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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific



Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

While Ishmael seemed to quite proudly share about some of the painted ones Jenny had seen, including the puppies, the royalties... when the topic went to the woman upstairs Jenny could swear the hallway jumped forward as she blinked "Here we are, right inside. It would be rude of me to follow...."

Seemed the elf completely dodged or ignored the question for now, leaving Jenny to enter the baths at her leisure. Still as the door pushed open instantly a small burst of bubbles escaped the room, as well as a hefty gust of humid mist.

Once Jenny entered she could already hear her companion voices, before even hearing them. The voices seemed to be coming from straight ahead, while there seemed to be some wooden lockers and a bench to the girls right.

Even if even the bubbles had black outlines, absolutely everything seemed strangely real! Up to the feel of the moist warm wood beneath the girls feet.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The sudden jump did not go with out notice to Jenny. Clearly the elf was ashamed of this aspect of his art. Still as he departed Jenny entered the bath keeping her cloths on. Perhaps it was a deep rooted sense of paranoia or the fact that the entire city around them was a hostile place. Moving deeper in Jenny sought out Riley and Grace.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stepping forward still in her armor, Jenny would soon enough note the fog clear up to reveal... Riley and Grace both submerged up to their shoulders in a quite large basin, one that seemed to be styled with some smooth stones along its edge. The water itself subtly steamed hinting at its warmth "HA~ I knew it!" Riley giggled and leaned forward with a suspcious grin towards Grace, who seemed to blush.. only for her to notice Jenny!

"Jenny!" Grace called out with a smile, spurring Riley turn around as well "There you are." the trickster snickered "Can you believe all this. It's amazing!" Riley seemed far less distraught at the relative surreal-aspect of their current situation "Come on in, the water's fantastic!"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled at her companions and sat at the edge. "I'm sure it is but... I'm not so sure I trust this just yet. I met the lord of this place as it were and while he was polite and nice he gives me a creepy vibe." A brief image of the three of them stuck in a painting forever crossed her mind. Thinking a moment Jenny looked about this clearly painted sanctuary. Did one of the door lead them here? Was this all a painting? Looking about Jenny tried to find the tell tail dark outline on all the objects. If it was present then she was right.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny could indeed tell this was painted, yet where the steam met the ceiling the girl could spot as if glympse through the beauty all around to an old and rickety looking ceiling? Had this all been 'painted' onto the actual world? Or had this strange magic crawled and 'infected' up to here? Neither Jenny could even attempt to guess, as both concepts were equally frightful.

"He's an artist, they're all a little wierd. Lets enjoy the moment while we can. He didn't seem hostile." Riley giggled and smile to Jenny, seemingly none too bothered by the undeniable strangeness of it all "Well... Jenny might be right, Ishmael did seem a little strange." Grace seemed to agree with Jenny.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smirked "Are you sure you want to be covered in paint?" Jenny pointed up to the ceiling. "I don't know about you but this is not how I expect being immortalized in paint would work." Still her concerns aside she instead focused on her companions making sure that the creepy paint hadn't touched them in a harmful way. In any matter Jenny was not going to join them in the bath. "So what did our host tell you?"


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley slumped cutely with a bemused expression, spurring a subtle giggle from Grace seeing the trickster shot down. Still Jenny would waste little time to share her discovery of the whole area being nothing more than "Yeah, it's kinda like a changed reality." the trickster shook off the shots and relaxed in the water with a smile, splashing some on Jenny with a smile to reveal it indeed felt identical to actual real water... even if the girl could see small white outlines of what was supposed be waves on it.

"Sorta reminds me of home." she'd giggle playfully and beam a smile to Jenny once again, before Grace spoke on-topic "Well he greeted us kindly when we've first arrived and all the sights, as well as shows sort-of swept us away." the girl looked down with a tinge of guilt realising they've left Jenny upstairs alone!

"Mhm... And it seems the paintings are only allowed to wander a certain distance from their original location. The further they travel away, the more the painted world expands." Riley quickly picked up the topic "So~ He asked for our aid in capturing a few paintings that were running loose. Some dark female figures... He didn't comment too much on them." the trickster shrugged casually.

"It's not really related to our job here..." Riley spoke up placing a single finger on her lower lip "But~ I'm not sure we should leave things as they are. This sort of magic unchecked can go grow wild."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Aye and having an ally here even if he is kinda... creepy may help us in the end." Jenny smiled and sat on the edge of the pool. "ill let you two finish up Im gonna rest over on that comfy looking bench." Getting up Jenny would move to the fluffy bench and rest waiting for the duo to clean up.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would leave the two to finish their bath as she herself found little to no interest in the proposition. Instead the girl would head off and back to the changing cabinets where she saw the bench and just relaxed on it!

Even if her armor didn't let the girl feel the lukewarm wood against her, still at the very least the warm humid air was certainly quite nice. Though she'd hear her friends discussing something in hushed voices, Jenny didn't think much of it and soon enough the two girls returned to fetch their--- clothes?

Suddenly just as Jenny rested on the bench she'd feel her ankles and wrists gripped?! As the girls eyes shot wide she'd see Rileys mischievious smile looking down "NOW!" "Sorry sorry!" the trickster seemed to trick Grace into helping her in something?!

Before Jenny knew it and unless she really gave an effort to break the grab suddenly the girl felt herself swung side to side, moments later being thrown into the warm and quite pleasant bath water by the duo!

Though Grace seemed all too apologetic, Rileys laughted merrily with clear mischievious joy. How Jenny reacted to the prank was up to her... Seemed at worst she'd be a bit more wet and clean, but still...


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It wasn't a short trip to the bath, nor was it easy as Jenny struggled with her captors. She knew what Riley was up to and thankfully managed to drop frost before getting soaked in the painted water. Breaking the surface of the water Jenny looked rather annoyed but far from angry as she soon broke into a light laugh. "Ya know Riley Im gonna have to get you back for that... you as well Grace. Stripping out of her now soaked armor and cloths Jenny sat to dry.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With a loud crash the water splashed, leaving Riley giggling with mischievious delight and Grace appearing as if she just accidentally kicked a puppy. Yet moment later, Jenny emerged from the water in pure silence, her hair soaked hiding her face and armor dripping wet from the 'prank'...

Even Riley seemed to pause as her heart skipped a beat from the silence, Grace covered her mouth at the intense moment... only for Jenny to break out in laughted, moments later fixing her hair with a smile "Phew~" Riley smiled widely "Oh~ Is that right?" she'd lean forward in a seductive pose "I'm counting on it." the trickster gave Jenny a wink, before all three if Jenny now choose to join in would relax in the bath and clean up. The heroines armor and clothes drying off nearby.

Still after their bath concluded, Riley would sneak in a kiss on Jennys cheek "See, you can be fun. Just need to jerk you lose from your solmen lul sometimes." she'd send the girl a wink, before heading to get dressed herself.

Whatever Jenny took from the situation it was certainly quite pleasant to finally wash off the grime from her run-ins in the ruins previously... as well as just spend some time away from worries with her two companions. Still it wouldn't be long before the trio were set to continue onwards!

Finding the office proved quite easily as it seemed just to be the hallway down from the baths. Knocking on the elegant door of the painted world, Jenny would open it up to reveal an elegant room that seemed to be a mix of reality and the painted, the office having true candles and real frames on the wall. Yet the pictures within seemed to be altered... and near a blank canvas, as well as some paint stood Ishael "Ah~ My esteemed beautiful guests. Have you come to a decision on my proposal?" he'd ask quite elegantly turning to the girls, still wearing his mask and the same suit as before.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"We can do what we can. My companions and I do have an important task of our own to complete. However as we are strangers here someone with more experience or at least familiarity with the surroundings could help greatly. So in exchange of gathering your wayward art would you mind telling us what you know of the surrounding area as it is today?"

Jenny waited for her answer. Sure it would delay her mission a bit but having a chance at living intel would perhaps help her immensely. Not to mention Riely was correct she had seen such magic on rampage at the academy letting it run wild would be bad.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"But... ofcourse." Ismael bowed politely "Infact, help me with this ordeal and I shall paint you whatever it is your hearts desire. Including a detailed map of this whole grand city." the offer certainly seemed... oddly generous.

"Now then, conventional weapons will not work against my creations for they are little else than pure energy and paint taken form. To dispell these creatures you'll require a means to erase or melt away what gives them substance, which can be acquired some ways outside of my marvelous kingdom." before Jenny could speak up, Riley seemed to ask a rather blunt, but clarifying question "You mean paint thinner?" "Well if you must use such simple terms... yes."

Thinking back there was a fair number of stores including ones for painting supplies in the abbandoned district. While the chances were low... there was a fair chance the girls could find a can of such material in such stores.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Very well Ishmale we will set out now. Can you tell me where you say them last?" Jenny waited as she planned. Frost would be almost useless against the paint creatures. However her new blade might work just fine. Maybe if she wrapped it cloth and soaked it in paint thinner. Once the relative details had been given, Jenny would bow before Ishmale and confirm with the other girls on a plan of attack while they headed to find the paint thinner first.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Painter quickly added "There is a total of seven such creatures I wish you to hunt down. Return to me when the task is done and the reward is yours." Ismael would quickly continue "These creatures cannot live too far from a painting, thus you should be able to find them near or inside any of the paintings through the horrid district. Any such areas should be quite apparent against the drab background of the ruins outside." he'd bow courteously to his visitors, before letting them head away and off on their task.

Stepping outside of the shop would prove simple enough as soon enough the cool air and dark colors of the ruins met the trio once again "Well... back here again." Riley quipped with a smile, before Grace added "I think there was a painting store ahead. I noticed it when we first neared this place!" by sheer fortunate accident Jenny wouldn't seem to even have to look for the store as Grace knew the way!

It would be a brief walk, before they reached the store Grace had seen as indeed it was clear why it stood out. Even if its windows were broken dark gray empty canvases stood out against the black walls and the aged stand collection. It would take a little effort, before "Ugh... I think I found it." Riley would beckon the others to some both transparent and steel jars of sorts!

Opening them up would reveal that some of them contained dried paint while others "Well... its transparent and it reeks of alcohol. This is probably the stuff." Riley would keep her own nose squeezed as she'd offer the items they needed for inspection!


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny knew paint thinner when she smelled it and simply took the cans and looked for cloth to soak some of it in to wrap it around her blade. Still having a bit of it would be helpful to no end. Taking the time Jenny would load up while she could here just in case the supplies ran out.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There were only 2 blades to coat: Jennys and Graces, as Riley would have to hope her magic would work well enough against the peculiar foes. Still packing in some small almost improv bombs to erase the enemy in a most literal sense "So~ Lets make sure we only use these when we're certain it'll hit. Dont have an unlimited supply." Riley would pack away a bit of their equipment upgrades as well, before ready to face the painted the girls returned to the main road. All that was left... was to find them!

Yet neither even had to speak up how they would hunt for their targets... as from one of the nearby buildings the girls could see a brilliant yellow light emit, similar to the lights coming from Ishmaels art gallery!

Though another building stood out further ahead, one that seemed to particulary poofy and black-outline covered snow spilling from its entrance!

No doubt looking through the district, Jenny could find more hints of potential painted activity, though these seemed to be the closest...


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the snowy building and frowned. Her armor while practical was not exactly warm. Still they had little choice as she headed for the snowy shop. Jenny would of course lead the way keeping her blade in its scabbard to make sure none of the thinner dripped away. At the corner of the door she would peak in to see if it was clear before motioning the others to move in quietly.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to inspect the snowy area first, Jenny would lead her companions onwards and to the painted snow covered house. Unfortunately the frost seemed to coat most of the store including its sign, masking any signs of what the store once was.

Bracing herself Jenny would near the closed door, before carefully opening it--- up? While the girl wished to take a peek inside, as the door opened up instead she'd be met by a huge wall of snow entirely blocking passage "Well... that's not something you see every day." Riley turned her head curiously looking at the sight... atleast until Jenny attempted to speak up only as if on cue for the snow wall to burst forth covering all three in the painted flakes!

"GAH! C-cold!" Riley would be the first one to jump out of the pile, the girl rubbing her shoulders "T-that definedly feels real!" with Grace much more sheepishly appearing from the snow to stand near her, as well a little away from the collapsed pile.

Jenny however could score one point of her armor, as even if there was a hefty amount of snow beneath it.. the majority of it rested on her leather and steel outfit! It was likely her who'd have to peek inside the room previous blocked with the snow... and note that it was slowly coming with a light breeze from a large painting of a snow-capped mountain.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned at the situation. Clearly the mountain painting was the cause but did she really want to delve that deep into a painted world? Frowning slightly Jenny pushed threw giving Riley a bemused expression. First thing first though they would check the shop to make sure they quarry wasn't hiding out. After that they would head into the painting. Just before entering Jenny would stop. "So who wants to make sure we don't get trapped in there? As in who want to stay outside to keep us safe, after all I don't want what happened to my encounter early to happen to us." Jenny would explain her previous encounter with the crazy painting.