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Countdown from 1,000,000

Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

980 520

Are we off count again?

Edit: We are. Should be 980 720

Was an error back on page, like, 1284
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Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

980 716

Honk honk
Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

980 703

Somebody double check the math. I'm getting different numbers again. Cuz this is post 19318, which, subtracted from 1 million should be 980 682 (and we're one off because post 1 is 1,000,000) I'm getting confused. Number should be 980,683 (?)
Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

980 702

(we should be at 980 680?)
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Re: Countdown from 1,000,000

980 681

I think. Because basically, it's 1,000,001 - Post # (since we will always be one off from the post count...post #2, for example, is 999,999). We should be back on track.