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ACT Guro [D-lis] Night of Revenge / 魔女は復讐の夜に (RJ405582)

Can we rescue now the girl from the beginning, that births slime monsters or still no? :unsure:
It's not essential, since the game is pretty straightforward. A little bit of trial and error should be all you need to get comfortable with the game. But if you still prefer english text, this post would be a good starting point, as there's a brief discussion on how to get it to work below that might help if you run into issues. Unfortunately, I'm not well-versed with auto translators, so that's the best I can
Thanks for the help, appreciates it...
Does require internet connection for the translation if you play the game offline?
Does require internet connection for the translation if you play the game offline?
Internet. It does the translation through either bing or google's translate API.
Does require internet connection for the translation if you play the game offline?
It requires internet for the first time, but saves the translation locally, so later it can work offline.
Also you can download someone else's translation file, in this case translator would work offline from the start.
There is manually proofed translation file for the latest 0.37 version on f95.
Does anyone else feel that the weapons are too well balanced? There just isn't any compelling reason to switch to another weapon. They are all sidegrades rather than upgrades.
Does anyone else feel that the weapons are too well balanced? There just isn't any compelling reason to switch to another weapon. They are all sidegrades rather than upgrades.
Isn't that a good thing?
Then you can use whichever weapon you like the most rather than the one with bigger numbers.
Keep in mind that this game is probably pretty heavily inspired by the Souls game series, where that is how it's supposed to work.
Isn't that a good thing?
Then you can use whichever weapon you like the most rather than the one with bigger numbers.
Keep in mind that this game is probably pretty heavily inspired by the Souls game series, where that is how it's supposed to work.

Well, yes and no. I would have more incentive to look for the weapons if they are stronger.

So he's redoing how dialogue is done in the game, making a menu pop up instead of having the expanding text balloons above characters' heads.
The new dialogue, as well as existing text, are going to be injected into Unity from an Excel spreadsheet. Apparently it's "ridiculously easy" according to his twitter posts.
View attachment 31756

So he's redoing how dialogue is done in the game, making a menu pop up instead of having the expanding text balloons above characters' heads.
The new dialogue, as well as existing text, are going to be injected into Unity from an Excel spreadsheet. Apparently it's "ridiculously easy" according to his twitter posts.

Injected from an Excep spreadsheet? Does that mean we can translate and get the game inject the translated dialogue? Why don't all games do this...
Injected from an Excep spreadsheet? Does that mean we can translate and get the game inject the translated dialogue? Why don't all games do this...
I kinda doubt it's gonna be as easy for us as it seem to be for him. In all likelihood, that Excel spreadsheet won't just lie around in the files, but rather be integrated into the actual resource packs. But it might still be easier to unpack when we know better what to look for...
Just curious, Is it really that important to have an English translated version for this game? Most of us are here 99% for the H scenes. The game difficulty even on hard mode is an easy walk in the park and the game fight mechanics doesn't really needs a full weapon description translation.
If the interface wasn't so freaking obscure that I have to re-read the thread just to remember how to get out of the menu and back to the game, then maybe translation wouldn't be such a priority.
Just curious, Is it really that important to have an English translated version for this game? Most of us are here 99% for the H scenes. The game difficulty even on hard mode is an easy walk in the park and the game fight mechanics doesn't really needs a full weapon description translation.

Well some people might find it important to have an actual context to what they're seeing as opposed to just watching mindless boning... I'll be a bit rude here, but man why are you even into hentai if all you want is just pure porn???

As for the game it is a work in progress and the difficulty will be a thing a bit after the majority of the content is out (currently it only affects bosses), meaning the gameplay will be ironed out...
Just curious, Is it really that important to have an English translated version for this game? Most of us are here 99% for the H scenes. The game difficulty even on hard mode is an easy walk in the park and the game fight mechanics doesn't really needs a full weapon description translation.

The best h-games are the ones with a good plot. King's Exit is one such gem.
There are even games where the plot/dialogues become much more important than the porn.
Teaching Feeling for example.

When developers make H-games in this patreon/kickstarter economy they mostly start getting hype and support from the amount of good H that they show in their first demo though. I feel like some devs end up overdeveloping other aspects of the game tilting the H/Gameplay/Plot balance in a direction that isn't really a reflection of what they initially got support for.
I'd frankly be fine with any amount of work put into systems and narratives that i think are secondary goals in an H-game if that starting ratio remained the same.
Just my 2 cents ofc and not necessarily worth a damn :)
Each player values and define H-games differently in the end.
Well some people might find it important to have an actual context to what they're seeing as opposed to just watching mindless boning... I'll be a bit rude here, but man why are you even into hentai if all you want is just pure porn???
No offense, there is nothing said that a hentai must contain a story. Hentai means "sexual perversion" or bizarre sexual desire or act. Not sure where did you came out with that random otaku theory Hentai must have a story.
No offense, there is nothing said that a hentai must contain a story. Hentai means "sexual perversion" or bizarre sexual desire or act. Not sure where did you came out with that random otaku theory Hentai must have a story.

Random otaku theory huh?

While with just that i'd have justification to snub your comment as idiocy, i'll humor you for a while and actually try to explain in simple terms so that even someone like you can understand...

You see there is a very big difference between hentai and porn in general... In porn all you're after and all you can get is instant gratification and nothing else, while in hentai depending on the genre and the sort of content (whatever it is a game, a visual novel, etc, etc) you can have other elements that might be just as important or even more so than the sexual elements like the art, the music, the style of H-scenes, the style of presentation, and a million other details that might or might not have anything to do with sexual themes but together form a singular whole and thus something that unlike porn can actually be seen as a work of art.

There i said it... Hentai can be and to many people is ART, because it isn't something catering to people who just want mindless sexual gratification without even an ounce of deviation or innovation of the tried and true formula (most of the time anyway). If you can't understand something like that, than maybe you should just go back to pornhub or whatever, no offense of course...

As for this particular game, as i said previously it might seem like there is nothing more to it than just the H-content, but that is just because of it being so early in development and any other sort of content like the actual story or the lore is something that will come later on...
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