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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Reincarn need not worry as Jenny had already slipped a fresh clip into frost. At this range the foul creature stood little chance as she fired off a shot right into the lizards head.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny shoots! [42atk roll]
20 damage! for a pefect 0 hp on the hunter.
Hunter #2 dead

6 warped continue to smash the wall beneath.
Office is damaged.

Sense of great danger appears.
6 more rays appear

Jenny aimed down and hit the hunter dead on to it's ugly mug. Frost quickly enveloping the wound. Reincan quickly threw the corpse of himself with relief "Thanks... come on we've got to take care of our house guests before they bring the damn wall down. Indeed even if the office was reinforced the warped possesed superior strentgh... and with their current vigor they began to actually weaken the building.

Some screeches rangout as the enemies just continued onwards 6 sky rays appeared way above the duo "They just keep coming..." still Jenny could sense something else in the air. As if something far more dangerous was coming...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

She could feel something coming but she couldn't see it better keep the creatures at bay while she could. "Reicarn got the ground ones Ill keep the sky's clear!" Well she would try anyway. Taking aim Jenny began to fire at the skyrays.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Easy hits.
Jenny kills a sky ray 5 left
Reincan reload 1 round.
Skyrays at 36 ft
Warped continue to attack the office.

The sense of danger is thick in the air.
"Take out the one on the flocks sides then just grenade their asses. It's the most effective way." The sheriff kicked off the corpse of the hunter from the roof and quickly got to reloading his weapon.

Well Jenny was aiming at the blunk of the rays and likely just hit something, but Reincan was the vet. Might aswell listen... The girl aimed down and let loose a shot. Honestly the ray sheer size and predictable movements made it all too easy.

"Can you feel it Jenny? The calm?... the fog hasn't moved away and they're always more of them. But no more are coming... somethings off..."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yeah somethings coming." Jenny grabbed a grenade and activated it holing a few seconds before throwing it at the incoming rays. Hopefully she timed it right.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grenade kills off the rays. It's super effective.
Rei's revolver reloaded once more.

It's calm.
Jenny decided to try her luck with cooking the grenade. The girl took one of the explosives, pulled the pin and paused... paused "THROW IT!" Rei's voice sounded rather terrified, but thankfully the girl threw it out in time.

The explosion goin on right infront of the ray pack, the blast wave more than enough to kill them off. Though Jennys almost deadly cook did explode closer than last time, showing the girls hair back from the wave but not causing any damage.

"Maybe I'll cook the grenades alright Jenny?" he eyed the girl rather worryingly, advanced combat moves were something new to the peasant girl afterall.

Still Rei quickly spun the barel and locked his weapon he was good to go. After the rays stopped raining down in bits and pieces only the warped continued their attack "Come on let's take these poor souls out of their misery." he nodded firmly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The unease in the air was tense. Still it would do little good if Jenny didn't keep the critters away. Jenny quickly got to work helping Reicarn finish off the poor souls all the while keeping an eye out for the danger she knew was coming.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Reincan unloads once more 5 dead.
Reincan needs to reload.
Jenny finishes off the 6-th

Boss fight incoming.
The duo approached the edge of their defene platform and killed off the few remaining warped. Jennys eyes widened as she could see the damage done. Seemed this wall was enhanced with a massive layer of pure steel, but the ways the wall was now bent and smashed apart. Those were not just simple husks, the corruption empowered them to a great degree.

Speaking of which Jenny would soon find out, just how strong someone basked in enough corruption can become... a loud crash echoed throughout the fog. Something was clearing a path to the two heroes, something big.

Reincan paused a brief moment eyeing the woods as his vision sharpened to a much greater degree "Jenny... how many grenades do we have?" there was a total of around 4 grenades in the small chest, the girl has never seen the sheriff so much on edge.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Four!" Jenny got busy reloading her rifle which only had two shots left while Frost had 4 remaining. The Rifle had the better range and bigger punch so that was a priority unless Reicarn decided otherwise.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rei reloads his revolver 1 round passes.
Jenny reloads her rifle 1 round passes
RP actions do not cost battle turns

Reincan tightened the grip on his weapon "Jenny listen very carefully... I need you to pin all the rings from the grenades together. I don't care what you use or how you do it. Just do it." the sheriff continued to eye the forest slipping round after round into his weapon.

Whatever Jenny did was up to her, but she had to hurry as the forest crashed down violently closer and closer to them, when finally their final challenege appeared.

Forcing to creatures aside, rooting the age old trees effortless a pair of huge muscly hands appeared, before rest of the creature showed itself. Its head devoid of any features except 3 pairs of vertically aligned eyes and a huge maw, it's body seemingly bursting with muscles, the whole creature was covered in the slick what Jenny knew to be alien corruption.

It was one of the creatures from the book Jenny read. A Juggernaut, immensely powerful, fast and absolutely deadly. Jenny couldn't help but feel fear at the huge humanoid creature looming out of the forest.

The Juggernaut turned to face the outpost, meeting the sheriffs sharp gaze and roaring out loudly! The mere force even at this distance shaking the girls resolve! The final battle of the fog was upon them!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

How the hell was she supposed to tie them together? The appearance of the fog Juggernaut though quickly put her to action. Ripping off her bra she used the straps to tie the grenades together and hand them over to Reincarn a blush on her face.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Reincan finishes reloading.
Juggernaut dashes forward at 24 speed. 26ft to the heroes!
The heroine quickly ripped off her bra, using its fabric to tie all the pins together. One good pull and all grenades would be armed... likely this was the sheriffs plan.

The Juggernaut quickly pushed the trees back for moment and dashed forward, even if it had a humanoid form the creature dashed forward on all fours, ripping the ground apart underneath it. Crying out in rage at the two heroes, shaking Jennys resolve once more.

"Don't falter now Jenny. This thing gets past us, everyone will be in great danger." the man continued to reload his weapon, eyeing his opponent "Mistey, Miss P, Sultus, Bruanson... Nico..." Reican spun his weapons chamber and locked it in, ready to fire "You got that ready?" he smiled warmly at her "Good girl, now get the hell away from here. The explosion will be quite the sight... it's a tall drop. So drop down the ladder and go, it's you've got to get off this roof soon." with that the sheriff aimed down at the creature and steadied his breath, indeed there was a ladder behind them. Likely the only way off the roof without breaking or spraining a leg.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No last stands for you mister!" Jenny quickly grabbed under Reincarns arms letting her wings manifest themselves. Flinging raven black feathers out tearing her borrowed cloths. "Hope you can think on the run cowboy!" With that Jenny gave a furious beat to her wings hopefully lifting her and the sheriff clear of the building and out of reach of the juggernaut... hopefully.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny manifests her greater wings!
Reincan unloads!
Rapid fire:
132 damage from 5 shots!
Juggernaut is within 2 feet!
Jenny grapples Reincan. Both of them have flight.
Grenades armed!

In a display of numerous black feathers Jenny manifested her raven wings once more giving them a decent flap just to stretch them out. It always felt so nice to finally let them out, hopefully she'll know how to use them for whats to come.

The sheriff aimed down and let loose his barage of shots each piercing and ripping out a part of the creatures flesh. The Juggernaut roared out once more, as the bullets pierced its head taking with them healthy chunks of the creatures foul substance. It didn't even bleed, nor would it slow down. The juggernaut was aiming to ram the small outpost.

"I know it hurts you son of bitch. Come on!" Reincan didn't even have an ounce of fear as the mammoth creature closed the distance, though Jenny wouldn't see the man make his last stand. Not today.

Jenny flapped her wings once more and slipped her hands under the mans shoulder "What are you-?" "Hope you can think on the run cowboy!" with that the girls majestic wings gave way for lift off! Carrying both of them off the roof. Along with the pins for the grenades!

None to soon as the Juggernaut likely blinded by the shots to it's face was within mere and charging forward from the outpost. Still getting off the air was one thing, the girl needed to dash aside or catch the explosion aswell!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hold tight!" Jenny tried an experimental dodge to avoid the explosion but being new to flying and having a hefty load she would undoubtedly struggle she just had to trust in her wings strength and the fact that Reicarn could kill the beast before long.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny dodges aside with 28 speed!
Juggernaut crashes into the office!
Grenades detonate!
Juggernaut suffers 54 more damage!

Part 2 ruleset:
IF Jenny chooses to remain flying to dodge the juggernauts attack PC must pick one direction:
Left[1] Right [2] Up [3]
If Juggernaut rolls the same number Jenny picked attack roll will be done, special pairings will give a free attack.

Jenny dashed aside with a powerful flap, but only remember she actually need to glide after almost crashing both of them down on the ground!

The dash was more than enough as moments later the juggernaut flatout tore the office asunder crashing into it, with the powerful explosion kicking up a huge dust and corrupted flesh cloud.

"Lead it away from the city! Come on!" the fight was not over and allowing the creature to rampage through the city may cause trouble. Looked like Jenny would have to take care of dodging while Rei get to shooting down the creature.
"We did it!" "No, we didn't... Jenny where do you keep Frost on you?!" a piercing roar escaped the cloud as the juggernaut walked out, most of it's body burnt and hefty part of it's face missing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"On my right side!" Jenny tried to gain altitude (dodge up 2) heading out over the woods at lest that was the plan. "Damn Rei you might want to skip a few meals." Jenny grunted with effort but held herself and the sheriff aloft.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny dodges up! [3]
Juggernaut swings right [2]

Jenny flapped her wings strongly and quickly lunged up into the air, not even noticing when a huge hand sideswaped the duos previous location! The cloud seemingly following it out as it completely distorted the mist.

Another roar escaped as the creature flat out go onto the office in order to reach, only to find it's pray retreating to the forest. Thankfully as it made it's entrance it left a very clear passing for the two heroes, they could try to race it or fight it on the clear field where the firing field was. With her wings ready Jenny should be able to make it there in no time.

"Good dodge! So where it your damn gun, I need a weapon Jenny!" if they were going to win this just running wouldn't bring down the beast. Reincan needed a weapon.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"On my right hip Reincarn!" Jenny didn't want to repeat herself again but she was obviously far to busy to help the sheriff with finding frost the man would just have to unplug his ears. Hearing the roar behind her Jenny decided to dodge to the side making her way to the shooting range.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Luckily no need for clarification which side [1 or 2]
Jugger rolled up [3]
Dodged again

Reincan takes a blind shot [-20 atk roll]
19 damage done!

Reincan quickly grabbed Frost "We need some proper space!" "On it!" the girl quickly dashed to the side just in time to see a fist crash down right near them, the juggernaut was right on their tail.

Still even if armed the sheriff had to proper way to shoot, not to mention the rocky flight. Nevertheless it was worth a shot. When Jenny dived to her left the sheriff let loose a few shot where the juggernaut likely was. He was a huge target in an open space. Hopefully the shot hit.

Soon the duo reached the firing range open space and turned to face their pursuer, with Jennys flight the creature was struggling to keep up "Make sure you turn us to face it after a dodge Jenny... lets hope he won't clip us."
The sheriff checked the magazine and locked the weapon. Here goes nothing.