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Countdown from 1,000,000

961 113

^much better than Guan's scarier ice queen :oops:
961 112

And don't worry villager (and captain slicer..?), the reinforcements are here, advance all forces and throw the lewdest into the fun pit!!
961 111

First page of the coral-skimmer's user manual: If Slicer isn't the captain the ship won't do shit.

Second page of the coral-skimmer's user manual: There is no second page.
961 110

I shall fill your fun pit with JUSTICE! D:< *shoves justice at the enemy fiercely*
961 109

Third page of the coral-skimmer's manual: Slicer always rezzes back on the ship as the captain

You didn't really think I was captain by popular vote did you?
961 106

There can be no justice without wrong. Dumps a barrel of wrongdoing into the pit.

What? Nobody else has a few barrels of wrongdoing in their hold?