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ACT Guro [D-lis] Night of Revenge / 魔女は復讐の夜に (RJ405582)

DLsite risks criminal liability if they distribute something that breaks Japan's obscenity laws, so I'm not surprised they're being super cautious. It just means that D-lis didn't slip an easy uncensor under the radar like Koonsoft did.

Japan's obscenity laws are ridiculous, but it'd basically take a revolution to get rid of them.
I doubt they actually go so far as requiring porn to not have naughty bits BEFORE the censor is applied.
Wow, certainly a lot of mixed emotions around here. And some...kinda intense comments too. You'd think this game is like the second coming of Christ or something.
D-lis tweet

D-lis tweet

good to know. 2~3 days is not a lot. consider that the author has sent it to d-lis, there shouldn't be more problem after this.
Alas its a overall widespread problem, and not endemic to H games

Yeah, but that's an unfair take. For every big social media storm like Cyberpunk 2077, there are untold hundreds of games that quietly release on time exactly as they said, especially in the indie space. I could easily name way more games that released on top and in good condition than games like Cyberpunk 2077 which turned delays into a joke and still basically had an unnoficial delay for two more years after releasing... and is STILL being fixed lmao.

I'll be a bit more lenient on H games since they're usually indie within indie to the extreme, oftentimes just one dude doing most of the work and outsourcing anything he can't do to professional strangers. That said, it really shouldn't be that hard to go, cool, it takes up to 48 hours to get approved on my storefront, the game is now complete and ready to ship, like me set the release date for two weeks, away more time than I need, and just roll into release.

But oh well. Maybe it'll be a learning experience for the dev's next game.

I'm inclined to agree, I've never heard of any devs I follow being put to this level, and I believe it was already pointed out that people "shouldn't" be going through the files in the first place. Just a frustrating experience all around, I can only imagine how terrible D-lis is feeling right now.

It could be because of the popularity of his game and theorefore the amount of scrutinity it would get? Wouldn't be the first game on dlsite where deleting and/or changing a file would completely remove centership. Really wish Japan would finally abolish this old, tired law. Like, it's literally mindboggling it's still a thing in 2022.

People seem to get REALLY sore about censor mosaics.

I mean, censorship sucks in general, but an erotic medium dependant on visual art isn't being down any favors by this. Especially since it varies so widely... sometimes you'll get like two black pixels you don't even notice lmao and sometimes 90% of the screen is a pixalized, blurry mess.

Sometimes feels like you're just listening to what's going on behind a curtain and have to use your imagination, and at that point why even bother.
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here's hoping D-Lis took team-applepai route by distributing uncensored patch on twitter
I hope whoever working at Dlsite rejected D-Lis will be cursed to forever review only the most disgusting and gruesome guro and scat games made by the most annoying and persistent devs
I'm pretty sure DLSite is giving this specific game a hard time is because it's a high profile game that's been on everyone's radar for a while. I get the feeling they're doing it for D-Lis's protection, because let's face it, we're all giving it way too much attention and will most likely get the attention of the JP government once it goes through. I mean, we have a 240 page thread in the Under Construction board where half the posts are shitposts and simping.

Either way, it's simultaneously both a good problem to have and a bad one. DLSite is clearly aware that so many people want this game to come out that they're likely taking extra precautions to make sure they can actually, y'know, sell it without having to immediately delist it, and not put D-Lis in jail in the process.
I do hope the original uncensored sprites will be able to be preserved somewhere, it would be a shame to lose those.
I'm pretty sure the issue of the actual sprite needing to be censored rather than just having an overlay has come up before, though I can't remember the other creator who ran afoul of it.

Edit: I think it was Mogurasoft with Holy Knight Ricca actually.
I'm pretty sure the issue of the actual sprite needing to be censored rather than just having an overlay has come up before, though I can't remember the other creator who ran afoul of it.

Edit: I think it was Mogurasoft with Holy Knight Ricca actually.

With 3D works, is it likely that it will be almost impossible to "MOZAIKU the image itself" like this time?
Damn anyone use F95zone as well? that thread is having a meltdown while we're here chilling lol