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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A nice picnic would be fun even if Jenny really didn't need mortal foods anymore. "Alright you twisted my arm let see what you made Mistey? Hopefully it dosn't have any Umor and Serrago in it." Jenny winked at Mistey hoping the girl caught her hint. Joking aside Jenny sat down the Mistey and Reincan to enjoy a nice and hopefully uneventful picnic.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Oh Mistey most definedly caught on what Jenny meant, lightly blushing and avoiding Reincans curious look. Still it was left just at that.

Mistey quickly set up a blanket for the trios picnic and set down some foods, nothign major just some fried potatoes with spice for snacks, a few light ales, cupcakes, even some thinly cooked meat strings "I haven't seen you around lately, girl. Where have you disappeared to? Saving some other spirits from doom? Maybe the world?" she smiled warmly at the heroine. Reincan was too busy popping a bottle of the light ale and chowing down on the meat to join in.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh I don't know about the world but Ive been keeping myself busy doing research working a side job." Hopefully Mistey wasn't to curious about it but Jenny wasn't going to take any chances and changed the subject. "So hows the rebuilding effort going? Think you will be able to start before winter hits?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh~ I really wanted to do! But mister grumpy here-" "hey..." "-says we should only start work during the spring... well you have to keep the workers warm and fed during the winter, so I guess it cuts down the price to get to work during the warmer seasons..." Mistey beamed a bright smile "It'll be just like the old days, a brilliant white manor. I'll move my alchemy shop there too, it's kinda crampy in the place I have going right now."

"You're going to see Ezalor too? This sidejob? Is it some secret heroic mission you're going on?" obviously Reincan didn't tell a soul about Jennys findings or her destination "That's why you're training your aiming isn't?" "Mistey~ you're starting up again. Pri-va-cy. People want to have their secrets too you know" he smiled warmly at her.

Still even if Jenny didn't gain any nourishment, nor was the food compareable to the fullfilling feeling of feeding on someones essence she could tell it was a wonderfully tasty meal and Mistey put alot of heart into it "Right I've got to head back to the office. Jenny you can stay and practice all you want, I've got some spare bullets in that chest over there. And watch the right side... the wildlife may come say hello."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With that the sheriff left Jenny and Mistey at their picnic. "I think I had him all wrong Mistey though Ill never tell it to his face." Turning to the alchmists Jenny smiled. "You guessed it I might have found my sister or at lest found where she was heading to." Jenny looked off into the woods thinking of Lina. "Anyway I think I have an idea to help fund your project for the manor. You know our little accident the other day? Maybe you should bottle it and sell it to discreet customers. You could make quite the profit Im thinking and the bonus I would find the buyer for you so no bad press follows your shop sound good?" It was a gamble and Jenny wouldn't blame Mistey if she said no.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey smiled at the comment about the sheriff "Once you saved the sisters, you've earned a great deal of respect from him... both of us." the girl eyed Jenny in earnest admiration. The alchemist listened to what Jenny told her "Well first if you need ANYTHING please drop by, I'll make a special heroine discount on all of my potions. Especially the stronger healing one." she winked slyly "And secondly what accident do---" the realisation hit the elf as her eyes widened "You mean the..." "mhm~" Mistey blushed brightly "W-who would want such a thing, don't be silly Jenny." she bashfully glanced to Jenny and away again, her tone giving telltale signs that she was indeed interested to hear more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well I think you have a potential cash cow on our little mishap. It would help you fund the manor and the best part is only you and I know how its made." Jenny tried to urge Mistey on about the idea. "You don't have to label the bottles and Ill find the buyers. We can even split the profit for in your favor like 80/20 or some such after all I want to make sure the manor is rebuilt as well."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"You really think someone would buy those?" flushed with embrassment Mistey eyed Jenny curiously "I-I could make a test batch of say... 2 vials. We'd have them safely moved so they wouldn't break before they're... um... 'used'."

"But... what would the price be? The igredients and vial are around 4 denarii in cost. How much would we charge for it?" well looked like Mistey was in they just had to arrange a price and Jenny would be one of the very few or first ever bottled rapeslime salesgirl "We could also sell that 'lust' serum along with it. I can't be seen selling those unless on special request... maybe you could take care of those sales too?" indeed both girls sipped a certain lust potion before Mistey mixed up their slimy friend. Though seemed the bars special worked very much in the same way... maybe an easier access alternative would interest Nico.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I do just think about it if you never heard of it then wouldn't it peak your interest if someone told you about it?" Jenny smiled at Mistey trying to be as encouraging as possible. "Well make three I might have to find someone for a demonstration a volunteer of course. As for the lust serums we should just keep that as something later. As for price maybe 10 denari but it depends on negotiations after all." Jenny had no doubts she could sell the slimerape potions to Nico though the lust serum made Jenny uneasy. The bar was one thing it was a controlled environment but the lust serum could fall into the wrong hands.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

What was that?
33 vs 48 spotted!
25 vs 43 spotted!

2 Adult Grapplers at 50ft
Mistey giggled warmly "Okay 10 denarii it is. If they'll catch on maybe we can increase the price." the elven girl had a linegring blush, obviously selling something so perverse was not usual to her "I'll have them ready by the evening." she nodded firmly and looked down into her basket "Cupcake?"

A that moment Jenny quickly took note of some brushes moving in the distance "Wait... did you see that..." "See what?" Jenny focused her vision and without a doubt spotted 2 creatures, unlike any she's seen before!

There creatures appeared on the range at around the 50ft mark, both were around 5 feet tall and stood on 4 spindly legs. There was no real head or any discenrable features to speak off... only numerous tentacles stetching out from it's body. It's body the very same color as the Wolves she's seen upon arriving.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well it looked like the girl would get her chance to practice her shots after all. "Mistey Run! get Rencarn Ill keep them busy go quck!" Jenny already had her weapon out and ready. Heading her lessons from earlier Jenny quickly got to her knee and opened fire on the first creature.

Attack Open fire on the nearest of the tentacle ball creature things.
Move get to a kneeling position
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

34 vs 40 miss [Really Jenny a 2 roll? Focus Perv :p]

Well all this talk of bottled tentacles, they had this coming. Jenny quickly warned Mistey to stay back and got to her knee, not heeding much attention to what the alchemist did. She needed to focus. Time to see how this weapon fares in battle.

Jenny aimed down the sights, steadied her breath, but just the mere glimpse of the creature seemed to be distracting. What was this thing?! And the tentacles seemed to be alight with activity upon sight of the girls. A stray thought crossed Jennys mind and that very thought ruined her concentration. Making the far shot miss!

Meanwhile Mistey quickly foraged through her basket for something, she wasn't looking to run it seems "Hold them off for a bit longer Jenny!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny silently cursed at herself she was she should know better by now. Taking aim at the creature in the lead she fired again. "Misty what ever your doing better hurry!" Jenny was a good shot and while her gun may be upgraded she was hardly the expert in gun play that the sheriff was.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grabbers lumber forward to 38 distance. God they're slow...
Any attack roll exceeds Grabber dodge score. Auto-hits

Jenny deals 27 combined damage to Grabber #1

"Aye!" Mistey started not to rummage, but grab things out of her backpack "Weaken both of them I have something that'll take care of them" Jenny aimed down once more... seemed she had plenty of time to react as the creatures spindly legs and unstable body proved to be particuallary sluggish.

Focusing her efforts once more Jenny let loose a shot! The blast rang out as one of the creatures stubled back from the impact some frost appearing on it's body. A direct and satisfying hit!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Right!" Jenny took aim at the uninjured one and fired another shot. Still the lead monster would be close to them soon and she hoped Mistey had a plan.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys adds another cool piercing to the grabber pair
30 damage on grabber #2

Grabbers lumber forward to 26ft

Jenny quickly switched her target, steadied herself and fired. Honestly even at this range, the girl was very comfortable at shooting them. And with their lumbering and slow appearance it was more like live target practice than an actual threat.

Jennys shot pierced the creature adding a hefty amount of frost around it's wound, making it stop briefly to find it's footing, before continueing onwards. Still by the way it's legs were trembling seemed both creatures were their ends if another shot pierced them.

"Found it!" Mistey grinned widely "But I need them slightly closer..." the items she was searching for was a bottle containing a mysterious liquid. Though the bright skull label showed that this wasn't exactly a healing remedy.

"Um... you seem to have this Jenny. Finish them off. I'll save this for another day." The elven girls voice didn't carry even a shred of fear in it. Seemed this was hardly something new to her.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would have to ask about that later but decided to finish the creatures off. Taking aim at the first one again Jenny opened fire still keeping herself calm and collected no point in showing off right now anyway.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny deals 27 damage Grabber #1 dies

Grabber #2 approaches to 16ft
Jennys deals 28 damage Grabber #2 dies

no xp :p

Jenny didn't show off and rained down her shots with cold and calculated effieciency. She changed back targets to the first one she shot and let loose another shot, piercing it's body once more.

The creature stopped dead in it's tracks swayed for a moment and collapsed, it's tentancles dropping lifeless to the ground.

Meanwhile the other one was getting close, but the closer he got the clearer the shot. Jenny could've made this with her eyes closed as her repeater let loose another shot, seeing the full effect of her weapon as it not only left a gapping hole, but covered the creature fully in frost. It's frozen statue falling backwards lifeless once more.

Mistey smiled at Jenny "That's our towns heroine for ya. Come on, I'll tell Rei to clear the area after his patrols. Seems they finally inched their way closer once more." With that the two would head back to town, their deal about the rapeslime done. Jenny was free to do what she pleased once more.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was thrilled her heart beating fast. For the first time she wasn't scarred but before to long it all ended. Looking down at her weapon Jenny stroked it lovingly. "I think Ill call you Frost." With that out of the way Jenny would bid her goodbyes to Mistey and head to Ezalor's to check up on his efforts and study the creatures she might encounter once more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The library was open as always "Ezalor?" the girl looked around with the telltale sounds of a cane echoing from a further corner of the library "Over here Jenny." he slowly walked towards her. Such a frail looking old man, who could've thought he's actually an angel.

"I just dropped by to see how are the preparations going... maybe read another book" the heroine smiled warmly. The librarian chuckled lightheartily "No need to rush dear girl. Haste makes waste and all that. No promises, but perhaps tommorow." he beamed a smile at the girl "As for books... perhaps I could suggest, checking up on the Invader minions. I suspect they will have a hand in this." the old man quickly levitated a new book to Jennys hands with details and stories regarding the invaders.

Jenny gains information on Invader creatures. She can now tell them apart by name.