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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The duo quickly rushed up the stairs, the echoes of the door being crashed open booming behind them! While the first floor lead to what seemed to be a leisure room, there was a large window here... but no balcony! Yet there appeared to be yet another stairway up!

Rushing up to the third street, leaving the howls of the insurmountable numbers of enemies behind them, the duo found themselves in what seemed to be an ex-menagerie. Varying size ornate cages littered the area, with only but small skulls of the poor critters left... this place however did indeed have a balcony!

If they rushed out, Graces face quickly turned pale as an absolute mob of enemies now spread out down the street below! From regular corrupt elves to several howlers!

Meanwhile they hardly had time to spare, as they heard enemy movement which had already reached the second floor! Their corruptive voices echoing from down the stairway.

"Jenny!" Grace suddenly uttered as she'd look to the subtle scar that remained across the girls back. Albeit it wasn't too deep... Grace could all too clearly sense a clear darkness emitting from the wound! With a bit of focus, she'd restore a bit of Jennys health, giving the girl enough time to decide what to do now!

[Grace uses Renewal. Healing Jenny for 11HP
Jenny Hp:26/30 left
Grace MP:36/40

Riley side events:

Stealth check
8 vs 10 (crit!)

X deals 16 damage.
X deals 18 damage.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No way out but up!" Jenny would smile at Grace while she loaded Frost. Jenny aimed frost at the door waiting for Grace to prepare herself for flight.

Jenny Readies to attack anything that attacks Grace
Grace takes wing to get us out of there.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace blinked and smiled, nodding to Jenny... seemed the girls surge of confidence calmed the angel girl as well. Thankfully the creatures hardly made their way up, before Grace took the sky, grabbing Jenny by the waist just like Riley as with a few flaps they'd take off!

"Daaaah!!" cries akin to birds suddenly echoed out as the girls turned their head to see atleast 3 enemies soaring rigth to them! While from a distance the details were hard to make out, even from here both could tell that these things looked akin to corrupted harpies!

"I can't make quick movements, Jenny!" Grace seemed to explain that while she held, the duo were absolutely easy targets for the enemy! Looking back to the balcony it still seemed free, though a fair bit of the roofs extended down below. From globe-like to classic triangle design...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned at the situation. "You don't have to be nimble just fast. Ill keep them off you." It was a risky plan but sitting on the balcony wasn't going to work. Taking Aim Jenny let loose more rapid fire at the lead harpy hoping the others would be driven off. Hopefully they would soon be soaring over the ruined buildings on their way to meet up with Riley. Hopefully the girl had been staying out of trouble. But given the absolute danger the girl loved to get herself into Jenny could only imagine. Still with the screeching horrors below and the abominations in pursuit jenny had her own plate of worries to deal with. "As soon as we get clear of the mob drop me and meet at the Watchers HQ." Jenny was faster than most of them on foot and with out having to Carry her Grace could be as nimble as her wings would allow.

Grace fly
Jenny shoot
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Turn order:
Snatcher 1
Snatcher 2
Snatcher 3

Jenny uses rapid fire on 1, dealing 18 damage.
Snatcher 1 uses Swoop strike on Grace, but is parried (6) dealing 3 damage!
Snatcher 2 does the same, parried as well (4) dealing 3 damage.
Snatcher 3 uses divebomb, dealing 8! damage and knocking Jenny and Grace to the ground!
Grace is knocked down!.. but gets up

Jenny Hp: 28/30
Grace HP: 10/24

Snatcher 1 appears heavily injured.

"A-alright!" following Jennys command, Grace remained airborne as they'd try to get some distance from the enemy. Though the corrupt flyers were upon them in mere moments! "Hang on!" the angel girl called out as she'd see the first of the creatures dash at her their claws extended!

Each one of the first attackers attacked the angel from either side, though Grace seemed to rebound the attacks with a divine field around her! Wincing at each impact, though they were still airborne!

"Watchers HQ? Where even is that?!" Grace called out to Jenny for the first time almost angrily, as clearly she fully focused on defending them both all the while being strained from the added weight!

Indeed as Jenny looked around, the residential district appeared huge... and from the rangers, she recalled that the Watchers HQ would be beyond a whole other district!

Still she'd not have long to thing as the third attacked did not attempt to use it's claws as it picked up speed and went to ram them?! "Eh?" Grace tensed up as moments later the enemy slammed into her barrier, though the sheer completely making the girl lose her balance and crash from the skie!

The duo sped to the ground, but thankfully the roofs were right there! The impact on the old stone spurring a suspicious shift, but for now they had strong ground beneath them.

Still as Jenny opened her eyes from the crash she'd note she was in a deep hug from Grace, the girls angelic wings curled around them both to protect them during the fall "C-curses..." the angel girl uttered as soon enough the cries of the flyers indicated that they were chasing after them!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Scrambling to her feet Jenny stood between Grace and the oncoming enemies. Well if she was going to go down it would be protecting her friend. "Come one Grace we can do this. So what if things hadn't gone as planned. So what if the city was absolutely full of enemies. In the end they would succeed. Taking aim again at the wounded flyer Jenny let loose with rapid fire.

Jenny shoots wounded target with rapid fire.
Grace will use angelic spark healing her self as teh friendly target
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses rapid fire:
#1 deals 9 damage to Snatcher 1, killing it.
#2 and #3 deal a total of 18 damage to Snatcher 2.

Snatcher 2 uses swooping strike, but is parried... lightly dealing 7 damage!
Snatcher 3 does the same, dealing a clean hit! 12 damage!
(Jennys total corruption at 40/100)

Grace uses angelic spark dealing 9 damage to Snatcher 2, killing it!
The angel spark heals Grace for 9.

Jenny: 9/30
Grace: 19/24

Jenny uttered the words almost more to reassure herself if not the angel girl as she let loose another barrage of shots! The first one flying true to the injured one as it pierced it, blowing the corruption away to some degree as the body crashed to the roof!

The other two shots flew true to the second flyer each one making its flight more unsteady, but they would be upon Jenny in mere moments! The first one lashed out at the girl, but even though she saw the attack coming... a pistol provided little protection as the attack grazed against it, still ripping at Jennys dress and leaving marks on her skin!

However Jenny did not the other attack from behind her coming as the enemy struck her cleanly once again! Spurring a cry of pain from her, as well as potentially a curse at the damned beast!

Grace had recovered somewhat from her fall and wasted little time helping Jenny as she'd summon an unstable bright light and sent it out at the injured creature slamming against it, as well as spurring it to crash and slide against the rooftops in the distance!

There was only one enemy left! However even with its comrades down, it did not back down.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stumbling forward from the clean hit Jenny fell to one knee a crimson streak reopening along her back still she was not done yet. Taking Aim Jenny let loose more shots to bring the the thing down. It had been quite the morning in the dead city gun shots echoed in threw the streets disturbing what little life dared to live in the ruin. Maybe in the back of the twisted creatures minds a faint glimmer of hope sparked if every briefly. Something or someone was fighting back.

Jenny Rapid fire
Grace uses Renew on Jenny
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys uses rapid fire, dealing a total of 20 damage!
Snatcher lashes out with Divebomb dealing 4 damage, but Jenny parries.
Grace heals Jenny up with Renewal for 14 hp! [19/30HP]

Jenny HP: 19/30
Grace HP: 19/24 MP: 28/40

Jennys party auto-wins next turn! Yay

Jenny winced from the pain as it seemed a solid blow would be more than enough to defeat the girl now! Still pained or not, the girl once again raised her pistol and let loose a barrage at the flyer, which finished its circle and once again swooped down!

Though all three bullets hit, the creature did not stop! Infact, it picked up speed! Jennys eyes widened as she'd manage to cross her hands just in-time as the click flyer slammed into her, the impact accentuating the pain... but even if lifted off the ground the girl would solidly land on her feet!

She saw it... it was barely clinging onto consciousness as well! If only she could... Jennys head felt dizzy as her vision seemed to unpair the girl briefly from finishing the fight, only for a golden light to swoop over her body absolutely clearing the girls darkened vision!

With her strength renewed Jenny wasted little time to aim down to the ascending creature and finish the fight with a final shot! As the creature collapsed on the roofing some distance away, so did Grace fall to her knees and then to her back...?

While at first worry surged through the girls body, as she'd approach she'd notice Graces smile of relief "W-we... made it..?" she'd turn to Jenny and sigh. Indeed silence once again returned to loom across the ruins as the girls seemed to have finally... escaped their pursuers.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled at Grace and let her rest while she reloaded. Taking a moment Jenny peaked over the edge in all directions to see if the mob had followed them. If it was clear Jenny would relax a bit and asked where Riley was before sliding down to hopefully meet up with the trickster.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The duo rested for a while each catching their breath and calming their hearts, still it would be Jenny who'd move first as she's carefully crawled to the side of the roof and dared a peek down.

The corrupt were still there, but it seemed they were focused on the house the duo had escaped from. Thankfully both the twisted music and the frenzy across the corrupt had all but calmed down, seemed the creatures were not quite as sensitive to sounds as they were to sight.

Those as Jenny lingered on all fours inspecting the area it gave Grace ample chance to note... "Jenny, your hair." the angel girl stated as she looked upon Jennys blond hair, that seemed to have gained darker strands "It must be the dark energies I saw!" Grace quickly shuffled closer "Let me try and remove it."

As Graces offer came, it was all too reasonable and normal for Jenny to agree... yet somehow a different thought crossed the girls mind as well. One that subtly reminded Jenny of who she once was.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A familiar feeling something from the past. Blinking the thoughts away Jenny moved away from the edge and in a lowered voice spoke. "Later we should meet up with Riley and keep going. Besides we need to find a good place to rest for the night." Looking around Jenny picked a discrete place to hope down and find Riley.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace blinked at the decline as it appeared to catch the girl completely by surprise "Oh... Y-yeah! It's best if we all team up again." she'd nod to Jenny with a smile "She should be in the nearby buildings... somewhere." the girl added the comment with clear uncertainty, as their battle and dash had indeed taken them a fair ways away from the initial drop-off location.

"If we stick to the top floors, we're bound to run into one another... right?" Grace smiled to the girl, as it seemed Jenny would have to carve out a route through the ruins.

At the moment they appeared to be on one of the housing roofs, if they followed along the roofs Jenny could spot a dome shaped building that seemed to be a standout location. Admitedly with the flyers about their rush along the roof would no doubt make them clear targets for the enemies.

There appeared to be a opening to some stairs nearby as well, which no doubt lead down into the actual building. Though they'd be free from the flyers, going from room to room, balcony to balcony would put them in a far more enclosed space.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt bad and she hopped Grace didn't take it as fear of her or the like. The thought of having her corruption removed made her sweat. After all the last time it was done she passed out. She couldn't afford that while enemies lay just out of view.

Looking to the possible routes Jenny decided to move room from room after all the stupid shirker probably drew the whole mess of enemies to her. So they just needed to stay out of sight. Sadly Grace was lacking any skills for such stealthy movements and having jenny help her would slow them down considerably. It couldn't be helped after all neither one of them could fight the horde if it came to it. Their best choice was stealth.

Jenny guides Grace in stealth movements threw the upper floors with the target of the dome as its the stand out structure. Hopefully Riley is of the same mind.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to head into the buildings, soon enough Jenny descended down the stairs. It seemed to lead to a corridor connecting to atleast 4 rooms on either side, though knowing the domes location she'd need to stick to the right as they advance.

Thankfully most of the room hardly even had doors, or the ones that had were either unlocked or in no condition to hold up even to the slightest pressure. The place was a complete wreck... but one devoid of enemies for now.

"What happened here?" Grace spoke up in a whisper as she let Jenny take the lead by a fair few steps. It had been their plan for the skilled sneak to scout ahead, before Grace closed up.

Still as they made their way onwards, through collapsed walls or through doors, passages or light jumps in-between the ruined buildings, soon enough the deathly silence was interrupted!

Standing inside one of the rooms, Jenny was certainly she heard something outside in the connecting collidor. Sublty peaking out the girl looked both ways to the left and right of the place, as she'd once again hear it. Running footsteps! From one floor below!

Unlike the corrupt elf or even the freakish music beast, these footsteps appeared distinctly graceful and controlled "What is it?" Grace closed in closer on all fours, trying to keep a low and silent profile.

Heading downstairs could likely lead them to encounter more enemies, but Jenny was certain of what she heard. Someone was moving downstairs!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would smirk "Riley Stay up here Grace Ill try to get down below and get her." Moving quickly Jenny tried to get below to meet up with Riley. She didn't want to shout just in case it was some unforeseen enemy.

Attempt to intercept the footsteps but not wander too far from Grace.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"What?... Y-You're sure?" Grace blinked as she'd look around and return to one of the rooms to hide out of view. Jenny meanwhile would quickly move to catch up to the Trickster seemed finally they were in the same building!

Still as Jenny descended down, she'd hear the echoes of someone searching for something from one of the rooms. The few rooms that still appeared to have a door, however as she approached and tried to open it... it was locked?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the door and sighed. Busting it down would like draw too much attention and noise. Bending down and check the surroundings first she knocked on the door. *Knock*.. *Knock**Knock**Knock**Knock*....*Knock**Knock* The gentle raps on the door should only really alert who was in side hopefully and given the pattern was known to most everyone, if the person had a sane mind they could answer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Silence... Seemed the knocks had no effect, though just as Jenny seemed to lean out disheartened at the failed attempt *click* The lock opened up! So it did work!

Without delay, Jenny quickly opened the door only to be met with an empty room. Albeit this one appeared to have more furniture in decent, noone seemed to be inside. Then again Riley did know invisibility!

Jenny gave the room another once over, but even as time passed there did not appear to be anyone here. Until she noted as if a figure seemed to dash right behind cover from the next room!

Adressing the unknown entity did nothing, it would be only once Jenny neared the other room of the apartment and peeked inside that she'd notice something peculiar.

A piece of aged, but good condition paper lied in the middle of the room. Around it a subtle dark pink aura shined briefly, before it just rested calmly in the middle of the room. Nothing or noone else appeared to be present in the room. As for exits, it was either the pass Jenny entered through or the empty balcony.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moved in quickly hoping to catch sight of who ever left but it was clear that they did not want to be seen. Still the discarded paper drew her attention. Looking at it Jenny drew close to pick up and look at it more.