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Countdown from 1,000,000

961 100

I tried to do 101 but kept getting spam filter b/c of the other count thread :(
961 098

What is the thing you love about Slicer the most, dragoon?
I mean I wish you two all the best, but I can't help but be curious. ;3
961 097

It may be too muggy to work outside, so blaring metal and doing the count threads might be the only thing I have to do ATM
961 096

You should really free some space in your "to-do list" so you can treat your loved dragoon the way you want.
A hot spring, just the two of you, calm massages......does that ring a bell? :3
961 094

You f*cked up in your counting so bad, you owe me a calamari dish, Guan.

961 093

Maybe you just read the numbers wrong?

Do ya'll count using the same numbers in Austria?
961 091

s'fine I don't like me much either
961 090

That's a good point - Are you more the "free movies and games" kind of pirate, or are you the "free rum and limes" kind of pirate?
961 089

I already told ya, I'm a space pirate.

I'll steal your air matey!
961 086

Big hint dragoon: He loves pirate movies!
Your charme and your attitude should win that Slicer over real quick!
961 085

Mostly it's media piracy though. I play through at least 30 AAA games a year and end up running out of anime/movies to watch.

Actually Dragoon already rebuked me QQ He wouldn't join my rep-grind group.

Ooooh, fun fact: In addition to being a space pirate I also 'suffer' from lycanthropy.

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961 083

Mostly shonen stuff, mecha and battle anime. Though I'm not averse to something more with a more substantial plot.
961 081

Only three, geeze. Fairy Tail (I know, I know, but it grew on me ok!), One Punch Man, and MSG Thunderbolt (I have no clue why they put out IBO when Thunderbolt was just everything gundam SHOULD be).

Wanna do manga next? lol we actually have threads in the EE section for these things.