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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Hmmm? Iris caused that wound? She can fight?!" Elise asks Nina, surprised by the revelation about Iris' true abilities.
"That's a surprise... She looks so frail and harmless here. I've never even seen her touch a weapon during the few years I've been taking care of the people here" she continues with on wondering look on her face.

The priestess agrees, leaving the bath together with Nina. As Nina returns to the dressing room, she notices a clean towel and a black, lacy dress has been brought to her. Elise carefully wipes herself dry, putting on her panties before taking the bodysuit down from the wall. As she slips into it, Nina can't help but look at the priestess wearing a thin full-body suit that clings on to her like film, revealing every curve of her body. The holy woman gives her a smile before she sets the tabard over her suit, which luckily covers her body from the front and back, but leaving her sides in the open. Taking up her hat from the chair, she props it on her head as Nina puts on the clothes she's been given.

After Nina has dressed up, somebody knocks on the door, before it opens. Valkenhayn enters and bows at the girls.
"I hope you had a pleasant bath, Sister Elise, Miss Nina." Turning to Nina, the butler adresses her with that piercing stare again
"Lady Einzbern requires your presence. Please come with me" he says with a stern voice


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh, Iris is quite the adept swordswoman. Graceful and disciplined. My wound was an accident, more my fault really... please don't think ill of the girl. It was the heat of battle and my inexperience brought me in her way."

Nina did her best to cover up the unfortunate truth, which was still shrouded in too much mystery for her to spread rumors about.

After they dried off, Nina pulled on the lacy undergarments, stockings, and black dress over her body. It was very nice clothing, and Nina was pleased and mildly surprised to see that it fit her perfectly. Perhaps the game had something to do with that. Then again, it could be that it was Iliana's nature to know these things so she could be in control of these types of situations.

In either case she found herself eying the pretty, young nun in her body-fitting suit that left little to the imagination. If novices wore those things in real life, the Catholic church might not be having so much trouble finding converts, she thought, and smiled when Elise caught her looking.

Valkenhayn appeared and bowed, very polite, though rigid in his manner as always. She supposed that was how butlers 'butled' and nodded politely at his insistence.

"Let's not keep her waiting then," she said to the elderly man with the piercing stare. Checking to make sure everything about her outfit was in place and presentable, she followed Valkenhayn to where ever it was that Iliana had chosen for their rendez-vous.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Thank you for your co-operation, Miss. I'd hate to go.. nasty on you for resisting. You're quite sight for these old eyes." the elderly butler says as they head towards Iliana's room.

The pair arrive in front of a big door. Valkenhayn enters, keeping the door open for Nina to enter. Upon entering the room, Nina notices it being an office of sorts. The walls on either side are lined with bookshelves, and a huge wondow fills the opposite side of the room. In front of the window is a large desk and a chair that's turned towards the window. Iris can be seen standing next to the chair, dressed in a long, chinese-style dress.
"Valkenhayn, you can go. You've no doubt got your hands full of things." Iliana's voice calls out to them. Upon hearing the order, the elder man closes the door, leaving Nina by herself.
"Sit down." the voice says again as the chair spins around to reveal the tanned woman Nina has been adventuring with, her hair pulled up inot a long ponytail. She's dressed in a grey business-style suit, her plentiful cleavage visible from the slit in the front and stylish glasses that further highlight her beautiful face. The woman leans forward, holding her hands over her mouth, no doubt grinning again. She looks at Nina with those calculating eyes.
"So, how do you feel"
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Why Valkenhayn, do you think I have a reason not to co-operate?" Nina said sweetly, daring to pat the man on his shoulder. "I'll gladly go with you, you old charmer. I can't imagine you being nasty. Strong arm me, maybe, but not nasty." She smiled sweetly up at him, and despite the anticipation gnawing at her, it was a genuine smile. He didn't seem that bad a guy to her.

When they got to the office, Nina admired the surroundings, and gave a little wave to Iris in her chinese style dress. She had the feeling that the blind girl would sense the wave through whatever magic aided her in battle.

She nodded politely to Valkenhayn as he left the room, then finally turned her attention round to Iliana, who was doing her best Bond villain impersonation.

"Oh, I'm doing great, all things considering!" Nina said. "Elise really cleaned up the wound nicely, and wow, you have amazing baths here Iliana! I'm quite lucky to have stumbled upon you that's for sure... who knows where I'd be if I had to explore that tomb alone."

She smiled and shook her head, then turned to Iris. "I hope you're feeling well too, Iris. Please don't worry about what happened before. I'll know better not to get in your way next time you're kicking butt in battle. Heehee..."

Nina tittered and covered her mouth with her hand, then looked down at her dress and looked back to Iliana. "Oh and thank you for letting me borrow your dress. It's quite nice, don't you think? Very pretty. Black is back in this year I guess. I suppose a well-to-do girl like yourself knows about these things, huh, Lady Einzbern."

Nina had two character flaws, one was that she was totally honest to a fault, and the other was that she could be a chatterbox. They were simply a part of who she was, and she felt such kinship with the two girls, one silent, one imperious, that she just wanted to lighten the mood with her prattle and bubbly personality.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iliana looks at Nina as she goes on and on about the things she's just gone through. When the girl finally stops, Iliana's head drops and her shoulders start to shake, before she breaks out in laughter.
"Oh god, that impossible optimism... I guess you won't be needing that." the amused woman replies and snaps her fingers. As soon as she does that, the collar untenses itself and drops down to Nina's lap.
"You're taking this "abduction" in high spirits"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh, the collar?" Nina smiles oddly, looking at it. "Elise said something silly about it frying my brain. You know, it struck me odd that a woman who would readily let me climb on her shoulders and comfort someone like Iris so protectively, AND drag me bleeding and half dying of sun stroke across the desert would suddenly want to make my brains scrambled..."

Nina laughed, happily, winking at Iliana. "And really, telling poor Valkenhayn to be 'nasty' to me if I resisted." Nina sighed shaking her head. "Besides, I owe my life and current freedom to you, so if you want me to wear a collar, all you have to do is ask. I'm happy to do so."

She picked up the collar from the floor and waved it back and forth in her hand, examining it ruefully.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Yes, it really would tase you lifeless if you decided to struggle against it too hard" the imposing woman says back at her with a more serious tone

Iliana then gets up from the big comfy chair. Hips swaying, she slowly walks next to Nina sitting on her chair still. Looking at the girl sitting there, Iliana casually sits on Nina's lap. Sliding her finger under Nina's jaw, Iliana lifts Nina's face up so they look each other in the eye
"You would become a servant for me.. willingly?" the tall woman says, a deadly serious look on her beautiful face


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina let her smile momentarily droop away for her face, and took on a pondering expression, though not a very serious one. She already knew she liked Iliana, and she was being perfectly honest before about the collar thing - though she hadn't yet given very serious thought to being a servant. What did being a servant to Iliana mean? It was certainly not slavery, judging by the way her other servants acted. Loyal, certainly, but they weren't brow beaten by Iliana, certainly. She knew that Iris wore a collar as well, and Iliana was certainly loyal to Iris in her own way. It was quite beautiful actually, that relationship. Nina wondered if she might develop her own bond with the domineering woman. And possibly with Iris as well.

She decided.

"I suppose I would, because I like you. And Iris. I want to be around you. And if you need a servant, or just a friend who dresses like one, I'll gladly be that for you. You have done me a great service, and I can't let your kindness go unpaid. I'll be your servant in payment for saving my life. You can decide for yourself how long that service should be."

Nina smiled and blushed. She couldn't believe she'd just sold herself into indentured servitude.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The woman listens to Nina give out her acceptance to the not-so-nice proposal. After a long look deep into Nina's eyes, the woman rolls her other arm behind Nina's head while the other is still on her jaw. With a sudden jerk, Iliana pulls Nina into a long, wet kiss. She slips her tongue inside Nina's mouth and starts rolling it around, seeking Nina's tongue with her own.

A while later, the imposing woman pulls away, a slight blush on her face
"Welcome to the house then. As long as you obey me when I deem it necessary, there won't be any problems. There will be love too, if you do well enough. Iris knows this, Valkenhayn knows this, and despite not being a part of the house officially, the good sister knows this as well" Iliana says to Nina, brushing her finger against Nina's cheek


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina let herself be pulled into the kiss, gladly letting Iliana be the aggressor, relaxing her own soft lips as they were parted and her new mistress' tongue slipped in to give her a proper welcome into the house. The tongue was long and dextrous, and tasted as good as it had the first time she'd experienced it in that compromising situation with the mummies...

Iliana ended the kiss with a blush, which on her looked completely adorable - a chink in her otherwise impervious armor of haughtiness. Nina acknowledged this peek into the softer side of the woman with an adoring look of contented pleasure, like a little girl looking at her father after he hands her an ice cream cone while on a walk in the park.

"I'll do my best not to disappoint you... my lady," Nina said, trying to shift into what her preconception of a servant might be. Unfortunately, her typical honesty and good nature still shone through.

"Oh! I should warn you... I'm not a good cook. I can make cakes and desserts, but I'm horrible when it comes to meats and starters. Oh! And I've been told I'm a bit clumsy sometimes... so maybe if I'm dusting you'll want to make sure your fragile items are fairly secure. Oh! And I am a morning person, so if you want me to work early, that's fine, but I get sleepy in the afternoons..."

Cheefully, Nina would continue to talk to Iliana like a new friend and completely fail to act like a proper servant - but in a way that was impossible to truly hate.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"You don't need to force that official-sounding speech if it doesn't suit you, but a "my lady" here and there would be nice. I still haven't figured out what you could be doing here, besides a certain, quite obvious thing.." her new mistress guiding Nina with her words.

Turning towards Iris, Iliana hollers her over.
"We have a new member in the household, so come on over and introduce yourself officially" she tells the blind girl, who immidiately comes over to Nina and holds put her hand for Nina to shake. As Nina accepts the offered hand, Iris too pulls on Nina, but not going as far as Iliana. The smaller girl stays safe, only locking Nina into a hug for a while before letting her go and nodding to her in the usual fashion


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh well, I'm quite energetic. I'd probably be a good person to fetch things for you. And well, I'm getting decent at swordplay, not as good as Iris, but I could certainly be another bodyguard for you. You know... you need one silent one and one cheerful one, to keep people off balance... my lady." Nina smirked.

Then she was hugged by Iris, and she returned it with a gentle squeeze of her own, along with a pat on the girl's back.

"Ooh, I could be a jester!" she suggested with a laugh, and then stood up. "I don't know, you're the fancy lady. Use me how you want. I'll be a good girl, I promise."

A part of her felt sorry for Iliana. She clearly enjoyed breaking in reluctant souls and that just wasn't who Nina was. Oh well. She'd make sure to make it up to her the first time she was called to 'warm the mistress' bed chamber.'
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Now that you're introduced, I'll get back to writing these annoying papers." the tall woman says to them both, before calling Valkenhayn back in.
"You called, my Lady?" the elderly butler asks Iliana
"Yes, guide the new servant here around the house, show her the places around here so she can get familiar with them. I still have paperwork to do for those pigheaded officials." the mistress replies, sitting down to her chair as Nina is guided out by Valkenhayn.

The pair of them spend most of the day going around the huge building, with Valkenhayn showing Nina all the rooms and facilities one would expect in such a grandiose mansion. As they go about the basement, Nina catches a glimpse of what could be "the certain room" Elise was talking about. A few different torture devices can be seen from the other side of the barred door. After the tour, Nina shares an evening meal with Valkenhayn and Iris, who is oddly enough away from Iliana once. The butler explains that Iris is familiar with the house and everyone working there, so she doesn't get uneasy here.

Done with everything there is to see, Nina is brought to the same bedroom she woke at. A fresh nightgown is already waiting for her there.
"The Lady instructed me to help you feel better. So, if there is anything you'd want, feel free to ask me" the butler says to Nina, maintaining his official facade


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina enjoyed her long tour of the expansive mansion with the butler, asking questions here and there about the specific placement of rooms and mostly keen on figuring out Lady Iliana's daily schedule, and her most likely areas for recreation. Nina was determined to be an effective and anticipatory servant from the beginning, hoping that she would appreciate the effort.

However, Nina was also curious about who these officials were that Iliana had to deal with, and she inquired of Valkenhayn about the surrounding area during their dinner with Iris.

"What is the civilization like outside of this mansion? Who must the Lady deal with on a regular basis and what is her standing amongst her peers in this land?"

After she had been filled in, Nina set to work on planning her first efforts.

"Valkenhayn, do you think the lady would mind if I attended to her this evening? Or must I wait to be called upon? I find that I am feeling as well as could be expected, and I don't really need any creature comforts. Perhaps there is a drink that I could serve the Lady this evening? And of course, perhaps a proper servant's outfit could be arranged?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The butler keeps listening to Nina's questions, patiently waiting for her to finish before giving out the answers she desired.
"The town we currently are in is a somewhat small city, but it thrives due to it's location near the edge of the desert. Many merchants and other people wishing to cross the desert come through here to fill up on supplies for the long trek. As the ruling official here, the Lady is highly respected my most of the people here for her casual interaction with them. Mostly she must deal with the other officials from the other cities that are some traveltime away from this city, but she deals with them mostly through papers, and the few minor officials that hold spots over the city barracks and the supply houses, to mention a few things." Valkenhayn replies to the info-hungry girl barraging him with questions.

They are in Nina's appointed room, the elderly man is once again bombarded with questions from Nina.
"You're like a young child, Miss Nina" Valkenhayn replies to her, holding a hand on her cheek as he smiles at her.
"So many questions. But, I think I could inquire the Lady if she is in need of company at this moment" the man continues, leaving the room for a while. After a few minutes, the butler returns to her room
"Looks like the Lady is willing to have you over. Let us go"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The girl blushed at the elder's comments.

"I suppose I am full of questions. If you don't enjoy answering them, you don't have to, of course, but I appreciate you taking the time to explain things to me," she told him genuinely.

She did take the hint however. She was being too wordy. Less was more. Certainly servants were expected to be seen and not heard unless spoken to.

She nodded to Valkenhayn and followed him, still wearing her dress from the day, not having taken it off to put on the nightgown. Nina was still unexperienced in all this. Hopefully her first experience would be properly illuminating.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

As he escorts Nina towards Iliana's bedroom, the butler gives Nina his thoughts
"No, it is my job to provide you with info. I am the head of the servants here, after all. Keeping you informed and ready is part of what I do. If you're ever in doubt, I am always at your call to guide you in your way. And the Lady is wise, despite being relatively young still, she knows you work best the way you are" he lectures the new girl

As they reach the door to the Lady's room, Valkenhayn opens the door for Nina, letting her in before excusing himself. Nina finds herself in a big bedroom, a curtained bed taking most of the space inside the room. The Lady herself is sitting at the edge of the bed, dressed in sexy white lingerie that contrasts nicely with her tanned body, barely covering her intimates with the small amount of fabric in them. She looks at Nina with a sultry look
"Come on over to your Mistress" the imposing woman says, tapping on her lap as she leans back a bit


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina smiled demurely and walked to the bedside with her eyes downcast. It appeared that Iliana was wasting little time in introducing her to her bed chamber. The lady certainly knew what she wanted and did not skirt around the issue. Nina liked knowing that she was desirable, especially to a beautiful and powerful woman.

Nina came to stand in front of her mistress. Her hands clasped one another in front of her. She glanced down at Iliana's amazing body as she lay in her lingerie on the bed.

"Good evening, mistress," Nina said. "How may I be of service?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iliana keeps looking at Nina as she comes forward, her gaze once again that calculating look, gauging the girl's performance.
"How can you be of service? Should be quite obvious with just the looks of the situation. I'm getting bored with Iris and Valkenhayn all the time, the new blood attracts me now~" the mistress says
"Iris is skilled enough, and Valkenhayn is as formidable here as he is in a fight, despite his looks. But everything gets boring after enough time is spent with it." she continues, suddenly pulling Nina's hand and tripping the girl over herself. As Nina's body lands on her, the mistress grabs hold of Nina's head with the other hand, her full lips pressing against Nina's in a wet kiss once again in a short period of time. As this goes on, the other hand slides under Nina's panties, as the woman starts groping her butt
"Show me what you got in store for your mistress~" Iliana says as she briefly withdraws from the kiss


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ah!" Nina falls forward as Iliana trips her and comes down to land on the lady's soft flesh. Color rises to her cheeks, but she lets the beautiful woman handle her as she wishes, making small appreciative sounds as she receives the kiss.

"Sh-show you what I have for you?" She said, unsure, but then she drew back and stood up again. "Yes, mistress... let me show you."

Her hands went behind her and loosened the back of her dress, until she was able to let it fall down, over her chest and reveal her own pleasing, athletic figure, dressed in black lingerie, with thigh high black stockings attached to her garter belt.

She displayed herself in front if Iliana, her pale skin and dark undies contrasting with the other woman's tan skin and white clothes.

"My mistress commands my body, over it you have complete dominion. Yet I offer something more - my innocence and my naivete. I am new and untarnished by experience. I beg you to use me and introduce me to whatever experiences you desire. Collar me, and make me yours. I shall serve your every want and need, as I am able."

With that she lay down on top of her mistress again, touching her smooth skin to the ladies' and kissing her body all over with wetted and eager lips.