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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

For another slight alternative. Characters and creatures with the Grapple Expert talent can perform an instant sneak submission hold, but for those without it's as normal.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Suggestion for grapple.
Grappling as a successful sneak attack puts the target in submission hold directly. Getting the drop on someone would allow you to swiftly submit them before they react, on the next round you'd still need to make a grapple check to maintain the hold ofc.

Squid said:
For another slight alternative. Characters and creatures with the Grapple Expert talent can perform an instant sneak submission hold, but for those without it's as normal.

The idea I've always liked is just that the sneak-attacking creature auto-grapples, then can attempt another in-grapple action that same turn, which is subject to the normal grapple check if it would require one. A body-strong character with Grapple Expert *would* almost certainly sneak-submission-hold a mage, but otherwise there would at least be a chance to resist.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

The idea I've always liked is just that the sneak-attacking creature auto-grapples, then can attempt another in-grapple action that same turn, which is subject to the normal grapple check if it would require one. A body-strong character with Grapple Expert *would* almost certainly sneak-submission-hold a mage, but otherwise there would at least be a chance to resist.

A warrior with grapple expert can easily have more than 20 point difference to a mage. So not really.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Because if you don't minmax, Tass will throw a warrior at your mage who has a 20 point difference, with no chance for you to survive the encounter without being horribly raped.

You make me sad.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Suggestion for grapple.
Grappling as a successful sneak attack puts the target in submission hold directly. Getting the drop on someone would allow you to swiftly submit them before they react, on the next round you'd still need to make a grapple check to maintain the hold ofc.

Example picture of this in action

He never saw it coming.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

A few monster sheets that I've been tinkering with:

Template: Alraune

Body: 30
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 30
Spirit Energy (EP): 30
Speed: 17
Dodge: 25
Armor: 4
Resistance: 23
Perception: 25
Stealth: 25
Grapple: 30

Old Sheets

Monster Name: Basic Alraune, tier 1
Monster Type: Plant
Monster Class: None
Differences from Base Creature: In the above stats

Pain Resistant



Succubus Powers:
Pollen Shot (Res check vs Alraune for creature within 30 feet or they become Horny)


Monster Name: Upgraded Alraune, tier 1
Monster Type: Plant
Monster Class: None
Differences from Base Creature: In the above stats, +5 Stealth (30,) +4 Armor (8,) +6 Resistance (29)

Pain Resistant


Natural Attack (2d12 + 10)

Succubus Powers:
Pollen Shot (Res check vs Alraune for creature within 30 feet or they become Horny)



Monster Name: Elder Alraune, Tier 3
Monster Type: Plant
Monster Class: None.
Differences from Base Creature: +10 Body (40), +30 Mind (40), +25 HP (65), +35 PP (65), +20 EP (50), +11 speed (28), +5 resistance (28), +3 Stealth (28), +3 Perception (28), +10 Grapple (40)

Pain Resistant
Focus in Nature

Easily Aroused

Natural Attack (40) 2d12 + 13

Base Casting: 20 (30 with nature)
Favored Elements: Nature
Feats: Silent Magic

Spirit Ceiling: 10

Succubus Powers:
Pollen Shot (Res check vs Alraune for creature within 30 feet or they become Horny)

Description: Elder alraunes are known as elder less for their age, for most are young even by their race's standards, and more for their experience and knowledge, which greatly outpaces those of their kin that haven't yet traveled. Usually, elder alraunes are those among plantkind who have been sent as an ambassador or visitor to fey lands by their collective and have returned successfully -- although on rare occasions an aspiring plant might learn from elsewhere. In the elder alraune's case, their measure of this success is usually marked first by a gain in the alraune in question's ability to wield nature's power, secondly in a wealth of knowledge and information that can be shared with their sisters, and finally by the change in appearance accompanied by 'accompanying' supernatural creatures for any great length.

Though the effects of their host's, usually the faeries, more personal magics vary from alraune to alraune, the alraunes who become 'elder alraunes' most commonly come back from their visits with a bountiful bloom of flowers adorning their bodies as the sign of their time among the supernatural. The alraune who would ascend to the rank of elder are valuable among the plants, as they bring magic, new experiences, and information into the plants' collective mind. As a result, they most commonly fight in the back during battles, where they can safely strengthen their forces with magic and heal their wounded. While hunting alone, they prefer to make use of their incredible stealth in order to scout out their target, strengthen themselves with magics, and then strike.


Monster Name: Dryad, tier 3
Monster Type: Plant
Monster Class: None.
Differences from Base Creature: +20 body (50), +20 HP (60), +10 PP (40), +10 EP (40), -7 speed (10), +18 dodge (43), +22 armor (26), +10 Resistance (33), -13 Stealth (12), -3 Perception (22), +20 Grapple (50)

Pain Resistant x5
Shield Fighter


Odd Skin
Armored Hide x3
Natural Attack (50) 2d12 + 17

Shield Slam
Shield Cover
Defensive Stance

Succubus Powers:
Pollen Shot (Res check vs Alraune for creature within 30 feet or they become Horny)

Round Light Shield: DB = 8. EV = 1. (50) 3d6 + 17

Dryads are alraune who, after spending time with magical creatures outside of their kin, have developed extremely toughened skin. Unlike their green and plant-like sisters, dryads take on a more tree-like appearance, with brown skin, which, while as soft as their kin, is extremely durable. In addition, bark forms on the outside of their arms and legs, giving them the ability to use their appendages to block most anything that attacks them from the front without issue. Another similarity to common alraune are their green, fibrous tentacles, which adorn their backs.

Given the physical durability of dryads, most learn and excel in physical combat. They are extremely dangerous in melee, due to their endurance and ability to strike twice in rapid succession. That said, they are also incredibly slow as a result of their mutations. Usually, in a group of alraune, they take up the front lines and defend their comrades from ranged attack. They lack the stealth of their sisters, and when hunting alone prefer to simply stride toward their target, shrugging off punishment until they come within range and can pound them into a pulp.


Monster Name: Lady Alraune, tier 4
Monster Type: Plant
Monster Class: None.
Differences from Base Creature: +20 Body (50), +40 Mind (50), +40 Spirit (50), +60 HP (100), +70 PP (100), +70 EP (100), +5 Speed (22), +23 Dodge (48), +5 Resistance (28), +5 Perception (30), +5 Stealth (30), +20 Grapple (50)

Pain Resistant
Hard to Hit
Holy Magic
Focus in (Nature)
Commander 5
True Succubus

Easily Aroused

Natural Attack (50) 2d12 + 17

Base Casting: 33 (43 with nature)
Favored Elements: Nature

Spirit Ceiling: 20
Powers: Blessing, Cudgel of the Blessed, Lay on Hands

Succubus Powers: All of the powers. All of them.


A Lady Alraune is an alraune who was sent to explore the world around the plant creatures' hives and returned exceedingly successful. In becoming supernatural, themselves, a Lady Alraune manages to gain immortality, at least should nobody else manage to end her life. But becoming supernatural is only part of what they manage in their time away from their sisters; any alraune can ascend to that point, very few can manage to master their magical and spiritual powers to the extent of a Lady. While in comparison to the lords and ladies of the ancient races of the fey, the aliens, and the demons, these alraune are not particularly impressive, their knowledge, wisdom, and skill remains well beyond what most regular people achieve in a lifetime. In cases where a Black Oak isn't present to lead the plantkind in an area, if there is a head of the hive mind that binds them, it is most likely a Lady Alraune. Though, they never appear in a plant colony where an oak is present.

In appearance, they are usually heavily adorned with beautiful flowers sprouting from their green skin. They may also have other occasional oddities from their rise to becoming supernatural, though blooms are the most common. They have tentacles, much like their sisters. And, like the lords and ladies of the demons and fae, they tend to be exceedingly beautiful.

In groups, Lady Alraune are extremely dangerous. They bolster all of the plants around them with incredible durability and strength. However, they have very little skill in personal combat, if one can reach them. Alone, they prefer to sneak up on and seduce their target. While they are incapable of draining energy, few can match a Lady Alraune's ability to seduce and beguile an opponent, even worming their way into their target's head if they must.

Had the numbers for those sitting around for a bit but wanted to throw in a bit of my backstories, description, and lore for them. Still have the stuff for ALRAUNE CAVALRY and a Vine Creeper + Alraune symbiote sitting around but I don't feel like doing backstory + lore for them and don't want to post them without it. >.>
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

>Dryad's and Lady Alraune
Welp. Found Bakan's next adventure.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I sense a disturbance in the future.

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Nose for Treasure Skill added. Sneak attack grapples now allow a grapple check in order to put the target into a submission hold as a free action (check the Stealthy Talent.)
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Not sure how this fits in but it came to mind while going over the Kitsune race.

Reborn Kitsune

Reborn Kitsune happen when a male or female kitsune sacrificing a tail during mating to either impregnate their partner or themselves (if female). This ensures 100% success unless the mother/father is infertile or an egglayer. The soul stored in the tail becomes the soul of the new child and when birthed is completely kitsune no matter what the origins of the soul. The primary difference between a reborn kitsune and their normally birthed kin is the reborn kitsune has feint memories of their former life and their hair color often is the same as the tail color their parent sacrificed. These feint memories give these kitsune a slight edge in their new life. Despite these slight differences the reborn kitsune have all the abilities that normal kitsune have.

Stat adjustments: Same as Kitsune
Racial Talent: *Past Life
Racial Flaws: Same as Kitsune
Racial Mutations: Same as Kitsune
Cannot be used as part of a half-breed. Cannot take the Battery or Tail mutations, or any mutations that require Tail even though they have it as a racial mutation.

*Past Life
The past life talent grants 1 flaw from the origin character of the soul (if there is no viable flaw then they get the *distracted flaw) and one talent that the original soul held from its previous class (if the reborn Kitsune is of a diffrent class then they gain the natural talent for the past life's class)

*distracted -2 to noncombat checks as a reborn kitsune's past life's memories are not always helpful in a given situation
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

More sheets. The first spoiler has the alraune symbiote, the second contains silliness. Still working on a giant scorpion line, tunnelers, and some sort of rapist desert ghosts.


Monster Name: Siamese Alraune, tier 2
Monster Type: Plant
Monster Class: None.
Differences from Base Creature: +10 Body (40), +10 HP (40), +5 PP (35), +5 EP (35), +3 Speed (20), +4 Armor (8), +5 Dodge (30), -3 Resistance (20), +3 Perception (28), +3 Stealth (28), +10 Grapple (40)

Pain Resistant x2
Creeper Inside™: This character may attempt to start a grapple as a free action and may take a second grapple action as long as their first is successful in their favor.


Natural Attack: (40) 2d12 + 13

Succubus Powers:
Pollen Shot (Resistance Check vs 16 + d20 or the target becomes horny)

Description: Siamese Alraune are strange amalgams of vine creeper and alraune. Despite their moniker, their condition isn't all that unusual or harmful, they are mainly called such to differentiate them from the average alraune. Occasionally one will be born naturally of a woman impregnated by an alraune and few, if any, are the result of a more unusual pairing or any outside magics. The link shared between the two creatures is not at all different from the normal link that plant colonies share, if perhaps a much in terms of body.

One of the dangers of facing these particular alraune is that they look almost identical to their more normal sisters, the only marked difference is that they tend to have much longer tentacles. Their tentacles are also their most dangerous features, as they hold limited sentience and can be guided by either of the alraune's two minds in order to overwhelm an opponent and restrain them. They tend to hunt alone or in small groups and use their stealth and expert dual command of their tentacles in order to restrain and capture their prey.

Because I wanted to make the dumbest enemy possible: GIANT ENEMY ELDRITCH BEAR

Template: This is pretty stupid.

Body: 200
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 420
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 110
Spirit Energy (EP): 220
Speed: 43
Dodge: 55
Armor: 32
Resistance: 144
Perception: 88
Stealth: 48
Grapple: 200

Divine Might
Unholy Might
Powerful Soul
Armored Carapace
Pain Resistant x6


Monster Name: Bearry Roosevelt
Monster Type: Giant Goddamn Bear
Monster Class: BEAR.
Differences from Base Creature: None.

Divine Might
Unholy Might: That's right, divine and unholy at the same time.
Powerful Soul
Armored Carapace
Pain Resistant x6
Ultimate Wizard
Commander 10
Persistent Haste

Clumsy: Use 1d100+20 for all attack rolls, regardless of stat. Damage dealt by this character is halved.
Is a Giant Bear: Can only occasionally pass for several humans in a bear suit at costume parties.
Mindless (Killing Machine)

Clawed Feet x2
Razor Fingers
Natural Attack (1d100 + 20) 2d12 + 75

Unrelenting Fury

Base Casting: 10 (with focuses)
Favored Elements: All of them.
Feats: Druidic Secrets, Empower Spell

Spirit Ceiling: 44

Sir Bearington, the Teddy Bear.

Description: The true scourge of the Badarian forests. Generally regarded as a myth. There are many myths surrounding Bearry Roosevelt. Some suggest him to be the template from which all bears were created. Others claim that it's an eldritch abomination sent to wait beneath the world until it awakens in a ravenous hunger. Whatever the case, most agree that fucking with giant bears is a bad idea.

And Bearry Roosevelt is the biggest of them all. The bear is rumored to be twice as large as a Badarian factory (and to cause approximately half as many decapitations), with coarse black fur, deadly red eyes, razor-sharp claws, and a snout so cute that it makes anyone looking upon it want to break down into incomprehensible baby-talk. Bearry has a mastery of all magics, though its inability to talk or perform intricate motions with its bear hands leaves it incapable of casting very well. On that blue moon occasion where its magics are a success, however, it's suggested that it summons the dreaded megabears, doomcats, and, worst of all, fluffems, all of which revel in the leadership offered by the giant bear. To top it off, it has all the charging power of a ram and a level of durability that would make a castle wall jealous. Thankfully, all the smallfolk agree that its hibernation is slated to last at least another thousand years, or until a groundchuck trips over its own shadow in fear of Bearry's imminent return and the smell of its fear awakes the bear.

Its hunting tactics are being a GIANT BEAR.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

(Which I likely failed calcing up properly somewhere, is broken and stupid, will never be used, etc etc... Might fit for the Acheron Arena tho, derp)

Monster Name: Battleborn Succubus
Monster Type: Demon
Monster Class: Succubus
Differences from Base Creature: +10 Body(30), +30HP(70), +5PP/EP(70/60), +5SPD(19), +11 Dodge(36), +18 Armor(18), -7 Stealth(7), +22 Grapple(42), -4 Spirit Ceiling(7)

Shield Fighter
Grapple Expert
Skill with (1H Blunt)
Pain Resistant
Greater Draining


Whip Tongue*3
Odd Skin
-Armored Hide

Shield Slam

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:

Spirit Ceiling: 7
Vampiric Futanari
Fell Might

Succubus Powers:
Energetic Foreplay
Dazzling Beauty
Aphrodisiac Fluids
Drain Through Pain
Unnatural Resilience
Deny Release

Foreplay(2d4+26, +6 more during Oral)
1H Blunt(+45)(2d4+18)

A Battleborn Succubus is much akin to the Greater Succubi in power, but due to abnormal bone and tissue growth, resulting in bony carapace covering part of their bodies, and innate desire for pain, they took on a different view of pleasure. The Battleborn live to fight, and love nothing more than to beat up her desired prey while being beaten down by them. If victorious, they will partake in more typical pleasures with their battered and bruised victim.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


Fangs: a lesser version of fearsome maw it still generates a -2 penalty to pp during oral acts.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

A new creature! Needs moar fluff. Don't blame me if your GM uses it against you.


Hit Points (HP):30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):40
Spirit Energy (EP):30
Stealth:10+5=15(35 while invisible)


Monster Name:Invisible Orgasm Ghost
Monster Type:Fey(?)
Monster Class:Mage
Differences from Base Creature:

Focus in Force


Night Eyes
Naturally Warped
(Special mutation)Naturally Invisible: This creature can become invisible at will, granting it +20 to stealth as the spell. This ability doesn't consume EP.

Base Casting:15
Favored Elements:Force

Maximize Spell
Silent Magic

Spirit Ceiling:6

Succubus Powers:


Description: This creature looks vaguely humanoid in shape, but it is usually colorless, as if from a black and white photograph, though it gains a little color after causing someone to orgasm. They're generally assumed to be members of fae, though not much is known about them, as they are rare and usually don't engage in conversation.

Tactics & math: Sneak close to someone while invisible, hit them with vibrating touch until they orgasm, sneak away.
(Vibrating touch: 4d6+16)
Maximized Vibrating touch:40 PP damage normally, 80 when sneak attack is successful.
2d6+mind/5=2d6+6. Evoker makes that 4d6+12. Focus in force for 4d6+16. Maximize for 40. Silent magic doubles that to 80.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Fangs sounds like a neat idea, it could replace Fearsome Maw as the base mutation and have the latter be an extension for characters who wants to take off a chunk of their opponent and not just inject venom.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Yon para...site? Paraphallus? Cockatoo?
Template: Parasite

Body: 10
Mind: 10
Spirit: 0

Hit Points (HP): 15
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 15
Spirit Energy (EP): 0
Speed: 26
Dodge: 20
Armor: 0
Resistance: 5
Perception: 10
Stealth: 15
Grapple: 10

Quick x2
Hard to Hit x1


Monster Name: Tunneler
Monster Type: Alien
Monster Class: None
Differences from Base Creature: None.

Quick x2
Hard to Hit x1
Pack Hunter


Soul Eater
Venomous Attack (Weakened)
Soulless: This creature is unnatural and does not have energy points of its own, instead requiring that is siphon any energy for use from a target, but does not suffer loss of consciousness from being reduced to 0 or lower EP. Additionally, it can't be drained.

Succubus Powers:
Rebirth (Costs 30 EP, the Tunneler sheds its worm-like skin to became a fleshy, pink phallus. It retains the same stats but may, as a normal action, make an unarmed attack against a target that it is currently in a grapple with in order to attach itself to an opponent and give them the Colonized Special Mutation, detailed below.)

Colonized (An opponent colonized by a Tunneler that has achieved Rebirth gains an unusual, pink, spear-like penis which causes pleasure as normal, or a second penis if they already have an original. Or, if the character already has two penises, the tunneler can inject venom into one of the shafts in order to cause it to take on this effect and appearance, but the tunneler will die in the process. Any character impregnated by the new or re-shaped phallus will give birth to more Tunnelers. Additionally, the Tunneler drains energy from both its host and any partner that it's penetrating during sex as a normal creature with Soul Eater, and, upon reaching 80 EP through this method, may either choose to extend a flesh tentacle and impregnate its host, if applicable, give its host a second parasitic penis, or transform its host's or a partner's penis without harm to itself.

A colonized character takes 2d12 resistance damage (4d12 if they have two parasitic phalli) per round when in any sort of battle against a suitable female, gaining the aroused status if they reach 0 and the horny status if they reach 0 a second time. Colonized can only be removed with Greater Restoration, or a corruption cure potion applied to the affected area immediately after impregnating someone.)

Unarmed Attack (10) 2d4 + 3

Description: Three foot long, silvery worm-like creatures with dozens of waving, fleshy tendrils that have sharp, pin-like tips at the end. They're believed to be connected with the gemini somehow, given their appearance, but it's hard to say what really gave rise to them. Alone, they're not particularly dangerous, but they're rarely ever alone. Usually, tunnelers hunt in packs of four or more. They do not see the world through colors, sights, and smells, but instead by feel. It's believed that they can literally feel energy in the air. Moreover, they can sense strong souls and will bring in reinforcements from nearby for particularly troubling opponents.

They're particularly dangerous for their ability to tunnel through soft ground and pop up unexpectedly in large packs and the venom which, while not dangerous in a single prick, can immobilize even a troll with enough successive attacks. When attempting to bring down powerful prey, they work as a group and attempt to jab them with their tendrils, overwhelming their body with venom and causing them to become helpless. Against weaker prey they might simply attempt to constrict the opponent and drag them down to the ground.

Regardless, once their prey is immobilized, reproduction and feeding begins. The tunnelers struggle for a spot at their target's crotch, where they will feed on their opponent's energy in a manner similar to succubi. Women quickly find themselves penetrated and men find their souls and whatever else the creatures can get being sucked out of them, people with both tend to find attentions on all of their parts. Their energy will be drained until the tunneler has taken its fill, at which point it will rapidly shed its old skin and body, ending up as a one foot long phallus.

It does not end there for the victims, as that creature will then attach itself to its prey's crotch with a single sharp prick, hooking itself into their nerve system and acting as a penis for them. Those prodigious types with no space on their crotch have no relief from this fate, however, as it will instead prick the base of their shafts and slowly wither and die as it transfers itself into the preexisting penis, causing its target to take on much the same shape and appearance as it would have had if the initial colonization had been successful.

The rest will feed in an attempt to gain that same transformation, repeating the process as many times as possible on one host, but if their target doesn't have enough spirit to feed them, they will simply burrow away, leaving their target and its new attachments in relative peace. If the target was a woman who was impregnated during their feeding, she will birth more tunnelers that will do much the same.

Once a person has been colonized, it's difficult to remove a tunneler. The only easy option is a healer, which will doubtless cost much time and denarii, the other requires a potion and knowingly spreading the creatures. While the parasites remain with the host, any woman impregnated by the parasitic phallus will birth more tunnelers, adding to the dangerous population. Worse, when the host is distracted by other things, such as fighting, it will drive them to breed any potential targets by manipulating the host's nervous system. And, it will continue to feed from any source it can, spreading the infection as it takes in enough energy to do so. Though these creatures are rarely truly dangerous to their host, their ability to hijack reproductive systems is alarming, and they should be removed as quickly as possible.

Damn, went all wall of text on that description. But the new stuff was hard to explain so whatever.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Suggestion: Succubi use their selected primary stat for dealing pleasure damage, akin to how Spunky/Knowledgeable work. Spunky/Knowledgeable made General Talents.

Raison: Made sense to me Succubi would use primary stat for sexing, thus not making every succubi ever have to either boost body or waste a talent on doing their job(getting you/their victims off). Also having Spunky/Knowledgeable as general talents might make them more desireable for Mages and Spirit Users so they ain't cluelessly sprattling fishes in bed. :U
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Sounds reasonable to me.