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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stumbled away from the creatures clearly she was no match for them in a straight up fight. Retreating as far as the corridor allowed Jenny took out the rifle and plugged one of the meat puppets. She no longer cared if the other heard her with as slow as the things where she could kill most of them that came her way. "Servo healing potion please!"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP 11/70 PP 35/35 EP35/35; Hurt badly
Jenny - 28
Puppets - 8

Jennys gains a significant gap.

End of round.

Jenny takes aim and fires!
33 damage!

Puppet #3 keels over!
Puppet #4 approaches

There was no way to outfight two of these things in close quarters, screw subtelty she'd rather be noticed than knocked out or killed!

Jenny gained some great distance running past the statue of the star god and aimed down at the shambling creatures. It was an easy shot with her experience as she pulled down the trigger, piercing the creatures head and making it fall over dead. Jenny quickly cocked another bullet and was ready to fire.

Her shot rang out loudly through the hall and well beyond it... time will tell what this action will bring upon her. But right now she had to focus on the threat at hand.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took aim and fired hopefully downing the nasty creature before she drew to much attention to herself. If indeed she downed the thing Jenny would look for a safe place to hide until any meatbags that where drawn to the gunfire would simply go back to where they where.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP 11/70 PP 35/35 EP35/35; Hurt badly
Jenny kills off the last meat puppet...
32 damage dealt.

Puppet #4 gains a a head piercing to die for.

1 meat puppet from the shop appears, 4 meat puppets from martial arts appear, 3 meat puppets from ??? appear!

Jenny quickly looked down the sight and fired off another shot, piercing the creatures head aswell. Some black ooze bursting from the wound before it keeled over.

Servo leaned out from behind the heroine looking over to the creepy creatures, peering to the corpses then to the far door if more decided to pop up.

The girl sighed with relief as she lowered her weapon, now to leg it before any more of these abominations made their way here--

Suddenly Jenny heard some glass roll out from behind her, looking back she saw the 'shopkeeper' from before slowly stumbling out of the trinket and supply shop, it's neck seemingly broken as it turned to Jenny. Even more screeches rang out infront as atleast 4 more of the creatures started coming from the martial arts faculty!

Jenny glanced around, noting the door on her left bursting open aswell! Atleast 3 of the creatures making their appearance known!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well frack this was bad. Jenny looked at the approaching horrors. There where to many to fight which only left flight. Remembering the stairs down Jenny summoned her wings. "Servo hand me a healing potion." Gulping that down and stowing the bottle Jenny let her wings glide her down to the stair well hopfully nothing awaited her there.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 61/70 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35; Much better
Servo heals Jenny with a healing pot:
+50 HP!
Does not cost a turn

Jenny flees

With the potion downed, the girl felt the bruises and aches either leesen significantly or flatout disappear. Mistey sure knew her stuff, this stuff was amazing!

The heroine quickly extended her wings and turned to Servo, who was already in flight mode and nodded at her with his cristal. With that the two took off speeding through the hall and towards the staircase Jenny saw earlier.

She would've just dashed right on down, but upon seeing the stairway once more the girl had a double take. It was pitch black down there, leaving the sunny and warm surface didn't seem too appealing right about now.

The shamblings horrors screeches and high-pitch breathing echoed from the heroines side, she had no way back through there unless flying above them. She could either go downstairs or to the nature faculty. Servo looked back to the hall they were in and then to Jenny, one of his hand gently grasping at her dress, it was time to move.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The nature classes far more appealing right now than a darkened hallway. She would have to go down their some time but it was probably best not to do it in a rush. Changing directions Jenny headed back to the nature class at lest there where places to hide there. Maybe if none of the things managed to follow her she could uses the doors she saw earlier.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 61/70 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35
First things, first. Right now the heroine had numerous abominations on her tail, exploration would have to wait. Jenny quickly slammed the doors open, the warm sunshine and pleasant fresh air an absolute contrast of whats gaining on to her.

The overgrowth rested on her left, with the ruined cafe on her right, the rocky area from before straigth forward. Actually there was plenty of room for her to fly here, lest she risked facing whatever rule dover the skies here... hopefully just some pretty parrots, but with this place one can never be sure. She had the options, now it was time to act.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny slung her rifle over her shoulder and took her blade out once more and soared into the sky. Well more like soared into the room. Her Goal was the top of the trees she had seen earlier. I would provide decent cover and a good place to hide from the meat puppets if they entered.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 61/70 PP 35/35 PP: 35/35; Hidden
Jenny hides atop the trees [lvl 2 bonus]
Puppets too stupid to look up...

Thankfully there was plenty of flora to choose from. The girl quickly spread her wings and dashed up, carefully hiding atop one of the trees. Though the branches weren't too keen on letting her in Servo dashed in snapping the dry and old prickly prods apart... whether this a well though of plan or the lil guy was just scared like heck was up for debate, but either way - their hiding place was set!

Jenny peered down to the entryway awaiting her pursuers to follow. Indeed it didn't take long at all before first of the creatures shambled in. Though fortunately it seemed not dare enter, it's pray gone from sight it just stood there for what seemed ages, right at the entrance before turning around and disappearing back into the hallway.

The girl was safe, looking down she had a perfect view from up here. The shallow pool surrounding the cafe and the rocky area, including the platform with the balcony beneath her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny waited a good while in her hiding place. Just because one was dumb enough not to look up doesn't mean the others would be so stupid. After awhile if it seemed no more would make an appearance Jenny would glide back down wings at the ready just in case. The first thing she did when she landed was to check the hallway she came in making sure she stayed out of sight as much as possible. She still had some things to explore at the spirit warrior class room.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 61/70 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35; A lil bruised, but fine.
Well now there was one... several problems with that plan. Jenny flew down carefully and rapidly sneaked up to the hallway taking a peek inside, the room was filled with the puppets, atleast 3 wandered aimlessly around the room another one was slumped down near the hallway to the spirit warrior area. Who knew how many other there were on the other side... on the brightside seemed the wandering ones would leave the area sooner than later.

Then again Jenny was a fairly good sneak, perhaps she could make it.

Meanwhile, Servo took a bit longer to sneak out of the hiding spot, his little golem torso peeking down on Jenny for a brief amount of time, before he actually got down aswell, keeping a little bit closer to Jenny than earlier.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned it was probably best not to risk it for now and explore someplace safer or at lest less crowded. After all the meatbags seemed to have very good hearing and eye sight for being dead things. Backing away quietly Jenny looked at her map. Not many places really left besides down and into that dark hallway. She didn't like the thought of that one bit but really it was the only way to go unless she wanted to risk another fight. Then again she could take a moment to rest in the nature area for a moment and see if cleared. Taking a step back Jenny took a coin from her pocket. "Okay Sir heads we stay in the nature area and wait a bit and tails we go into the dark hallway." Jenny took the coin and gave it a flip. Catching the coin in the air Jenny looked at it... tails. Okay Servo lets head to the hallway be very quiet if we run into to many meat bags we are changing plans alright." Decision made Jenny moved silenty to the dark hallway.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took a deep breath and approached the hallway to the grand hall. While there were some puppets around she should be able to make it past them withotu being noticed. While there was one further down the hall it was slumped down and lifeless. Though these things had a tendency to get up there was no other way...

The heroine turned to her little companion and nodded firmly "1...2...3!" both of them quickly turned the corner and rushed to the stairs down, taking a peek upstairs Jennyw as relieved the puppets did not note her actions.

Though moments right after entering, Jenny had second thoughts. The whole colidor was made from finely cut stone, with numerous light sources attached. Unfortunately seemed the magic in them had already evaporated, leaving the girl in dark, dead passage.

It was not so much a hall put more of a very short passage to the main area. Jenny turned a corner to her right and her eyes shooting up widely with the sight. The area was huge! There were 4 huge pillar with some light emating from in between them in the middle and further on Jenny could spy a fairly large statue of something, near her to her right there was an elaborate red double door with golden trimmings. Besides that she'd gave to venture deeper in to find out more.

Thankfully Jennys gift granted her the ability to see at night, so after some brief adjusting the girl was able to see some way forward. Servo meanwhile had his little beam of light pierce the surrounding dark, looking to down him the lil guy really counted his steps. And with the dead silence down here... perhaps for good reason.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well maybe leaving the choice to the flip of the coin was a bad idea. Still it seemed safe so far and with a couple of doors to check out as well. Jenny looked over at her map trying to see if it also covered the lower floor she needed to know what was done here to help her search. The thought of wandering aimlessly in such a dark place did nothing to help her nerves.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny slowly leaned down and placed a hand on Servo, the lil golem jumping back and turning around beaming light right into Jennys night eyes "Sir~!" though after recognising his master Servo eased up a little bit and approached Jenny "Let's check the map again." the scaredy companion turned around and let Jenny pull out the map. Double checking it brought unfortunate news... there was no map of this udnerground area... well that was just great....

It was back to trial and error exploration, hopefully the heroine won't find anything she'll regret... Looking around the only area to enter was the red double door, though with a wide-open space like this there was bound to be passages a plenty deeper in.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Wow this place is massive? What do you think Sir? Should we check the statue or explore the doors first." It was hard to tell what Servo could or could not say so Jenny took out the occulus once more and examined the area. She had a feeling the red doors held something important so it was the first thing she checked.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny placed the oculus on her eye... removed it and placed it again. The oculus didn't show anything at all. Occasionally it would glaze over with darkness or with pink smoke, but nothing else. Like it was broken down here...

Actually Servo looked over to the four collums and pointed there, seemed that caught his interest instead o the two offered locales.

Jenny slowly approached the red door noting a plate near it with impronted words: "Destruction magic". Well it was clear whats behind this door in-purpose. The girl slowly opened the door and peeked inside, backing out noting several figure in the distance... however they were motionless, more training dummies? Then what were the steel rods for in the distance?

The heroine slowly entered the room and looked around. It was more like a very large shooting range with around 12 targets at the end with quite a few simple steel bases for something else. Oddly enough though the ranged targets were in perect shape.

Looking around there was a sign above her head with a figure with a sad-face and a fire bush instead of a body "A smart mage is a safe mage" Jenny snickered lightly that was one way to get the message across. On her left and right she noted several lines of robes and a big table with numerous papers... and an a especially large book on it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Sir give me a little light here I want to make sure I don't blow myself up on accident." Jenny looked at the book it was probably the most interesting thing in the room that she could see. Still this was hardly a safe place so Jenny kept her ears sharp and blade ready.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny blew off some dust from the book and looked over her find "Custos de secreta ignis" well the dribble on the title didn't bring up the girls hopes. The heroine slowly flipped it open only to the whole book was in this odd language, numerous symbols, runes displayed in immaculate detail on the pages.

Still, that didn't discourage the girl from looking it over a little bit, for curiousity sakes. Till she accidentally flipped to a page, with actually shivering text "Funesti flamma custodiam meam vocationem"