like a companion).
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

The sky is still red? Well somethings wrong most likely a wrong placed switch/variable. Did you change something on the switch section? (F11)

If not try to go with my walkthrough, i schould work.
The only problem in the game is at the 3rd companion but its further ahead.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

I've completed the game now, but I never did do the volcano.

You did the walkthrough? It was very, very very helpful! Thank you so much! I would not have made it without it!

F11 changes variables? I did not know that.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

is there any rpg maker games like violated heroine with prgnancy and birth only for rpgmaker2000
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

...You are going to lose, so don't waste your items...

That's not quite accurate. It took me a hell of a lot of grinding and a bunch of retries, but I beat him. On Hard mode, no less. He has several thousand HP, and it's tough to keep up with the guys he spawns, but if you're lucky and really overpowered, you can do it.

Now, the second devil inside the mirror, I definitely couldn't beat him. Hell, I couldn't even beat the training battle against the two instructors yet.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

is there any rpg maker games like violated heroine with prgnancy and birth only for rpgmaker2000

You seem to be very interested in this particular fetish. Touching various threads with your query. I'm not helpful enough to give you direct links but basic web-searching should reveal what I'll reference.

Whoremaster is a game text/drawing/cgi training game over on the pink petal forums where you play a brothel owner/crime lord the women you recruit/purchase/enslave/capture/kidnap can become pregnant either by you, by customers by monsters in dungeons you send them into or monsters you or customers have them play with. Babies born are either sold if they are male, kept if they are 'beasts' or kept if they are girls and after a certain time they become available to work in various ways and perhaps get pregnant if you are into that whole incest/inbreeding thing.

Nimin's fetish fantasy, Fenoxo's game, Champions of corruption, are primarily fur/inflation/rape fetish text games in which your main character can be knocked up and give birth.

Re:Anise is an rpgmaker game where one of the bad ends is pregnancy. Human preg only is what I'm aware of.

RyonaRpg features pregnancy in both bad ends and as a consequence but text representation. Monster and human pregnancy possible.

調教クエストDX is a media game that features capturing different monster girls/dudes/things and training them to learn skills/obtain items/sell into slavery. You can impregnate and release a few of the monsters and their 'daughters' are new monsters you can capture.

Grrl Power is a game in development patched v 1 is featuring now stronger themes of protagonist pregnancy.

Nanocrisis in recent form features impregnation by dogs and egg laying by mutant bugs.

If you scan the GOR thread on hongfire around page 500 or so has a link to like 12 or so sets of BF games and some of those involve pregnancy as a result of 'combat' or a bad end.

There are oblivion xlover mods that involve pregnancy. Looking into the xlovers community at loverslabs would be a start.

Beyond these its up to you to search and bring to us things that tickle that particular fetish.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

That's not quite accurate. It took me a hell of a lot of grinding and a bunch of retries, but I beat him. On Hard mode, no less. He has several thousand HP, and it's tough to keep up with the guys he spawns, but if you're lucky and really overpowered, you can do it.

Now, the second devil inside the mirror, I definitely couldn't beat him. Hell, I couldn't even beat the training battle against the two instructors yet.

I am talking about the first time you fight him, not the second fight. Pretty sure that losing and getting raped is part of the storyline. What happens if you beat him?
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

is there any rpg maker games like violated heroine with prgnancy and birth only for rpgmaker2000

I really like the fetish too, but you seem to be spamming the forums a bit.

I made a list here for anyone who likes pregnancy result games, especially with birth and such, here. Short answer is I recommend Violated Heroine, City Guardians, Ryonasaga and Other World Quest each of which are excellent. Grrl Power may get there eventually. Links are on the thread.

Now, the only rpgmaker2000 specific one I know of is VH, but Other World Quest and City Guardians were made with other rpgmaker versions.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection


any newer games with this type of girl.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

I am talking about the first time you fight him, not the second fight. Pretty sure that losing and getting raped is part of the storyline. What happens if you beat him?

Nothing special, really. You get something (I forget what) and can leave the cave. It pretty much took all my resources to do it.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

can anybody help me i am looking for translated version of Ring Of lust, can any one translate it plz. I had tried translaor aggretor or what ever it didn;t work too well.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

If i remember right Ring of Lust was original a chinese game but i dont know how much of it is hiragana, kanji or katakana, i think the translator will get it wrong even if he is working.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection


sorry to be such a noob but i didn;t seem to get ur point
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

If i remember right Ring of Lust was original a chinese game but i dont know how much of it is hiragana, kanji or katakana, i think the translator will get it wrong even if he is working.

Kanji is the japanese name for the chinese characters they use. Chinese will only have those 'Kanji', no hiragana, no katakana. If someone starts translating this, I'm sure that person will know enough Chinese to read it without problems.

can anybody help me i am looking for translated version of Ring Of lust, can any one translate it plz. I had tried translaor aggretor or what ever it didn;t work too well.

It should work fine if you select "Chinese (Simplified)" as the "From" language in the upper tabs. If your problem is not the fact that it doesn't translate well (which would happen if you had your "From" as "Japanese", meaning it tries to understand the "Kanji" as Japanese, when they're not), then you need to explain what your problem is.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

Well he will need a translator wich reads the kanjis for chinese...
i am using Atlas v14 and this cant translate chinese kanjis.
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection


Thanks for the explanation
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

Well he will need a translator wich reads the kanjis for chinese...
i am using Atlas v14 and this cant translate chinese kanjis.

Atlas is a japanese translator, not a chinese one. It'll get some of the characters, but will not translate them correctly (it'll assume it's japanese, when it's not, so nothing will make sense, there are few cases when a single word will come out correctly, though).

Use google translator or live translator instead. Or get a dedicated Chinese translator. Translation Aggregator allows you to use Google Translator and some others that do translate chinese (but first you have to set "Chinese" as the "From" language).
Re: [RPG Maker] GOR Hentai Collection

can anybody help me i am looking for translated version of Ring Of lust, can any one translate it plz. I had tried translaor aggretor or what ever it didn;t work too well.

Oh yeah, I promised to do that a long time ago.... opps.

I will get to work on it.