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I only multiclass in pnp to take a prestige class anyway. (Of course, I like sorcerers so that may be one reason why I don't multiclass much.

Wait you like sorcerors, never would have guessed.

PnP can help you in the game, but I would really suggest you look up things in the compendium/forum for the class you plan on taking. It can save some problems down the line. As there are a few differences in what works in one, but not the other.

Alright, so far it's:
-Never use pre-defined build, ALWAYS fuck with the stats/feats
-Rogue major should be DEX/INT, minor should be WIS; take Dodge/Weapon Finesse before seeing what else

My Rogue I plan on making a master lock-picker/trap-disarmer/stuff-finder, and for fighting he'll be - what else - a sneak-&-(shank or pummel?) type.

My Archer is ... well, I like Archers, okay? >.<
Figure go Arcane sine I can use mana for arrows instead of having to buy them all the time from what the description tells me.

Yeah basically, you could also sneak and shoot for the rogue, too.

Ok, so I sorta fucked up then on my rouge. It's level 3 with a current max of Level 8, salvageable if I custom the levelups?

Look on the DDO forums if you really want "min-maxed" multiclass builds. Some of them seem to be quite good actually.

And Lurker: There is no way to customize your level-ups if you start with a pre-set build. Start over :/. *is not kidding*

Yeah probably not salvageable, but you needn't delete it or anything. You can still use it to farm favor for that server. Start a new one on the Cannith server, and build it yourself.

Started on Cannith a few moments ago with a self-building Ranger, look for Legorlas Woodfallow

Alright, so I checked out their forums.

Apparently I can't simply ask for help with a build in thread because I'm a 'Free Account'.

I'm not about to go search-crazy just to find a build just because I can't ask for help in the right thread because I have a 'Free Account'.

I'll play DDO, but I don't think I'll be getting to know their forum anytime soon.

Yes, I realize their thinking behind it(restricting 'free account' holders), but their thinking is flawed and full of BS.

I'll probably just fuck with the stats 'till I have something that works.

If it makes you guys feel any better, it's possible to tetrain feats for a rather steep fee once you get far enough.

Check, Legofham woodfallow the ranger, and Kasiandra Furriedaughter barbarian I'll look out for them to send an invite.

Furiesdottr Dear, Furiesdottr. ;)

Also, I tried yesterday, and you can add people as friends who aren't online, might make it easier to spot people.

So I don't know why, but it won't let me take Weapon Finesse as a Rogue.

Says 'Requires: +1 Base Attack Bonus'.

I had no trouble taking this as an Archer.

Anyone have any ideas?

Rogue builds I tried:

14 STR, 16 DEX, 8 CON, 16 INT, 10 WIS, 8 CHA

12 STR, 16 DEX, 10 CON, 16 INT, 10 WIS, 8 CHA

I'd like to go Human, even though I know Halfling would be better, so I can grab Dodge as well as Weapon Finesse. If Halfling would honestly blow Human away, though, I can live without one of the two, depending on which would be better.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, I made an Elf Archer 1/ Rogue 1 (so far). Took Rogue simply because I don't like having to rely on finding someone to disable basic traps/open basic locks, and it wouldn't let me do that until I took Rogue >.<
Name - Ryuuhana Kusanagi
Stats - 14 STR, 16 DEX, 12 CON, 10 INT, 14 WIS, 10 CHA
Feat - Weapon Finesse, Favored Enemy (Undead)

Early enough in the game that I can re-roll if that sounds bad.

Also, since my level cap seems to be 4 for now, and I don't plan on subscribing, how hard are those 'Sigil of Leveling' things to find without using the DDO store?
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Your base attack bonus is the attack bonus you get from your level. Try taking that feat in a few levels. Your melee attack bonus is generally your base attack bonus plus your bonus from strength, plus whatever you get from feats and equipment. So if your melee attack bonus is, say, +2 and your strength is 14 (Giving a plus two bonus) your base is likely 0 (Base+2=2: Base=0).

Different classes have different rates at which their base attack bonuses increase. Such as a fighter whose bonus increases by one every level.

Also, I will say this right now. Unless you are an experienced player, do not multiclass. Unless you do it correctly, in the upper levels you can end up significantly weaker than players who stuck with one class.

A few other things:
  1. In pencil and paper, rogues have a hit die of d6 so at level up they get between 1-6 hit points plus their bonus from constitution, this is rather low so I would suggest making sure your constituion score is at least 10 so you don't get a penalty.
  2. The disable traps thing is a rogue class feature which is why you couldn't take it. It's been that way for 20+ years, it works.
  3. Given your description of your character, I am guessing you are playing a Ranger/Rogue. There is no such thing as an archer class and among the people I play with, an 'Archer' is somewhat with the fighter class who is focusing on ranged weapons instead of melee weapons.
  4. If you want to disarm traps and unlock things, I would suggest being only a rogue.

One last thing, bonuses from stats progress along these lines (In pencil and paper, at least, and I doubt they would change something so fundamental to the game as this):


I know that disabling traps has been something only rogues can do forever.
It's just the whole 'The box to disable the trap is STARING RIGHT AT ME' thing gets annoying to me.


Yes, yes, Ranger, w/e. I know being specific helps things out, but I've never been a stickler for details unless it means the difference between being squished or being the squisher.

Yeah, those stat bonuses are right. No stat goes under 8 for Human, 6 for the other 3 races I can choose (they get one decreased for the tradeoff of starting with one increased).

EDIT: Re-rolling Ranger, any suggestion on favored enemy?
Made a Halfling Rogue - Ryuukage Kusanagi. Made sure CON was at least 10 and took Dodge.

... I'd probably try signing up for this, but my internet connection at my family's house leaves much to be desired. There's some sort of problem between my computer and the wireless router so that my internet gives out for a few tens of seconds every 10-15 minutes which probably would be bad if playing online.

I got a sigel of leveling for my rouge on one of the second city quests, so they're here and there if ya keep leveling and questing

Quest question: Stopping The Sahuagin
- I opened both of the doors where the path splits(first the left, then the right), and it says something about hearing something in the chamber below. Where do I go for this, or is this just something the game does when you open the right door?
(yeah, I could run through again to test it, but if I can get an answer before I do that, woot :p)

Question on the Cannith Manufactorum, anyone know a way to open the door on the roof of Hayton's chamber, or past the barrier above the crates?

Those are old and unused sections of the map from a previous beta, so nope, you can't access them... Not that there is a point in doing so anyway.