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956 516

So apparently the doggo breed best suited for my situation and preferences would be a bulldog. Did a silly online test and that's what it came up with. Too bad I can't actually get one since allergies.
956 513

Pffff, a bulldog for Guan. That doesn't sound right. Silly "online test". :cautious:


What a convenient skill

It's a debuff to reduce an enemy's magical resistance. No naughtiness going on in my game!

*hides Stuffie's character sprite because barely clothes* >.>
956 512

956 509

Would not be my personal choice by a long shot. My favorite breeds of doge are huskies, akitas and borzoi, judged purely on the aesthetics since I've never had a dog of my own.

The test results had the bulldog, the corgi and the pug as the three most recommended breeds. Corgis are awesome but not a fan of bulldogs or pugs. But I suppose those breeds are more suitable for little chicken box apartment living than the larger doggos. And I suppose the bulldog being there just enforces the fact that dogs are like their owners. Grumpy old men in this case.
956 508

True, smaller spaces don't really go well with bigger dogs. Plus certain breeds need more exercise and activity than others.

Corgis are cute with their little stump legs, bulldogs are alright too. I really dislike pugs though, the way their faces look.....jeez. >.>;
956 502

Hey peeps in case i might not *arise* after an operation at the end of january just gonna add a few more digits and say it was a pleasure to type here with you pervy lot :D. Stay healthy

Good luck to you, I sincerely hope you don't have to stay in the hospital after the successful surgery for too long. Nobody likes staying in a hospital. >.>

🙏 Let us pray Stuffie, the goddess of hospitalization.
Not the goddess of lewds and sexual debauchery?~

You're both right - I gotta work two jobs to pay rent up here in Heaven, because some zepheralous God owns all the cheap flats to house his lusty, lusty girls.