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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny did have some time to spare but any chatting would have to be on the run but for her new family she could spread her wings. Focusing a moment Jenny let her wings come forth while she answered the questions she could. "Im not sure how it happened it just did. You all where watching?" This did bring a blush to Jenny's face but not of shame but a little excitement. Jenny would answer as many questions as she had answers for just as long as they didn't get to personal. "Sorry girls I have an appointment to keep Ill be back tonight though." Jenny would hide her wings once more while she got dressed to head back to her room. No doubt Recarn would be slightly upset at Jenny being late.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Tina cheered out once Jenny revealed her wings once more quickly running around them curiously inspecting the majestic addition. "You were all watching?" Jenny blushed lightly at the thought "Well you two made quite the racket" "And quite the show!" the girls giggled warmly "You didn't notice us peeping through the window?" "Jenny! Share some of the better fucks with us too!" the girls laughted merrily "Say~ you intentionally orchestrated that orgy in room 5 didn't you?" "Pervy girl..." "Lookie who's talking." Ritta yelped out as Jasmine pinched her behind playfully.

"So umm... does Nico use her... full-sized 'tool' with you?" silence dropped throughout the crowd, it was up to Jenny if she would answer the tense question...

Still soon Jenny made her way upstairs and got dressed in her usual, well recently gifted to be more precise attire. Downstairs Meril was working counting up her total "Nico had some runes bought for you, I'm guessing she used those up softening her essence for the merge... those runes are darn expensive" the girl smiled wamly "So that's an extra 60 denarii in your pocket." Meril paused a moment "By the way... we have staff VIP rooms here, you could move in. Soem upstairs some downstairs. They're more expensive, but the bar is the safest place in the city AND you can rest and walk around in your true form without anyone bating an eye. Think about it." the cashier nodded gently and let Jenny proceed on her way.

The Sheriffs office was open as always though not vacant this time as the very bored lookign sheriff listened out a elderly womens complaint "I tell you sheriff, that bar needs to be closed down I can't sleep! All that racket keep mister snookums awake and angry!" "Yes miss Peath, but like I told you last time, I can't do anything about it. The bar has a permit to do as it pleases. Complain to the Mayor not me." "But it's disturbing the peace! I will not have this! You, sir, will be out of this office by the weeks end!" the woman stood up and stormed out, insulted by the rejection of her plea "Good bye miss P... see you tommorow..." Reincan just facedesked and didn't even see Jenny come in.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"So she comes in every day then?" Jenny had never seen anyone brave enough to confront the sheriff and found it amusing that a little old woman and her dog where the only one with the balls to do it. "Sorry Im late I get held up at work with a staff meeting." Jenny almost chuckled at her own innuendo but thought better with the sheriff right here and his attitude about her... condition. "Also I have the rest of the money for the upgrades." Jenny quickly counted out some coin and set it on the desk.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The sheriff moaned lightly from his desk... and slowly raised his head "I hate Mondays..." he quickly looked to the denarii and smiled lightly "Your repeater wasn't from the bandits was it. The craftmanship didn't reek of cheap and disposable. Took me quite some time to get this bad-boy in shape, but I think you'll like the results." Reincan reached into one of his drawers and pulled out a Jennys new weappon. Her repeater gleamed from the polished metals, even having some inscriptions on it on various parts.

The weapon itself was barely recognisable the elemental chamber silently buzzed with power as the custom made parts gave it a rather fearsome appearance "Come on, let's go shoot something. Should brighten the morning right on up" he smirked lightly and got up after giving Jenny a brief moment to ispect her new weapon.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Nope I traded a hand cannon the bandits where using for it. I was worried the thing would blow up in my hands." Jenny looked over the repeater it indeed hardly looked like the same weapon she had used before. "I can't wait to try this baby out!" Jenny checked the inscriptions to see what they said before holstering the weapon. Following the sheriff to where every his choice of range was Jenny would make small talk. "So how is Mistey's plan to rebuild the Manor going?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The insciption read '................' Jenny raised an eyebrow as the sheriff smirked knowingly "That's her name, treat it with respect and she'll see you through anything... come on." Reinacn lead Jenny out of his office placing a sign on his door that he's on patrol at the moment.

"Hopefully no bandits, thieves or demons decided to raid while we're away" he snickered lightly and lead Jenny forward. Was it her or did he seem a whole lot more pleasant... the range was a fair distance away, likely not wanting to bother the townsfolk with the sounds of gunfire, Reincan moved it away.

"m? Mistey told me everything you did for the Golden Girls..." the man looked away obviously not wanting to seem weak "Thank you... honestly, that was a real heros work you did there.... as for the rebuilding, well let's just say alchemists didn't quite yet manage to distill denarii from their experiments, so we're a little short on cash to do a full rebuilding. Mistey wanted to get to work right off the bat, but I convinced her to wait till the winter passes. Should be cheaper too..."

Jenny was free to ask anything else, otherwise the two would reach a fairly large clearing of flat ground and numerous targets at various distances and a fence with some cans on it "Think we'll start with the cans. Let's see how you shoot her."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would have to keep that in mind after all the girls did seem awful interested in the tentacles in a bottle. She might be able to make some money off that to the right people but best wait till she can talk to Mistey alone about it. "Okay just remember Im not as good a shot as you." Jenny took aim at the cans and tried to find a comfortable stance before holding her breath and pulling the trigger firing her new weapon.


Jenny blushed she had forgot to reload the darn thing but quickly remedied that and was ready to shoot. Following all her steps she pulled the trigger while aiming at the cans.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

58 attack roll
Jenny pulled the trigger only to note the weapon wasn't locked and loaded. Never before had she seen such an bemused face from anyone, ever... as Reincan raised an eyebrow at Jenny. So one of his masterworks will be in the hands of this girl... on cue Jenny giggled innocently as she locked her weapon.

"Yeah~ you just make sure not to aim that thing at me" he snickered lightly "Come on first can, aim and shoot." Jenny locked her gun a let loose a shot!

The weapon fired with a satisfying, but very light kickback, the recoil almost non-existant. Not only did Jenny hit it, but the bullet went through right in the middle. Jenny eyed the can with glee, now this was a weapon! To her surprise soon the can quickly was enveloped in ice aswell.

"Wow... I'll be damned." Reincan gave Jenny a slow clap "The weapon works beautifully just as I thought... oh and not bad shooting too." the man snickered lightly, this time it wasn't sarcasm, but genuine humorous comment "Alright, now try to shoot two cans in a row." the sheriff crossed his hands and eyed Jennys progress.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the next two judging the distance between them. Holding her breath Jenny fired twice in rapid succession aim to get both on her first try. The first shot was likely dead on after all Jenny had fair aim. However the kick and sudden shift to a new target threw her aim off enough that she wasn't sure if she scored a hit or not.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

58 attack roll

Cans require 20 attack rolls, Reincan can empty the magazine with his eyes closed...

Jenny aimed down next few cans, she never had to change a target before... but she was going to give it a shot. Bracing herself up, Jenny held her breath, aimed and fired!

Her first shot was a dead-on as always, but the girl lacked the skill to realign herself in rapid fashion...perhaps not skill, but experience, making her second shot tear out a healthy amount of the fence, frost bite quickly surrounding the impact area. That freezing effect will never get old and everytime got a smile out of Jenny, talk about a weapon modifier.

Reincan slowly got up "Well if something comes at you at this distance, you won't have a problem putting a single bullet in their heads." he extended his hand to Jenny "May I have a go?" it was up to Jenny if she wanted to share her weapon for one round. If not Reincan would use one of his.

"But... if something bigger or in greater numbers come, you need to learn rapid fire. Usually one shot is not enough to stop something thats twice your size" Just to make a point Reincan quickly aimed down and let loose 1, 2 , 3 , 4! shot in rapid succession hitting every single can dead on! The sheriff reloaded the weapon and gave it back to Jenny "There's no special trick to do this, once you get a better feel for your weapons, think of them as part of yourself and trust your life on every bullet. It'll come naturally..." he smiled lightly "Keep practicing I'll go set up the long range targets. Think that's more your forte."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned she missed but payed attention to what Recarn was saying trying to take heed in his direction. Handing over her gun the sheriff showed Jenny what he could do. With out even flinching he downed the remaining cans leaving Jenny standing there shocked as he looked down at the hand repeater. He had done a marvelous job with this one to bad it was a girls gun.

"Ah sure Ill keep practicing." Jenny set the cans back up taking note of the frost effect on them. When each was set up Jenny went back to the firing line and practiced some more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rapid fire sucess rolls:
Almost [14]
Terrible [4]
Terrible [2]

Jenny set up the cans once more placing them quickly on the fence, the freezing cans really wanted to stick to the girls palm, but Jenny was smart about and quickly set them up.

Perhaps if she just copies the sheriffs actions... he shot with his hand straight and just changing target during recoil. Maybe she could do that. Jenny took the weapon firmly with her two hands aimed and fired! Her first made the can even spin in place, but her second shot flew off, only a patch of white grass in the distance telling her where it landed, though it seemed to be close.

Jenny tried this again and again for a few times, but each time she just needed extra time to fix her aim when switching her targets. Reincan did it so effortlessly, but it was slightly above the girls skills right now. The girl sighed lightly and went to set up another batch, when the sheriff showed up "Don't worry you'll get it. You've got the position and aim down, just need to improve your reaction." he smiled warmly at her.

"Alright I've got some targets set up, lets see your limit" he pointed to the field numerous targets of varying cutout design or just plain circles, litered the field.
Targets available:
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny went to the new targets reloading on the way. Looking at the scattered circles Jenny sighed. She had never shot that far before this would truly be a test of her skill. Taking aim at the farthest target Jenny steadied her breathing once more before firing off a shot.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny fires at max range 75ft -32 attack penalty
15 vs 40 Right~~

Jenny aimed down to the furthest target she could see and fired. The shot just echoing throughout the forest nearby. Reincan just eyed her silently... "Um... Jenny, we do not shoot in the vague direction where we might think the target is and hope it hits." he snickered to himself, well honestly that shot was just embarassing.

"Lets start from the beggining and move up. I'll tell you how you could potentially hit that target. 'kay?" he leaned against a tree and crossed his hands eyeing Jennys stance and shot carefully "From the start... shoot."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No doubt some poor woodland critter just had a near death experience but ever persistent Jenny got back in the swing of things. "Okay!" Jenny took aim at the closest target and fired. Getting any tips the sheriff offered Jenny would move from target to target shooting, aiming, hitting, and learning as she went.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

10ft insta hit
20ft hit
40ft 40 vs 41 barely hit
50ft 37 vs 40 barely missed

Jenny quickly got into stance and easily hit the round target exactly right through it's middle. Moving on to the next target it suffered very much the same fate, though it wasn't a dead on hit.

Steadying her breath Jenny aimed down to the 50 ft away target it was a very fair distance away, but still she should be able to... the girl pulled the trigger and much to her joy the traget swayed back and forth from the impact.

"You got talent... keep going" the sheriff smiled overlooking the girl testing out her limits and feeling out her weapon. Jenny took a another deep breath and aimed at the target, even having a hard time to see it... her hand shimmers didn't help one bit. A shot rang out, recoloring a patch of grass near the target at 50ft. "I see... so your accuracy falls of at around 45ft."

He nodded slowly "And you say you're beginner? Not too shabby at all. Praiseworthy even." he fixed his hair before speaking again "Alright now try to kneel down to gain some stability in your shot."

"Feel free to fire at all targets from this position tell me if you feel anything different"
All targets previous targets in kneel are auto-hits.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got to her knee reloading her weapon and taking aim once more. She had been in similar situations before whether it was by luck or intuition Jenny fired fairly accurately while she was kneeling or laying down. Steadying herself once more Jenny started out with the closest targets and working her way back up the chain till the dreaded 50ft target was in view. Firing again Jenny squinted to see if she had hit and if so moved on to the next target after that repeating her process till she missed once more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

50ft shot:
50 vs 40 HIT

75ft shot: [A PERFECT d20!]
38 vs 40 miss T-T

In her new position Jenny quickly noticed just how much more stable she was. Lining up the shot at an ridiculous 50ft she fired off her reapeater, slowly daring a peek if she hit.

The target swayed from the impact, telltale frost covering it's left side a hit! And an exceptional one to boot! A clap could be heard from her side as Reincan smiled warmly at her "Bravo! Not many can make a shot like that, especially with a repeater."

There was only one last target left... honestly Jenny could just barely make it out. Reincan raised an eyebrow, was she really going to attempt such a shot? Still he remained quiet and allowed Jenny to do what she flet was right.

Jenny felt moment was right as she aimed down and let loose a shot, she felt was done to perfection! Jeny held her breath eyeing the target... was it swaying?! No... no it wasn't. She didn't hit it afterall.

Disappointed, but not defeated Jenny decided to go for one more round of shot, when the sheriffs voice interupted her "Amazing." he bursted out laughing looking to the distance "Look at the grass near the target... can you see it?" If Jennys vision was good enough she could spot a white spot right under the target. Her shot was so close!

The sheriff continued to laugh, not to mock, but in disbelief "And to think you forgot to actually forgot to load the weapon when you started off." looked like Jenny had the potentially to be a truly deadly sniper.

Still her practice would be interupted by another "Hey~ who's that disturbing the peace~?" it was Mistey! And she brought a picnic basket! "And who's that walking into the woods alone?" Reincan ran up and spun Mistey around lovingly giving her a gentle kiss. "Jenny?!" Mistey took note of who was the markswoman was.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny waved at the elven alchemist and giggled as Reincan displayed his affection for her. "Reincan was giving me some pointers on shooting Mistey." Jenny watched the two love birds a moment. "Well I don't want to spoil your picnic so Im going to get going after all I need to see Ezalor still."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No please stay, I always pack too much food... as some say" she glanced over to Reincan "I'm just sayin I don't eat that much food." Mistey giggled warmly "Atleast stay for a little bit, I have some tasty cupcakes in here~" the two wouldn't be insulted if Jenny still insisted on leaving, it was up to her.