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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed there was no way she could read this still if she found Lina maybe she could use it. She was about to gather the book up when a page turned due to her movements reveling strange swirling text. "Wow Sir take a look at that." It was strange that was for sure and worth investigating with eh occulus that if it decided to work like it should.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Servo quickly floated closer to Jenny and inspected the book alongside her. The heroine peered through the oculus, it was still a mess, but even through that she could see the words emitting a massive amount of energy from them. Actually the way they shimmered remind her of the shimmer around her dress from before... was this another trapped memory?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny wasn't sure about that it could be but she saw the words shimmer with out the occulus it could just be a trap. Better take precautions. "Okay Sir find cover alright and if something should happen to me and I don't wake up fly back to Misty and tell her okay." Jenny waited for her little companion to get to a safe spot before touching the words and if that didn't work she would say them quietly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Servo looked up Jenny and almost hunched over lightly, saddened rgeatly by the request. Still the lil' fella was in no place to argue, how slowly walked behind the table and peeked from behind it looking at Jenny, as subtly at the small golem could.

The heroine took a deep breath and slowly extended her hand and touched the shimmering writing. Jenny felt her hand freeze up as her mouth spoke the lines without the girls consent "Funesti flamma custodiam meam vocationem..."

Suddenly a spell crashed nearby into one of the intructors gloves near her "Damnit it Tyrone! Keep it together!" the man in bright red robes looked back to Felina and smiled "Sorry about that, Felina." the girl smiled lightly "I'm so sorry professor." one of the students spoke up and looked down sadly. One of these days those rookies will hurt someone. Thankfully the academy had flame resistant robes at the ready.

"So~ any luck finding that spell?" Alira approached the girl smiling warmly "Yeah I think it's this one..." Felina ran her finger against the lines she just read "Learn it, remember it... use it." the heroine closed the book and followed the instructor deeper into the training area. It was always active in here with the students learning how to contain and use destructive magic, each having an instructor assigned to them. Felina though lucked out, Alira was one of the more laid back and experienced people to have watch over you. Besides the girl was through all this back in her day aswell...

"The Burn Ball eh? I thought you were more of a flame-thrower girl" the instructor giggled warmly "Well~ it's always great to have a fire and forget spell" Felina smiled back to her watcher "Alright, we'll use it on the puppets." The puppets... originaly only used in the Necromancery class these things were dragged here as 'realistic' targets. Feeling the students should know the effect their spells do and for the instructors to accurately gauge the power in each spellcast. The necromancers actually animate these things... talk about disturbing. The mage approached the line of spell cast and looked down her range: 3 of the puppets laid motionless on the steel poles "Come on let's see what kind of damage you can do." hopefully Felina read the full incantion instead of just the first line...
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Felina looked down at the book once more and studied the whole incant. "Funesti ignis custodiam meam invocabis, emittet mea sphaera ignis percutere inimicorum nostrorum". Felina aimed down the hall at the meat puppets. Meat puppets? She never called them that before.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As the girl continued her incation the magical shere quickly formed infront of her and soon she let it loose knocking the puppets asunder! "Bravo!" Alira clapped excitedly "That's my Felina for you!" thoughs he did not the girl felt a little woozy for a brief moment, odd she never complained about any aftershocks.

Though it wasn't magical side-effects that plagued the mage, what was that just now? Some foreign thought? Felina gently placed her palm on her forehead "Are you okay dear?" "Y-yes... I'm fine than---"

Suddenly the ground tremored violently, knocking even a few rookies on their feet and their fireballs upwards. Felina turned towards the door only to note a fairly huge wave of force coming her way, the girl braced for impact!... but it never came.

The forcewave only caused some wind, nothing more... even the doors were not knocked open, then how did it pass?

Before the girl could think it over a piercing cry, cut through the temporal silence. Looking to the source she noted a terrified rookie onlooking a horrendous sight. The Caro moved! Not only that the creatures were slowly sliding themselves off the steel rod they were attached to and were making their way towards the mages!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Felina looked on in shock as the horrid things started to move on their own. 'Don't panic they are weak and slow you can beat them.' More foreign thoughts filled the girls head as she raised her hand to cast the fireball spell one more time.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Felira blows up a puppet

Battle rages around.

The voice didn't seem to malignant, was this the after effect of whatever happened. Jenny actually had a weak presence in the memory, perhaps she can't change what happened... but if anyone could help her learn more about the academy it would be it's students!

Felina quickly ignited her hands and let loose a fireball at the creatures! They were practice firing on them for so long, it was just like training! However her shaky legs and overall scared stature proved that this was not 'like training' at all!

Alira, shot forth a much more grand fireball of her own really ignting the spirits of the other students "Don't just stand there! Kill them!" with that the battle was on.

There were around 20 of those things creeping forth, but with all the fiery magic flying their way it would soon be over. Bits and pieces of the burnt flesh flying from the hellfire the mages and instructors caused. However at the back of her head, Felina recalled Truman telling just how many of these things were in the necromancy quarters... the creatures would overrun the school, a lone fire mage would only be trouble, she could ask one of the instructors to join her or Alira herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Felina moved close to Alira. "We should all stick together one or two of us might get overwhelmed but all of us should be able to put up a good defense." Felina felt the odd thoughts feel pleased but also sad as if they knew something she didn't.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Alira looked to Felina and nodded firmly "Looks like thats the last of them... EVERYONE! The Necromancy faculty will need our help! Hustle, hustle!" a resounding cheer rang out as the group of students quickly followed the instructors out. Alira smiling confidently at her student "Alright, Felina. Time to see how much you've learned." with that the two proceeded out, Felina leaving the book on the counter on her way out.

A dead silence surrounded the girl, as she felt a very careful and gentle poke at her sides. A small blue light illuminating her. Jenny was back...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Im back Sir thank you for watching out for me." Jenny smiled at the little guy before turning to the book. "Funesti ignis custodiam meam invocabis, emittet mea sphaera ignis percutere inimicorum nostrorum." Jenny made the incant and pointed down the shooting range. Expecting nothing to happen after all she was no mage. However she did learn something important. The robes here where fire resistant which was better than cloths not fire resistant. Time to see if there where any in her size. If successful she would take them as well as the book.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny slowly go up, dusting herself off and smiling at her tiny guardian. She did recall the incantation, while not give it a shot. The girl turned down the range extended her hands and uttered the words!

To no effect, excluding Servo giving her a funny look. It was worth a shot, still now it was time to loot. Jenny slowly walked over to the fire resistant robes and looked over them. It was a bright red robe with beautiful golden trims. Lookign over them most of them were fairly baggy and not quite as sexy as the succubus would like. Still their wide nature, helped her find one that fit her fairly well. Hiding her figure, but hopefully protecting her from fire damage.

The book was fairly big, thankfully Servo didn't seem to have a limit to what he can carry and after firmly placing it in the backpack the girl was ready to leave.
Exiting the room, Jenny could see a slimmer of what was causing the light in between the four collums. It was something magical, but without further inspection she couldn't guess what it was. The place was still as room as ever, only hints of a few doors in the distance and the massive statue taking center stage.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Not very flattering are they Sir. Still if the enchantments on them still work then might as well take one along but first. Jenny took her blade and made two cuts for her wings. "There maybe I won't go threw so many cloths now". With that out of the way Jenny slipped the robe on and went into the main area. Noticing the shimmering she decided to investigate keeping her eyes open who knows how many meatbags wandered down here and got stuck being to stupid to find a way out. Blade out and at the ready Jenny approached the columns to see what she could see.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny proceeded forward to the four grand collums, noting numerous dark stains along the ground. It was dark and Jennys nighteyes couldn't tell colors apart, but the marks and stains were numerous and varying some of liquid, other more likely from fire.

Soon the heroine approached the collums and odd low pulsing sound emating from in between them, she leaned over and inspected the cause of the light. It was a bright blue tear... a doorway, perhaps more accurately a portal!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Humm what do you think Sir?" Jenny looked at the little servo questioningly though she doubted she would get much of an answer. "Care to check it out for me?" Jenny waited for the shake of the head giving Sir's no answer. He was useful if a little cowardly at times.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sir looked to Jenny then to the portal, before taking a few steps closer to Jenny. Well that was as good of an answer she'll get, he was going to follow her through and through.

Jenny looked over the portal, extending her hand lightly towards it to note a warmth coming from it. The girl wasn't too aquinted with magic, who knows where this leads and if there will be a way back. Then again there was only one way to find out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took Sir's hand and looked at the portal. "Well Sir hold onto your brass balls we are going in." With that Jenny extended her hand into the tear praying that it lead to someplace safe.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took a deep breath and lead the duo through the portal, grasping her blade tightly. Hopefully this was not a huge mistake...

It was instantenious, no blinding light or dizzying effects. Though on the other side the sight definedly wasn't what Jenny could've possibly imagined. Numerous violins played soft classical music throughout the room. The walls were very well decorated, seemingly every inch of the circular room having either beautiful drapes or magnificent paintings on it. Actually the northern part of the room was all mirrors. It was a very well furbished room?!

Jenny noted the rug was one of the king she saw in Rinston market... the prices were scary for even a small rug and this one spanned across the room. Besides the violins, the room had numerous bookshelves spanning up-up--up? Where was the ceiling! Jenny looked up and noted that both bookshelves spanned up and away into the distance, with no end in sight... was this an illusion or real?

Otherwise the room had a work desk with numerous papers and an open book on it aswell as a small message on it. In big clear letters "Gone to the Libs. Cheerio" and a rather well drawn winking skull at the bottom right corner, this message seemed to have bene written recently. There was also a small tea table near a comfy looking sofa here and a royal bed with so much pillows Jenny had to argue that even a third was used.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

After taking in the room Jenny looked back at the portal that brought her here hoping that it hadn't sealed itself behind her. After confirming if it had or not only then would Jenny examine the room in more detail heading for the desk first.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked back to the portal, well she was no expert, but the tear was there and intact, hopefully it'll be able to bring her back safely. Though she noted Servo was likely even more amazed than her as he looked around the area, leaning down to... feel out the rug? Either way he was all too enamoured by this place, beaming Jenny a curious look.

The girl slowly approached the desk, noting most papers were just scribbles and... failed attempts at that skull? The papers actually were drafts for the skull on the message! Jenny blinked in confusion and moved in closer. There was an open book here, with actually readable writing on it, none of those arcane words thankfully. She could inspect it.

The room just kept on suprising, there was no doubt about it now. There was even a very gentle hint of eastern incense and there were no dust to be seen around. Was someone living here? In the academy?