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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The appeared to be basic paths to either of the light sources, one forward along the first floor and one path leading upstairs through some aged, but sturdy looking stone steps.

Surprisingly however, even in the absolute silence that the district seemed to reside in neither of the light sources hinted at movement or any sort of sound.

"Where to?" Rileys spoke up first, looking to Jenny for a plan of action. The girls could split up to cover more ground, as there did not appear to be any immediate threat... or all three could head down a chosen path. A path Jenny had to pick.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny thought for a moment. Stairs might be creaky best not to trust to much to them. Motioning to Grace and Riley she directed them on the ground path while she decided to take the upper. If there was something in there having to approaches would be good. Putting her finger to her lips she motioned them to be silent before heading out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The trio nodded to one another and soon enough briefly split up, Jenny heading upstairs while Riley and Grace went together to fully explore the first floor, beyond its trampled entrance.

Thankfully the stairs quite sturdy, yet surprisingly as Jenny looked down to her path, she'd note that only the very edges of the stairs appeared dusty...as if someone or something had used them.

Still as the girl made her way upstairs the shifting colors glow from upstairs was hard to ignore. From bright yellow to orange, green... Jenny couldn't even fanthom a guess what the mute color show meant up until she neared the top and paused.

Brilliant green covered the hallway upstairs, yet not just by color... this appeared to be grass? Yet looking closer, the individual grass blades had... black highlights? Though even with its odd appearance, the grass acted just as it would otherwise.

Still walking through it, Jenny soon enough reached the source of the light as her eyes widened. It was a painting gallery! All the paintings seemed to depict large booming landscapes, yet each one seemed to emit brilliant light of its own akin to the lighting in the paintings!

Much more however, each painting seemed to extend beyond its frame, now without a doubt painted grass flown from the canvas to the ground below, while the walls appeared untouched looking up Jenny saw a painted mixture of day and night scapes. Painted clouds seemed to slowly move along the ceiling as atleast three minor suns and two moons danced in between them as well! These paintings seemed to have come alive!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny had to stop and marvel at the paintings seeming bursting threw the frames. Enraptured Jenny left the colors wash over her enjoying the sheer visual special she was treated too. Still she had to proceed even if she gazed at the various paintings. She dared not touch them for fear of some how falling into the scenery after all if it could spill out someone might fall in. Moving forward Jenny searched carefully leaving the paintings behind with a note to show Riley and Grace after they met back up. Narrowing her eyes she focused on the task at hand after all someone had been threw here not to long ago.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny marveled at the paintings, something absolutely stood out. All the paintings appeared to be landscapes or other vistas. From a rocky plaque to open fields, subtly swaying to an invisible wind and even to what appeared to be a dark cellar or basement... not even one painting had any actors in it.

As the girl pondered this, suddenly she'd hear movement from nearby as the painted grass would shuffle nearby and from it... a small racoon head popped up, curiously looking around. Yet perhaps more than seeing such a critter, what stood out was that it clearly appeared painted?!

The lil guy seemed to have a clear black outline, his fur hardly shifting as it remained in its perfect painted sheen. The racoon sniffed the air and looked to Jenny, before quickly rushing off out of view to the other rooms upstairs. There seemed to be two other doors here, yet both of them seemed to be ripped off their hinges or just flatout trampled.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Eyeing the other doors Jenny ignored them for now and moved to follow the raccoon clearly this guy knew something she didn't. Still she moved with caution. Living paintings could prove dangerous in their own way and only confirmed her fear if things could get out she could get sucked in.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would follow the racoon down one of the paths, yet as she carefully passed through a room that seemed to have numerous blank canvases, she'd quickly pause her pursuit as a clear echo of someone crying reached her?

Indeed as the girl paused she could make out the subtle mournful cries of a female from one of the nearby dark rooms...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny paused her pursuit of the cartoon raccoon halted by the sudden noise. Maybe one of the subjects of the paintings? Hand on her blade Jenny turned to investigate. It could be a trap or it could be a lost... painting? She tried not to let that thought distract her as she got closer to the noise.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Her hand on her blade Jenny neared the source as the sobs were now unmistakeable. The girls eyes remaining sharp as ever, she'd near the room and carefully peek inside to just as she exptected to find an individual sitting down on a rickety old chair her face covered as she cried into her hands, the unknown black haired girls cries echoing out throughout the otherwise empty room.

Without proper light, Jenny could hardly make out the girls details but it seemed she had a red night-gown on her and slightly pale skin. She did not seem to notice Jennys silent approach.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stopping as the figure came into view Jenny looked her over. It was hard to see her in this light but she dared not to get closer after all this still could be a trap. "H-hey... you okay... why are you crying?" Jenny braced her hand gripping the blade of her sword ready to defend herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The female seemed to continue to weep after Jennys question, yet she the figure unmistakeably shifted from the words... "Ugly... ugly! UGLY!" the weeps turned to shreaks and into a howl of rage as the figure now stood up and faced Jenny fully!

The girls heart skipped a bit at the grim visage as now far more visible Jenny could see the girls almost human appearance. Her limbs each of different lengths, her body contorted and face distorted... and through most of her upper body there appeared to be a huge red X like scar? As grim as the visage was, Jenny could still spot subtle dark lines that seemed to shimmer throughout the females clothing, her colors appeared barely plain and flat as well.

Was this another of the paintings given life? Whatever the being was it looked to Jenny with a crazed gaze and in a crippled stance, before rushing forward howling as it did so!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Expecting such an assault Jenny easily backpedaled out of the first savage attack. Still the strange painted girl was not so keen to give up. It would be tricky but a sudden inspiration had struck her. positioning herself just in front of a painting Jenny waited for the next assault and devoted everything to a dodge so she could cause the woman to stumble into the painting allowing her to slam it down on the floor hopefully trapping her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

RP Luck roll: 20... Okay then

The plan worked flawlessly! Jenny positioned herself near one of the empty canvases nearby and waiting for the crazed and clumsy attack, quickly dodged aside and tripped the creature!

Surprisingly upon touching it, the girl instantly noticed that both the cloth and her skin felt natural...? Either way, amazingly the girls plan worked as the creature actually fell into the canvas and moved animated within it, before turning around and rushing towards Jenny--- who'd promptly slam the painting face first!

A dull thud echoed out beneath the girl as moments later it was silent once again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With that done Jenny would place a pot on the frame just in case before exploreing the rest of the rooms and meeting up with Riley and Grace hopefully both having an uninteresting time. Once the trio was back together Jenny would show them the portrait room and explain what attacked her and maybe... if they found the magic paintbrush that made her, that maybe we could fix her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With the dim lighting and her companions behind her, Jenny paused and thought against further exploration for now. Perhaps meeting up with the others and sharing her discovery would take precident for now!

Heading back, the girl would pass by the painted world room, before heading down the stairs to see... what was Grace and Riley bored, well atleast that was the girls hope.

Jenny would step down the pathway where the duo disappeared and briefly covered her eyes from the light only to lower her hand and see... a golden door? One that seemed to have dark highlights and almost impossible intricacy to it!

There was no other way to advance, meaning the duo were inside! Bracing herself Jenny pushed the door open and covered her eyes from the bright line before... hearing beautiful classical music? Infact, before the girl extended a banquet hallroom with tables laden with all manner of delicious and juicy looking dishes, the whole area seemed to have atleast 30 or so well dressed people - men in their finest tuxes and the females in their elegant dresses of all manner of color.

Though there was but one issue with the sight, everything shared the same shimmering, outlined style as the painted world Jenny had passed before. Infact, looking at the strangers all of them seemed almost cartoony or slightly goofy in their appearance. More interestingly it seemed not all of these 'guests' were even drawn in the same style... as some of the tables wildly varied in their appearance! Yet their bright colors and outlines, gave all the figures a certain charm and style... even if it felt like the girl stood in a painting.

Suddenly, the music seemed to shift to far more grandiose one as a spotlight appeared on well-adorned stage to the side of the large hall. With a drumroll sounding, the curtains were parted to reveal an elven male with a half of his face covered with a golden mask and an exceptional suit... yet unmistakeably he was just as real as Jenny "Good evening, my diarest guests! I hope you all are having a wonderful evening during our annual "Hallow Night"!" a round of applause echoed out from the guests as Jenyn did not seem to be noticed quite yet.

Riley and Grace were nowhere to be seen.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

At first Jenny was lost in the opulence of the room. A painted banquet of quests in different styles stood arrayed before her. Looking about the strange people she tried to pick out her companions, with little luck. Suddenly a snap of a spotlight drew her attention to the man on stage. He looked normal enough though his choice of style could be called... garish for sure, and that mask what was he hiding. Still as he made his speech Jenny would move about the room trying to find any signs of her friends.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I've an annoucement to make! Our woes may soon be over, as two brave heroes from the outside had appeared to offer aid with the cruel paintings haunting our home!" murmurs quickly echoed out throughout the hall and with Jenny wandering around, she could overhead... an upright fox speaking with his seven identical friends "This must be about Mina."

"Thus rejoice! But for too long! As when the night concludes I expect everyone back in their home." he'd take a glass of what seemed wine and toasted to the hall with most toasting back, as soon enough normal light returned to the place... leaving the wandering Jenny absolutely standing out amongst the colorful residents.

This seemed to quickly catch notice of a few painted one, as seemed the elf himself looked to her and seemed to casually approach her "Ah~ You must be Jenny, yes?" he had a rather elegant and polite mannerism about him, though above all else the elf did not seem hostile.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would offer up her hand for the elf to take a test to see how gallant this man truly was. "Indeed I am." Jenny would smile lightly before speaking again. "You seem to have me at a disadvantage my good sir. You know my name but I do not know your's?" After introductions Jenny would follow the man around if he began to lead her about. "You must have met my friends Grace and Riley. I would have been with them but my investigation lead to a brief encounter with a not so pleasant member of your group here."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ishmael, a pleasure to make your acquintance." the elf bowed politely in a quite extravagent manner "And this humble locale is my gallery. You are most welcome here." Ishmael smiled kindly to her "Indeed, I've met your friends, but moments ago. They are my guests and so are you, if you wish it."

"They are right this way." he'd beckon Jenny as the duo would head down a hallways that also appeared as if a pristine mansion with white marble and gold candle lanterns, yet all of it beared the unmistakeable shimmer of being painted.

Jenny was free to ask the elf whatever she wished as they walked, though either way the elf would speak up on his own "You and your friends are the most wonderful guests I've had. Such brilliant ratios, such delicate hues." he'd chuckle to himself "Ah apologies, as an artist I cannot help but marvel at beauty. A beautiful girls are among the strongest artistic inspirations." though shortly they reached a door that only read as 'Baths' "It would be rude for me to follow, they are inside. I will be in my study, if need be." he'd smile "Please make yourself at home, hopefully we shall speak later."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As she was lead on Jenny asked about the various painted individuals as well as as the poor soul she had dropped a painting on. Letting the Ishmael know of her previous encounter. She also remarked that if this was indeed his handwork why not fix the girl from the painting. Hearing the host out she would hold further questions till she spoke with Grace and Riley. Parting at the bath Jenny would offer a slight bow and a wink of a promise. She watched the elf go for awhile before heading into the baths herself to see what her friends had gotten themselves into.