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Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Ellen remained seated, saying nothing for the time being. Once things calm down, Claudia will come to her on her own...
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Seeing that the bag hadn't done anything, Connor was hesitant, but still moved forward, trying to pick up the big with as little contact as possible, even holding it away from himself. He mused with himself how silly it must look, as he considered himself an intelligent person and he's holding it as if it were a garbage bag in a cartoon. Keeping his eyes on the bag, and the bag away from him, Connor walked back towards the building.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Kevin sighs from his new-found position next to the Hunter he had killed. From the others perspectives, he was simply examining it. If they listened closely, they would occasionally hear a hum or a thoughtful mumble.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Sean finally got the chair situated on the runner, having to move it carefully to avoid exposure. With that, he started dragging it out by the chain. "Okay, someone, get this connected to the cop's vehicle. Just make sure that under no circumstances do you touch the chair itself. Let's get it drug out to the bomb range."

He moved back in to where Ellen was standing. "Wait one moment, and I'll be back to discuss what it was you were wanting to ask."

Sean then stepped out to where his bike was, and activated his Farnsworth, trying to get a hold of Chris.
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Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

The cop nodded, moving the chair carefully where instructed, then when that was done waved to them.

"Ok, ready to get going, someone ought to hop on in and we'll get this taken care of."

After a few moments, Sean got a reply.

"Yeah go ahead Sean, just to let you know we're back safely. Maybe not all mentally there but we're home."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Sean responded quickly. "Chris, I think I've found our leak...And it's none of them. The artifact here was given to a local priest by a man calling himself James MacPhearson. We were baited here."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"WHAT? MacPhearson?"

He was silent for a time, then when he spoke it was careful wording he chose.

"Alright, deal with the artifact and then get the hell out of there. MacPhearson couldn't have been responsible for the Hunters, which means either two separate agendas or he's working with someone else. What's the status of the rest of the team?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Sean answered. "Claudia had a scratch...and an injury-delivered sedative. The rest seem fine, if a little shaken. Claudia's back on her feet, so I may do a quick sweep and head back. Artifact is on its way to be dealt with. Too big for a bag."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"Copy that, get everyone home Sean. Pizza's on me."

He closed the Farnsworth, cutting off the transmission.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Sean put his Farnsworth back and headed back inside to oversee the last of the removal. He caught sight of Connor, and stopped. "Where did you get that?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Connor stopped in his tracks, still holding the bag in front of himself with a questioning look. "Uhh, a pretty shady guy gave it to me. He told me to say hi for him, but I doubt he's really friendly. Name of James MacPhearson?" Connor tried to eye him for any reaction, somewhat figuring if the name was important for him to remember, it must be significant. "Please tell me that name doesn't mean we're all going to die now or something."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Sean merely rolled his eyes, in a sort of 'figures' gesture, as he reached out and took the bag, showing none of the hesitation of Connor, even going as far as to peer into the bag.

When he did, though, he blinked. It would strike Connor that it was the first time he'd been aware of Sean blinking since meeting him yesterday. "The h...Oh, this isn't good..."

He looked up at Connor. "Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous...Just go with the officer to the bomb range, and make sure that the chair is blown up...And make damn sure that no one, not even any of the team touches it. That includes you."

With his free hand, he pulled out a H&K UMP 45 from his jacket, and handed it over to Connor. "Take that, just in case more B.O.W.s show up. Everyone makes it back alive, clear?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Claudia had come up next to Sean, seeing his look.

"What is it Sean?"

That was when she saw the contents of the bag.

"Um ... not possible?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Sean looked at her. "It is when certain parties are involved. I'm having them just use the cop's bomb to deal with the chair. Make sure everyone get back alive, got it? I'm going to run this back."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Taking the gun from Sean, he tried to imitate his seriousness, so he might appear a bit professional towards the situation. "Uhh, not to be the paranoid one, but when my doctor says 'This isn't good' it's doesn't exactly strike me as a positive. I mean, I'm not freaking out, but I'd like to know what's going on, at least in general."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Sean looked at him. "The chair causes an exposed person to act on their subconscious desires...And you're exposed by touching it. As for this," he held up the bag. "It's just Houdini's wallet. Nothing dangerous, just supposed to still be inside."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Claudia shook her head.

"But how?"

Nevertheless, she climbed into the cops car.

"Everyone else get back to the air base, we fly out asap."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Connor spoke as he was looking over the gun, before setting to his chest. "Well... guess that means we know what those power problems were before? You know this guy or something?" He took a few idle steps towards the cops car, but was still looking at Sean for an answer.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Sean shook his head. "Directly, no. But that name has been encountered before. Either Chris or I will explain once everyone is back."

Before he could be asked anything more, he headed back to where his bike was, and placed the artifact bag into the bag that had held the chain. That taken care of, he took off on it, heading back.
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Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Kevin had already finished his examination, and if anyone was watching, would catch a glimpse of him sliding a vial into his coat pocket before standing, and hearing Sean's order, then chuckling as he began to walk out of the church. "This was certainly worth the trip."