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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley giggled playfully "Oh~ I like this Jenny more." she'd grin wickedly as indeed just with those words the girl gripped the styled robe and ripped it aside! The tatters of the clothing indeed dispering in Jennys hand as they were thrown away! Yet the surprisigly aggresive approach seemed to stun Riley for just a moment as she blushed having found herself in the nude on the stop!

A surprise that quickly gave way to sharpened eyes and a sly smirk, as she'd grip Jennys remaining clothing and pull HER closer into the deep kiss! Each lover indulged in the others sweet scent, the sensation of Rileys lips once again echoing sheer pulses of thrill throught the girls body!

All the while Riley seemed to move one of her hands to subtly massage up and down along ther girls panties, a line that Jenny knew just as well as Riley seemed to know. Afterall it was where the girl in the past used her shapeshifting the most!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smirked the thrill of Riley's touch at her intimate spot quickened her blood. She hadn't told Riley she was having trouble with this aspect of herself that the purifying ritual had still wrought changes upon her. Nor that each effort left her weak afterwards. Focusing Jenny would not disappoint Riley this time. Slowly if ever so slowly the false phalis formed quickly becoming erect under Riley's touch. Something in Jenny seemed to tick though as the cock suddenly grew to a larger size and girth Jenny had previously. It had been proceeded by a strange warmth in Jenny perhaps fueled by the dark energies Jenny had absorbed in her fighting earlier. Either way the tool was ready and Jenny didn't much care for the why and just enjoyed the fact that she could please Riley once again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Just as Riley kept her slow teasing strokes, Jennys eyes seemed to sharpen as just as the girl lowered her fingers next... as she'd glide them upwards, Jennys 'present' would appear right along with touch! Incidentally making it glide along the pulsing underside.

Riley snickered slyly as she'd look to Jenny and subtly pucker her lips, before winking to her thought just as no doubt a cheeky comment would come the cock pulsed harder! Right beneath Rileys fingertips it would pulse once to grow out larger and even far more pronounced! The trick seemingly shocking Riley briefly as she'd jerk back with widened eyes, even giving her bust a subtle jiggle from it all!

"Don't remember that trick." Riley kept her eyes on the cock briefly her smile open and all too eager, before she'd look to Jenny "My turn." it would hardly come as a surprise that Riley always had some sort of extra mischievious trick up her sleeve, yet what happened Jenny perhaps dreamt of it... but never expected it to occur!

Riley seemed to smile, as her hand made a subtle gesture creating a magical symbol in the air, moments before she turned to Jenny with a grin. While at first, Jenny didn't notice anything... suddenly she felt another warm hand slide long her waist from behind?!

Looking back it was Riley as well? An illusion... yet seemingly exactly like the real thing! The second Riley took Jennys hand and slowly lead towards the bed, where the third one sat with crossed legs and a sly slime.

By now, Jenny had all but forgotten about Grace being in the room as she was surrounded by her lovers visages and magic. The girl would be lead to the bed and sat down on its edge, the third Riley pulling her closer and comfortably on the bed, while the second that lead her would pucker her lips and lean forward to a kiss!

As the girl leaned closer and closer, Jenny felt compelled to lean as well, yet her lovers body holding and massaging her from behind, as well as kissing her neck seemed to keep her locked down!

Yet it would be something else entirely that broke Jenny out of the almost siren-mesmer as she'd feel a jerk on her cock, quickly followed by the sensation of a slow lick along her shaft! The suddenly sensual delight quickly diverted Jennys gaze down, where Rileys was on her knees the girls hands slowly jerking the cock in an almost worshipping fashion as her tongue finished her lick with a subtle flick at the massive crown "Mmm~ Such a monster and all for me." she'd snicker perversely "Well... almost." just as she spoke the other two Rileys seemed approach from either side of Jennys thighs. One looking at the cock with a subtly bit lower lip, while the other in sheer awe and envy...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled lost in a world of sexy Riley. She hardly offered up resistance as the illusions lead her to the bed where Grace slept. There was a certain thrill to knowing that she was close, that flush of danger and embarrassment. Still that was nothing to what was to come. As Jenny was teased and denied a kiss she felt her cock tingle with pleasure. Looking down the true Riley was expertly handling the massive tool. The only clue was the fact she spoke as thus far all of the illusions Riley ever made had been wordless. Between expert ministrations that brought a pleasured moan Jenny wondered who was the real succubus between them. Already pre was oozing from the tip and her own hands had moved to her breasts. "Your a good girl Riley.. take your reward."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley giggled playfully as she'd lightly raise her upperr body enough for Jenny to grasp the supreme bust, the girl wasting little time to adore the perky mounds "Oh~ No I'm not... it's why I'm so much fun~" the trickster played off her lovers comment and winked to her slyly, before looking to the hands molesting her with perverse glee "Like 'em huh?"

With a sly smirk the trickster seemed to lean out and give Jenny a dangerously mischievious look "Perhaps you'll like them even more..." she'd use her forearms to subtly push the wonderful cups together as she looked to Jenny... and slowly lowered herself? "Like this..." Jennys eyes quickly widened as she realised, that Riley was moving her bust to---

Riley arched her body forward subtly as she'd wrap the massive shaft from either side with her silken bust, the girls own hands pushing her cups from each direction, as soon enough using her kneeled legs for support the girl began to move her upper body up and down, in turn sliding her silken bust the ridged, bumpy and quite massive cock! Her tongue sliding out to add a lick with each motion upwards along the cock!

The other two Rileys had not disappeared as well, as one of them looked to the first Riley titfuck and lick the cock, while the third Riley seemed to look to Jenny with absolute perverse contentment. Her appeared face equally as blushed as the first Riley working on the cock, yet she'd not remain idle for long as soon enough she'd subtly crawl onto the bed and Jenny pulling her in a lusty kiss!

Even if Jenny suspected this to be an illusion, the girl absolutely felt like the real thing! From how wonderous her lips were, to her subtle dizzying scent and warmth... it would no doubt take but a moment for Jenny to relay hers lusts to her!

Especially as the second Riley seemed to lean forward to the cock, even if at first Jenny didn't quite see it. Seemed the titucking Riley had leaned out and paused briefly, for her twin to lick her lips and lower her lips down along the cock from the side!

Jenny had found herself kissing one of the Rileys fully leaned forward towards her, as her enlarged cocks base rested between yet another Rileys bust, while the third twin began to bob her head up and down along the cock!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This was all too new for Jenny between being kissed, fondled, and sucked her mind was a blur. She chose however to loose herself into the kiss for a moment letting the sweet smell and warmth of Riley fill her. At the moment she didn't care if this one was fake or not. Still it would not last long as one of the Riley's began to suck her sensitive tool. This broke her sensual kiss with the first Riley causing her to gasp rather loudly. Biting her lip to silence herself tried to contain her lusts but they kept bubbling forth in gasps as her impressive tool began to ooze its promised reward. Hands gripping the sheets Jenny road out the pleasant assault. Somewhere deep in her mind a part was disappointed that her tail wasn't allowed to have any fun.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Just as Jenny embraced the kiss instantly she felt it sweep her away as if this was no illusion! Her lips dancing with Rileys own, even their tongues teasing at a potential lusty tango... and all the while Jenny felt Rileys bust around her cocks base as the other Rileys lips seemed to slide along her shaft as deeply as she could from the side! For that moment, Jenny felt herself swept away in pervese and sensual bliss...

Yet as the kiss continued, the girl felt Rileys hand gently push her down by her shoulder, up to until Jenny felt the cold silks against her back. Only for the sensation of the girl sucking her off to disappear and to be replaced with those luscious legs resting kneed on either side of her waist?! Riley had crawled onto the bed to her lover, mounting her just so that her nude supreme body rested right before the cock! Rileys hands teasingly dancing along the now slick from saliva and pre cock as she looked right to Jennys eyes with an all too mischievious smile.

With that cheeky smile the trickster hardly resisted the chance to tease Jenny just before the ultimate promise. Shifting her lower body, she'd lift herself subtly to allow her, now revealed to be, slick petals to grind up and along the undercock of lover below her! Each slide teasing at the sensation of the treasure, a delight only accentuated as the Riley on the right seemed to crawl up near the mounted trickster and look to her with a devious and all too perverse smile. With the second Rileys now entering Jennys vision the trickster seemed to subtly hug herself from behind as both looked to Jenny and giggled, the slow maddening grinds hardly pausing throughout.

A giggle later the duo seemed to look away from their lover and to one another, each one clearly sharing the same idea as they'd lean in and kiss right before Jenny! The scene seemed to rush an exhilarating sensation through Jennys body as a lust unlike any before seemed to burn in Jennys heart anew?! Burning fire that felt almost long since extinguished and barely smoldering! At that very moment however the third Riley, one that Jenny had previously kissed so sweetly, moved to the teasing duo and subtly paused the teases to align the cock to the treasure? The time had come!

The middle Riley having broken her kiss with her twin, looked to Jenny as she'd bite down on her lower lip and finally relaxed, allowing the cocks bulging and oozing tip to finally spread her perfect petals and squeeze inside the tight burning hot cove! "Haaaa~!" Riley cried out shamelessly, the penetration seemingly rushing enough of a sensual shock for her duo of illusions to break on either side! The cry seemed to be only heightened by the feel of Rileys nails all too subtly stinging at Jennys waist!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Lost gazing lustfully her vision a blur Jenny didn't realize just what Riley had done until the hot cove of her lover swallowed her over-sized false Phallic organ. Jenny's own lusty moan cry joined Riley's as the duo were once more joined in sexual union. Jenny savored the slight tinge of pain that came from Riley's nails as her cock was smothered in the all to inviting depths. Biting her lip Jenny brought her own hands up to Riley's waist to help the stunned Mesmer start. Slowly Jenny assisted Riley guiding their pace with her hands as they built up a nice skin slapping rhythm. Lusty cries followed by the sounds and smell of sex soon permeated the small space they had made camp in. Vaguely Jenny wondered how Grace managed to stay asleep threw this. Maybe it was that sub-conscious desire that caused Jenny to move the duo's love making to the floor.

With one leg over her shoulder Jenny plundered Riley's sweet petals her cock easily sliding into the tight confines to be welcomed by the tight embrace of Riley's treasure. It was't a hurried afar as it had been before Jenny took her time letting Riely set the pace more often than not. The duo's efforts made erotic shadow play on the walls and had anyone been seeing would have noticed that Jenny's shadow hosted two wing shaped additions as well as long pointed protrusions coming from her head.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With Graces angelic wings hiding the girl it was hard to tell whether she was awake or asleep, as the girl seemed not to give signs of either. Either way, Jenny would certainly struggle to split her focus away from the lusty beauty riding her!

Given even half the chance to set the rhythm, Riley hardly even paused as soon enough she'd begin bucking her hips in an ever increasing pace, her luscious legs, silken skin and all too welcoming pussy making each motion an absolute sensual delight! "Mmm~ I've missed this." Riley smiled contently as she looked down to her lower, the girls hands now resting on Jennys midriff for support, ever so subtly making her forearms push her cups together as they'd sway with each rise and drop.

Yet whatever spurred her onwards, soon enough Jenny just had to fuck Riley... even if it meant to break the girls wonderful ride. Riley seemed to only giggle subtly as the position was shifted, as she'd find herself on the warmed stone ground, Jenny lifting the tricksters luscious leg to align the cock and slam it inside! Her sheer burning lust and need, perhaps spurring the thrust to turn far rougher than the girl intended!

Now with the duo on the ground, Riley remained on her side each thrust making her body subtly grind along the smooth warm stone, as the oversized cock bottomed her out with each surprisingly powerful thrust! Even if the Tricksters gaze and parted moaning luscious lips showed all too clearly just how much she indulged in the sex... for Jenny the satisfaction was equal if not greater!

So captivated by the sex and whirlwind of lust, Jenny seemed to not even fully comprehend an image that seemed to subtly show itself of a golden brilliant core, that seemed to gain a crack... and from that crack shadows seemed to exude.

Succubus corruption system unlocked
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was bliss sensual erotic and perfect. The moan of her lover sweet music as she slid her cock home. Pulling Riley closer and deeper Jenny's climax exploded into Riley. Warm cum filled the girl in a surprising amount filling her sex quickly. Crying out Jenny pulled back her cock still spurting its long built up load, quickly covering Riley's silky smooth skin. Almost with every heart beat Jenny spurted more, no doubt this was highly unusual but Jenny couldn't even think straight as her need emptied with the last spurt her feminine form returning as she fell to the side exhausted.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As the grandiose finale finished, Jenny felt her body shift once again as the cock disappeared... yet its departure had certainly left quite the sight to remember it by!

Riley rested on the floor utterly sticky and smiling widely, her body blushed throughout as she breathed hotly, yet the girls eyes remained as sharp and perverse as ever "S-someone... needed that..." she'd utter giggling weakly, before sitting up and licking her lips to get a taste of what she'd been covered in.

Whatever reaction the comment spurred, Jenny could hardly deny it! Not before the stickified trickster! Still Riley would snicker at Jennys excuse or comment and smile "I'll take watch, you go rest." she'd wink slyly looking to Jenny leave, before she herself stood up and seemed to leave the room briefly, no doubt to clean up.

Still as Jenny returned to bed, she'd once again glance to the amazing sleeping angel. With her grand wings hiding her body it was impossible to tell if Grace heard everything or indeed did not even wake... as hard as that was to believe.

Either way, just as Jenny was about to lie down... suddenly the trickster returned? While she was reclothed, the sultry and calm demeanor from their resting time had been shifted to a much more active look "Jen, you've got to see this." she'd motion Jenny to follow "Just outside."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Struggling up from her near exhaustion Jenny moved to see what Riley had spotted. As she moved up from her position on the bed. She stretched languidly showing off her curves. Unaware of what she was doing she soon was on her feet and approached Riley her hips swaying back and fourth in a sensual fluid movement. Still the look on Jenny't face did not match what her body acted, instead it was full of concern as she nabbed frost and followed Riley out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Uuu~ Someone's feeling sexy." Riley ofcourse noted the shift in behaviour and seemed to punctuate with a playful spank on Jennys tush! Though she'd clearly not linger on it as the trickster only motioned Jenny to follow silently.

The duo would return to the main entrance area, its busted display windows giving way to a subtle breeze and calm from the night... Jennys eyes even caught the rag that Riley used to clean herself up discarded around here as well. Seemed the trickster noted something as she was indeed making herself proper... but what was it?

Riley silently motioned her to follow closer to the street, before pointing out what unmistakeably was a flicker of clear light shinning out to the dark streets? Indeed as the girl peered outside to the empty and desolate streets of the Crafts district, they'd note that some ways ahead one of the buildings was beaming with light. Akin to a fireplace or just numerous candles!

Yet what made the sight even stranger was that this light changed shades? From plain yellow to red, to green to even blue! While the shifts were slow, they were far from mistakeable "I'd say it might be someone else, but... either they have a fascination with colors or its something else." Riley spoke up as the duo leaned back inside their shelter.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh?" Jenny stared at the light a moment before turning back to gear up. "We need to check this out. Ill wake Grace you keep an eye on it." Jenny moved quickly to gear up before shaking Grace awake letting the angel sleep just a bit longer. Once that was done she would head back to Riley and point out the lights letting Grace think about it as Jenny planned their trip threw the streets to make things as quick and stealthy as possible.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Yet her plan seemed to hit a snag, as she returned... only to find the bed empty?! Grace was gone?! Jennys eyes widened as she quickly looked around noting the room had another door, one that was semi-opened as if recently used.

Jenny wasted little time to quickly go in pursuit attempting to find the missing angel! Moving carefully as if expecting danger or ambushers from her extensive experience with such creatures, Jenny found herself in a short hallway as there appeared to be several doors here, yet only one clearly had shifted dust and lightly opened.

As the girl approached the door she'd carefully lean closer peek inside... only for the sight to shoot her eyes wide and adorn her face with a blush! Graces was in the room sitting on nearby chair as her hands were busy caressing and toying with her own body?!

One hand slipped beneath her white silks to toy with one of her cups and her other hand working at her angelic entrance below, Grace had her eyes closed as she'd moan silently and cutely. The angel girls blush absolutely burning, as clearly she'd be lost in the moment.... yet Jennys senses absolutely leaped as in between the girls moans, she unmistakeably heard "J-Jen.... Jenny..." uttering the heroines name seemed to spur far quicker slides of her fingers to her divine slick cove.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Burning her blush bright Jenny backed off silently and head for the first door. Once back in the main room Jenny would let her face clam a second before calling out loudly Grace! where are you? She didn't want to embarrass the angel more than she needed to but a part deep down inside revealed in the thought that the angel was masturbating to her name. Once gathered the girls would head out for the lights.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sparing further embarassments, Jenny just as silently withdrew to the room and with a smile, that the girl perhaps didn't quite notice herself called out to the angel girl!

A clear scuffle could be heard from the half-closed door to the hallway, as shortly after Grace answered "I-I'm coming!---- One moment!" Jenny would only shake her head and look to her heavy duty armoring. Somehow, the girls view on the exceptionally plain armor seemed to have shifted as its practical and dull appearance did not draw her as much as she thought.

Still for now it was the only set she had, as she'd quickly work to get it on and moments before she finished Grace entered the room, a subtle on her face that she seemed very clearly keen to hide "S-sorry... I thought I heard something so went to investigate." she'd look around "Where's Riley?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Over by the window you have to see what she found. Lets just hope she didn't leave us behind." Jenny would wink at Grace before giving her a slight slap on the butt to move her forward. Smiling slightly at the soft flesh she felt. Heading to the window Jenny would point out the lights hopefully with Riley before the trio would make good their escape from the forge to investigate.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley would still be there, casually resting against a wall with her hands crossed and smiling at the arrivals "Took your time." she'd comment, before looking to Grace who appeared to still have a lingering blush on her face. The trickster clearly noticed it, but didn't comment on it for now "Over there." she'd show the sight to Grace as well "What is that?" the angel girl seemed to not dare a guess as well "Well~ One way to find out." Riley winked to her and turned to Jenny, as the duo clearly had the same idea - investigate it closer!

As the trio left the forge, they found themselves in the ruined entrance once again. Behind them lied the forge and the massive collapse that blocked their way previously, while before them extended a blissfully empty moonlit street.

Surprisingly, as Jenny looked around it seemed the 'Craftsmen' district worked on far more than weapons, furniture or other woodwork. As the girl could see aged and broken signs of paint shops, doll stores (which now had an unmistakeable creepyness about it!), as well as even tailors!

Still their goal stood out the most, as only upon nearing it the trio noticed that the ruined building was a painting shop? The lights appeared to come from the second story and further on inside the building, the front of the store meanwhile appeared to be mostly destroyed... the stands and counters almost looking as if they were trappled by a surprising weight.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The trip to the shop was quite and safe thankfully. As they passed the numerous shops Jenny briefly wondered if any of the tailors had a good condition dress or even sexy. The room itself was a mess at least the first floor. Looking about Jenny tried to find a path that would make the least noise. Choosing a path Jenny began to enter.