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Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)



Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Good idea.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Um .... ok? I leave for half a day and things go all to hell? Someone want to send me a bloody PM here and tell me just what the fuck happened?


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Um .... ok? I leave for half a day and things go all to hell? Someone want to send me a bloody PM here and tell me just what the fuck happened?
I just lost my partner in plotting, so ditto.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Have someone kill Pale's character and continue on?


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)


I never kill off characters, in the unlikely event they return.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Alright... but in that case have her character get trapped in her own portal for the time being until the possibility of her return.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Whatever works. I'll let Pale decide when I speak to her next.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Fair enough.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Okay, sounds like a good number of people need a reality check, and if I'm the Queen Bitch for providing one, then yay me.

Burrito: Life sucks, get over it. Everyone has a sob story, yours isn't even close to the worst I've heard in the last 24 hours. You're a big boy now, move out and get a new job if your having that much trouble. In the meanwhile, you're breaking your own rules in this game, what few there are. Your SHOOP lazor isn't even your uber ability, and you've used it to pretty much kill 2 superhives in two in-game hours, when a normal hive took six or seven of us several hours to take down before.

Oni: Stop winning so much. The very first rule, written in the very first post, was no godmodding. And yet your character can't be killed, wins at everything, and even Burrito's 'magic touch' only seems to make him uncomfortable. He is apparently fighting at 7% of his full strength, yet I don't see any drop in his actual abilities. He is still indestructable, and kills everything in one hit. Like that gate, which I believe you tried to break the second rule of the game on (no auto-hit) not once, but twice. Now, mauling the wraith is fine, they're fodder, that's why they're there, but the gate was supposed to be difficult. As was the half dozen other things before you started that others wiped out in a single post before anyone else responded. Not saying all those are your fault, but there is a history of it.

Pale: Yes there's problems, yes a couple people aren't quite up to par, but if you quit, how can you expect them to get better. I think you're a pretty good RPer, better than myself, but you have your fair share of problems as well. You're pretentious, and impatient with other people. Yes they can be aggravating, but be calm about it and try to address it, instead of going into a huff and leaving with a smart-alecky comment. I don't know what happened through PMs during this, but that's why I'm a strong supporter of public discussions, it keeps people more honest, or at least less heated.

Copper: I almost don't have anything to say about you, just one thing. Remember when Host's side adventure ended up taking longer than expected and you had a huff. Shit happens, don't get angry over it, it doesn't help.

Siphon: We talked, you know what I think.

Grave: Not much to say here either, you've seemed pretty patient with everything, but you've gone dick-sizing with the other powergamers fairly often.

Host: Last time I checked, you weren't a GM. That said, I think you'd be a good one, if you could be around enough to keep people from waiting on you.

And unfortunately, I'm out of time, if anyone else needs a Queen Bitch segment, let me know. In the meanwhile, if anyone wants to shoot the messenger, here's a threesome of nails, feel free to put me up for the night.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'm only breaking the rules because I prefer to move this along and get the SGA stuff done and over with.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Was the Thembrikhal you tore to shred on your own SGA stuff? I personally don't watch the show, but I remember Siphon saying he made it up on his own, and the only SG thing I saw in it was combined with a vampire thing.

Oh yeah, and now that I remember, I wasn't quite finished being Queen Bitch with you. You aren't even a GM anymore, really. You gave it up yourself quite some time ago, and all you've really been since then is a Player Who Knows Everything, and Does Whatever They Want. The only people who have been acting as GMs try to do interesting stuff, and you trod all over it all before it gets a chance to really start. There, now I'm done.

I also don't want this to be a discussion. I have said my piece, and if people don't agree with me, that's their perogative. My mind will not be changed, and any discussion between us is only serving to clutter up the thread and remove it from things that are more important.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Pale: Yes there's problems, yes a couple people aren't quite up to par, but if you quit, how can you expect them to get better. I think you're a pretty good RPer, better than myself, but you have your fair share of problems as well. You're pretentious, and impatient with other people. Yes they can be aggravating, but be calm about it and try to address it, instead of going into a huff and leaving with a smart-alecky comment. I don't know what happened through PMs during this, but that's why I'm a strong supporter of public discussions, it keeps people more honest, or at least less heated.
Um. I was told point-blank by the GM that I was out of the RP.. I didn't lose my patience and leave with a smart-alecky comment. As for being pretentious... What can I say. You judge too much. And you think you're smarter than you really are. Oh, and you lie to yourself about your supposed honesty. You can see the faults in others -so- clearly.. but there's a log in your eye you need to work on first. So stop trying to lay the smackdown on everyone else, and step out of the situation you don't understand. Cheers.



Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

From what I saw, you left on your own, and was told not to come back. And 'I'm allergic to bullshit' seems pretty smart-alecky to me.

Now on to me, let's see here...

I judge too much- True, as a human being, I am judgemental and selfish, and even as far as that goes, I'm probably up there. I acknowledge that, am not happy with it, and try to keep to myself as much as possible, but sometimes I just have to let the world know my opinion on stuff.

I think I'm smarter than I really am- Damn straight I am, and most other people thought so too growing up. A 98% average tends to do that. Unfortunately, I stopped caring about school around grade 8 and 'stopped applying myself'. Because of such, my homework never got done, I never wrote as much as I needed to, and my grades dropped to the average 80's.
Now, all this doesn't stop me from realizing that I'm not as smart as I think I am, but it's one of the illusions that keep me from crying myself to sleep every night and eventually slitting my wrists, so I indulge.

I lie to myself on my supposed honesty- now, this one I'm going to have to disagree with. I'm not honest all the time, hell, I'm not even honest most of the time, but when I sit down and do something like this, there's no point in being anything but honest, so I try my hardest. That doesn't mean that everything I say is right and true, but from where I'm sitting, this is what I see and can reasonably reason out. If I lie, it's out of ignorance, and completely unintentional.

I'm just going to straight quote this next one.
You can see the faults in others -so- clearly.. but there's a log in your eye you need to work on first.
Now the first half is sarcastic, but see above, this is all my opinion, what I can figure out from the posts I see. The second half I'm not so sure with, 'log in your eye' is a term I don't remember hearing before. That said, it's a call for introspection or some such, right? Well, people aren't nearly as good at spotting their own faults, but since you've pointed them out to me, I am saved that trouble and can ponder my own human condition at my leisure, thank you.

And I was and am done 'laying the smackdown' on everyone else, though I can't seem to stop myself from giving everyone one reply, so here's yours. I try to help, and if the problem isn't clear, I deduyce it the best I can. I enjoy playing with you, and would rather not have you quit, take that as you will. Cheers


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I also don't want this to be a discussion.
I’m going to be douche-y and say that ‘I don’t discuss, I correct’. Besides, your post insinuates that you could tell this was all but inevitable.

Oni: Stop winning so much. The very first rule, written in the very first post, was no godmodding. And yet your character can't be killed, wins at everything, and even Burrito's 'magic touch' only seems to make him uncomfortable. He is apparently fighting at 7% of his full strength, yet I don't see any drop in his actual abilities. He is still indestructable, and kills everything in one hit. Like that gate, which I believe you tried to break the second rule of the game on (no auto-hit) not once, but twice. Now, mauling the wraith is fine, they're fodder, that's why they're there, but the gate was supposed to be difficult. As was the half dozen other things before you started that others wiped out in a single post before anyone else responded. Not saying all those are your fault, but there is a history of it.
What he’s fighting at is a max of 7% strength (and because Grave negative-energy-beamed him, he’s at that max). His 7% is still somewhat too much, especially since it doesn’t seem all that weaker than 100% and he’s able to take out every other player… but he can’t actually take out the gate or hive ships like that. He took out the gate with his special, power upping ability, which was his first use of it since being limited (and probably dropped him down to human levels of strength). Also, his ability veritably vegetable-ises all other combatants, which justifies the auto hit (alright, his special is OP too, and just plain nonsensical in its ability to stop people from doing anything when only taking fighting intent). The gate is something of a stationary target anyway.

Your SHOOP lazor isn't even your uber ability
Wait, what? *looks it up* oh wow, haha, I forgot about that. Well, his real super is worthless on non-bots, and since we haven’t fought bots for a long time, we can probably consider it removed in favour of the laser. That said, his uber laser ‘powered by the town’ would have taken an age to set up. It would have made more sense – and been cooler – if we had to defend him while he gets things ready. Then again, that’s about to happen with the Lurkers anyway…

Was the Thembrikhal you tore to shred on your own SGA stuff?
Hang on, I don’t remember that. In fact, I remember: Burrito throwing (a dead) one bodily, Burrito getting caught by one and (OOC) telling Siphon that he couldn’t tear through metal, and Siphon arriving and tearing the Thembrihkal apart because he couldn’t. The only other time I even remember us encountering Thembrihkal was when my Lurkers pissed them off and ran for their lives, only to be saved by the cavalry arriving (and even then, being forced to retreat in the end).

Host: Last time I checked, you weren't a GM. That said, I think you'd be a good one, if you could be around enough to keep people from waiting on you.
Host’s special ability is, put simply, ‘give yourself stuff that you didn’t actually have’. …no, that doesn’t quite sum it up. ‘Fuck with the plot’? No… ah, I have it - ‘Summon Xanatos Gambit’. He’s used it twice so far, once to create the trap he is about to pull on the last hive, and once to summon the Rakshasa grand illusionists used in the house trap. And yeah, damn school crap taking up time. Though if you’re talking about me asking why Pale left… well yeah, that’s just me trying to make it seem like I had some ‘right’ to be told in the off chance that it might work and get me more information. More information = more I can try and do, as much as people trying to help others are assholes.

In the meanwhile, if anyone wants to shoot the messenger, here's a threesome of nails, feel free to put me up for the night.
You only get to use the messenger defence if you didn’t write the message. Also, NEVER COMPARE YOURSELF TO MY QUEEN, IMPOSTOR!

...Last part's a joke, fairly obviously.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Grave: Not much to say here either, you've seemed pretty patient with everything, but you've gone dick-sizing with the other powergamers fairly often.
Well, I'm a powergamer too. Maybe I care about balance just a little bit more, but still a powergamer. Now, things I agree with...

- Oni's way OP;

- Burrito's not really GMing anything, just tearing shit apart (by the way, this Stargate stuff wouldn't be bad, it just wasn't introduced or played out good enough);

- Pale not taking things well;

- Host being a good GM;

- Shrike is a bitch;

That last part isn't a problem. I don't mind Shrike''s bitching, and I agree with several points she presented.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Huh, alrighty. I remember someone tearing one apart, though it was Burrito. My apologies, I stand thoroughly corrected.

As for the rest, I don't really have much to say, you've agreed with me on some and deftly shot me down on others. There are a few things though, but I'm not going to bother separating them.

I don't care how it's worded, Oni's ability wouldn't stop me from defending myself. It is a human's biological imperative to survive, they are not going to give that up because they have no will to fight. And I'm going to out and say this right now Oni: Go ahead and have killed as many Shrikes as you want, this is the first mentalist of her you've seen. Her powers as it stands stand a fair chance of doing you in, so if she was such a pushover before you obviously haven't seen this version of her.

Alright, maybe I am going to separate them :/ next: The gate. I don't care if Oni was the one to kill it, what I care about is the "I use my super ability, it's destroyed' after Siphon saying they may not have the ability to kill it, and I believe an 'even you', pointed right at him.

I don't care about you asking why Pale left, I'd like to hear the whole thing myself, actually. My whole beef with you was ask the GMs before you entirely derail their plot, and don't start things unless you're going to be around to finish them.

Shoop lazor, switch to super ability and it's still used too often, for too much damage. Your super, works fine but you've still used yours more than I've used mine, not a big deal but just pointing that out. Oni's has multiple problems, Siphon's is getting changed so I dunno, Copper's is fine, I originally thought mine might have been too OP, guess I'm not creative enough, forget what Grave's is, etc...

I think I'm done this one as well, 'correct' all you want Host, all you're getting from me from now on is 'meh, think what you want.'

EDIT: ninja from Grave: I'm a powergamer too, but when it gets to be as easy as cutting grass with a nuclear warhead, there's no point to it. Apart from that, nothing to say about your post.
Last edited:


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'll keep that in mind. Altough this isn't an RP for normal characters, at least not in it's current form.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

This is the most drama I've seen in an RP for a long long time...



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

It was my character who tore apart the Thembrihkal. At the time he was jacked way the fuck up on Wraith Enzyme, his strength enhanced dramatically, though not as much as it is now. Even still with that, his physical strength, without Grave's woven spell to weaken that part of the gate, he never would have been able to one shot it like that, probably not even put a dent in it. The stargates, especially when active seem to absorb most attacks due to the wormhole displacing it.

Yes I was taking into account Oni's abilities were weakened. Especially at 7% it's unlikely he could generate enough power without knowing EXACTLY where to strike that would be enough to counter the displacement. Though it would have been interesting to write a whole thing on his ability proving to be useless on the blasted thing, I actually flat out a: forgot to write that part in, and b: in all truth was in enough of a rush when I did write again that I didn't.

As for Siphon's special, as stated out here in the open now (which I was trying to avoid everyone knowing until it happened, but that isn't happening now lol.) Yes, his special is changing in the near future. Daedalus WILL go down in this Hive Battle, being destroyed. At which point his special will become something I've tentatively named Viral Rift. Pale and Burrito are the only ones thus far who know of the name and it's description, and for now until he actually uses it I intend to keep it that way, on account too, I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to alter it slightly one more time or not yet. I dislike giving false information about a character ability in the pre-use stages, it's much more effective to actually, ya know, FINISH making it and then post it.

And now I have to toss my joke into the mix. Grave! You forgot about me in your post? :p


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

No, I just don't care. Who are you, again?

Also, there's one detail that you may have missed because I didn't put enough emphasis on it... Grave was interrupted. I'm not sure if the ritual could count as successful.