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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific



Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully the brief shimmer of magic seemed only related to the pages appearances, as once Jenny picked it up it she'd note there were atleast 3 pages from what seemed to be an unknown travelers journal. Though unfortunately most of the text appeared barely legitable, besides a few snippets on each page.


Yavanei 18th, 859

I've finally reached it - Evergreen! Our ancient home lies just further in! Both fear and excitement rush through my heart. I've gone against my kin wishes and orders, no doubt I'll be marked as a traitor, but I could no longer serve these false entities. I've bet my life on this gamble, but I know the well is still here! Once I reach it, I'll find the proof I need...


The Lost

I call these spirits the Lost ones, as they appear to have little to no will or understanding of their environments. They appear to be by far the most numerous spectres I've encountered thus far. Curiously they seem to function more on sight rather than sound, I've tested making sound to lure them, however even if I emulate battle they hardly seem tor react. I guess I'm lucky I can battle them freely, however distracting these things has proved difficult.

The Siren

Sirens are less common than the Lost, though they've proven quite the nuisance. Their song appears to draw the Lost ones to them, thus silencing them as quickly as possible is absolutely imperative. Though besides their summoning song, the Sirens seem to use their voice to try and subdue their target, sometimes even manifesting it into a physical attack.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Taking the pages Jenny would meet back up with Grace. "It looks like we are not alone here at least not as a lone as we thought." Jenny would briefly relate the occurrence with the locked door and the sudden appearance of the journal. "Either we have a ghost or another in entity in here with us. Either way we should be more careful and meet up with Riley as soon as possible." Nodding to Grace Jenny would lead them on to the domed building that was the obvious landmark around here.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

If allowed Grace would look over the pages as well, but neither were keen to stay in one place for long. Especially with the subtle echoes of the corrupt elves down below "Y-yeah... lets go." the angel gave Jenny a nod and soon enough they'd continue onwards.

Thankfully the upper floors revealed themselves to be relatively safe, as most of the creatures seemed to linger on the bottom or the streets themselves. Though most did not include all...

As Jenny continued onwards she'd quickly hear the echos of the corrupt in the rooms ahead! The crumbled and ruined walls, only on occasion giving a glance of the dark figures movements inside.

The number of enemies was unclear without risk of exposure, but she could tell there was several of them. Looking around the girl could try to avoid the encounter entirely by heading upstairs to the roofs or one floor down... yet either of the choices did not guarantee safety.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny wouldn't hold back the info besides perhaps Grace had some insight on the matter. Either-way Jenny would get them moving forward till it became obvious the path ahead was full of enemies. Pointing up Jenny would lead Grace to the roof and indicate that they should roof hop to the next set of buildings. Hopefully the little angel assisted Jump would be low enough that the harpies would miss it and the room below would be clear so they could continue you on.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to bypass the enemies if possible, Jenny would lead Grace upstairs, only for a couple shoves later to finally crack open the hatch to the roof. Once again bright sunlight illumianted the duo as Jenny would be the first to peek outside. The town had returned to it's abbandoned stillness, only the subtle screeches of flyers somewhere in the distance hinting at the enemy presence in the skies above.

Though for the time being they did not seem to be nearby, motion Grace an all clear the duo would return to the roof and look around. Much to their delight the domed building was absolutely nearby! They'd only need to cross one more three storied building... albeit the final building had slopped roofing and was an alleyway wight distance away. Enough to jump, but neither had to do so.

Still once they reached the building the slopped nature would make traversing it tricky, especially seeing it's age roofing. They could try and risk a full flight to the domed building, yet the screeches from unseen enemies above them clearly hinted at the risks involved. The other paths seemed to be using the last buildings attic window for entry and heading through its interior to reach their goal, while the last apparent choice was traversing the sloped on both sides roof. Three choices, albeit the girl could always consider something else entirely!


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't like the shingles on the roof. They didn't look secure and unlike Grace Jenny could not fly. Frowning she thought about dropping into the allyway but that looked too far down for a safe landing. Sighing Jenny made for the attic window and peeked in before entering if it was empty.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Looking through the window proved absolutely impossible! From the subtle reflections of the stained window to the musty interiors and distance between them, if Jenny went in there she'd need to make a leap of faith!

"Jen?" Grace spoke up as she approached her "What do we do?" indeed the sounds of the harpies seemed to draw closer, they couldn't linger!


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the window than to Grace and smiled giving her a wink before dropping down and threw the window with a crash. Rolling up to a knee Jenny had Frost out and ready for any foe that may be present. Hopefully Grace would follow in with her.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny crashed through the window, deftly avoiding any injury as she'd roll upon arrival and draw frost! Remaining on one knee the girl quickly scanned the room prepared to shoot any alerted enemies!... though there was nothing here to shoot.

This seemed to be an attic of some sorts, though unlike the other residenial buildings nature seemed to have really gone wild here. From the lower floors numerous wines crawled up along the walls hiding and obscuring most details hinting at what this place may have looked like before.

Moments later with a subtle echoing flap of wings, Grace landed nearby she too quickly looked around and smiled to Jenny. Seemed they were in the clear! Giving the room another look the girls could spot an overgrown table, some vials and absolutely numerous pots, some broken and almost serving as a source of the overgrowth. Besides the now busted window, there was only one door to exit - one that was surprisingly still intact, albeit with the sheer flora on it clearly it would require some work to get open... the flooring did seem to be of aged wood as well.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the alchemy experiment gone wrong and tried to avoid the most over grown part of the floor. Images of her falling threw to gods knew what below flashed across her mind. Making her way to the door she would gesture Grace to stay where she was for the moment as the girls extra weight might be the tipping point. Looking at the door and its overgrowth Jenny frowned. She would either have to cut her way threw or force the door. Forcing the door might make to much noise. Taking her blade out she began the process of clearing the door as quietly as she could.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny deals 9 damage to the Overgrowth. 46/55 HP left.
3 slimes reveal themselves!

Combat start!
Turn order:
1) Jenny
2) Ooze #1
3) Ooze #2
4) Ooze #3
5) Grace

Jenny drew her blade and got to work, though unfortunately the overgrowth proved aged, thick and surprisingly tough! Still keeping as silent as she could be, the girl began to chop at the obstruction... not even noting what was happening behind her at first.

Grace kept a light smile as she looked around the area, her eyes scanning the tables and empty or broken pots, before... a single drop of water landed on her shoulder? Looking to it, the girl blinked as the water appeared greyish and thick? The angel girl blinked and looked up to the dim dark ceiling as she'd create a sublte illumination above them, spurr her eyes widen.

"Jenny... Whats that?" Grace asked as just as the heroine turned around, Jenny too saw what the angel had seen as a thick layer of what appeared to be semi-transparent ooze rested above them! Before either could say anything suddenly the substances on the ceiling dropped as several round ooze balls! "Ah!" Grace jumped back just in time, as the slow drop came, though now the duo faced three of globs, though judging by the layer above them there was plenty more on the way!


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Leaving the door Jenny jumped into action slashing at the first slime she could reach she needed to end them quickly. "Grace work on the door!" It seemed from appearance that there was more than just the three of them and honestly Jenny was in no mood for slime loving today.

Jenny attack the slimes with heroine slash
Grace use Holy bolt on the door.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attacks the nearest slime 1 for 9!
Slime #1 uses whiplash twice for 0 (parried) and 7! [+5 corruption]
Slime #2 submerges to the ground.
Slime #3 wiggles wierdly.
Grace attacks the door for 8
Grace heals Jenny back to full hp 30/30

Jenny rushed away from the door quickly drawing the slimes attention to her as she'd let Grace use her magic to try and bust their way through! Drawing her blade this time, the girl wasted little time to strike at the nearest slime! The girls blade cutting through the ooze, but clipping the creatures core heartily!

In return the slime seemed to bubble as two tendrils shot out, striking at the girl! Each whack of the solidified goo splashing out even as the girl parried the attack! Still whatever damage she took a subtle warmth from Graces magic quickly recovered the girl back to health!

Meanwhile however the other two oozes seemed to act wierdly. One appeared to wiggle in place, while the other submerged into a puddle?


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly attacked the one in the puddle after all she didn't need to suddenly appear and attack Grace. Hopefully the angel would be able to open the door soon. No doubt the wiggling one was calling for friends.

Commands same as before but Jenny is targeting the pooled slime.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys attacks the submerged slime! 0 damage?!
Slime #1 begins to wiggle strangely.
Slime #2 counters for 6 damage (parried)!
Slime #3 glomps (leaps) at Jenny dealing 10 damage! [effect parried]
Grace attacks the door for 8 damage. [30/55]
Jennys is healed up for 8 [22/30]

Jenny rushed to the pool slime and let loose a slash, only for her blade to mainly strike the ground? Moments later, the girls eyes widened as just in time she raised her blade as the pooled slime lashed out into her almost knocking the girl into the air from the sheer force! Thankfully her reflexes saved her from that one!

Meanwhile the other slime seemed to finish its wiggling as it suddenly leaped at Jenny with surprising force! The ooze covering her briefly, but with the girls arms raised just in time she'd be able to throw it off her!

The third slime seemed to begin wiggling as well, as the door behind Jenny creaked subtly from the damage it was taking "Are you alright?!" Grace called out, though she appeared still focused for now.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the slimes and shifted her position so that if the slime leaped at her she could dodge it and have it strike the door. Hopefully it wasn't too bright. "Grace step away from the door and help attack that one with magic." Jenny would point to the one that leaped at her before.

Jenny is full defence.
Grace is attacking slime 3


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys uses anticipation, parrying all attacks.
Slime #1 glomps at her dealing 10 unparryable damage! [Effect parried]
Slime #2 uses whiplash striking twice to no effect. [both parried fully] [+5 corruption]
Slime #3 uses whiplash strikign twice to no effect. [both parried fully] [+5 corruption]
Grace uses spark on slime 3 dealing 7 damage!
Jenny is healed for 7 [19/30]

Jenny would choose to bolster her defense as she looked to the slime... and fortunately indeed the creatures were far from inteligent enough to differentiate an opponent on-guard from one open to attack!

Though as the expected leap came though far faster than expected! The ooze leaped and enveloped the parrying blade entirely as it went through it slamming into Jenny and once again attempting to wrap around her! Yet with her turned blade literally extending along its whole length, the girl quite easily threw it off once again!

And just in time as the other two created the hardened whip-like tentacles, before lashing them out against the girl! Yet with Jenny on full defense, each strike was parried all too easily! The defensive play allowing Grace to let loose a divine spark at one of the slimes as the magic sizzled it greatly, but didn't appear to kill it flatout. The healing warmth once again rushing through Jenny, yet it was clear she was taking more damage than the offensive spell could mitigate!
Last edited:


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Damn it wasn't gonna work. "Back to the original plan Grace focus on the door!" Jenny looked about choosing her target. She had already hurt one she should focus on that one. She could use frost but that would leave her too open in such close quarters. Gritting her teeth and not seeing the slight red shimmer in her eyes Jenny lashed out again.

Grace Spark the door
Jenny uses Pommel strike on slime 1


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys pommel strikes for 10! [crit]
Slime #2 wiggles!
Slime #3 wiggles!
Grace deals 3 damage... [fail roll] [Grace mana: 28/40]
Grace heals Jenny for 3 [22/30]

Slime #4 begins to form. [2 turns before enters combat]

Jenny waste little time as she rushed to the nearest slime and instead of cutting it, flipped her attack to strike through it with the pommel! Though the blow seemed to lucky that it struck the slimes core dead-on, knocking it out of its body entirely! Leaving the ooze to just melt into a puddle lifelessly. Grace meanwhile seemed to focus her spell, but whiffed her spellcast as the spark carried little to no potency! "S-sorry!" she'd look to Jenny in a guilty manner.

Meanwhile the other two seemed to prepare for leaps as well, as more ooze seemed to slowly begin to form from the ceiling!


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Seeing the danger Jenny quickly moved between the slimes and Grace. "Its alright just do you can do this." As her legs carried her her hands brought out Frost for a series of shots. Her first target was the slime Grace had hit with her magic. Hopefully Jenny's shot would take it down saving the other two for the undamaged slime.

Jenny Rapid Fire
Grace spark