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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny did indeed understand atleast some part of the strange chamber, as she could manipulate the room to some degree. Just as she planned, suddenly Jenny pulled Samara in closer and with a smile, she'd lean in to kiss the quite surprised elven girl. Though Jenny was in control, just how wonderous the girls lips and skin felt. Jenny couldn't help, but indulge briefly in the dizzying, albeit all too teasingly brief kiss before she broke it off and smiled silently.

Samara seemed in brief shock, mixed with a clear sense of awe as she'd blink as if awaking and looked to Jenny, moments later covering her mouth and snickering mysteriously "Hum~ Now I'm very interesting to greet you back." she'd look to Jenny in a sly manner, moments before a few blink later Jenny awoke outside the tree once again.

As she'd stir awake, Jenny could hear her friends voices nearby, though judging by the laughter and applause something was afoot. Approaching the girls she'd be met with the sight of Riley with a small illusionary cane orchestarting a series of miniature rocks?

The tiny pebbles seemed to listen to the girls commands as they'd form circles, lines and even seemingly perform some almost acrobatic acts! Well as acrobatic as moving and jumping rocks can be. Her audience though only consisted of Grace, Sir and a plant that seemed to lean forward and back to display its awe at the sights. Though as Jenny approached the sight, soon enough the group quickly cut their sillyness and looked to her "So... How did the chat go?" Grace asked, while Riley seemed to pat a few of the rocks and approached with a beaming smile as well.

With her companions informed with their current plan, unless there were any other preparations yet to attent, Jenny and her company were free to head onwards.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Dusting herself off Jenny would let the girls attend to their games allowing them some happiness as both her and Riley knew the type of darkness they would head into and having good powerful memories would help along the way. Her thoughts brifely traveled to the White Lady and Shadow but she let them fade. No doubt Shadow had her own business and Jenny wouldn't want the White Lady to strain herself with worry over her and her crew. After a moment of resting Jenny would check the sky, she wanted as much light as possible as they entered the remains of evergreen..
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With their early morning start, it was still well into the day "You seem awfully gloomy." Rileys voice seemed to snap Jennys attention back from her thoughts, worries and dread toward whats to come "We wont linger in there. Let's just plan it our right, prepare for a worst case-" the trickster quickly raised a finger "Worst case plan that does NOT involve you throwing yourself away or worse..." she knew Jenny too well... "And we'll be good!"

Grace would smile as well "Thanks for letting me come along, I won't fail you." the angel girl beamed a warming smile to Jenny. Even Sir seemed to salute the girl showing that he was to do his part if the need arises as well.

Jenny knew if she was to head out, she'd need to pass through the southern gate.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No worries girls I want to make sure all of us get out of there." As they gathered supplies Jenny let them know of the additional task they had been asked to do. When final preparations where done including checking if any potions where available the trio would head out bidding Sir a tearful good bye and promising to be back soon. As the southern gate loomed Jenny did what she could to clear her mind and brighter her spirit, determined to let no despair take root in her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys gains 2 health potions: Heals for 20. Takes up a turn to use.

With their final preparations complete the trio approached the overgrown gate, as they could hear elven yells up above them moments before their passage opened before them, revealing a lush and wild forest "Alright, I know the way. Let's get this done!" Riley would take the lead as the girls rushed onwards.

If Jenny looked back, she'd note the Rangers archers were all across the walls giving subtle nods to the heroine. They'd see a fair number of clear cloaks and movements up in the trees as they continued, no doubt they were escorted by the unseen veterans, though they did not directly approach either of three girls.

It would be a fair treck even forcing the girls to pause and rest, but soon enough they'd finally reach... entrance of

"Thats the place." Riley looked back to the duo with a smile, as the ruined city expanded before them. Just by its size, it appeared almost like a capital of the elven lands! Though what was once majestic archytecture and breath taking desings, now laid barren and ruined. The forest overgrowth clearly having taken most of the once grandiose city.

Still as Jenny looked on to the entrance to the town, whose very skies seemed to darkent the dark azure all around. It was clear that it would not be long before night settled on them, they could continue or risk an ambush and rest right next to the corrupted city.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Riley where was your party attacked?" If the answer was in the city then Jenny would have them make a hidden camp in the woods while there was still cover. She didn't want to enter that place at night. However if the answer was opposite it might be safer to find a building they could hide in. So the die was cast it all depened on Riley's report.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"My 'party'?" Riley looked to Jenny and snickered "Well I found Kanna attacked deeper inside the ruins." she'd explain and nod, giving the heroine ample time to consider what to do next...

"We'll stay out here for the night. Don't want to enter the ruins after dark." Jenny announced to the duo, who'd both nod in agreement "Mhm~" "Good idea." with that it was decided - the girls would spend the night nearby, before attempting to head deeper in.

Still as they began preparations, suddenly they'd hear rustling from the nearby flora?! Only to turn and see the rangers green cloaks. These seemed to be their unseen escorts from before, though unlike the town garrison or most of the other of the scouts, this group seemed to bear unmistakeable hints of both combat experience and wisdom "Wise choice." the groups leader spoke up, as nearby Sir seemed to wave to the group... they weren't just escorts! They were the rescue party! "We'll need to pull back for the night, but we'll remain nearby. Remember - if anything goes wrong gives us the signal." with those words and wishes of fortune, the party would once again disappear into the forest. Leaving the trio alone for the night.

"We're using flares right?" Riley turned to Jenny for clarification how they would announce an emergency, while Jenny explained all three could continue their preparations and by nightfall their small camp would be complete!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Aye but lets hope for a quick in quick out affair. None of us are suited for a long fight." Jenny sat down and looked at the center of their little camp. A fire would be nice but this close to the ruin it would be a bad idea. Sighing she offered up some of the dried rations she had gathered. "No fire tonight might draw the wrong attention. Well have to cuddle together for warmth. Ill take the first watch who wants the last?" With that settled Jenny would sit on her watch loading frost and few extra mags with the special bullets she was given. It would be hard to only wound not kill after all Rei didn't teach her to wing her foes. Sighing her thoughts drifted to Nico and Rosa... 'The damn fools. "Don't worry sisters Im coming for ya even if Im the baby one again.'
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing the warmth of each other instead of a fire, did spur a subtle blush from Grace and a "Uuu~" coupled with a cheeky grin from Riley. Though with their current situation neither would try to abuse the chance...

5 vs 3,4,6

Riley notices something!

Still as Jenny whisked away into slumber, she'd even dream about the bar and her friends there. Nicole ever cheerful and mature, chatting up one of the patrons, before turning to her "Jenny?" she'd speak up "Jenny~... JENNY!" the voice suddenly shifted to Rileys as she'd be shaking the girl awake, before quickly putting a finger to her lips "Shhh..."

Seemed Grace was woken up too, as the trio got up... and heard it as well. Creaking of metal echoed out from nearby, as something moved through the now dawn-lit forest.

Jenny would be the one to move up closer as she'd be by far the most skilled in sneaking, as she'd near the some trees and look to the source. To reveal a mortifying sight...

A body of what was possibly once an elven girl moved along the forest, her joints replaced with accumulations of black ooze as metal gears seemed to turn her limbs, similarly how in her shoulder there appeared to be a huge cog as well, slowly turning as if the girl was a clockwork doll.

Besides that the girls body almost seemed pristine, as she was utterly coated in the black ooze almost making it seem as if she wore a black skintight outfit. The sight could have a twisted allure to it, if the girls movements were not so rigid and lifeless.

"What is it?" Grace spoke up, from behind Jenny as both she and Riley approached to peek... only to cause enough of a commotion for the creature to turn to them! "Scraaaaa!" it cried out as the gears seemed to begin moving faster, it's black eyes facing the trio!

[ Initiative order:
Jenny (16)
Riley (11)
??? (5)
Grace (4)
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well so much for surprise." Moving quickly Jenny dashed out of cover drawing the things attention before letting lose a series of shots aiming to wound and not to kill. Of course aiming was harder than it seemed given the twitching nature of the once beautiful woman. The macob jerking the creature was doing almost hinted at the desperate soul underneath trying to fight against the darkness that slowly consumed her flesh. Still such horrors hardly slowed Jenny leaving her to think about what that said about her life up to this point.

Jenny uses Rapid fire.

Using Jenny as a distraction Riley brought forth an arcane blast directed at the creature.

Grace quickly followed up with a blast of her own angelic spark.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific


Jenny uses Rapid fire! Dealing 19 (8,7,4) damage total!
Riley finishes it off.

Jenny hardly wasted any time as she pulled out her revolved and let loose a technique she knew all too well! Each bullet flew true, leaving a brilliant golden steak, the magic bullets seemingly intermixing with Frosts own magical properties to deliver what surprisingly turned to be an explosive payload!

Each bullet seemed to explode in brilliant light on impact, spurring a cry from the creature! Though as Jenny looked to each bullets impact area, the black ooze corruption seemed to have been blown away revealing the elven girl beneath...

As the third bullet landed, seemed almost all of the corruption from the creature had been blown away, though it was still standing... only for a sudden and dull boom of purple energy to topple it over.

Riley was the one to add the finishing touch as her hand shimmered with magic, before returning to normal "Yeah... thats the things I saw in the city." she'd comment and look to Jenny, hinting at why it was hard to describe exactly what the creature looked like.

Grace meanwhile seemed to disperse her own magics as well, not even needing to use them. As she'd instead of observing seemed to rush forward and knelt near what was now a nude elven girl! Their magic clearly having dispersed the outer layers of the infection "What could've done this..." Grace looked to the previous enemy, before leaning forward listening in for a heartbeat "She's still alive!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Heading close Jenny moved next to Grace and whispered in her ear. "Grace you can save this girl, not only with your magic but you can end her corruption in her body." It was time to test what Samara had told her. "You can do this Grace I believe in you just think back and do what comes naturally." Jenny knew the demons had used Grace for their own use, her power a great one and something they would need, but Grace needed to be willing and knowing how.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace blinked at the words "Cure her?" she'd look to Jenny, as the girl stood up and allowed the angel girl attempts at her healing magic. Riley meanwhile looked on curiously, she certainly did not have the knowledge Samara shared with Jenny.

Grace seemed to take a light breather as she'd placed her hands on the girls body and focus. Healing wispy light seemed to quickly emit from her hands, dancing along the elven girls body as each trail seemed to seep inside and disappear out of view.

While at first nothing seemed to occur, suddenly akin to the Dreamers therapy the group saw in the rangers HQ. The metalic parts seemed to be rejected out of the girls body, the black ooze that seemed to weld them in place diminish and burning right before their eyes.

Up to until the cogs and metalic parts landed nearby, leaving an unblemished girls body on the ground illuminated by the healing energies. Grace meanwhile seemed to have kept her eyes closed, before she'd move her palms together and close them lifting them up and parting them... to reveal a black liquid seemingly suspended in holy light. All three could see it, but especially Grace seemed to peer into the darkness material as it shriveled and burnt up entirely.

"Good job, Grace!" Riley rushed forward with a beaming grin giving the seemingly surprised angel girls shoulder and slap of congratulations! "Oh... a... Thanks..." Grace smiled sheepishly clearly not used to such means of congratulations.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled and hugged her friend be it briefly after all they where in enemy territory. Letting her to companions celebrate Jenny instead turned to the girl and checked her over trying to wake her. "Hey... hey its not safe. You need to wake up.. come on now." Hopefully Jenny could stir the girl to a wakefulness. After all she didn't want to leave her to what ever mercy this place had for her. Then again the scouting party might pick her up after all they had to have heard the shots. Either way Jenny needed to get her group moving.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No matter how hard Jenny would shake the girl was out, though fortunately atleast some of her hopes proved fruitful. As with a swift landing one of the ranger elite landed nearby, the veteran striders fingers quickly checking for a pulse on the girl "Good job... don't worry. We'll recover anyone we can. Do not delay yourself with the victims." she'd state quite coldly, but the way she'd pick up the girl showed very clear care of her friend "The sun just dawned, do not waste these hours. We'll be on watch." she'd give a nod and take the unconscious girl away.

"Well... I guess there's no more room for delays. Shall we?" Riley asked in a quite relaxed tone and beamed Jenny a smile, Grace giving the heroine a prepared nod as they could finally enter the corrupt the city!

It took just a few moments for the trio to once again approach the ruined city, the dawning light illuminating the sun-bleached white stone and green flora throughout "Remember, once we enter... we're in enemy territory." Riley would echo the thought that no doubt passed through all their minds "Mission?" she'd beam Jenny a smile, as the girl would get the final few words before their perilous trip would begin.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took a deep breath as she took in the ruins the aura of corruption nearly palpable in the air. "As much as we want to we cannot help everyone we see. We do not have the time or the resources. In and out as quick as we can. Be brave and strong, do not fear, we all need to come back from here." With that Jenny would dash inside moving from cover to cover eyes open. Their goal was the grove and they needed to get there while the dawn was strong.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

~ Evergreen ~

Complete silence surrounded the three girls as they ventured through the decrepid ruins. Vast streets of previously sharply cut stone extended in all direction, along the pavements elegant buildings with both sharp and dome shaped roof extended, their balconies turned a kin to wonderous hanging gardens.

The city was no doubt once an absolute pearl of the elven civilization, though only now it seemed nature had long since worked to reclaim it. From the sheer number of moss and wines on the buildings, each one showing varying degree of ruins - from utter collapse to just a hole ridden roof, to the road hardly even bearing it's straight nature anymore as is times had either been popped upwards or utterly overgrown by nature.

Looking around, Jenny perhaps was even surprised just how beautiful the fallen city actually was. With it's sun-bleached stones, intermixing with nature and the fair number of flowers or thick roots that had taken place here... the sight would be almost magical, if it was not for that ever present complete and utter silence.

The ruins that seemed to hint at such potential for life, appeared lively... but it was all too clear this place was dead "This is where I found her." Riley spoke up as they approached a crossroads.

"Three of those things were attacking her, so I had the perfect chance for an ambush rescue of sorts." the trickster turned back to Jenny and Grace with a cheeky smile. Indeed out of the three Riley was by far the most colorful and oddly misplaced, from her purple almost show-mistress outfit including even a top hat (!) to her quite cheery attitude, the girl certainly appeared almost too at ease inside the dead city.

"Jenny do you remember the way we turn now?" Grace spoke up, the groups angelic guardian and healer. The girl was far from armored as well, as her calming and assuring visage was only accentuated by her two-piece white silk clothing. Each piece seemed to flow and rest in several layers on the girls body giving even subtle movements from her a certain mystique.

And there between the two stood Jenny, the groups appointed leader. Standing in the decrepid crossroads, the girl looked over each path though each one was met with some obstacle that would not reveal what the extending road would lead them to.

Though recalling the map, Jenny knew that the left road would lead them to the craftsmen district, the right would make them pass through the old training grounds... however the most straightforward path to the citys heart was unclear. For some reason the rangers did not even suggest to take the shortest route.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Not wanting to stop in the middle of an open street Jenny pulled the girls behind a ruined cart. Out of the two of them Jenny proved the less colorful besides her bright blonde hair, she was dressed in rather common attire with only Frost and her light leather armor to hint she was anything more than an attractive peasant. Looking too both of them Jenny set up a few loose stone in a rough set up of the map. "As I see it we have several choices." Pointing to a sharp stone. "We could go to the training grounds, then the garden, to the grove. This way we can avoid the corrupt beast that likely fill the bestiary. The only trouble is the training grounds I suspect the enemy will have a fair presence here." Jenny then moved her hand to a flat rock. "We could also go threw the craftsmen quarters, watchers hq, and then grove. Once again I suspect the enemy will have a strong presence here, but the watchers HQ might have left over things we could use. Of the two I think the later route will be more dangerous. What do you girls think about either one?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"We should got to the Watchers HQ." Riley stated with a firm nod, spurring curious looks from both Jenny and Grace "That elf, she lead me here to begin with. I bet we'll find out more if we go there." "But..." Grace interjected briefly "We want to head in and out as quickly as we can, right? Lets stick to the safest routes." she'd look to Jenny innocently "We could just look around after our mission is complete, right?" she'd beam a warming and assuring smile.

Riley shook her head, unmoved by the angelic girls warmth "No no.. If I know magic, if we blow that angel up. Some secrets might be lost." though both turned to Jenny to say the final word. Thinking back, Jenny could likely guess who 'that elf' was... no doubt Riley meant the girl Jenny dubbed 'Shadow'.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny thought for a moment. "Well go to the HQ just for extra supplies but we will not spend a lot of time there as Grace is right if we lose the dawn will have to stay for the evening, and thats not something I want to do." Sighing Jenny looked down the road. "Lets go." Jenny moved forward heading for the craftsmens quarters hoping she made the right choice.