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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys uses rapid fire:
Deals 8 damage on slime 3 [crit/killing it]
Deals 10 damage to slime 2.
Slime 2 glomps at Jenny dealing 10 damage! [effect parried] [12/30]
Grace deals 6 damage to the door [21/55 hp left]
Grace heals Jenny for 6 [18/30]

Slime #4 splashes onto the ground! [ready to fight in 1 turn]
Slime #5 begins to form [2turns]
Slime #6 begins to form [2 turns]

Putting her blade away Jenny quickly drew frost and let loose some resounding shots! The first shot aimed at the sizzled slime quickly pierced it as it bubbled and dispersed into lifeless muck, while the other untouched slime seemed to bubble... but instead of dispering leaped at the girl slamming into her!

Grace meanwhile kept using her magic on the door, yet it seemed holy magic was certainly not magic fit for demolishment work at all! As the overgrowth, sizzled but did not give much way... yet with her efforts the girls were certainly more than half-way through by now!

Though as Jenny shook off the slimes leap at her once again, she'd hear the resting slimes above stir to life! The loud gunshots seemingly spurring them to turn aware of the two girls here!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Not wanting to waste ammo Jenny quickly took out her blade and struck the creature again. before turning her attention to the door. Bruised and scrapped Grace frowned and dedicated some actual healing to Jenny.

Jenny attacks the slime with her sword
Grace uses renewel
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny strikes down the slime.
Grace heals Jenny for 10 (28/30)
Grace MP: 20/40

Slime #4 enters the battle!
Slime #5 splashes onto the ground! (1 turn to combat entry)
Slime #6 splashes onto the ground! (1 turn to combat entry)

Slime #7 begins to form. (2 turns to enter combat)
Slime #8 begins to form. (2 turns to enter combat)

Jenny quickly rushed and ended the injured slime as it bubbles once again, before popping into a lifeless puddle! Meanwhile Grace focused her magic on actually healing more reliably as soon enough Jenny felt a rush of warm energies through her as she was back to just barely bruised!

Unfortunately however, there was little rest as the slimes from above kept descending down! They had to get the door open as soon as possible otherwise there was little doubt they'd be over-run!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No time left and they couldn't keep up this fight. Turning Jenny swore and unloaded Frost into the door. "Step back Grace we need to get out of here now!" With the shots and a little extra omph from Grace hopefylly the door would give and the duo could escape.

Jenny rapid fires the door
Grace angel spark
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses rapid fire! Dealing total 17 damage!
Silme #4 uses whiplash on Jenny dealing 3 (parried) and 4 (parried). [+5 corruption]
Grace uses spark dealing 8 damage.
Grace heals Jenny for 8. [29/30]

Slime #5 enter the battle!
Slime #6 enter the battle!

Slime #7 splashes to the ground (1turn to entry)
Slime #8 splashes to the ground (1turn to entry)

Slime #9/10 begin to form!

With their combines might the door cracked, before bursting open! The exit was clear! Up ahead Jenny saw another similar room extending onwards, with a stairway downstairs and an equally large window letting in sunlight from outside!

Meanwhile the slimes seemed fully awoke by now as the last few of the mass above began to form, with two more splashing down! One of the slimes even attempted an attack on Jenny, which was promtply albeit weakly blocked!

"We're through!" Grace sighed with relief as her eyes widened subtly, before she looked back and almost yelped as the mass of slimes on their tail!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Not hesitating Jenny pushed Grace threw. "No gawking more running!" Looks like down was the way to go hopefully the slimes would relent now that their home was no longer invaded. Still Jenny had to keep Grace and her moving till it was safe. Or at least some place they could hid from the slimes for a bit.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Wasting little time, Jenny quickly grabbed Grace and rushed away from the leaping and slow moving oozes! Rushing across the room, the girl turned away from the window and went downstairs! "This way!" as the duo headed down the quite overgrown but still standing stairs.

Still as they reached the bottom, the girls could hear the slimes upstairs but none appeared to follow, allowing them to look around. This place explained the extreme overgrowth above them, as numerous plants overgrown and wild extended from broken pots. Atleast 12 different kind of blooming flowers scattered huge petals all along the wine and bark overgrown walls. The building seemed to have once been a floral shop... one that no doubt had quite a bit of magic to it.

Looking around, Jenny could spot some old tables no doubt the reception, its drawers in-tact but closed "I-I think we're safe." Grace spoke with relief as she looked back to Jenny her gaze finally turning away from upstairs.

There appeared to be an exit to the streets here, as well as a fair number of large windows. While most were broken with the flora extending out, some were still intact.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Finally free of pursuit Jenny could relax a moment. Though she did cast a few curious looks out the windows to see if anymore of the horrors awaited. If it was clear Jenny would turn to Grace and give her a once over to make sure she was okay before asking the same. "Yeah lets get some of this corruption out of me. I think its safe at the moment." Once that was done Jenny would get up and lead Grace onward to the large building they saw.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Aye!" Grace rushed closer and placed her hands on Jenny, before the angel closed her eyes and focused. While Jenny certainly felt fine, nor did she seem to have any noticeable dark ooze on her... as Graces spell began to work, instantly Jenny began to feel pleasant warmth rush through her body, yet her back and her hands felt cold?

Looking over herself, Jenny would quickly note black smoke coming from her hands as they slowly warmed up. No doubt the corruption had been focused there... yet Jenny had no idea previously!

[Corruption: 0

"There." Grace smiled as she stepped back "We should hurry. I worry about Riley." the angel girl spoke up as she too looked out the window, to note 3 of the corrupt elves outside on the street.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully it didn't hurt but the sight of smoke burning from her hands was a it disturbing. Still with the fallen in the street Jenny would lead Grace back up the stairs cautiously and out the windows. She didn't want a prolonged fight in the streets as she knew how that would end.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would motion for Grace to wait and plan-in-mind stepped upstairs, before carefully peeking her head out to look around... only to see around 10 globs of oozes nearby. Just bubbling at each other as if discussing some gooey business. With that slowly and with a frozen expression Jennys head slowly sank back down the stairs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

everything was blocked. Frowning Jenny looked out the windows again to see the position of the monsters. Maybe if she was careful her and Grace could sneak out and past them. Whispering her plan Jenny did her beast to guide them out and into safe cover.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately an open street hardly provided a means to sneak past the creatures, meaning she'd likely have to face the trio outside. Still as Jenny took her time to plan out what to do, suddenly subtle soundwave seemed to be heard just barely moments later followed by a huge and harsh crashing sound! Stone and wood seemed to cry out as clearly a building was collapsing!

Looking outside the window the source, was the domed building right next to them! As the trio of creatures seemed to turn away from the overgrown floral shop and towards... a purple figure on the road! Breathing heavily and seemingly a bit more pale than usual Riley was absolutely busy running un-characteristically in the open?!

The three would clearly block her path shortly!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Shit!" There was no time quickly Jenny popped out of the floral shop and took aim at the closest horror and let loose a series of shots with rapid fire. Blinking Grace quickly followed Jenny out and saw the situation and brought to bare her magic.

Jenny uses rapid fire on the closest Horror.
Grace uses holy bonds on the second closest.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Combat start:

Turn order:

Jenny uses rapid fire, dealing 18 total damage.
Riley joins the party!
Grace uses holy chains on #2, putting it into a grapple!

Corrupt 1 uses Dark Slash at Jenny, dealing 5 damage. [paried]
Corrupt 2 attempts to break out 14 vs 24. FAIL, bonus gained for next turn.
Corrupt 3 uses Dark Slash at Grace, but is parried.

Seeing her friend in peril forced Jenny to action, as she and Grace rushed to the streeets! "Jenny! Grace!" Rileys quickly spotted the duo as they'd make their entrance Jenny letting loose with a flurry from her pistol, while Grace seemed to focus and summon sparkling gold chains shackling the other creature in place!

Still the creatures did not just stand around as they'd swing strongly at the two passing girls! With Jennys shots disorienting the creature it seemed to swing, but only lightly clip the heroine her revolver blocking only a minor amount of damage. While the other swinging at Grace seemed to bounce its attack off her protective aura!

Still with the attacks doing barely minor damage the three were back together, while Riley seemed utterly exhausted and pale "W-we've got a huge problem!" she'd seem to wave to the collapsed dome-roof building Jenny was heading to.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Aye!" no doubt Riley had stirred up a hornets nest but if they retreated now the corrupt would surely follow. This fight had to end here. Seeing the situation Riley let loose an arcane blast at the stumbled foe that Jenny had shot before. If that did the trick Jenny would focus her attention on the creature fighting Grace and bring it to battle with a few more shots. Grace meanwhile would bring up her holy powers to defend herself with angelic spark revitalizing Riley in the process.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny lets loose rapid fire dealing 19 damage!
Riley finishes off #1
Grace finishes off #3
Corrupt #2 attempts to break out 16 vs 24. Fail, bonus gained again.

Dark entity enters the battle!
The party loses 3WP.
Jenny: 17/20
Riley: 35/50
Grace: 27/30

Jenny aimed down and let loose another flurry of shot each one exploding in purifying light. As the corrupted stumbled back, only for Graces divine spark to slam into it and knock it to the ground! The black ooze relaxing on the girls body to subtly slid to the ground.

The other corrupt met a similar fate as Riley let loose an effortless spell and toppled it over just like its comrade. Which only left the bound creature "Leave it, we better go before---"

*CRASH* the ruined building seemed to once again stir to life as part of the now-ruin flew aside 'Crrrrroaaaaw!' a booming roared echoed out absolutely chilling all three of the girls! As the smoke settled a massive black figure, akin to a humanoid or demon with huge hands, hind legs an wings stepped into view. It's whole body seemingly made from the black ooze that shifted and continiously moved along its form "THAT thing comes back..." Riley finished her thought as she pointed to the creature, this was no doubt what had the girl on the run!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked up at the thing only a moment before yelling for the group to run! As she fled Jenny let loose another rapid fire barrage hopping to draw some attention away from Grace the slowest of her companions. They needed a plan and time to enact it. Flying would do them little good as the creature had wings and Grace could only carry one of them at a time. Jenny herself was confident in her running and hiding skills but Grace was woefully lacking in such. Turning to Riley Jenny shouted as she vaulted over a ruined cart. "WHAT DID YOU DO!" it was a redundant question that didn't really need an answer just yet. " Riley keep Grace a head of us!" Hopefully Riley knew that Jenny meant for her to use her portals to keep Grace up with them or ahead of them so as to not fall prey to the horror behind them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girls wasted little time as they rushed onwards to escape! At Jennys request Riley did indeed turn back, but smiled lightly "She's doing fine!" Seemed while Grace was indeed the least adapt at long distance dashes, the girl was able to use her wings and flight to keep up! Still as they ran, they could all too clearly hear the massive entity chase after them, as it once again let loose supernatural roar chilling all three of the escapees... and adding a bit more spring to their steps! Unfortunately even the unaimed shots rarely hit the creature for significant damage, if she was to fight it... dashing spray and pray would not work!

"I'll TELL YOU LATER!" Riley responded as they'd continue to rush ahead, though blindly running would no doubt cause issues. Looking around Jenny could continue to lead the group down the main road onwards, otherwise the girl noted that the buildings could once again provide shelter or she could even attempt to turn into one of the more narrow alleyways!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Running down the main drag would be a bad idea in the long run that was certain. Even if the creature didn't catch them they would run into some other horror for sure. Looking to the buildings as they passed Jenny had an idea. Most of them had access to both sides of the street. Looking Jenny turned a corner into an alleyway vaulting over long rotted garbage Frost at the ready for any surprise visitors. "Quick this way guys!" The plan was to cut threw an alley and head for one of the buildings along the same row and jump in to hid. No doubt the beast would see them cut threw and try to bash his way threw buildings to get to them buying them the time they needed to hide.