King of the Impossible
- Joined
- May 5, 2009
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You are a Dark General, a powerful Youma (or similar creature) of the Shadow Realm. Your potential is cast, and your ambition is high. Will you be the most renowned, revered and rewarded? Or will you fail? Blocking your path to greatness are the beacons of hopes and dreams, the warriors of love and justice, the pretty soldiers, The Magical Girls. You'll have to get around that problem, but your goals wouldn't be worth doing if they were easy.
You may be the hero of your own story, but humans at large and Magical Girls will cast you as the villain du jour. What type of Dark General are you? You're unique one. You are the Hivemind. You have many bodies with a single consciousness, each an extension of you much like another limb is. This gives you a huge advantage over groups of Youma, one that you intend to leverage over the others for more power.
This is a empire builder and quest CYOA. This game will be run on two forums, the other being
So, what is your life like?
Do you answer to a more powerful patron? They will demand regular tribute, but provide you with access to allies and reinforcements. You must maintain your good standing or face a bad end. (Indirectly affects difficulty by changing how likely it is for something good to happen.)
[] You answer to whispers that come from the shadows, whom have given you great power in exchange for your allegiance. You have no idea what you are beholden to, but you know that refusing their requests will lose you your powers. You know that you have allies, but have yet to meet them. You just know what the whispers tell you, and what secrets you hear. (Other dark generals may show up to offer or request help, but will keep to themselves. There won't be any reason to compete, as per the shadow whisper's plan.)
[] You are the apprentice of a Shadow Sorcerer who has recently become a master and joined the Cabal that rules the world in secret. You are now your master's agent in their political games, and compete with the other apprentices for resources in the Cabal's grand plan. You intend to become a master and join the cabal yourself, but first you must graduate from your apprenticeship. (Other Dark Generals may show up, usually to ask for help or be helpful, but you should also expect some friendly competition. The Masters don't like it when the apprentices kill each other off, but don't mind a bit of healthy conflict.)
[] Your power just sort of showed up one day. A magical fluke? A genetic mutation? Or perhaps it is there to balance against the bright light of the magical girls. After there all, there are no magical boys. Maybe that's what you are. There are other Dark Generals out there, commanding small teams to huge legions of youma of their own, and they can be quite territorial, but they may be willing broker truces or alliances. There are a few of those around. (Other dark generals will not show up to request help, but may offer it for a price if you appear weak. If you appear especially weak to them, they may just try to take you out and take your stuff. They expect the same behaviour from you.)
[] You have sworn fealty to the Dark Queen for your power. She is as evil as she is beautiful, and what a terrible evil she is. She has many Dark Generals under her dread banner, and seeks to bring the mortal world into the shadow of her tyranny. Competition for her favour is as fierce as it is deadly, though there are whispered rumours that a truly favoured could become her consort. She rules her dark kingdom with an iron fist and a keen eye, and no sedition or failure has ever escaped her notice. You don't want to become another example, do you? Also, don't even hint that she may have once been a magical girl herself. She doesn't like that rumour one bit. (There will be a constant bartering of favours and occasional backstabbing, both figurative and literal. The queen cares not what happens to her generals as long as there are enough that can get work done and push her goals forwards. She's also really nice to look at, if a bit scary.)
[] You have been chosen by the Old Gods to be the new Demon Lord. Well, of your area. Pious and deference has seen you rewarded, but the old ones demand the culling of the ranks of the weak as much as they demand tribute and sacrifice. You live for the politicking and backstabbing, quite literally. (Dark generals are constantly trying to get the better of each other in a Machiavellian game of warring states, all in the shadows, only team up to take on the magical girls. Most of the magical girls can only see that youma are coming out of the woodwork to drain people of their energy and drag off to do who knows what.)
[] No. Through nights of terrible study, tons of aching effort, and no small amount of luck, you are a self made Dark General. You stand alone. You are your own Monster. You answer to no one. You take all the risk and responsibility, but do not share they rewards of your exploits with any other. Unless it is part of your plan. Now practice that evil chuckle! (The other dark generals are just more powerful youma that manage to bully others to do their bidding. The different factions or lone youma will prioritise ruining each other's plans over fighting the magical girls. The other dark generals live with the risk of being usurped by their underlings.)
[] Yes. The Mystery Box. This is a special secret patron added as a joke, but I'm willing to run with it. Who is this mystery patron? It could be anything. It could even be a boat. (It's not.) No one knows! Only that it will be rather goofy.
How prolific are other youma? (This affects how powerful established Magical Girls are, how quickly new ones grow in power, but also how easy they are to capture and corrupt once defeated, or how easy they are to avoid as they may be too busy dealing with a rogue to deal with yours. This also affects how likely it is for you to encounter another dark general's troupe, or coming across a rogue youma by accident.)
[] Virtually non-existent. Youma must be created by a Dark General though captured magical girls, and only end up alone when their sire is slain before they are. Rogues quickly join another faction, team up to form a new one, or end up easy pray for teams of powerful Magical Girls.
[] Rather Rare. Youma must be created by a Dark General and mostly loyal to their sire. They do occasionally go off on their own, but most commonly end up alone through a run of bad luck. Rogues quickly join another faction, team up to form a new one, or end up easy pray for teams of powerful Magical Girls.
[] Uncommon. Sometimes youma are just born from a coalescence of negative emotion and loose mana.
[] Common. There's just about as many rogue youma as there are those loyal to a dark general. The rogues get created from nothing more often, but are also more likely to be defeated by magical girls.
[] Prolific. They live in the shadow realms and come to feast on human essence. Youma prefer to eschew others of their kind because they don't want to share their hard earned harvest of tasty energy. Rogues out number the ones in factions by a significant margin, and are quite feral by aligned youma standards. Expect to encounter them as often as you do the magical girls, and deal with them appropriately.
Regardless of the constant struggle between magical girls and dark generals, what is the world like? (This affects how often Magical Girls turn to the dark side on their own, and how easy it is to corrupt them.)
[] Sunshine and Rainbows. Taxes are a bit high, but the economy is booming so paychecks are higher even. Birds are signing, crime is down, bees are buzzing, traffic is flowing, and schools are happy fun places where little girls develop interesting skills and deep meaningful friendships that last the rest of their lives. Even the weather is seems to be smiling every day, rain or shine, and was that a unicorn? Nawww.... Anyway, if it weren't for you and the youma, it would be two steps shy of a modern utopia, you jerk faces. (Magical Girls are paragons of love and justice, and never act otherwise. As such, they are more difficult to corrupt. They are easier to keep happy once corrupted, if you care to.)
[] Mediocre Civilisation. There are still taxes, the economy is still a thing, and paychecks are at least adequate. Some people might focus on the bad too much, but really human civilisation keeps making things better and better everyday. School can be mind numbingly dull but little girls see the benefits of it, and there's plenty of time to socialise. Now you youma boys show up to wreck everything they've built and you expect them to just lay down and take it? (Magical Girls sometimes may compromise on their morals or act selfishly, but never turn to corrupting themselves.)
[] Gritty world. Despite taxes being so low the economy is always slumping, and yet somehow people still get their lousy paychecks. Birds poop on statues, crime is just around a corner and down the alley, wasps are little demons, there's an accident in the express lanes both ways. School makes little girls feel dumber, takes too much time, and leaves everyone grumpy. The weather is never right, and who's horse left a present in your favorite parking spot? Youma coming out of the shadows to suck on everyone's energy fit right in. (Magical Girls can act selfishly or even -gasp!- turn to crime, but will never accidentally corrupt themselves. They can choose to take up the dark arts, however, can give you a head start with the corruption process.)
[] Distopia. Taxes are too damn high, unemployment is rampant, paychecks are shit, crime is out of control, and conscription into the police has just been put into affect. Schools are full of gangs, or angry bees, or gangs of angry bees. No wait, that last one was hallucination from all the pharmaceuticals being bumped into everyone's veins. No wonder little girls want to throw their life and education away fighting youma. The catharsis of punching a giant snake made of shadow stuff with magical sparkling fireworks must take the edge off better than the mandatory prescription anti-depressants do. (Magical Girls are all too human, and can easily be led astray from a couple of bad choices. They are easier to corrupt, and may corrupt themselves accidentally or by choice.)
[] End of Days. People didn't expect it, but the world is coming to an end. What went wrong? How did no-one see this coming? The stress of the back to back disasters will weaken the Magical Girls, but harden their resolve. (Magical Girls are easier to capture, but harder to corrupt.)
-[] Robot Uprising. The technological singularity has been achieved, and you are competing with the AI Revolution for human souls. You want to feed off their energy, and they want to cleanse the dirty apes to pave the way for a flat concrete slab for more factories of circuit and metal. In the middle are the Magical Girls, holding back the tide.
-[] Zombie Plague. The classic horror movie scenario has come true due a perfect storm of super germs, mad science and bad juju. Now the dead walk again to feast on the living. Only Magical Girls are immune to the Z-germs, but they are so few that their combined magical power can't turn back the waves of undead hunger. For you, Zombies have no mana for to drain, can't be corrupted, and are super gross! (Magical Girls get stronger faster, and are even harder to corrupt!)
-[] Economic Collapse. Universal Robotics and Adaptive Software has replaced so many human jobs so fast that unemployment is nearly total. With no one getting payed the consumer era has come crashing down in an orgy of riots, looting, black markets using Pogs as currency, and rampant substance abuse. The good news is that there's free food and internet, so people have that going for them. But the job market; it belongs to the machines now. (There will be more Magical Girls.)
-[] Demon Invasion. The gates to the Underworld have opened. As have the gates to Otherworld. And the Shadow World. And the Spirit World. All the gates really. There are many super natural monsters from other realms pouring in to feed off human essence. The Magical Girls have tons of monsters to fight off, making their skills and power grow rapidly from the varied demons to slay. (Magical Girls get stronger much faster, but may be taken out by the other types of demons.)
-[] The Moopocalypse. The chickens, cows, pigs, and all the other food animals have wizened up to their future fate and have had enough. They have organised and launched simultaneous assaults all across civilisation, overwhelming the military. Nobody expected the chickens to have uzis and flambards. (This season, cows have a beef with you. In theatres everywhere.)
[] Post-Apocalyptic. The end of days came and went, and they it just didn't end. It was really bad, but most of humanity survived, even entire major population centres went undamaged. Though not unaffected. The calamity affected the entire world, creating a new dark age. The hard times have toughened the magical girls, but the depression has them longing for better times. (Magical Girls are harder to capture, but easier to corrupt.)
-[] Write-in. Choose an apocalypse from above. (Gain the associated effects.)
The most powerful Magical Girl in the world is?
[] None at all. Both Dark Magic and Magical Girls are new, and everyone is scrambling to set up a status quo. (Magical Girls all start at minimum level. They will gain in power as the game progresses.)
[] None specifically. There are some very powerful magical girls, but they all got to their level by hard won battles and constant training. (Magical Girls will vary in power,
[] The Moon Goddess. A powerful sorceress of unparalleled power and beauty is believed to be the first Magical Girl (unless you're subject of the Dark Queen, in which case she's a just a 6). Her feats include scouring a celestial body of demons (and rendering it inhospitable in the process, oops!), redirecting comets, and getting children the world over to eat their vegetables. She has inspired many girls to better themselves mentally. She wears a beautiful silver dress, radiates a calm blue light, moves with unearthly grace and dignity. (Girls, magical or otherwise, will have 1d4 bonus Magic and Elegance, and spell caster types will be more common.)
[] The Warrior Saint. A mighty warrior encased in golden armour, wearing a burning halo and wielding a flaming sword. She has the wings, face and voice of angel. The moon is covered in the ashes of entire ecosystems of demons she has slain with her holy powers. Her piety and kindness has inspire many young girls to take religion more seriously. Somehow no one knows what her religion actually is, but it's probably a Judeo-christian one. (Regular girls have 5 more mana. Magical Girls have 50 more mana, but are twice as hard to corrupt.)
[] The Amazon Champion. A mighty warrior woman from a lost world. Her martial prowess is unrivalled and physically impossible. She can lift small buildings without breaking them, leap across city blocks, and break bowling balls between her thighs. (Dem thighs!) Her physical prowess has inspired girls the world over to become more fit. Women everywhere flaunt their abs whenever they can get away with it. (Girls, magical or otherwise, will have 1d4 bonus Strength and Agility, and warrior types will be more common.)
[] The Metal Queen. This studded leather clad woman has shaken the world with her sick guitar licks and mad fighting skills. Her show stopping feats have inspired girls everywhere to take up music and martial arts, and have driven concerned parents up the wall with her radical antics. (Girls, magical or otherwise, will have 1d4 bonus Strength and Agility, and spell caster types will be more common.
[] The Shinning Golden Guy. A true hero, he flies around the world all time, stopping crime, halting tsunamis, getting people out of burning buildings, rescuing kittens, and generally being a nice guy. He is invincible, can shoot lasers, can see the future, and never sleeps. Now if only he would wear clothes. (Unlocks the ability to capture men and make Husbandos. Makes male themed achievements available.)
Continued on the next post.
You may be the hero of your own story, but humans at large and Magical Girls will cast you as the villain du jour. What type of Dark General are you? You're unique one. You are the Hivemind. You have many bodies with a single consciousness, each an extension of you much like another limb is. This gives you a huge advantage over groups of Youma, one that you intend to leverage over the others for more power.
This is a empire builder and quest CYOA. This game will be run on two forums, the other being
You must be registered to see the links
. You'll need to register to see the thread.So, what is your life like?
Do you answer to a more powerful patron? They will demand regular tribute, but provide you with access to allies and reinforcements. You must maintain your good standing or face a bad end. (Indirectly affects difficulty by changing how likely it is for something good to happen.)
[] You answer to whispers that come from the shadows, whom have given you great power in exchange for your allegiance. You have no idea what you are beholden to, but you know that refusing their requests will lose you your powers. You know that you have allies, but have yet to meet them. You just know what the whispers tell you, and what secrets you hear. (Other dark generals may show up to offer or request help, but will keep to themselves. There won't be any reason to compete, as per the shadow whisper's plan.)
[] You are the apprentice of a Shadow Sorcerer who has recently become a master and joined the Cabal that rules the world in secret. You are now your master's agent in their political games, and compete with the other apprentices for resources in the Cabal's grand plan. You intend to become a master and join the cabal yourself, but first you must graduate from your apprenticeship. (Other Dark Generals may show up, usually to ask for help or be helpful, but you should also expect some friendly competition. The Masters don't like it when the apprentices kill each other off, but don't mind a bit of healthy conflict.)
[] Your power just sort of showed up one day. A magical fluke? A genetic mutation? Or perhaps it is there to balance against the bright light of the magical girls. After there all, there are no magical boys. Maybe that's what you are. There are other Dark Generals out there, commanding small teams to huge legions of youma of their own, and they can be quite territorial, but they may be willing broker truces or alliances. There are a few of those around. (Other dark generals will not show up to request help, but may offer it for a price if you appear weak. If you appear especially weak to them, they may just try to take you out and take your stuff. They expect the same behaviour from you.)
[] You have sworn fealty to the Dark Queen for your power. She is as evil as she is beautiful, and what a terrible evil she is. She has many Dark Generals under her dread banner, and seeks to bring the mortal world into the shadow of her tyranny. Competition for her favour is as fierce as it is deadly, though there are whispered rumours that a truly favoured could become her consort. She rules her dark kingdom with an iron fist and a keen eye, and no sedition or failure has ever escaped her notice. You don't want to become another example, do you? Also, don't even hint that she may have once been a magical girl herself. She doesn't like that rumour one bit. (There will be a constant bartering of favours and occasional backstabbing, both figurative and literal. The queen cares not what happens to her generals as long as there are enough that can get work done and push her goals forwards. She's also really nice to look at, if a bit scary.)
[] You have been chosen by the Old Gods to be the new Demon Lord. Well, of your area. Pious and deference has seen you rewarded, but the old ones demand the culling of the ranks of the weak as much as they demand tribute and sacrifice. You live for the politicking and backstabbing, quite literally. (Dark generals are constantly trying to get the better of each other in a Machiavellian game of warring states, all in the shadows, only team up to take on the magical girls. Most of the magical girls can only see that youma are coming out of the woodwork to drain people of their energy and drag off to do who knows what.)
[] No. Through nights of terrible study, tons of aching effort, and no small amount of luck, you are a self made Dark General. You stand alone. You are your own Monster. You answer to no one. You take all the risk and responsibility, but do not share they rewards of your exploits with any other. Unless it is part of your plan. Now practice that evil chuckle! (The other dark generals are just more powerful youma that manage to bully others to do their bidding. The different factions or lone youma will prioritise ruining each other's plans over fighting the magical girls. The other dark generals live with the risk of being usurped by their underlings.)
[] Yes. The Mystery Box. This is a special secret patron added as a joke, but I'm willing to run with it. Who is this mystery patron? It could be anything. It could even be a boat. (It's not.) No one knows! Only that it will be rather goofy.
How prolific are other youma? (This affects how powerful established Magical Girls are, how quickly new ones grow in power, but also how easy they are to capture and corrupt once defeated, or how easy they are to avoid as they may be too busy dealing with a rogue to deal with yours. This also affects how likely it is for you to encounter another dark general's troupe, or coming across a rogue youma by accident.)
[] Virtually non-existent. Youma must be created by a Dark General though captured magical girls, and only end up alone when their sire is slain before they are. Rogues quickly join another faction, team up to form a new one, or end up easy pray for teams of powerful Magical Girls.
[] Rather Rare. Youma must be created by a Dark General and mostly loyal to their sire. They do occasionally go off on their own, but most commonly end up alone through a run of bad luck. Rogues quickly join another faction, team up to form a new one, or end up easy pray for teams of powerful Magical Girls.
[] Uncommon. Sometimes youma are just born from a coalescence of negative emotion and loose mana.
[] Common. There's just about as many rogue youma as there are those loyal to a dark general. The rogues get created from nothing more often, but are also more likely to be defeated by magical girls.
[] Prolific. They live in the shadow realms and come to feast on human essence. Youma prefer to eschew others of their kind because they don't want to share their hard earned harvest of tasty energy. Rogues out number the ones in factions by a significant margin, and are quite feral by aligned youma standards. Expect to encounter them as often as you do the magical girls, and deal with them appropriately.
Regardless of the constant struggle between magical girls and dark generals, what is the world like? (This affects how often Magical Girls turn to the dark side on their own, and how easy it is to corrupt them.)
[] Sunshine and Rainbows. Taxes are a bit high, but the economy is booming so paychecks are higher even. Birds are signing, crime is down, bees are buzzing, traffic is flowing, and schools are happy fun places where little girls develop interesting skills and deep meaningful friendships that last the rest of their lives. Even the weather is seems to be smiling every day, rain or shine, and was that a unicorn? Nawww.... Anyway, if it weren't for you and the youma, it would be two steps shy of a modern utopia, you jerk faces. (Magical Girls are paragons of love and justice, and never act otherwise. As such, they are more difficult to corrupt. They are easier to keep happy once corrupted, if you care to.)
[] Mediocre Civilisation. There are still taxes, the economy is still a thing, and paychecks are at least adequate. Some people might focus on the bad too much, but really human civilisation keeps making things better and better everyday. School can be mind numbingly dull but little girls see the benefits of it, and there's plenty of time to socialise. Now you youma boys show up to wreck everything they've built and you expect them to just lay down and take it? (Magical Girls sometimes may compromise on their morals or act selfishly, but never turn to corrupting themselves.)
[] Gritty world. Despite taxes being so low the economy is always slumping, and yet somehow people still get their lousy paychecks. Birds poop on statues, crime is just around a corner and down the alley, wasps are little demons, there's an accident in the express lanes both ways. School makes little girls feel dumber, takes too much time, and leaves everyone grumpy. The weather is never right, and who's horse left a present in your favorite parking spot? Youma coming out of the shadows to suck on everyone's energy fit right in. (Magical Girls can act selfishly or even -gasp!- turn to crime, but will never accidentally corrupt themselves. They can choose to take up the dark arts, however, can give you a head start with the corruption process.)
[] Distopia. Taxes are too damn high, unemployment is rampant, paychecks are shit, crime is out of control, and conscription into the police has just been put into affect. Schools are full of gangs, or angry bees, or gangs of angry bees. No wait, that last one was hallucination from all the pharmaceuticals being bumped into everyone's veins. No wonder little girls want to throw their life and education away fighting youma. The catharsis of punching a giant snake made of shadow stuff with magical sparkling fireworks must take the edge off better than the mandatory prescription anti-depressants do. (Magical Girls are all too human, and can easily be led astray from a couple of bad choices. They are easier to corrupt, and may corrupt themselves accidentally or by choice.)
[] End of Days. People didn't expect it, but the world is coming to an end. What went wrong? How did no-one see this coming? The stress of the back to back disasters will weaken the Magical Girls, but harden their resolve. (Magical Girls are easier to capture, but harder to corrupt.)
-[] Robot Uprising. The technological singularity has been achieved, and you are competing with the AI Revolution for human souls. You want to feed off their energy, and they want to cleanse the dirty apes to pave the way for a flat concrete slab for more factories of circuit and metal. In the middle are the Magical Girls, holding back the tide.
-[] Zombie Plague. The classic horror movie scenario has come true due a perfect storm of super germs, mad science and bad juju. Now the dead walk again to feast on the living. Only Magical Girls are immune to the Z-germs, but they are so few that their combined magical power can't turn back the waves of undead hunger. For you, Zombies have no mana for to drain, can't be corrupted, and are super gross! (Magical Girls get stronger faster, and are even harder to corrupt!)
-[] Economic Collapse. Universal Robotics and Adaptive Software has replaced so many human jobs so fast that unemployment is nearly total. With no one getting payed the consumer era has come crashing down in an orgy of riots, looting, black markets using Pogs as currency, and rampant substance abuse. The good news is that there's free food and internet, so people have that going for them. But the job market; it belongs to the machines now. (There will be more Magical Girls.)
-[] Demon Invasion. The gates to the Underworld have opened. As have the gates to Otherworld. And the Shadow World. And the Spirit World. All the gates really. There are many super natural monsters from other realms pouring in to feed off human essence. The Magical Girls have tons of monsters to fight off, making their skills and power grow rapidly from the varied demons to slay. (Magical Girls get stronger much faster, but may be taken out by the other types of demons.)
-[] The Moopocalypse. The chickens, cows, pigs, and all the other food animals have wizened up to their future fate and have had enough. They have organised and launched simultaneous assaults all across civilisation, overwhelming the military. Nobody expected the chickens to have uzis and flambards. (This season, cows have a beef with you. In theatres everywhere.)
[] Post-Apocalyptic. The end of days came and went, and they it just didn't end. It was really bad, but most of humanity survived, even entire major population centres went undamaged. Though not unaffected. The calamity affected the entire world, creating a new dark age. The hard times have toughened the magical girls, but the depression has them longing for better times. (Magical Girls are harder to capture, but easier to corrupt.)
-[] Write-in. Choose an apocalypse from above. (Gain the associated effects.)
The most powerful Magical Girl in the world is?
[] None at all. Both Dark Magic and Magical Girls are new, and everyone is scrambling to set up a status quo. (Magical Girls all start at minimum level. They will gain in power as the game progresses.)
[] None specifically. There are some very powerful magical girls, but they all got to their level by hard won battles and constant training. (Magical Girls will vary in power,
[] The Moon Goddess. A powerful sorceress of unparalleled power and beauty is believed to be the first Magical Girl (unless you're subject of the Dark Queen, in which case she's a just a 6). Her feats include scouring a celestial body of demons (and rendering it inhospitable in the process, oops!), redirecting comets, and getting children the world over to eat their vegetables. She has inspired many girls to better themselves mentally. She wears a beautiful silver dress, radiates a calm blue light, moves with unearthly grace and dignity. (Girls, magical or otherwise, will have 1d4 bonus Magic and Elegance, and spell caster types will be more common.)
[] The Warrior Saint. A mighty warrior encased in golden armour, wearing a burning halo and wielding a flaming sword. She has the wings, face and voice of angel. The moon is covered in the ashes of entire ecosystems of demons she has slain with her holy powers. Her piety and kindness has inspire many young girls to take religion more seriously. Somehow no one knows what her religion actually is, but it's probably a Judeo-christian one. (Regular girls have 5 more mana. Magical Girls have 50 more mana, but are twice as hard to corrupt.)
[] The Amazon Champion. A mighty warrior woman from a lost world. Her martial prowess is unrivalled and physically impossible. She can lift small buildings without breaking them, leap across city blocks, and break bowling balls between her thighs. (Dem thighs!) Her physical prowess has inspired girls the world over to become more fit. Women everywhere flaunt their abs whenever they can get away with it. (Girls, magical or otherwise, will have 1d4 bonus Strength and Agility, and warrior types will be more common.)
[] The Metal Queen. This studded leather clad woman has shaken the world with her sick guitar licks and mad fighting skills. Her show stopping feats have inspired girls everywhere to take up music and martial arts, and have driven concerned parents up the wall with her radical antics. (Girls, magical or otherwise, will have 1d4 bonus Strength and Agility, and spell caster types will be more common.
[] The Shinning Golden Guy. A true hero, he flies around the world all time, stopping crime, halting tsunamis, getting people out of burning buildings, rescuing kittens, and generally being a nice guy. He is invincible, can shoot lasers, can see the future, and never sleeps. Now if only he would wear clothes. (Unlocks the ability to capture men and make Husbandos. Makes male themed achievements available.)
Continued on the next post.
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