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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley seemed to instantly raise her hand to volunteer! "J-just don't get stuck in there for too long." she'd rub her shoulders as the cool breeze seemed to dance towards and around her, accentuating how little clothing the girl had for such harsh conditions! "I can join." Grace added with a kind smile, as she appeared to not be bothered by the cold at all... or to any real significant degree. No doubt the girls supernatural nature played a role in this.

Still with Riley saying she'd have no issue pulling the duo out, as it was related to classes in... well most of the fancy magical words Jenny hardly bothered to memorise, but with the Tricksters assurances her and Grace neared the painting. As up closer, the duo could see a dark figure seemingly out of place in the mountains as it seemed to rush out of view!

Making sure Grace was ready and with the angel girl giving her a cheery nod, the duo touched the painting only for a brief moment of displacement later for both of them to land on some snow beneath! The howling wind all around them signaling that they reached their goal!

As Jenny looked up in-between the hefty flake-filled gusts of freezing wind, she could see the mountains extend before her as well as a small road leading up along its side!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Brushing strands of hair from her eyes Jenny looked to Grace and began to move forward down the road. She hopped that maybe they could resolve this with out violence but so far that has proved to be... optimistic at best. Still as the butting cold sapped at the girls rosy lips turning them a light blue. Shivering slightly the best thing to do was keep moving. The cave ahead would shelter her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As the blizzard raged, Jenny would lead Grace through the raging winds only to see... a cave! Indeed some ways up the path a small cave opened up giving the duo a chance to hide from the weather!

Risky or not, staying in the blizzard seemed like an absurd idea as Jenny would lead Grace onwards and soon enough, the duo found some shelter from the winds in the mountain side haven!

"P-Phew... R-Riley was right. That certainly does feel real!" the angel girl shook her head free of the snow-flakes, as she'd rub her shoulders as well... At the very least the caves refuge felt absolutely warm in comparison, though looking around it was clear the cave continued deeper into the mountain.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's teeth chattered slightly as she stood in the dark cave. She couldn't see and neither one of them thought to bring a light. "Yeah.. too real. makes me wonder what would happen if this was left unchecked." Shaking her head Jenny rubbed her arms to hopefully warm up. "We best keep moving we may be out of the wind but its still cold enough to end us if we linger." Moving forward threw the dark tunnel Jenny had to use her hearing and feel to navigate.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As the girls continued deeper into the cave, even if visibility dimmed... at the very least it grew noticeably warmer "Perhaps I should try---" just as Grace spoke up suddenly numerous lights seemingly turned on in wave-like motion lighting up the dark cave in a subtle blue color from what seemed to be some sort of unknown special stones.

Still as the duo looked to one another, there was no other onwards... but forward. Continueing down the rocky pass, the aim seemed to shift again albeit subtly to almost appear more humid. Small pools water growing more prominent. Yet the strange lighting made them appear bright or dark blue.

It wouldn't be long, before the girl had to freeze in their tracks as they heard humming from up ahead!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would indeed pause. The figure from the painting had clearly seen them and decided to hide. However that did not necessarily mean it would expect them to come. Still as the creature hummed Jenny motioned for Grace to stay back just out of sight as she moved forward weapon sheathed. If she could resolve this with out a fight that would be great.

Slowly she approached the sound staying just with in the light generated by grace. Hopefully she could resolve this with out violence.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny drew her blade and motioned Grace to wait as she herself neared closer towards the opening that no doubt lead to the shadowy creatures haven!...or so she thought.

As Jenny neared the opening she'd peek towards the quite playful almost childish humming only to see a circular cave opening with a single figure 'singing'. The girl knew these creatures all too well even at a glance as it seemed she had stumbled onto a lair of a Goo-girl!

Sparkling blue and semi-transparent, the goo girl seemed to play around with one of the light-emitting stones. Placing it in a perfect line along with the others.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Eyeing the goo girl Jenny made sure she was covered in the strange blackout lines as where the rest of Ishmal's brood. If she was she would take a deep breath and step into the chamber with a simple hello?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Her blade hidden and eyes scanning for the outlines that seemed far more subtly, but still prominent through Jenny wouldn't attack or show any hostility towards the slimegirl.

Instead, the girl would step out of her hiding spot and greet her openly, Jennys voice echoing out throughout the cave and quickly drawing the slimegirls attention to her!

Yet just as her voice echoed out the slimegirl seemed to almost jump up and quickly collapsed down into a small puddle! The girls subtly glowing eyes all too clear to see as she'd look to Jenny, before very carefully reappearing "Hello?" the girl spoke up curiously and looked over Jenny "Who?" she'd ask resubmerging into her puddle.

It was quite clear the girl was far more affraid of Jenny than the heroine was of her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Its okay Im not gonna hurt you. Jenny would sit on her but facing the slime pool/girl "My name is Jenny. Who are you? Mind if my friend joins us? If the girl seemed okay she would motion for Grace to come out and sit with her so as to appear less threatening.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The googirl seemed cautious as she looked on, not exiting her puddle "Jen...ny?" she'd smile cutely "Nina!" the girl would warp her goo into a fist and finger to point at herself, before it resubmerged.

Though Jennys next words seemed to quickly light up the goo girls gaze, as she pause "Friend... join?" she'd seem to even appear with a curious expression, especially when Jenny would confirm her intent, spurring the googirl to reappear entirely "Yay~" she'd beam a bright smile, much to Graces arrival "What IS that?" the angel girl looked to the curious and quite adorable creature curiously.

However, be it Jenny explained what the googirl was or not... "Friends join!" the girl cheered out loudly again, seemingly oddly at first.. until both Grace and Jenny looked up to the ceiling of multicolored ooze up above... There seemed to atleast be 8 different colors, but the sheer quantity of them all was dangerously high! Moreso, due to how it seemed to warp and prepare to drop down! "Goo party~!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked up and motioned for Grace to back up a little. "I-I see you have some friends Nina... are they as nice as you?" This was getting bad the slime girl seemed innocent enough but stories she had heard indicated that they might not know what they do is bad. Jenny didn't want to be eaten by slimes. "You see me and Grace are rather tired and just want to talk, not play.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There was nowhere to back away! As the mass of what was likely slimes had already cut away the girls exit!! "J-Jenny?" Grace uttered as she noted the exit, spurring the heroine to attempt some sort of parley or deal with the cute smaller slimegirl!

"Talk?" the googirl blinked and giggled "Talk sister!" she'd point behind the two girls as from the ceiling a far darker shade of ooze dropped to the ground swiftly as with a twisting motion it quickly spiked up moments before forming into a particulary well-endowed female form! Even if her body appeared semi-transparent, her darker color gave her a far more cleared and more composed appeared than her sister... clearly this was an elder googirl! A creature that seemed to carry far more presence than the cuter small girl Jenny had previously talked with!

"Whats this? Humans? Here?" she'd speak up in a surprisingly correct and subtly stern manner, her clear eyes looking over the duo of intruders.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Indeed and in fact your just the person I want to talk to. Nina seems nice but a little young for this conversation. First off let me assure you I have no desire to harm you or your sisters despite being armed. If we can resolve this issue peacefully then I would prefer it so. My name is Jenny by the way and my friend of there is Grace. I have a feeling you know why we came. If not dose Ishmal ring a bell?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No." the simple word quickly shot-down Jenny, as she'd be forced into a pause "Peacefully? Very well... what can you offer?" though thankfully a peaceful resolution was clearly still an option as the sister did not seem particulary hostile, though her sharp gaze and steely eyes clearly showed she'd have no issue allowing the whole nest to pounce onto the duo!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Undeterred Jenny kept going, despite the sharp refusal and no name. "Well its of not matter then however he is the reason I'm here. Sadly some of his creations will ill intent have escaped. You might have seen one. A dark disfigured female figure maybe with a red X on her? Apparently her and her kind have caused trouble and we need to stop them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys much more detailed explanation of their purpose seemed to sharpen the elder oozegirls already piercing gaze "If you seek to harm her, then this conversation is over." the girl uncrossed her hands and seemed to turn far more serious looking to Jenny "I will protect her."


Seeing Jennys reluctance for battle and barter at the same time seemed to confound the elder ooze, as she'd drop an ultimatum for the girl "Enough of your chatter, if you wish a peaceful passage through our home offer up a tribute or make your offer in exchange. Otherwise leave or defend yourselves." she'd motion her hand with a clear finality "Do not take me for someone patient." seemed any other chatter Jenny attempted would only lead to combat or the girls path being cut-off here entirely. She'd need to make some sort of proposition... or attempt it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I see. Grace lets go we are not welcome here." With that Jenny would leave after all there was other ways to deal with world. Heading out if left unmolested Jenny would exit the painted world. Upon leaving Jenny would find a sheet or such to cover the painting firmly and take the it with her to the paint shop where she trapped the other girl. The plan was to place each one face to face and let it sort itself out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Leave? But... alright." Grace looked to Jenny curiously, as the girl chose to back out of the encounter for now. The oozes seemed true to their word as they'd allow her to leave without any incident or obstruction. The previously active colorful mass turning off its subtle glow to return to slumber.

Once outside, Jenny looked on to the raging storm before them as between the snow-flakes the girl could almost spot across the whole horizon the sight of the huge dark room, now seemingly hundred times its size!

Though with a bit of treking through the snow, soon enough Jenny felt a shift as she'd take the final step forward and look around to the frozen room all around! Thankfully Grace was with her as well!

The girls reasoning that the painting was little more than that, meant it should be simple to just cover it up and carry it right out... yet this did not appear to be the case? With the wind howling out of the portraited snow-topped landscape no matter how much Jenny tried she could not move it! Soon enough finding herself forced to back away from her attempts or risk heavy damage from the sheer cold!

Riley seemed to sitting and looking up in the sky not too far from where the duo left her, as she'd casually keep her legs crossed and the upper one playfully swingin up and down "Eh? Hey! You're back!" she'd quickly rush up to the snow-capped duo with a cheery smile, yet the girls certainly did not radiate victory "er... what happened?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A group of slime girls are protecting the girl. Me and Grace where outnumbered and the head girl was in no mood to talk. I figured that we should pull back for now. Clearly we need a different approach for this one. Riley your skilled with magic think we can conjure up some art magic of our own?