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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's moaned as the soul energy filled her restoring her energy even though the soul was tainted she didn't care she was hungry though she did have one regret the girls were unable to bring her to bliss. Still she could take care of that herself. Getting a wicked idea and being so close to her own release Jenny used her shapeshifting powers to summon a tail. Sure it wasn't Nico's wonderful cock but it would have to do. Getting into position she had her tail penetrate her and bring her to full orgasm her body shuttering and losing all control. Her wings shot forth as she let loose a near demonic cry of passion. Recovering she brought her wings back in long and let her temporary tail vanish. That is if her little display didn't bring any further trouble.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny is a fairly prominent target.

36 vs 32 !!!

Jenny is ambushed by Gemini trio

Feeling rather unsatisfied the succubus came up with a wicked plan. A moment of concentation later for the first time ever Jenny manifested a succubus tail, switching its edge to a cock of just the right shape and size to please her. The peverted heroine licked her lips lustfull before lowering it to herself, gently grinding it against her before....

Feeling someone push it aside and kiss her, folds lovingly with wet sticky lips, before moving up and licking her clit. Jenny quite opened her eyes only to see more of the very same girls she drained just now. One of them leaning to her breats and the third turning her head into a kiss with a third one! Wait there were two pairs of the girls to begin with! Perhaps it didnt approach not to interupt the others feeding time... but with the pray still here it came once more.... Jenny couldn't be happier.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Food! that was the only thought Jenny had as the new girls joined the fray and the their aphrodisac washed away her resistance anew. Still while Jenny was lost in lust her perverted mind which now had full sway changed tact. Gone was the tail and in its place was an actual cock. Grabbing the nearest girl Jenny quickly mounted her and started fucking though this time her lusts didn't drain the girls completely no she would enjoy this one much more than the last.

As above but only draining enough to stay ahead of the trio till they run out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys resistance melts away
0/20 resistance. Jenny gained HORNY!

Noone actually resists any actions take, orgy away~

2 foreplay:
25 PP
25 PP

Trio - 33 PP
Jenny - 61 PP DEALT!

EP drain score:
Trio total drain - 83 EP
Jenny total drain - 67 EP

Jenny actually loses 16 EP 19/35EP left!

Jenny embraced the trio offer and accepted the risk of trying to beat out the creatures. With the final exposure to the aphrodisiac Jennys mind was lost to lust.

The succubus eagerly kissed back the girl and felt the other tow girls work on nibbling on her nipples and clit. This gave her a wicked idea. The succubus tail quickly disappeared and right infront of one the trios girls previously teasing her clit, grew out a cock in a splendid fashion. Huge and twitching with desire, just like Jenny always wished to get fucked by...

One of the girls was eagerly working on licking and sucking the shaft, but Jenny had other intentions. With a mighty whiff form her wings she gained a temporal upper hand and grabbed the girl suckling her breasts, soon after slamming her down on her rod, with the girl crying out with pleasure and wrapping her hands around Jenny.

The girl previously so eagerly sucking the cock was now caressing Jennys thigh licking her lower body eagerly as the succubus plowed her chosen, the other girl meawhile got to sucking the heroines right breast eagerly massaging whatever skin she could find.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny pounded away at the girl on her shaft keenly aware she was losing her little race. Her eyes deepened their red hue as Jenny began to get into a Rhythm. No these three would not defeat her. Using her gifts again Jenny grew her tail once more and directed it to plow in the woman assaulting her breasts. Her tail may not contain and actual cock but it could as lest be shaped like one. An evil grin dotted her face she would feed on them both at the same time though it would surly kill them as it had their friends. Maybe if she kept enough of her power sustaining one she could fuck the girl till her hearts content. She didn't know if she could pull it off but she might as well try.

Enough play time time to end this
Though Jenny might try to sustain one with her power till shes satisfied if not oh well
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

1 foreplay
2 penetration


2 penetrated


88 Ep drained by Trio
122 EP drained by Jenny!

Jenny regains her spiritual essense and drains 18 extra!
35/35 EP Jenny
22/40 EP Trio

Jenny can use X EP:
She deals 2X for herself (This PP does not drain her ;P )
She deals 3X for EACH PENETRATION [currently 2]
Max EP used is 5.

Lewd moans filled the room, as Jenny continued her fuck, the girls hands firmly on one of the trios ass as each thrust echoed out from the mix of sex juice and the aphroidisiac ooze. Such easy and slick thrusts just begged Jenny to really plow the girl on her cock with wild abbandon. The other two girls keeping up their seemingly worship like foreplay on the succubus, but Jenny was losing some essence and fairly fast. Perhaps it was time to increase the volume of her own drain.

The succubus eyes ablaze with dark red energies, she quickly manifested her tail instantly changing the tip into a cock. Jenny gently ran her hand across the girls teasing her breasts face, before almost whipping her away with the cock-tail, making the gil fall flat on her back for a very brief moment, before the tail followed closely and slipped in between the girls legs and right into the prize, instantly getting into a rhytm.

The third girl gently trailed Jennys body with kisses, till finally she reached her prize and locked Jenny into a very sensual and greedy kiss. The other two girls moaning lewdly while getting utterly fucked silly by Jennys two tools. It was a sight every succubus would strive to achieve and the heroine basked in it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny lost track of time as she plowed each girl and kissed the third but in the end Jenny had to win out or else be stuck in this eternal orgy. Between grunts and moans Jenny spoke breaking her kiss. "Sorry girls games over time give me your all." Smirking Jenny took her free hand and penetrated the last of the trio with her fist. She didn't care if it hurt the thing or not it was time to end it. Bringing the other girl quickly into the same rhythm as the other too Jenny feasted on their essence.

Fist the last girl while continuing to fuck the others using rhythm x=5
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

I have no idea how to pull that off without serious shapeshifting :D
Plan B.

3x penetrated:

31 PP
28 PP
35 PP

3x penetrated

56 PP
56 PP
56 PP

Jenny gains +15 bonus all penetrations...

Jenny finishes up her drain in an completely overkill fashion of...237 potential drain...

Horny? What Horny after this? Pfff...

With that apology Jenny grew out a second tail, slowly moving towards the third girl. Breaking the kiss right before it reached her the succubus eyed the girl, the creature was blushing so madly and was so lost. Jenny gave her a cruel smile as she watched her face change when cock-tail entered her. Leaning in for a quick gentle kiss Jenny nudged her away and the girl was guided to the floor very much like her other twin.

Feeling 3 completely separate fucks at the same time would've competely overwhelmed the succubus if it was not for her already lost deep in lust and perversion. Jenny ran her hand through the girls on her rod ass as a final goodbye and got all three of her cocks into an excessive rhytm. The spirituals energy completely flowing into her, but she kept just a minor amount till finally her mind went white for a brief moment, all three pentrations overflowing with love juice. The two girls on the ground instantly evaporated, the same fate would've been for the girl on her rod, but Jenny kept her for extra brief moment. The creature literally sustained on forced upon energy as Jenny shot stirng after string into her, pumping the girl till the overflow started leaking out. Eying her with satisfaction, the succubus won... and the loser would take it all before disappearing.

With the absolutely final string shotout, the trios remnant lovered her head, her voice lost already... Jenny leaned in and kissed her gently draining off the borrowed energy and watching the girl melt into a lifeless mass.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Breathing a moment Jenny sat spent as her body returned to her normal attributes. "So thats what happens if I lose control...." Jenny looked at Servo and gave him an apologetic smile. Jenny was a little shocked at what she had done but new in her mind that the woman would have given her the same fate and not even cared. Still she better not let her self slip like that again. What if that had happend with Rosa? No doubt the woman would have turned her on the spot if Jenny had gotten that out of hand with her. Actually more than likly she would have ended up a victim baring the sealing collar.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Her body back to normal Jenny had a short breatherb,efore finally spotting the blue light looking over to her from way back behind the counter "It's alright Sir, it's safe." she smiled at the little golem who ever so carefully made his way closer looking around. Perhaps Jenny should be thankful her lil companion didn't scan the mass of cum and whatever else it was lieing around...or step in it.

Still he'd carefully float over the water, give one more look around and then up to Jenny. What will they do now?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Getting up and shacking the last of what ever the girls where made of off her Jenny got back to her original task. After all she just had the sex of her life to get to it might as well see what she almost lost her senses for. Taking the occulus out and scanning the area once more to get reoriented Jenny head for the glow near the rocks still trying to be comfortable.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny peered through the oculus, actually from this angle she could see some energy trails from behind the overgrowth infront of her, next to the entrance she came from. Looking over to the rocky area Jenny could still fairly clearly see the light source, it was up some stairs in an area built to overlooking the area. Unfortunately the stairs were a bust, they once used to be of a metalic coiled design, though be it from time or otherwise now rested on the ground.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well that was disappointing maybe she could fly up there? Still something else on the ground had caught her attention. "Sir keep an eye out I don't want anymore surprises kay?" Jenny sighed while fun it was dangerous and she needed to avoid that at all costs. Still might as well check the under growth. Blade ready Jenny started her search.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looks for a way in
20 vs 28 +
30 vs 39 +
40 vs 43 +
Jenny approached the overgrown part of the area, she was sure she saw something behind all of this foliage. Looking around there were a few ways she could pass, most of the wines and roots were focused above her kness she should be able to pass by going beneath them. Flying throught it was out of the question unless the girl wanted to try her luck with an air dash through the branches.

Not the kind of girl to only look for one option Jenny scanned the area, noting if she got on the roots perhaps she could cut aside some of the dried branches and climb above the natural blockade. Though as she watched the upper passing the girl clealy noted an actual passage up there to her left! Taking a step back it was clear the passage or perhaps a extended balcony went from the rocky area all the way to here and beyond the foliage.

Three ways to proceed, it was up to Jenny to figure the best one.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned her sword was no machete so cut the branches would be labor some and noisy. Maybe if she climbed up a bit she could reach the balcony. It seemed the best bet as she really didn't want to crawl under the roots and such. "Guess I get to practice my tree climbing skills Sir" Jenny smiled at the Servo trying to seem confident and reassuring.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Body check:
40 vs 40+ WIN

Jenny fixed her hair and planned out a possible route up to the balcony, Servo looking at the situation curiously. For his part going underneath would be a breeze... unless the roots popped alive. Jenny could always tell him to wait here ofcourse.

Wiping her palms just to be sure they're dry Jenny got to work, Servos light lighting her up and later a possible path ahead. Some of the dry branches were exceptionally annoying, but thankfully the girl had some clothing to protect her. While thin it was still something, it took quite a bit finese from risky jumps to one hand grapples and slipping feet, but Jennys form was more than up to the challenge.

With one final jump Jenny latched onto to the railing of the balcony and pulled herself up, instantly looking to both sides for any enemy activity. Looked like she was in the clear, dusting herself off Jenny waved to Servo, who instantly waved back and proceeded with the agreed plan.

It was a fairly clear root ahead, some leaves in the way, but hardly anything else. Jenny proceeded forward rather blade in hand just incase. With the final leaf pushed aside Jenny saw what was behind the overgrowth. It was a worship area for someone, a moss overgrown statue standing proudly in a small shrine at the very edge of a clearing. The clearing itself was completely covered in some white flowers, with more colorful and larger flowers on the sides and up the wines. Jenny was too high to jump down, but with the help of her wings it shouldn't be a problem.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Getting down would be easy however getting out would be hard. Jenny sighed better make sure it was worth the trouble. Jenny once more took the occulus out of her pocket thankful that she had it. The little thing proved so useful and was most likely her most valued possession. Taking a look around Jenny made sure she wouldn't miss anything up on the balcony or down below before securing her tool and gliding down to the shrine.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny peered through the mistical glass, it was fairly hard to see some myst seemed to obscure her vission through it. Still looking over to the statue it was indeed it's emation of power Jenny noted previously. This statue did not move, but where the statue had xtnded her hand a flower blossomed in a loot, opening and closing continiously, but at a fairly slow rate. Anything else of note was that most of the flowers on the sides had numerous distinct auras about them.

Nothing else seemed to be off, except for the odd myst that appears once she placed the oculus on. A small light shinned at the far right part of the small corner of nature it was likely Servo.

It was up to Jenny if investigating this was worth the effort.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed it was likely a puzzle trap but she had no idea what kind. It could be deadly for all she knew. Jenny looked down at the shrine maybe if she had clues to the maker or to what god it was to it could help. Damn why hadn't that vision helped more. Sighing again Jenny looked down at the shrine trying to make out who it was to.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The statue was of a young and beautiful woman, her long hair overflowing with flowers as some wines extended from underneath her robe. Near her legs there seemed to be numerous animal, mostly pups. On her shoulder a small bird looked over to extended palm where the flower was sprouting. Whether Jenny recognised the statue was up to her education and interest in the divines.

Meanwhile Servo was almost out a first beam of his blue light finally entered the area.

It's Janis, the Godess of Nature ;P