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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny observed the boxes and heard the hammers in the background, she'd pause... before a sly smile crossed her crossed! The girl had an idea! "Jen?" Riley looked back down the corridor to the quite loud unloading of the boxes, before Jenny rushed back with a cheeky smile. Not even commenting, but instead just showing her plan!

Still... dry wooden boxes were not know for their kind interaction with molten steel. Thus Jenny would have to time her interception carefully as the blades came and she caught them, before they hit the molten river!

Thankfully the blades were chilled in oil, albeit too hot to touch for some time. Soon enough the trio looked on to wholly new armaments on offer! While Jenny after some comparisson with her current blade did indeed exchange her own and Grace certainly took one if only due to how beautiful it looked, Riley however.... "I'll be fine." she'd nod to Jenny with a smile "Besides if I ever need a blade, I can just make one." the trickster winked slyly to the girl. As she'd not take hers.

Still with new blades in-hand, Jenny was free to continue. As once again she looked to the two exits, the double door infront and the smaller side entrance with the stairs leading up.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned but nodded keeping the extra blade just in case. Who knew if the girls would run into a place that made magic fail. It was just good to have a back up. Still with the pretty elven steel she felt better. The quality was most assuredly better than her old one. "Amazing what a bit of magic and clever thinking can muster." Nodding at the room in clear admiration Jenny proceeded on looking for a quieter place to rest that still offered protection.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Walking through the ringing hall, now with Grace armed and Jenny carrying two blades on her person. The girls reached the obvious double door and slowly pushed it open... revealing the armory!

This place however seemed seren and quiet with only the echanted weaponsmithy hammering echoing through the relatively huge chamber. Throughout the small room Jenny could spy atleast 40 different armor sets, ranging from simple plate with elegant engravings to more classic chainmail or leather/steel hybrids!

"Someone's been busy." Riley spoke up looking through the substantial amount of armor sets all on armor-racks to display them in full. Thankfully looking around this room had far bigger stairs with elegant torch-holders, albeit their lights appeared to be out for a long while now, the illumination of the relatively dark chamber once again brought from the molten steel river flowing along the western wall, the same one from the weaponsmithy chamber.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Wow....." Jenny moved over to the armor gazing at its elegant craftsmanship. As she admired the armor her eyes caught the impressive stairs that lead up and out. "Geez they did everything to the max here didn't they." Of course this could have been the royal armory and just a impressive example of the elven craftsmen work with the rest of the district dedicated to more durable and practical design. Still taking her eyes away from the elegant stair Jenny eyed a set of light steel and leather armor. "Oh Riley... can you help me a moment..."

Stripping right then and there with only her undershirt and panties to hide her shame Jenny began to fit the armor. "Im sure they won't mind me borrowing this fine armor if it helps us with our mission."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The company looked over the armor sets, each one seemingly interested in different styles. Where Grace seemed to look over more romantic knightly steel plate, Riley seemed more interested in the more intricately designed leather and steel armors, though Jenny seemed to be absolutely called closer towards one specific set of armor....

Not delaying to try it on, Jenny quickly got to stripping out of her current attire, which coupled with beckoning Riley quickly earned the girl a *grip* "Gotcha~!" the trickster giggled grasping Jennys bust from behind her "Whats up?" she'd smile mischieviously though didn't let go unless Jenny moved her hands away.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smirked blew a kiss at Riley before pointing out her chosen outfit. Batting her eyelashes at the trickster Jenny reached out for it. "Help me put it on?" Looking at the armor in question likely brought slight disappointment from Riley. It was by far to practical an outfit for Jenny. Black leather over dull metallic chain fastened with similar colored metal rivets. No doubt to keep the chain from moving and limiting noise. The arms ended at the elbow but the armor had a pair of braceros and finger-less leather gloves. It was paired with a reinforced leather skirt of similar color keeping her legs flexable and able to run. It was paired with black leather knee boots. All in all good for scouting but not hardly eye catching. Still with Jenny's figure filling it out the outfit might be passable. Of course she will have to change a few things when she recreated it in her illusion shows. Baring any mischief from Riley the girl would step out of the shadows very much ready for an adventure.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Eh? That!" Riley looked to the quite hefty looking armor "But... why not something like... say... that set over there!" she'd redirect Jennys gaze to 'armor' that seemed far more of an aid in a brothel than a battlefield! Skimpy chain bikini with equally skimpy panties...

Still Jenny was insistent, albeit Riley was far from happy about the armor choice as well as just how many buckles and straps it had! At the very least the boots were nice, but beyond that... as Jenny stepped out of the shadows "How do I look?" she'd be met by Graces encouraging look and Rileys crossed hands, as well as head shake of disapproval "Like a guy in armor." "Like a chilvarous knight!"

Either way, surprisingly Grace didn't just stand around as well, as she actually improved her own clothing as well. Yet not nearly as severely as Jenny. The angel girl seemed to adorn some of the more 'odd' female armor pieces to her flowing white silk dress creating an eleegant yet . While Riley remained in her own unique styled robe, a mixture of a showmistress and perverse magician with a top hat.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny raised an eyebrow at Riley. "Last time I worse something like that I got raped by slime monsters in a certain theater." Getting a disgruntled fine the showmistress helped her get ready no doubt plotting something in the future, Jenny could almost sense it. After all it seemed at times Riley was more succubus than Jenny.

Still at Graces complement Jenny smiled. "Oh Grace I see you grabbed some armor too. Good after all the fighting we been doing we are gonna need some protection.

Moving on Jenny careful crept up the stairs scouting for any trouble. Still at the moment this seemed the safest place to rest. Though if they moved at night they might gain more ground as these things seemed to react more to movment than sound.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was had been, but a short flight of stairs as soon enough the double door upstairs was pushed open and Jenny peeped what lied beyond. The stairs seemed to lead to the main floor, as looking around Jenny could see a fairly large hall with numerous toppled over armor displays and weapons literring the ground. These however were clearly aged, a hefty layer of dust covereing the mess.

Yet one centerpiece seemed to remain almost untouched, as the wall on her right glowed the familiar yellow color. It appeared the whole side was covered in an intricate blacksmithing work ornament of a grandiose tree, hardened steel curved and shaped with gaps to allow the light from the other side illuminate it all.

Still with its warm illumination, Jenny could see more of the room as natural light from outside had already turned darker. Night-time would be upon them in mere hours.

Looking around Jenny could spot the numerous other works literred around. From intricate, yet small steel statues to swords and armor. Besides that the girl could spot the exit to the outside and another passage to her side, likely to the owners quarters.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Motioning for the other girls to move up Jenny took in the strange metal tree? "Humm how strange. I wonder what this is for." The other baubles were interesting as well but with the faint light it was hard to make them out. Maybe a better inspection would turn up something useful in the morning with proper light. Still with light fading fast the girls needed a proper resting place and it looked like the old forge masters quarters would have to do. Leading the way silently Jenny quickly peeked into the door to make sure it was all clear.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The group moved up to the main floor as all three looked around the ruined workshop. Even in it's current state, the sheer artistry and mastery of craft was hard not to find absolutely mesmerizing "Didn't see anything like this in-town." Riley commented as she too seemed to enjoy the visuals, before keeping quiet they'd head deeper into the back area of the workshop.

With a loud creaking of the door, soon enough Jenny peered inside to find... a rather large yet dusty room! Amazingly, besides its aged nature the place seemed absolutely untouched! Seemed any raiders or looters brave or foolish enough to enter Evergreen never got this far in.

The room had a large double bed, a drawer, a rug, numerous steel ornaments and even a small fireplace that seemed to be linked to the forge warming up the whole room! After a solid dusting this would certanly work as a safe place!

Yet as Jenny looked around, she did note that some objects were moved afterall. Not in a bruttish mindless manner, but stacked up or otherwise pushed to the sides.. infact as she looked on. A subtle dark purple gleam caught her eye as another piece of similar paper rested on the rug!

Once again the piece of paper appeared to be, but a piece of a far larger journal...

The Craftsman district… Its once brimming with life streets have fallen silent and dim. I believe I am the only living being in the whole city, sometimes I hear movement, but I no longer risk checking who it may be.
For the time being I’ve taken refugee in Daltuins workshop. The elder smith was indeed incredible. Even as I rest here, I can hear the forge continue to work even long since its master deceased. If only there was a way to retrieve his ancient knowledge, my people could perhaps once again wield weapons fit defend even against the A’Quin

Still for now, I will continue to focus on my mission. Perhaps after all this time, justice will finally find the false gods. Remember: If there is no path forward, find Lana.


The Ooze:

Seems I was mistaken, even among the ghosts and darkness lingering here life still finds a way. The primitive oozes appear to have moved in to the gardens along with their close cousins. While otherwise harmless, the oozes do seem to react to my presence if I attempt to get too close. Though they show little truly hostile intent, it is best to leave them alone. While my blade is of little effectiveness I’ve noticed each ooze has a small core in it’s center. No doubt striking it could cause the creature to disperse… if it ever comes to it.

*hasty edit* Turns outs, once trapped within a container the oozes turn docile. Who knew.

The Reign Vines:
Just as I expected, the Reign Vines had moved into the city as well. The ghosts seem to ignore them for the most part, just as much as the Vines ignore them. Yet to my surprise, if a ghost gains solid enough form the Reign Vine attempts to… capture them.

Though the flora has no real ill intent, I find cutting off the Vines the simplest means to proceed, yet with its ambush styled attacks an unskilled combatant can quickly be captured once within reach. I won’t try my luck going through them if I can... the things it did to that ghost… no doubt it would attempt the same with me.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny read over the note and frowned. The vines sounded dangerous and... exciting. Shaking her head from the pervy thought Jenny handed the entry to Grace and Riley to look over while she moved to the bed. It still seemed sturdy enough and while the dust was thick she would Risk a little bit of dirt for a soft mattress. Carefully removing the over cover Jenny would hopefully reveal a realtivly clean sheet for them to rest on. "I wonder if that girl made it out okay? Or did she fall to one of the damned. Also these ghosts... I wonder if she meand the dark essence that fills the screamers and such."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would no doubt share the found piece of the journal with her travelling duo each one reading it up drawing attention to different aspects "False gods?" "Rape-vines?" albeit both girls comments were shocking it was Rileys that seemed to draw attention "Thats er... slang for them." she'd snicker innocently "I've had classes on them, it's what everyone calls them." the trickster beamed a smile "Atleast, thats what the students call them. Infact, we had a live specimen back in the university." Rileys seemed to glance aside and smirked at some sort of memory... or perhaps a plan?

While it took a little bit of effort, with Graces wings providing gusts of wind and Rileys magic aiding in controlling the dust... soon enough the room was almost presentable! Infact, due to the active forge down below the stone beneath the girls feet was pleasantly warm in-turn keeping the room at a comfy temperature to boot!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nodding at the vastly improved and cleaner room Jenny smiled. "Ill take first watch. You two get some rest we've had a long day." Letting those two settle Jenny took a quick tour of the floor they where on not lingering long before returning and taking a spot near the hearth. While she kept watch her thoughts drifted to the various notes she had found. Still the locked door that somehow opened for her... was the author of the notes still in the city or did she just happen to have a lucky break. Eitherway she knew that besides her group and the damned there was another entity here with them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The night would be quiet and warm. Jenny kept her first watch and throughout it considered all that happened thus far... The mysterious note had begun to stand out, while her first finding may have appeared a freak accident, finding the second note began to draw the girls attention to it. Had she stumbled onto them... or were these specifically left for her to find?

The girl frowned just from trying to muse it all together, as she'd sigh only to suddenly feel something slide along her waist?! Before she could react, Jenny felt a presence pull her back lightly and a warm body to press against her back. Looking down, she'd instantly recognise the tricksters purple silks.

"What are you thinking so madly about hum~?" Rileys voice spoke up to the girl in a warm and whispered fashion, clearly Grace still slept and Riley did not want to wake her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Lost in thought on the mater she didn't feel the animated cloth wrap around her till the tug. Quickly her hand went to her side but as she pressed against the warm body her lovers scent caused her to relax. Smiling Jenny turned her head back to look at Riley in the low light. "Oh those notes.... but something else now." Turning if allowed she would face Riley and kiss her deeply on the lips, letting on hand drift to grab the tricksters firm rear.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley looked to Jenny with a smile, as the girl turned to face her and leaned in for a kiss. The tricksters luscious lips instantly ringing memories of sensual selights seemingly long since touched "Mmm? What would that be?" the teasing and playful tone of the question, seemingly spurring Jenny to answer by action rather than words.

Jenny subtly guided her hand along the firm, smooth silks all the way to the girls legs and deep cutout her skirt had... all too easily allowing Jenny if she felt quite the bit more brazen than usual to slip her touch beneath Rileys clothes "Oh~ I thought you weren't that kind of girl anymore." Riley smiley cheekily and winked to her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Humm" Jenny smirked. "Well we were kinda in a dangerous situation for awhile. Didn't really have the time to indulge." Jenny leaned up for another kiss letting her hand slip under the tricksters outfit. Her hands touching the silky flesh. Need filled Jenny but she didn't feel out of control like the last few times. Maybe just maybe she could let loose with out letting her darkness out. Leaning back and away from Riley Jenny pushed her gently against a wall while undoing some of her armor straps to free her chest, all the while chewing her lip.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With Riley lightly pushed back, the trickster leaned against the nearby wall and kept a smile "You know... Grace is right there..." the girl spoke up, just as her outfit loosened up, to reveal her generous bust in a far greater window than usual!

Jenny seemed to have almost forgotten how luscious her companions body was, each mound seemed wonderfully large, round and almost impossibly perky! Her clothing now seein so upclose seemed to cling tightly against her smooth arched body and down below Jenny already knew just how mesmerizing the girls ass and legs were.

Still with her outfit shifted, Riley would hardly just stand and wait as she took licked her lips subtly and undressed Jenny in turn in a almost hurried lusty fashion!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny laughed lightly. "Remember where we found Grace? Remember her fun at the elven inn? I don't think she will mind." With a light shink of leather and mail Jenny's top armor fell to a small pile. A few hip wiggles latter the choice of armored skirt became more apparent. Nude from the knees up Jenny closed on Riley giving her a sensual kiss as her hands pulled off the tricksters top. The clothing was magical and no doubt even if Jenny ripped it Riley good fix it. Pressing her own warm body against Riley Jenny kissed her passionately all the while trying to free the trickster of her cloths.